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    新PEP人教版八年级下册英语Unit 1 Section A 1a-2d课件

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    新PEP人教版八年级下册英语Unit 1 Section A 1a-2d课件

    1、Unit 1 Whats the matter?,Section A 1a-2d,To let students talk about health problems and accidents. Role play the conversation in 2d and learn the key words and phrases in it.,Objectives,n. 问题;事 怎么了?出什么事了? adj. 疼痛的;酸痛的 感冒 n. 胃痛;腹痛,matter Whats the matter? sore have a cold stomachache,Words and expres

    2、sions,胃痛 n. 脚;足 n. 颈;脖子 n. 胃;腹部 n. 咽喉;喉咙,have a stomachache foot neck stomach throat,n. 发烧 v. (lay) 躺;平躺 躺下 v.& n. 放松;休息 n.& v. 咳嗽 n. X射线;X光 n. 牙痛,fever lie lie down rest cough X-ray toothache,量体温 n. 头痛 发烧 n. 间歇;休息 休息 v. (hurt) (使)疼痛;受伤 (she的反身代词)她自己;自己,take ones temperature headache have a fever Br

    3、eak take breaks (take a break) hurt herself,Lets learn the parts of the body.,Lets say the parts of the body.,He/She has a toothache.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a fever.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a sore throat.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He hurt himself.,She hurt h

    4、erself.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a cold.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a stomachache.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a cough.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a headache.,Whats the matter with him/her?,He/She has a sore back.,Whats the matter with him

    5、/her?,He has a heart problem.,He has a nosebleed.,Whats the matter with them?,A: Whats the matter with? B: He/She has a ,Work in Pairs,Look at the picture. Write the correct letter a-m for each part of the body.,1a,20,_ arm _ back _ ear _ eye _ foot _ hand _ head _ leg _ mouth _ neck _ nose _ stomac

    6、h _ tooth,Check the answers!,h,e,g,i,b,a,j,l,c,d,m,k,f,Nancy _ Sarah _ David _ Ben _ Judy _,3,1,2,5,4,Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names 1-5.,1b,Conversation 1 Nurse: You dont look well. Whats the matter, Sarah? Sarah: I _. Conversation 2 Nurse: Whats the matter, David? David : I

    7、_. Conversation 3 Nurse: Whats the matter, Ben? Ben : I _.,Listen and find out whats the matter.,have a cold,have a stomachache,have a sore back,23,Conversation 4 Nurse: Whats the matter, Nancy? Nancy : I _. Conversation 5 Nurse: Whats the matter, Judy? Judy : I _.,have a toothache,have a sore throa

    8、t,24,Look at the picture. What are the students problems? Make conversations.,A: Whats the matter with Judy? B: She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water. She has a very sore throat now.,1c,25,I have a sore throat.,Whats the matter?,Pair work,26,I have a sore back.,I have a stomacha

    9、che.,I have a toothache.,Whats the matter?,have a toothache,have a cold,cut myself,have a cough,have a headache,have a heart problem,have a nosebleed,Listen and number the pictures 1-5 in the order you hear them.,2a,1,2,3,4,5,30,Listen again. Match the problems with the advice.,1. fever a. lie down

    10、and rest 2. stomachache b. drink some hot tea with honey 3. cough and c. see a dentist and get an X-ray sore throat 4. toothache d. take your temperature 5. cut myself e. put some medicine on it,2b,31,You should _ _,drink some hot tea with honey.,Listen again. Then fill in the blanks.,I have a cough

    11、 and sore throat.,32,You should _ _,I have a toothache.,see a dentist and get an X-ray.,33,lie down and rest,I have a stomachache.,You should _ _.,34,take your temperature.,I have a fever.,You should _ _,35,I cut myself by accident.,You should _ _.,put some medicine on it.,36,A: Whats the matter? B:

    12、 My head feels very hot. A: Maybe you have a fever B: ,Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.,Pair work,2c,37,Role-play the conversation.,Mandy: Lisa, are you OK? Lisa: I have a headache and I cant move my neck. What should I do? Should I take my temperature? Mandy: No, it doesnt sou

    13、nd like you have a fever. What did you do on the weekend? Lisa: I played computer games all the weekend.,2d,38,Mandy: Thats probably why. You need to take breaks away from the computer. Lisa: Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving. Mandy: I think you should lie down and rest

