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    7B Unit3 第四课时Integrated+skills 学案和作业(含答案)

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    7B Unit3 第四课时Integrated+skills 学案和作业(含答案)

    1、7B Unit 3 Integrated skills Word study1. works of art 艺术品work (可数名词)著作,作品 work (不可数名词)工作, 在工作_ _ work (v)工作,学习e.g: I dont like _ _. (我不喜欢困难的工作) _ _, and youll get good grade. (努力学习,你会取得好成绩) My watch _ _(work)我的手表坏了。2. painting (n)绘画,油画_(v)_(n)画家,油漆工e.g: Jim likes _(绘画) very muchLook! The _(油漆工)_ the

    2、 building.(给大楼油漆)What a pity! There are only two _(绘画) for sale.3. row (vt)划船 I dont know _ _ _ a boat. (我不知道如何划船)拓展:row (n) 排,行 Jack sits in _ _ _. (杰克坐在第二排)Language points1._(not be) late for school next time.2.不要错过它们_ 错过早班车_ Dont _ the beginning of the film. Its wonderful. A. watch B. catch C. mi

    3、ss D. enjoy I missed _ the football match last night. A. seeing B. watching C. to see D. to watch3.在湖面上划船_ 去划船_=_ Many children _ _ _ _ now. (正在划船)4.让我们在明天早上八点半左右在你旅馆前面集合 Lets meet in front of your hotel at 8:30 tomorrow morning in front of在的前面,反义词为_ in the front of在的前部,反义词为_e.g: He sits _ me. I can

    4、t see the blackboard. There is a blackboard _ the classroom.5.它离旅馆有多远? How far is it from the hotel?. how far用于询问距离有多远 how long 用于询问时间或事物有多长e.g: 南京离上海有多远?_ 假期有多长?_ 多久一次_ 多大年纪_ 多长时间_ 多久以后_ 多少(不可数)_ 多少(可数)_ 多少次_ 多远_e.g: _ can you finish the work? In two days. _ do you go shopping? Twice a week. _ is t

    5、his watch? It is 5000 yuan. _ do you spend on your homework every day? About two hours. _ hobbies do you have? _ is it from your home to school?6. broken (adj)坏了的,碎了的e.g: My bike is _, so my father will _ me _ _.(我的自行车坏了,所以我爸爸将开车送我去学校)7. another指三者或三者以上的“另一个”e.g: Would you like _ _ _ _(你要再来一杯茶吗?其他用法

    6、:可以和数词连用,后跟复数名词 e.g: He will stay in Beijing for _ _ _/_ _ _.(再待两个星期) 达标训练一、根据首字母、中文提示、句意或英语解释写单词。1. Be quick, or youll m_ the school bus.2. There are a lot of Chinese _(paint) at the Palace Museum.3. I want to _(拥有) a new bike. I like riding.4. Its getting dark. Lets find a _(旅馆) for a night.5. We

    7、will go to the _(博物馆) tomorrow.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。6. Do you often go _(row) in summer?7. The man wants to get the _(gold) cup in the match.8._(not be) late for class again.9._ is it from the park?Its about five minutes walk.10. I hope you _(have) a good time this Sunday.11. There are lots of homework _(d

    8、o) every day.12. What time _ we _(leave) tomorrow?13. She enjoys _(teach) in this school?14. What would you like _(do) tomorrow?三、句型转换15. I am going to take you to visit our school. (改同义句) I am going to _ you _ our school.16. We hope we can have a good time. (改简单句) We hope _ _ a good time.7B Unit 3

    9、Integrated skills Word study1. works of art 艺术品work (可数名词)著作,作品 work (不可数名词)工作, 在工作_at_ _work_ work (v)工作,学习e.g: I dont like _hard_ _wok_. (我不喜欢困难的工作) _Work_ _hard_, and youll get good grade. (努力学习,你会取得好成绩) My watch _ doesnt _ _work_(work)我的手表坏了。2. painting (n)绘画,油画_paint_(v)_painter_(n)画家,油漆工e.g: J

    10、im likes _painting_(绘画) very muchLook! The _painters_(油漆工)_are _painting_ the building.(给大楼油漆)What a pity! There are only two _painings_(绘画) for sale.3. row (vt)划船 I dont know _how_ _to_ _row a boat. (我不知道如何划船)拓展:row (n) 排,行 Jack sits in _the_ _second _row_. (杰克坐在第二排)Language points1._Dont be _(not

    11、be) late for school next time.2.不要错过它们_ Dont miss them _ 错过早班车_ miss the early bus _ Dont _C_ the beginning of the film. Its wonderful. A. watch B. catch C. miss D. enjoy I missed _B_ the football match last night. A. seeing B. watching C. to see D. to watch3.在湖面上划船_row a _boat on the lake _ 去划船_go

    12、boating_=_go_ rowing_ Many children _are_ _rowing_ _a_ _boat_ now. (正在划船)4.让我们在明天早上八点半左右在你旅馆前面集合 Lets meet in front of your hotel at 8:30 tomorrow morning in front of在的前面,反义词为_behind_ in the front of在的前部,反义词为_ at the back of e.g: He sits _in front of _ me. I cant see the blackboard. There is a black

    13、board _in the front of_ the classroom.5.它离旅馆有多远? How far is it from the hotel?. how far用于询问距离有多远 how long 用于询问时间或事物有多长e.g: 南京离上海有多远?_How far is it from Nanting to Shanghai 假期有多长?_How long is the holiday_ 多久一次_ _ how often_ _ 多大年纪_how old_ 多长时间_how long_ 多久以后_how soon_ 多少(不可数)_how much_ 多少(可数)_how ma

    14、ny_ 多少次_how many times_ 多远_how far_e.g: _How soon_ can you finish the work? In two days. _How often you go shopping? Twice a week. _how much_ is this watch? It is 5000 yuan. How long _ do you spend on your homework every day? About two hours. How many _ hobbies do you have? How far_ is it from your

    15、home to school?6. broken (adj)坏了的,碎了的e.g: My bike is _broken_, so my father will drive_ me _to_ _school_.(我的自行车坏了,所以我爸爸将开车送我去学校)7. another指三者或三者以上的“另一个”e.g: Would you like another cup of tea? _(你要再来一杯茶吗?其他用法:可以和数词连用,后跟复数名词 e.g: He will stay in Beijing for another two weeks /two more weeks.(再待两个星期) 达

    16、标训练一、根据首字母、中文提示、句意或英语解释写单词。1. Be quick, or youll miss_the school bus.2. There are a lot of Chinese _paintings (paint) at the Palace Museum.3. I want to _own_ (拥有) a new bike. I like riding.4. Its getting dark. Lets find a hotel (旅馆) for a night.5. We will go to the museum (博物馆) tomorrow.二、用所给词的适当形式填

    17、空。6. Do you often go _rowing_ (row) in summer?7. The man wants to get the _golden_ (gold) cup in the match.8._Dont be (not be) late for class again.9.How far is it from the park?Its about five minutes walk.10. I hope you _will have (have) a good time this Sunday.11. There are lots of homework _to do

    18、 (do) every day.12. What time shall_ we leave (leave) tomorrow?13. She enjoys teaching_ (teach) in this school?14. What would you like _to do (do) tomorrow?三、句型转换15. I am going to take you to visit our school. (改同义句) I am going to _show_ you _around_ our school.16. We hope we can have a good time. (改简单句) We hope _to _ _have_ a good time.


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