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    通用版2020年中考语法专项突破+题型特训专题:04 完形填空科普类含答案

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    通用版2020年中考语法专项突破+题型特训专题:04 完形填空科普类含答案

    1、完形填空特训专题 3 科普(一)阅读短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。You may think there is only sand in the desert (沙漠) of the world, 1 it is not true. In the desert, as we know, there is a little 2 , but it not 3 for most plants. Still we can see some plants live in the desert.There is 4 in some places in the d

    2、esert. We call these places oases (绿洲). In the oases, there are villages and towns. People grow all kinds of crops in the fields there.People 5 live outside the oases. They have camels, sheep and other animals. These animals depend on the desert plants for their food and do not need 6 water.The anim

    3、als are useful to the desert people in many ways. They eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use the camel for carrying water, food tents and something else.The people of the desert have to keep moving from place to place. They must always 7 grass or desert plants for their animals. W

    4、hen there is no more food for animals, they move to 8place. The desert people are 9 . No man in the desert would ever 10 to help the people in trouble and give them food and water. 1. A. and B. but C. or D. so2. A. rain B. rains C. wind D. winds3. A. well enough B. enough well C. good enough D. enou

    5、gh good4. A. sand B. plants C. woods D. water5. A. also B. too C. either D. still6. A. a little B. too many C. too much D. some7. A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after8. A. other B. the other C. others D. another9. A. well B. friend C. friendly D. carefully10. A. agree B. refuse C. promise

    6、 D. want(二)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A thousand years ago, Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more and more people came to 1 in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is 2 forest left, though there are still some small areas(地方) covered with trees. We call

    7、these woods.Elephants, tigers and many 3 animals were living in the thick forest. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the 4 began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and 5 pigs and chickens in the valleys. They cut down the trees and burnt them. They needed 6 to keep themselves warm in winter, to

    8、 cook their food and to keep away the dangerous animals. Elephants quickly disappeared(消失) because there was not enough food for them. 7 did most of the wolves and tigers. Monkeys and many other animals soon 8 in the same way.You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong 9 in the

    9、 zoos. There are still about 36 different animals 10 there. One of the most interesting of Hong Kongs animals is the barking deer. These are beautiful little animals 11 a rich brown coat and a white patch(补丁) under the tail. They look like deer 12 but they are much like a dog 13 . In Hong Kong the b

    10、arking deer has only a real enemy(敌人) 14 . People hunt these little animals though it is illegal(违法的). There are now not many barking deer left. So it is important 15 people to protect (保护) wild animals.1. A. work B. study C. liveD. enjoy2. A. many B. a few C. no D. not 3. A. other B. others C. the

    11、other D. another4. A. people B. animals C. plants D. things5. A. grew B. made C. got D. kept6. A. fire B. hotness C. heat D. stoves(炉子)7. A. So B. Such C. As D. Nor8. A. lived B. died C. came D. left9. A. besides B. except C. and D. or10. A. live B. to live C. lived D. living11. A. have B. without C

    12、. with D. get12. A. high B. higher C. short D. shorter13. A. shouting B. crying C. barking D. talking14. A. tigers B. men C. wolves D. elephants15. A. to B. for C. like D. of(三)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。TV has a huge influence on our lives. Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is on

    13、e of the most important 1 of the day. TV brings the outside 2 closer to peoples homes. Some people say the world is 3 than before because of TV. Do you think so?Whats 4 in other countries? How do people live in faraway(遥远的) places? Is 5 a good sports game somewhere? What lives in the deepest sea?If

    14、you want to 6 these and other kinds of questions, just 7 the TV and watch. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn 8 reading or listening to the radio. 9 with TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can both hear and see.TV helps to open our eyes, and

    15、TV also helps to open our 10 . TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing things.( )1.A.sportsB.jobsC.programsD.activities( )2.A.worldB.environmentC.space D.music( )3.A.biggerB.smallerC.richerD.poorer( )4.A.shiningB.happeningC.changingD.doing( )5.A.thereB.thatC.it D.this( )