    14、. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor. Lisa: OK. Thanks, Mandy.,1. Whats the matter? 这是询问病人病情时最常用的问句,意思是“怎么了?”,其后通常与介词with连用。类似的问句还有: Whats wrong? Whats wrong with you? Whats your trouble? Whats the trouble with you? Whats up?,Language points,40,matter n.问题、麻烦、事件,通常与介词“wit

    15、h” 连用。 wrong是形容词,前面没有“the”;matter和 trouble都是名词,前面应有“the”,trouble前还 可以用形容词性的物主代词。 Whats your trouble, young man? 年轻人,你怎么了?,41,2. have a sore throat. 喉咙痛。 1) have vt. 患(得)病 (不用于进行时态) He had a bad cold last week. 他上周患了重感冒。 She often has a stomachache. 她常胃(肚子)疼。 注意: 一般情况下用havean. 表示患了某种疾病如: have a cough

    16、 咳嗽 have a cold 感冒,42,2) sore“痛、疼”,通常指因发炎引起的肌肉疼,在表示身体的某部位疼痛时,常置于部位名词前。ache常指持续性的疼痛,它常与身体部位的名词构成复合词。如: headache 头痛 backache 背疼等。,43,have a cold “伤风, 感冒”,是固定词组 表示身体不适的常用词组还有: 牙疼 have a toothache 胃疼 have a stomachache 发烧 have a fever,44,嗓子疼, 喉咙疼 背疼 脖子疼 感冒 头疼,have a sore throat have a sore back have a s

    17、ore neck have a cold have a headache,45,3. lie down and rest lie down 躺下 Dont lie down on the ground. 不要躺在地上。 与down有关的词组: sit down 坐下 come down 下来 get down 下车 write down 写下,记下,46,4. hot tea with honey 加蜜热茶 1) hot adj. 热的 2) with 介词, 意思是“ 有,用,同,由于,和一致,赞成,关于”,此句中是“有,带有”的意思。 如: 有四个口袋的外套 a coat with fou

    18、r pockets,47,5. You need to take breaks away from the computer. 你需要远离电脑好好休息一下了。 副词结构away from属于种固定搭配,其原始语义为“离开(某处);与(某处)有一定的距离”,与不同动词配合使用时,具体意思往往会受上下文的用词影响。 此处take breaks away from the computer即指“停止玩电脑进行休息;远离电脑进行休息”。,48,试体会以下句子中away from .的意思: In spring or autumn, my parents usually take their annua

    19、l vacation away from home. 我父母通常在春季或秋季去外地休年假。 I will be away from school for a week. 我将离校一周。 They live away from us. 他们不和我们住在一起。,49,1. You should _ (see) a doctor. 2. Lily _ (leave) her bag at school yesterday. 3. They _ (plan) to spend the summer holiday in the countryside just now. 4. Lets _ (try)

    20、 our best to make our world more beautiful.,see,planned,try,left,I. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。,Exercises,II. 选择填空。 The little baby has two _. A. tooth B. tooths C. toothes D. teeth 2. Whats the matter with you? _. A. Im glad B. I have a cold C. I have something to do D. Sorry, I dont know,3. People smell (闻) wit

    21、h their _. A. noses B. ears C. hands D. mouths 4. If you have a toothache, you should see a _. A. policeman B. teacher C. nurse D. dentist,(2019 湖南岳阳) You dont look well. Whats the matter with you? _. A. I won the game B. Maybe I have a fever C. Thats too bad,中考链接,B,【解析】 句意“你看起来气色不好,怎么了?” “可能我发烧了。”

    22、A.我赢了这场比赛;B.可能我发烧了;C.那太糟糕了。根据句意可知,上句问病情,下句应该回答与身体状况有关的内容,故选B。,(2019辽宁) Humans can not make progress dreams. A. with B. without C. through D. about,【解析】句意:人类没有梦想就不能进步。考查介词辨析。with和,表伴随;without没有,表伴随;through穿过;about关于。根据Humans cannot make progress可知without dreams符合语境,故选B。,B,(2019湖南) If you have a sore

    23、throat, you could drink some hot tea _ honey. A. with B. at C. on,【解析】句意:如果你喉咙痛,你可以喝一点加一些蜂蜜的热茶。A. with与一起,带有;B. at在;C. on在上。hot tea with honey带有蜂蜜的热茶,with表示伴随,故答案为A。,A,Copy the new words and phrases in this lesson. Make conversations about health problems according to 2b. Share one of your illness experiences with your partner.Tell him or her what you did.,Homework,


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