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    高三英语 完形填空 第2节 夹叙夹议文

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    高三英语 完形填空 第2节 夹叙夹议文

    1、第二节第二节 夹叙夹议文夹叙夹议文 (2019 江苏) Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age.There are species(物种) that are 36 every day.The white- naped crane is a typical example.So scientists are trying their best to 37 the species from going out of existence. Chris and Tim work at a zoo,helping endangered

    2、 cranes with their 38 .Emma,a female crane,has been in their 39 since she arrived in 2004. Born at an international crane foundation,Emma was 40 by human caretakers.This led to an unexpected 41 , though she had a wonderful time there.Emma had 42 taken herself as a crane and become deeply attached to

    3、 humans.She 43 to live with male cranes,and even had a 44 for killing some of them,which made it 45 for her to become a mother. 46 ,the two zookeepers didnt want to see the extinction(灭绝) of this precious species.With their patience and efforts,they successfully developed a 47 of artificial breeding

    4、(人工繁殖) and natural reproduction.This 48 Emma to give birth to five baby cranes. The two keepers are proud of their productive work.But before they can be 49 ,more efforts must be made,because the population of the crane in the wild is on the 50 ,and many other species appear headed toward extinction

    5、. 51 ,not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts,feelings,and most importantly,equal rights to survive. How can we 52 the ever- widening gap that separates us from other animals?Chris and Tim offered us the 53 :human beings took it for granted that their 54 held all the solutions,but maybe

    6、 their hearts can be a better 55 . 语篇解读 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。在现代,野生动物受到了极大的威胁,每天都有物种在 消失。Chris 和 Tim 努力拯救白枕鹤这一物种,使其免于灭绝。 36A.growing Bmigrating Ccompeting Ddisappearing 答案 D 解析 根据该段中的“Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age.”可知,在现代, 野生动物受到了极大的威胁,每天都有物种在消失。disappear 消失。 37A.ban Bsave Csplit Drem

    7、ove 答案 B 解析 科学家们正在尽最大努力拯救白枕鹤这一物种,使其免于灭绝。下文讲述了 Chris 和 Tim 为拯救白枕鹤所做出的努力。save 拯救。 38A.abortion Brecreation Creproduction Dadministration 答案 C 解析 下文讲述了 Chris 和 Tim 帮助 Emma 繁殖, 由此可知, Chris 和 Tim 在一家动物园工作, 帮助濒临灭绝的鹤繁殖。reproduction 繁殖。 39A.care Beye Cmind Dstory 答案 A 解析 Emma 是一只雌性鹤,自从 2004 年来到这个动物园后,就一直在他们

    8、的照顾之下。in sb.s care(being looked after by sb.)由某人照顾。 40A.found Bchosen Craised Dseized 答案 C 解析 根据下文中的“become deeply attached to humans”可知,Emma 由人类饲养员饲养。 raise 饲养。 41A.bonus Bconsequence Cvictory Dsacrifice 答案 B 解析 根据下文中的“Emma had.become deeply attached to humans.killing some of them” 可知,这导致了一个意想不到的后果

    9、。consequence 后果。 42A.never Balways Cunluckily Dcheerfully 答案 A 解析 Emma 从来没有把自己当成一只鹤,它对人类产生了很深的感情。根据语境可知,此 处用否定副词 never。 43A.liked Brefused Cdecided Dhesitated 答案 B 解析 根据上文可知, Emma 对人类有很深的感情; 再根据下文中的“killing some of them.” 可推知,它拒绝和雄鹤生活在一起,甚至有杀害雄鹤的名声。refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事。 44A.gift Bskill Cconcern Dr

    10、eputation 答案 D 解析 参见上题解析。have a reputation for 有的名声。reputation 名声。 45A.illegal Binspiring Cimportant Dimpossible 答案 D 解析 根据上文可知,Emma 拒绝和雄鹤一起生活,甚至会杀死它们。由此推知,这使它无 法成为一位母亲,此处用否定意义的形容词 impossible。 46A.Therefore BMoreover CHowever DInstead 答案 C 解析 然而, Chris 和 Tim 并不想看到这一珍贵物种灭绝。 上下文有转折关系。 however 然而。 47A.