    16、6.A.askB.discussC.tellD.answer ( )7.A.turn offB.turn upC.turn on D.turn to( )8.A.throughB.aboutC.for D.in( )9.A.SoB.ButC.Or D.And( )10.A.armsB.mouthsC.minds D.legs(四)The Beijing Opera came into being after 1790 when the famous four Anhui opera troupes (戏班) came to Beijing.Its music and singing 1 fro

    17、m Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei.Its costumes (服饰) are all beautiful and artistic.Different people wear different 2 of clothes, dark or light, long or short.It is the highest expression(表达) of the Chinese culture.The Beijing Opera is 3 of famous stories, beautiful paintings, and wonderful gestu

    18、res (手势) and fighting.This kind of opera is very popular with 4 people.And now more and more young people 5 it.Many children learned to sing the Beijing Opera 6 they were very young.Stories in the Beijing Opera are very interesting.Some of 7 are from the history books, but most are from the literatu

    19、re and famous novels.The people in the story usually 8 some disagreements (意见不一)They become 9 and unhappy.They are sad and lonely.Sometimes they are nervous(焦虑的) and worried.Then they find a 10 to make people happy.The stories usually end with happiness and people are all happy in the end.1.A.get B.

    20、learn C.come D.make2.A.kinds B.prices C.pieces D.lots3.A.afraid B.happy C.nice D.full4.A.American B.Chinese C.Japanese D.Australian5.A.know B.like C.see D.take6.A.after B.because C.when D.before7.A.you B.it C.us D.them8.A.have B.see C.know D.hear9.A.old B.young C.angry D.pleasant10.A.question B.way

    21、C.road D.home(五)As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse. In some places we cant see fish 1 in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. Recently, a new life style called low carbon(低碳)life is spreading every corner of our country. Th

    22、e meanings of low carbon are 2 energy and no waste. It is such an important project that I cant wait to express my ideas on how to promote it. First, we should 3 a no-car day every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. 4 the no-car day, neither

    23、students 5 teachers are allowed to drive to school. Atthe same time, just walk or run. Use ourlegs and enjoy the fun. Second, we had better not use plastic bags 6 . No one can stand the“white pollution”, 7 it is wise to use cloth bags which can be used again and again. 8 ,one thingthat we should kee

    24、p in mind is that every big thing comes from the small details. So, as students, we ought to turn 9 the lights the moment we leave, use 10 sides of the paper, and reuse our textbooks and so on. All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mi

    25、nd to these:no-car days, no plastic bags, and no waste. Lets do it now.( )1. A. swimsB. swimmingC. to swimD. swam( )2. A. belowB. highC.aboveD. low( )3. A. set off B. set upC. put onD. put down( )4. A. InB. AtC. OnD. With( )5. A. nor B. orC.bothD. and( )6. A. any moreB. no moreC. no longerD. never(

    26、)7. A. becauseB. soC. butD. although( )8. A. FinallyB. 3rdC. 4thD. 5th( )9. A. upB. downC. onD. off( )10.A. bothB. eachC. everyD. all (六)阅读短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。When people talk about air pollution, they are usually thinking about outdoor air 1 . But do you know that there is also air pollu

    27、tion inside homes, offices, hotels and other buildings? The air in your home can be 2 to 100 times more polluted than the air outdoors! In fact, some American doctors say that 50% of the illnesses have 2 to do with the polluted indoor air.A lot of pollution comes from indoor activities 3 smoking and

    28、 cooking. As most people 4 about 80%-90% of their time inside buildings, it is important to take indoor air pollution seriously, too.Air pollution influences our health 5 . When the air is polluted, not only young children and old people 6 from it, 7 people with health problems suffer as well. Indoo

    29、r air pollution can 8 peoples eyes, noses and throats. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, can also 9 to lung cancer and heart disease! In the Great London Fog in 1952, 4, 000 people died in a few days 10 the pollution! It is said that half a million young children and women die each year in Ind

    30、ia because of indoor air pollution!( )1.A.pollutionB.polluteC.pollutingD.polluted( )2.A.nothingB.everythingC.somethingD.anything( )3.A.as well asB.such asC.instead ofD.so as( )4.A.takeB.costC.spendD.give( )5.A.in many waysB.in many thingsC.in many housesD.in many years( )6.A.endureB.bearC.standD.suf

