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    新PEP人教版七年级下册英语Unit 2 Section B 2a-2c课件

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    新PEP人教版七年级下册英语Unit 2 Section B 2a-2c课件

    1、Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,Section B 2a-2c,Objectives,To read the passage about the daily routines of Tony and Mary. To learn to distinguish healthy habits from unhealthy habits.,-When does he get up in the morning?,-He gets up at half past six.,get up,half past six,Warming up,a quarter p

    2、ast nine,go to bed,-When does he go to bed in the evening?,-He goes to bed at a quarter past nine.,4,get up,early,late,healthy,unhealthy,get up,go to bed,early,late,go to bed,healthy,unhealthy,Check ( ) the activities you think are healthy.,_ go to bed early _ eat ice-cream _eat quickly _ eat vegeta

    3、bles _ play sports _ take a walk,2a,7,Mary.,Read the passage. Find the answers to the questions.,At ten thirty.,At nine thirty.,2b,Read Para1 and fill in the blanks.,gets up,goes to school,eats hamburgers,plays basketball for half an hour,does his homework,watches TV or plays computer game,brushes t

    4、eeth and goes to bed,At six thirty,At eight thirty,eat lots of fruit and vegetables,plays volleyball,eats ice-cream,does her homework, swims or takes a walk,goes to bed,Read Para2 and fill in the blanks.,Write down the unhealthy habits of each person. Then think of healthy activities for them.,_ _ _

    5、 _ _,Unhealthy habits,Tony:,gets up late,eats breakfast quickly,eats hamburgers,goes to bed late,eats ice-cream after dinner,Mary:,2c,Write down the unhealthy habits of each person. Then think of healthy activities for them.,Healthy activities,_ _ _ _ _,Tony:,gets up early,eats a good breakfast,eats

    6、 fruit and vegetables,goes to bed early,eats some fruit after dinner,Mary:,Listen to the passage in 2b. Circle the healthy activities.,Hi! Im Tony. I dont like to get up early. In the morning, I get up at eight. Then I go to school at eight thirty. I dont have much time for breakfast, so I usually e

    7、at very quickly.,13,For lunch, I usually eat hamburgers. After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. When I get home, I always do my homework first. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games. At ten thirty, I brush my teeth and then I go to bed.,14,Mary is my sister. S

    8、he usually gets up at six thirty. Then she always takes a shower and eats a good breakfast. After that, she goes to school at eight thirty. At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch. After lunch, she sometimes plays volleyball. She always eats ice-cream after dinner. She knows its n

    9、ot good for her, but it tastes good! In the evening, she does her homework and usually swims or takes a walk. At nine thirty, she goes to bed.,15,Language points,1.quickly意为“快速地”,是副词,修饰动词。 The dog runs quickly. 小狗快速地跑了。 Dont eat quickly. Its not a good habit. 别吃得太快,这不是个好习惯。,拓展: quick adj. ,快的;迅速的。 T

    10、om eats a quick breakfast, then goes to school. 汤姆快速吃完早饭,然后就去上学了。,2. either or 意为“或者或者 ” 连接两个并列名词、代词或句子成份。,Jack eats either hamburgers or sandwiches for lunch. 杰克或者吃汉堡或者吃三明治作午饭。 You can either play chess or play the guitar. 你可以下棋或者弹吉它。,当eitheror连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词的时态和数应与最近的一个相匹配。 Either you or he is rig

    11、ht. 不是你对就是他对。,3. She knows its not good for her, but it tastes good!,1) be good for 表示“对有益;对 有好处”; be bad for表示“对有害;对 有坏处”。,Its good for our health to go to bed early and get up early. 早睡早起对我们的健康有好处。 Dont read in the dark. Its bad for your eyes. 不要在暗处看书,这对你的眼睛有害。,Apples taste good. 苹果尝起来味道很好。 Does t

    12、he ice-cream taste nice? 冰淇淋的味道尝起来很好吗?,2) taste 意为“品尝 的味道”。是连系动词, 后面常跟形容词。,拓展:taste作名词,意为“味道”。 The ice-cream has a taste of lemon. 冰淇淋有点柠檬的味道。,.写出下列词组。 1. 步行 _ 2. 做作业 _ 3. 打扫房间 _ 4. 吃得快 _ 5. 去睡觉 _ 6. 或者或者 _ 7. 许多、大量 _ 8. 吃冰淇淋 _,take a walk,do homework,clean the room,eat quickly,Either.or.,lots of,go

    13、 to bed,eat ice-cream,Exercises,24,1. A: When does Jim _ _? B: He usually _ up at _ _ _. 2. A: When do your parents _ _ _? B: They usually _the room at _ _ _ eight in the _.,.看图补全对话。,get up,gets,half past six,clean the room,clean,a quarter past,8:15 AM,morning,6:30 AM,25,3. A: When does Jim _? B: He

    14、 usually _ his _ at _ _ _ eight in the _. 4. A: When does Eric _ _ _? B: He usually _ a walk at a _ _ _ in the _.,do homework,does,a quarter to,take a,takes,quarter to six,7:45 PM,5:45 PM,evening,evening,homework,walk,26,.根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 我没有时间吃早餐,因此我通常吃得很快。 I dont have _ _ for breakfast, so I usually

    15、 _ _ _. 2. 他在晚上或者看电视或者玩电脑游戏。 He _ watches TV _ plays computer games _ the _.,much time,eat very quickly,either or,in evening,3. 午餐,她吃很多的水果和蔬菜。 For _, she _ _ _ fruit and vegetables. 4. 冰淇淋尝起来很好,但对她的健康不好。 Ice-cream _ _, but its not _ _ her.,lunch eats lots of,tastes good,good for,28,5. 在晚上,我通常游泳或散步。

    16、In the _, I usually _ or _ _ _. 6. 他有时候会打半个小时的篮球。 He _ plays basketball _ _ an hour.,evening,swim,take a walk,sometimes,for half,29,中考链接, Joe, dont eat too much ice-cream OK, mom. But it _ really good A. feels B. looks C. tastes D. sound,【2019广西贵港】,C,【2019贵州黔南三州】 Does the dish taste as _as it looks?

    17、 A. well B. best C. good D. better,C, Which do you prefer, juice or tea? _ is OK. I dont care. A. All B. Neither C. Either,【2019四川广元】,C, I want to watch TV the whole day after the long journey. You shouldnt watch TV too much. Its bad _ your eyes. A. on B. in C. for D. with,【2019山东滨州】,C,1.Read 2b and complete 2c. 2.Listen to 2b and write down the phrases. 3.Talk with your partner about your healthy and unhealthy habits in daily life.,


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