    11、combination Bcollection Cstrategy Dsystem 答案 A 解析 在 Chris 和 Tim 的耐心和努力下,他们成功地将人工繁殖和自然繁殖结合起来。 combination 结合,联合。 48A.forced Bforbade Ctaught Denabled 答案 D 解析 这使得 Emma 生下了五只鹤宝宝。enable.to do sth.使有能力做某事。 49A.defeated Bgrateful Cassured Dtolerant 答案 C 解析 Chris 和 Tim 为他们富有成效的工作感到自豪,但他们必须付出更多的努力才有把握。 assu

    12、red 自信的,有把握的。 50A.list Brise Cagenda Ddecline 答案 D 解析 野生鹤的数量正在下降,许多其他物种似乎正走向灭绝。on the decline 在下降。 51A.In contrast BAfter all CBy the way DOn the contrary 答案 B 解析 毕竟,并不是每个人都能意识到野生动物有思想、感情,最重要的是,它们有平等的 生存权利。 after all 毕竟, 符合语境。 in contrast 相比之下; by the way 顺便说一下; on the contrary 与此相反。 52A.leave Bbrid

    13、ge Copen Didentify 答案 B 解析 我们怎样才能弥合我们与其他动物之间不断扩大的鸿沟呢?bridge 弥合(差距),消除 (分歧)。 53A.course Bexcuse Canswer Dreward 答案 C 解析 Chris 和 Tim 给了我们答案,下文中的“human beings took it for granted that.”就是他 们的答案。answer 答案。 54A.brains Bbehaviors Cservices Dprojects 答案 A 解析 人类想当然地认为他们的大脑(brain)掌握了所有的解决方案,但也许他们的心可以成 为更好的向导

    14、(guide)。 55A.guide Btreat Cexample Dcompanion 答案 A 解析 参见上题解析。 一、题型解读 夹叙夹议类的完形填空一般有以下三种结构特点: 1事例观点:先叙述一件事情,然后针对这件事情发表自己的看法或揭示生活的真理。 2 观点事例: 先提出一种观点或看法, 然后围绕这一观点或看法用具体的事例来说明。 一 般是一个事例,有时也会用几个事例从不同的侧面加以说明。 3观点事例观点:首先提出一种观点或看法,然后用事例说明,最后再进一步阐述或总 结自己的观点。 二、解题技巧 1分析结构,抓住作者的观点。 在做题时大家要借助文章结构,认真体会记叙和议论的关系,

    15、抓住作者的观点,明确文章的组织方式。 看文章属于上述哪种结构,从而明白作者的思路。 2重视首句,把握文章主题。 首句往往是文章的关键句、引题句或主题句。 通过首句可以 初步判断文章的写作中心,为全面理解文章打开一扇“窗户”。 3叙议兼顾,理解议论内涵。 夹叙夹议文中叙与议是一个有机的整体,叙是议的基础,而 议是叙的升华。 在读这类文章时,掌握议论部分的内容是关键,因为叙述是为作者的议论而 服务的。 所以只有把故事和哲理联系起来,再结合对人物心理和行为的描述,全面把握文章 才能正确解题。 4抓住转换,理清逻辑关系。 抓住记叙与议论的转换,及时调整思维方式,理清上下文之 间的逻辑关系,在充分把握语

    16、境的基础上,辨析词语,进一步把握作者的观点、态度,找到 正确答案。 (2019 湘赣十四校联考) At a beautiful beach a little boy on his knees packs the sand into a bucket.He turns the bucket upside down and 1 it.To the 2 of the little 1architect, a castle tower is created.He works all afternoon packing the walls,building sentries(哨兵) with bottl

    17、e tops and bridges with sticks.And a sandcastle will be built. In a big city with 3 streets and traffic,a man works in an office.He packs papers into piles,holds the phone between his 4 and shoulder and 5 the keyboard with his fingers.2Contracts get signed and to the joy of the man,a 6 is made.His 3

    18、pension will be sentries and capital gains will be 7 .An empire will be built. The two builders of the two castles have very much 8 .They both 9 smallness into greatness.They both make something beautiful out of 10 .And for both, the tide will rise and the 11 will come.Yet that is where the 12 stop.

    19、The little boy sees the end of his castle while the man 13 it.7As the dusk 6approaches and waves near,the child 14 to his feet and begins to clap as the waves wash away his 15 .There is no sorrow,no 16 and no regret.He smiles and goes home. The man in his office is not very 17 like the child.8As his

    20、 empire is 4fading,he is terrified,trying to 18 it.“Its my castle!” he 19 at the incoming tide. Go ahead and build your dreams,but with a childs heart.When the sun 20 and the tides take,just 5applaud.Salute the process of life and go home with a smile. 语篇解读 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过男孩建造沙堡和男人在工作中创造自己的帝国进 行对比,当海

    21、浪来临时,男孩面对自己的杰作被冲走,拍手跳跃,而男人则是恐惧。这启示 我们凡事只要用心了,享受了过程,结局就随潮起潮落,这都是生命的过程。 1A.kicks Blifts Cbreaks Dcovers 答案 B 解析 根据下文男孩在堆沙堡可知,他是将水桶口朝下举(lift)了起来,故选 B。 2A.surprise Brelief Camusement Ddelight 答案 D 解析 由下文沙堡堆好了可知,小建筑家是“高兴的”,to the delight of sb.令某人高兴的是。 故选 D。 3A.lonely Bbusy Cclean Dempty 答案 B 解析 由空前的“a b

