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    新PEP人教版七年级下册英语Unit 4 Section B 1a-1d课件

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    新PEP人教版七年级下册英语Unit 4 Section B 1a-1d课件

    1、Unit 4 Dont eat in class.,Section B 1a-1d,To learn to talk about rules at home. To learn to use imperatives. To learn to use modal verbs.,Objectives,Warming Up,Dont fight.,Say something about your class rules.,Dont arrive late for school.,Dont eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall.,D

    2、ont run in the hallways.,Dont listen to music in the classroom.,Talk about the family rules.,A: Can you ? B: Yes, I (we) can./No, I (we) cant.,go out on school nights,do your homework after school,A: Do you have to ? B: Yes, I (we) do./No, I (we) dont.,practice the guitar every day,watch TV after sc

    3、hool,clean your room,see friends,do the dishes,help your mom make breakfast,Read the rules in the chart in 1b.Then match the pictures a-h with the rules.,1a,h,c,e,b,g,d,f,Listen and put an for things Dave cant do and a for things he has to do.,1b,Listen again. Write when Dave has to follow the rules

    4、 in the chart in 1b. Choose from the phrases in the box.,on school nights every Saturday before dinner in the evening on school days after dinner after school every morning,1c,on school days,after school,before dinner,after dinner,in the evening,every morning,every Saturday,Talk about the rules in D

    5、aves house.,1d,He cant go out on school nights. He cant see his friends on school days. He has to do his homework after class. He must practice the guitar before dinner. He cant watch TV in the evening. He has to help his mom make breakfast every morning. He must clean his room every Saturday.,Repor

    6、t Daves rules. See who is the best.,A: Do you have a library at school? B: Yes, we do. And we have _ for school library. A: What are they? B: We have to keep quiet in the _. We have to put our umbrella _ the library. We cant _, _ _ _ _ or listen to the music in it.,.看图完成对话。,rules,library,outside,tal

    7、k,put the school bags,Exercises,She wears sunglasses. (对划线部分提问) _ does she _? 2. I went to Shanghai with my family. (对划线部分提问) _ _ to Shanghai with you? 3.The sun is shining. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the weather?,What,wear,Who went,.句型转换。,How is,4. Listen to music in hallways.(改为否定句) _ listen to music in hallwa

    8、ys. 5. At school, we must clean the classroom. (改为同义句) At school, we _ _clean the classroom.,Dont,have to,1. 外面很冷, 你必须穿大衣。 Its _ outside. You _ _ wear your coat. 2. 你必须十一点上床睡觉吗? Do you have to _ _ _ _ 11:00? 3. 我们班级有很多规定。 There are _ _ _ in our class. 4. 你认为你的英语课怎么样? What do you _ _ your English cla

    9、ss? 5. 我们不能在教室里吃东西。 We cant _ in the _.,cold,have to,go to bed at,so many rules,think of,eat,classroom,. 汉译英。,1. Dont stand o_. Come in please. 2. He is writing in the c_ now. 3. He likes w_ to work. He thinks its good for his health. 4. He has breakfast and supper at home, but he has lunch in the d

    10、 _ hall. 5. Go to w _ your hands. They are very dirty.,utside,lassroom,alking,ash,ining,. 根据句意填写单词。,1. (Can/Does) _ we eat in class? 2. (Dont/Has to) _ wear a hat in class! 3. Does Bill (have to/can)_ go to bed now? 4. Francisco and Andrew (cant/dont) _ come. 5. (Do/Have to) _ they wear sports shoes?,V. 选择正确的动词填空。,Can,Dont,have to,cant,Do,Write a letter to your parents about the rules at home. Let them know your thoughts.,Dear parents, I know you love me very much. Now Ive grown up(长大). We should respect (尊重) each other. I have some suggestions(建议) for you. _ _ _ Will you listen to me?,


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