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    新PEP人教版七年级下册英语Unit7 Section A Grammar Focus-3b课件

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    新PEP人教版七年级下册英语Unit7 Section A Grammar Focus-3b课件

    1、Unit 7 Its raining!,Section A Grammar Focus-3b,Objectives,To learn Present progressive tense. To learn to use How questions.,What is he doing?,Its sunny.,Hows the weather?,He is playing basketball.,Warming up,They are watching TV.,Its snowing.,Hows the weather?,What are they doing?,She is cooking.,I

    2、ts raining.,Hows the weather?,What is she doing?,Its windy.,Hows the weather?,He is studying.,What is he doing?, 天气怎么样? _ 天气多云。/天气晴朗。/天在下雨。 _ 2. 你在做什么?_ 我在做饭。_,一、 阅读Grammar Focus部分,完成下列句子。,Its cloudy./ Its sunny./ Its raining.,Hows the weather?,What are you doing?,Im cooking.,3. 他们在做什么? _,What are t

    3、hey doing?, 他们正在公园里打篮球。 _ _ 4. 他在做什么?_ 他在他朋友家里学习。 _,Theyre playing basketball in the park.,Whats he doing?,Hes studying in his friends home.,5. 情况怎么样? _ 很好!/不错。/ 糟糕! _,Hows it going?,Great! / Not bad./ Terrible!,1. 疑问副词 how 用来询问天气。 今天天气怎么样? _ the weather today? 【拓展】询问天气还可以说: _ the weather _?,Hows,Wh

    4、ats,like,探究乐园,2. how 用于问候,打招呼。 你好吗?_ 你那里情况如何? _,How are you?,Hows it going?,3. how 用来询问方式或手段。 你怎样去上学? _ do you go to school?,How,4. how 用来询问年龄。 你弟弟多大年龄? _ _ is your brother? 5. How 用于询问价格。 那件紫色的毛衣多少钱? _ _ is the purple sweater?,How much,How old,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs

    5、in the box. Then practice the conversation with a partner.,be play study talk do make,1. A: What are you doing? B: I _ my homework. I always_ my homework in the evening. 2. A: Whats John doing right now? B: He_ soccer. He_ soccer every Saturday.,am doing,do,is playing,plays,3a,3. A: _Julie_ English

    6、right now? B: No, she isnt. She_ Chinese. 4. A: What are Julie and Jane doing? B: They_ soup. They can _ very good soup. 5. A: _ Lisa_ on the phone again? B: Yes, she_ on the phone for three hours every day!,Is,studying,is studying,are making,make,Is,talking,talks,Yuan Yuan from CCTV is interviewing

    7、 people in five different places. Fill in the chart below.,Its sunny and warm.,Hes playing the guitar.,It windy.,Theyre hiking.,Its snowing.,Its hot and humid.,Its raining.,Theyre cooking.,Hes writing.,Theyre playing soccer.,3b,Hows the weather?,Its sunny and warm.,Whats he doing?,Hes playing the gu

    8、itar.,Hows the weather?,Its windy.,What are they doing?,Theyre hiking.,Hows the weather?,Its snowing.,What are they doing now?,Theyre cooking.,Hows the weather?,Its hot and humid.,What is he doing?,Hes writing.,Hows the weather?,Its raining.,What are they doing?,Theyre playing soccer.,A: _ the weath

    9、er? B: Its _. A: What _ they _? B: They _ _ on the lake.,Hows,sunny,are doing,are boating,.看图片,补全对话。,Exercises,A: _ the _? B: Its _. A: _ are _ doing? B: _ are _ a _.,Hows weather,snowy,What they,They making snowman,A: _ the _? B: Its _. A: _ is _ doing? B: _ is _ on the _.,Hows weather,raining,What

    10、 he,He talking phone,A: _ the _? B: Its _. A: _ she doing? B: _ is _ to _.,Hows weather,windy,Whats,She listening music,1. Just a minute! My brother _ his car in the garden. A. washes B. is washing C. washed D. will wash 2. Can Peter play games with us, Mrs. Hawking? Wait a minute. He _ a shower. A.

    11、 is taking B. takes C. took D. was taking,.单项选择。,3. Here comes the bus! Where is our principal? She cant go to the museum with us. She _ some visitors around our school. A. is showing B. shows C. has showed D. was showing 4. Hey, Tom. Lets go swimming. Just a moment. I _ a message. A. send B. sent C

    12、. am sending D. have sent,5. You _. Dont talk on the phone. A. will drive B. are driving C. were driving D. have driven 6. Mum, its late. Why are you still here? Dad hasnt come back yet. I _ for him. A. am waiting B. was waiting C. waited,7. I cant find David. Where is he? He _ for tomorrows competi

    13、tions at home. A. prepares B. is preparing C. has prepared D. prepared 8. Look! Sam _ TV happily on the sofa. A. is watching B. watches C. watched,9. Tom wants to be a singer and he_ singing lessons to do it. A. took B. has taken C. is taking D. was taking. 10. Julie, what _ in your hand? Look! Its

    14、a new iPad for my daughter. A. do you hold B. are you holding C. were you holding D. will you hold,11. I have to be off now. My friends _ outside. A. wait B. are waiting C. have waited D. were waiting 12. Sam, lets go and play basketball. Not now. I _ Dick with his English. A. help B. helped C. am h

    15、elping D. have helped, Long time no see. _? Very well. Thanks a lot. A. How old are you B. How are you doing C. Where have you been D. What are you doing,中考链接,【2019贵州铜仁】,B, I cant find Sarah. Where is she? She _ for tomorrows Xingcheng Cup speaking competition at home. A. prepares B. will prepare C. is preparing,【2019湖南长沙】,C,Write and recite the sentences in Grammar Focus. 2. Make three conversations with the pictures a,b and c in 3b. Write them down.,


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