    22、ig city”可知,街道和交通是“繁忙的”,故选 B。 4A.hand Bneck Carm Dear 答案 D 解析 由空前的“holds the phone”可知,一位男士在接电话,故电话是放在“耳朵”和肩膀 之间,故选 D。 5A.fixes Btouches Chits Dchecks 答案 C 解析 fix 修理;touch 触碰;hit 打击,敲打;check 检查。由语境知,此处指用手指敲打着 键盘,故选 C。 6A.profit Bpoint Crecord Dwish 答案 A 解析 根据空前的“contracts”可知,那位男士是在谈生意,签了合同,一笔盈利就这样到 手了

    23、,故选 A。 7A.bridges Btools Cbuckets Dbeaches 答案 A 解析 由第一段倒数第二句和空前已经出现的 sentries 可知,空处应填 bridges。与上文呼应。 故选 A。 8A.in hand Bin common Cin need Din total 答案 B 解析 由上文语境和下文的两个“They both.”和“And for both.”可知,这两个城堡的建 造者之间有许多共同点。have sth.in common 与有共同点,故选 B。 9A.increase Bcut Cshape Dput 答案 C 解析 shape.into.使成为形

    24、状(或样子);将塑造成。故选 C。 10A.something Banything Ceverything Dnothing 答案 D 解析 他们都是从一无所有中创造出美丽的事物。故选 D。 11A.award Bvictory Cfuture Dend 答案 D 解析 由语境和常识可知,潮水上涨,沙堡会被淹没,一切都会结束。故选 D。下文的“end of his castle”和“his empire is fading”亦是提示。 12A.similarities Bcompetitions Cdifferences Dchanges 答案 A 解析 根据上文一切都会结束,这也正是相似之处

    25、就止于此。故选 A。 13A.follows Baccepts Cignores Denjoys 答案 C 解析 由下文小男孩对自己被毁的沙堡和那个男士对待自己衰落的帝国的不同态度可知,小 男孩看到了他城堡的结局,而那个男士则忽视了。此处 while 表示前后的对比,故选 C。 14A.jumps Bstruggles Csticks Dbends 答案 A 解析 根据后文的 feet 可知,此处应选 jumps,表示孩子跳了起来。故选 A。 15A.dream Bgift Cmasterpiece Dmemory 答案 C 解析 当海浪冲走他的杰作(masterpiece)时,他开始鼓掌。故

    26、选 C。 16A.excitement Bhesitation Cfear Ddesire 答案 C 解析 根据上下文语境可知,男孩对于海浪冲走自己的作品并不悲伤、害怕和遗憾。故选 C。 17A.wise Bnaughty Ccurious Dactive 答案 A 解析 根据上文那个男士忽视了创造的东西总有结束的一天,因此他并不像那个孩子一样明 智(wise)。故选 A。 18A.finish Bprotect Cimprove Dcollect 答案 B 解析 随着他的帝国日渐衰落,他感到恐惧,并试图去保护(protect)它。故选 B。 19A.glances Bstares Cyell

    27、s Dpoints 答案 C 解析 根据上文那个男士非常恐惧自己的帝国衰落,因此对着即将到来的岁月海浪叫喊 (yell)“这是我的城堡!”。故选 C。 20A.sets Bshines Crises Dburns 答案 A 解析 由下文的“the tides take”和“go home”可知,此处指太阳落下(set)。故选 A。 .障碍词汇突破 (一)阅读下列句子,并根据句意猜测画线部分的意思 1The building was constructed from the design of that architect.建筑师 2Being punctual is a contract th

    28、at is silently agreed.合同;契约 3I would have been much wiser to start my own pension plan when I was younger.养老金 4They arrived home just as the light was fading.变暗 (二) 同义词语替换 5As the president ended his speech,we all applauded politely.clapped (三)一词多义 6approach n靠近;接近;道路;通道;方法 v.接近;临近;处理;与接洽 (1)The pop

    29、ulation of our province is now approaching 100 million.接近 (2)She decided to adopt a different approach to the problem.方法 (3)All approaches to the town were blocked.道路 (4)We have been approached by a number of companies that are interested in our product.与接洽 (5)With great enthusiasm,he talked about h

    30、ow he found issues and approached them.处理 .长难句理解 7As the dusk approaches and waves near,the child jumps to his feet and begins to clap as the waves wash away his masterpiece. 句式分析 本句是一个复合句,两个 as 分别引导两个时间状语从句。 精美译文 当黄昏临近,波浪靠近时,这个小孩跳了起来;当海浪冲走他的杰作时,他开 始鼓掌。 8As his empire is fading,he is terrified,tryin

