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    2018年中考英语总复习(人教版) 教材知识梳理-九年级全一册优化训练:Units 7-8

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    2018年中考英语总复习(人教版) 教材知识梳理-九年级全一册优化训练:Units 7-8

    1、第16课时Units 7-8知能优化训练.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.My parents often (教育) me to study well.答案:educate2.My father has given up (吸烟).答案:smoking3.Two big (狼) appeared in the mountains.答案:wolves4.He (收到了) a storybook on his last birthday.答案:received5.Take the medicine.It will (阻止) you from having a cold.答案:prevent.用括号内

    2、所给单词的适当形式填空1.The final result can (find) on our website by the end of this week.答案:be found2.Dear Erie,your room is too dirty.It should (clean) right away.答案:be cleaned3.The young should be allowed (achieve) their dreams.答案:to achieve4.This e-dictionary doesnt belong to (he).It is Sandys.答案:him5.A f

    3、riend of (I)is going to visit me tomorrow.答案:mine.单项选择1.He is boy with two big eyes.A.a 8-year-oldB.an 8-year-oldC.a 8-years-oldD.an 8-years-old答案:B解析:句意:他是一位有着两只大眼睛的八岁男孩。复合形容词作定语,中间加“-”连接,名词用单数形式。所以答案选B项。2.Dad,you have worked for three hours.Stop and have a rest,please.A.to workB.workingC.workD.wor

    4、ks答案:B解析:“停止手中正在做的事”用stop doing sth.。故选B项。3.Dont spend much time the Internet.A.inB.onC.atD.to答案:B解析:sb.spend some time on sth.表示“某人在某物上花费多少时间”。4.I think the poor health will get of your study.A.on the wayB.by the wayC.in the wayD.at the way答案:C解析:get in the way 意为“阻碍,妨碍”。句意:我认为身体不好会妨碍你学习。5.That T-s

    5、hirt be expensive because its by a famous designer.A.cantB.mustntC.mustD.should答案:C解析:cant可用于否定推测;mustnt“禁止”;must“一定”;should“应该”。由句意“那件T恤一定很贵,因为它是由一个著名设计师设计的”可知,选C项。6.The baby is sleeping.Dont make so much .A.smellB.voiceC.soundD.noise答案:D解析:make和noise搭配,意为“制造噪音”。故选D项。7.Whos the man over there?Is it

    6、 Mr.Black?It be him.Hes much taller.A.may notB.cantC.will notD.mustnt答案:B解析:句意:那边那个人是谁?是布莱克先生吗?一定不是他,他高多了。情态动词表推测:“一定” 用must;“可能” 用 might,may,could;“一定不” 用 cant。故选B项。8.(2017乌鲁木齐中考)Henry has got two bicycles. of them is expensive.A.NeitherB.NoneC.BothD.All答案:A解析:句意:亨利有两辆自行车。哪一辆也不贵。由谓语动词is可知此处表示“两者都不”

    7、用neither。故选A项。9.Sorry,I havent money buy the new iPad.A.such;thatB.too;toC.enough;toD.so;that答案:C解析:money为名词,所以排除B、D项;后面接动词原形buy,应为不定式用法。故选C项。10.May I go swimming now?No,you .You must finish your homework first.A.mustntB.may notC.couldntD.neednt答案:A解析:may引导的一般疑问句的否定回答是mustnt。故选A项。.完形填空Once a man and

    8、 his wife worked for an old man.There was a big box in the old mans living room.The old man pointed to the box and said,“Theres only one thing you 1 do.Dont open the box.” 2 saying this,he left his home.The woman said to her husband,“There must be3 expensive in the box.Lets open it,shall we?” Her hu

    9、sband 4 with her.But the woman didnt give 5 her idea.One day,she decided to 6 what was in it.Her husband didnt stop her this time.She opened the box and looked inside.7 her surprise,she found nothing in the box.She tried hard to close it,but she 8.That evening the old man came home and found the box

    10、 was open.He was very9and asked the woman and her husband to leave his home.“But there was nothing in the box,” the woman said.“We havent taken anything at all.” The old man 10 them,“The box is not important,but I cannot believe you.Thats important!”1.A.might notB.needntC.mustntD.may not答案:C解析:根据下文“

    11、Dont open the box.”可知老人禁止他们做这件事,故选C项。2.A.AfterB.BeforeC.FromD.By答案:A解析:根据情境可知,老人是说完这些话后才离开的,故选A项。3.A.nothingB.somethingC.anythingD.everything答案:B解析:根据本句中的must表示肯定推测,可知妇女认为“箱子里一定有些贵重的东西”。故选B项。4.A.agreedB.disagreedC.communicatedD.fought答案:B解析:根据下文,可知此时她的丈夫不同意她的做法,但是她后来还是做了。故选B项。5.A.awayB.upC.toD.back答

    12、案:B解析:她没有放弃她的想法,最终还是打开了箱子,可知本题选B项。6.A.lookB.findC.find outD.look for答案:C解析:根据下文“She opened the box and looked inside .she found nothing in the box.”可知,C项是正确的。7.A.AtB.InC.OnD.To答案:D解析:句意:让她吃惊的是,她发现箱子里什么都没有。to ones surprise“让某人吃惊的是”,是固定短语,故选D项。8.A.failedB.didC.refusedD.succeeded答案:A解析:根据转折连词but和下文内容,可

    13、知她失败了,箱子关不上。故选A项。9.A.boredB.angryC.happyD.excited答案:B解析:根据上文“She opened the box”但是又关不上,可知箱子是开着的,可推知老人很生气。故选B项。10.A.turned toB.listened toC.shouted atD.smiled at答案:C解析:句意:老人冲他们喊道:“箱子并不重要。但是我不相信你们了。根据上文“He was very angry.”可知C项是最佳答案。.补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A:Hello,Mike.1Are these y

    14、our gloves?B:No,theyre not mine.Where did you find them?A:Under the table in the gym.B:When did you find them?A:2B:3Because Class Two had a lesson in the gym just now.A:Lets ask the head teacher of Class Two.4B:Im sorry I cant go with you.I must play the piano right away.A:5I have to go alone.See you.B:See you.A.When we were having the gym class.B.Dont mind.C.Whose gloves are these?D.She always likes all kinds of books.E.It doesnt matter.F.They might belong to someone in Class Two.G.Can you go with me?答案:15 CAFGE第5页


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