    31、fer( )7.A.andB.butC.orD.while( )8.A.hitB.hurtC.polluteD.beat( )9.A.causeB.getC.giveD.lead( )10.A.because ofB.thanks toC.related toD.because(七)根据短文内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。When learning new vocabulary, dont just memorize a list of words. 1 , try to make five sentences using each new word. The

    32、n use the new word as often as you can the first day you learn it. This way you will remember new words 2 longer.Practising sounds, you know, is difficult-the“th”sound for example. Choose words that 3 “th” and repeat (重复) them over and over until you are comfortable with them. Lets try! This, that,

    33、those,them, think, thought, through, thin. Read, read, read-in English, of course! Reading is one of 4 ways to increase your vocabulary and 5 your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be sure to choose topics or books you are interested in. When someone 6 in English, listen to the main point. If you 7

    34、a word you dont understand, ignore (忽略) 8 and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will miss 9 the person is saying.Always remember-practice 10 perfect. ( )1.A.In stead of B.Instead C.Rather than D.and( )2.A.muchB.manyC.moreD.most( )3.A.end up withB.beginC.begin withD. end up(

    35、)4.A.bestB.the bestC.betterD.good( )5.A.encourageB.changeC.improveD.turn( )6.A.is talkingB.talkC.are talkingD.talked( )7.A.listenB.hearC.listen toD.will hear( )8.A.oneB.themC.itD.they( )9.A.nothing elseB.everything elseC.everything otherD.else everything( )10.A.makesB.makingC.makeD.is making(八)根据短文内

    36、容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。More than 3,000 languages are spoken in the world. Of all these languages, English is the most widely used. When English is used, it has also 1 many new words from other languages. For example, Americans borrowed “cookbook” from German . They 2 borrowed “tofu” and “ko

    37、wtow” from Chinese.As we all know, there are 3 between western culture and Chinese culture. We can learn about those words by comparing how certain words are used. 4 , “you are a lucky dog” means you are a lucky person. To describe a person who is 5 , they say, “ sick as a dog”. On the other hand, C

    38、hinese people love cats very much. But in western culture, “cat” is sometimes used to describe a woman that is 6 . The rose is considered as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries. People think the rose stands for love and 7 .China, a country with the largest population in the wor

    39、ld, has 8 more people to learn English. By the 1990s, English learning has been very 9 with Chinese people. Many of them have done quite well in English.Now students are required to learn English and people think the study of English is a very important industry in China 10 in the rest of the world.

    40、 The English language has played an important part in our lives.( )1. A. taken backB. taken outC. taken offD. taken in ( )2. A. evenB. alsoC. perhapsD. probably( )3. A. advantagesB. recordsC. effectsD. differences ( )4. A. In factB. In some waysC. For exampleD. As a result( )5. A. illB. lazyC. afrai

    41、dD. selfish ( )6. A. kind-heartedB. prettyC. cruelD. helpful( )7. A. sadnessB. attractionC. disappointmentD. friendship ( )8. A. orderedB. encouragedC. toldD. taught( )9. A. interestedB. tiredC. popularD. enjoyed( )10. A. as far as B. as well asC. as much asD. as long as(九)One of the amazing things

    42、about the World Wide Web is that anyone can create a 1 page. If people find your page interesting, they will come to 2 it. If lots of people like your page, then you have created something of value. The whole idea of a TV station is to create a place that attracts lots of people. Then the stations o

    43、wner can charge companies for 3 on TV. A web page is like a smart TV station. If yours becomes very popular, then you can 4 ads on it. That is one form of “value”. There are other forms as well, especially for teenagers. A popular page allows 5 to speak to and educate others, gives you a chance to m

    44、eet people, and opens doors of chances that you might not 6 .If you want to create your own page, you have two 7 . You can create a page that says “Hi, My name is Suzy and here is a picture of Binky, my cat. My favorite bands are.” That is fine, but it is not very interesting to others except your close. The other choice you have is to create a site that other people find


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