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    1、人教版七年级英语下册Unit 8 单元限时练习一、括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。1. The boys enjoy _ (play) computer games.2. Go down _ (one) Street and turn right.3. The bank is _ (cross) from the street.4. He is _ ( relax ) by listening to the music.5. Its _ (relax) to spend weekends like this .6. To get to the park, we just have

    2、 to _ (cross) Center Street.7. I live in a (noise) neighborhood.8. Nancy likes _( spend ) time with her parents on weekends .9. You can get to the library (easy).10. When I read books, time goes (quick).二、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. She _( go ) home at five every afternoon .2. The boys spend much time _ (pla

    3、y) computer games every day.3. I love to watch the monkeys _ (climb) around.4. I am watching my dog (play) with a ball now.5. I think the best thing in life _ ( be ) freedom , do you think so ?6. (get) to the post office ,he must take a bus.7. Tony is very busy (clean) up his classroom with his clas

    4、smates.8. The little panda likes to eat bamboos and (sleep) on the ground.9. Walk down New Street and turn left at the first (cross).10. There _ (be not ) any food on the table三、单项选择1.Could you tell me the way to the Renmin Hospital?No problem.Look!Its just over there.A.Excuse meB.I am sorryC.Come o

    5、nD.Not much2.Just walk along Main Street and the post office isyour right.A.onB.atC.toD.in3.If you want to go to the bank,please go straight andright at the first crossing.A.getB. turnC.takeD.leave4.Excuse me,can I get to the Green Hotel?Sorry,Im new here.A.whatB.whenC.whoD.how5.You dont need to pay

    6、 because everything isat the party today.A.easyB.noisyC.busyD.free6.Its time for lunch.Lets find aand get something to eat first.A.restaurantB.hospitalC.townD.bank7.healthy,my father exercises for about 30 minutes every morning.A.KeepingB.MakingC.To keepD.To make8.The sweater is so beautiful but I d

    7、ont have muchto buy it.A.luckB.problemC.moneyD.time9.Do you like listening to music?Yes,Ilots of time on it.Its a good way to relax.A.bringB.spendC.payD.take10.Therea hotel and two banks on Center Street.A.areB.isC.hasD.have11.My sister is a book lover and she enjoysvery much.A.readB.readingC.to rea

    8、dD.to reading12.The manthe car is busy driving.A.in front ofB.in the frontC.in frontD.in the front of13.Is therewater in the bottle?No,but there isin the glass.A.any;someB.some;someC.some;anyD.any;any14.The Internet is very useful for us.We canfind lots of information.A.hardB.easilyC.onlyD.really15.

    9、Thank you very much,Eric!.A.Id love toB.Thats rightC.Not muchD.No problem四、根据所给汉语提示完成英语句子,每空词数不限。1. 你知道去超市的路吗?Do you know _ _ _ the supermarket? 2. In this city , there are two_ (图书馆).3. (沿着) Bridge Street , and you can see the bank on your left.4. Go straight and (向左拐) , and the pay phone is on the

    10、 right .5. The supermarket is (在对面) the bank and the hotel.6. I am (新来这个城镇的).7. Is there a post office (在这附近)?8. Its (离这不太远).9.To _(到达那里) ,I usually _(走出去然后向右拐) on Bridge Street .10. (他最喜欢的) place is the library .参考答案一、1. playing 2. First 3. across 4. relaxed 5. relaxing 6. cross 7.noisy 8. spending

    11、 9. easily 10. quickly 二、1. goes 2. playing 3. climbing 4. playing 5. is 6. To get 7. cleaning 8. sleep 9. crossing 10. isnt三、AABDD ACCBB BDABD四、1. the way to 2. libraries 3.Go along 4.turn left 5. across from 6. new in town 7. around here 8. not too far from here 9.get there , walk out and turn right 10. His favorite


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