    31、g to protect it. 句式分析 本句是一个复合句, as 引导的是时间状语从句; trying to protect it 是现在分词短 语作伴随状语。 精美译文 随着他的帝国日渐衰落,他很害怕,并试图去保护它。 强化练强化练(二十五二十五) .完形填空 (2019 河南安阳二模) “Mom,I dont like you,” my two- year- old son said. “Okay.is that 1 you love me?” I asked. “No,youre not lovely.” That night, as I washed my face, I 2 a

    32、little longer in the mirrornot because I was hurt by his 3 ,but because I noticed there was no light in my 4 . I took out a pen and started writing a lista list to 5 myself;a list to put sparkle(火 花)back into my eyes.I once made many lists but 6 accomplished any thing.This time would be 7 ! The firs

    33、t goal on my list I wanted to achieve was 8 a Polar Plunge to raise money for the Special Olympics.On that day,when I 9 into my 1980s workout clothes,Jack smiled, “Mom,you look 10 .” Maybe,just maybe some light 11 my eyes. When coming out of the cold lake I felt happy and proud.I kept screaming, “I

    34、12 it! ” But one of the most exciting parts of the day was when I stood in front of my 13 ,which was taped on the refrigerator door.I 14 item number one.With that,I began to take back my life. Everyone taking part in the Polar Plunge received a 15 .Whenever I wore it,Jack asked, “Is that your Polar

    35、Plunge clothing?” I answered 16 , “Yes! ” “I want to do that too.” I was happy he remembered I jumped into a 17 lake,and that he wanted to do activities with me. With each 18 crossed off(划掉) the list,a piece of myself is 19 .Not only am I showing my family it s important to 20 ,but I m showing mysel

    36、f that I m worth it. 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。在听到儿子说她不可爱,不喜欢她后,作者进行了反思,并 开始改变自己,最终作者找回了以前的自己。 1A.how Bwhere Cwhether Dbecause 答案 D 解析 根据下句儿子的回答可知,作者询问的是孩子不喜欢自己的原因。故选 D。 2A.washed Blooked Cstayed Dfelt 答案 B 解析 根据下文的“in the mirror”以及“noticed”可知,作者洗脸时在镜子前多看了一会儿 自己的样子。故选 B。 3A.behavior Bstatement Cquestion Drudene

    37、ss 答案 B 解析 根据文章开头作者和儿子的对话可知,此处作者指出自己不是因为她被儿子说的话 (statement)伤害了才这么做。故选 B。 4A.face Blife Ceyes Dthoughts 答案 C 解析 根据下文“a list to put sparkle(火花) back into my eyes”以及“just maybe some light my eyes” 可以推断,作者照镜子时看到自己的眼中没有了光彩。故选 C。 5A.defeat Bsave Cexplain Dteach 答案 B 解析 根据上下文语境可知,作者认为自己的眼中没有了光彩,没有了生活的激情,于是

    38、想 拯救自己。故选 B。 6A.seldom Balways Cyet Dalmost 答案 A 解析 根据空前的“but”可推知,作者以前列过很多单子,但是很少(seldom)完成任何事情。 故选 A。 7A.complete Bsimilar Cunforgettable Ddifferent 答案 D 解析 由下文作者一个一个地实现了清单上的计划可知,这次和以往是不同的。故选 D。 8A.learning from Bsetting up Clooking into Dparticipating in 答案 D 解析 participate in 参加。根据下文的“Everyone ta

    39、king part in the Polar Plunge.”可知,作 者参加了旨在为特奥会筹款的极地冬泳活动。故选 D。 9A.jumped Bchanged Cran Dburst 答案 B 解析 根据语境可推断,作者换上了自己 80 年代的运动服。change into sth.换衣服。故选 B。 10A.nervous Bcalm Cpretty Dcold 答案 C 解析 根据空前的“smiled”和空后的内容可以推断,孩子称赞穿着运动服的妈妈很漂亮。 故选 C。 11A.slid away Bapproached to Cgot out of Dcame back to 答案 D

    40、解析 come back to 恢复;回到。根据上文中作者的儿子称赞妈妈漂亮可推断出,作者听后 眼睛里恢复了一些光彩。故选 D。 12A.did Bgot Cmissed Dappreciated 答案 A 解析 根据空前内容可以推断,作者骄傲地喊自己做到了。故选 A。 13A.mirror Bson Clist Dphoto 答案 C 解析 根据上文的“The first goal on my list I wanted to achieve”以及空后内容可知,作者把 自己的计划清单(list)贴在冰箱上,完成一项就标记一项。故选 C。 14A.ticked Badded Cbuilt De

    41、nlarged 答案 A 解析 根据下文“item number one”可知,作者给清单的第一条打上了钩,故选 A。tick 标记 号;打上钩。 15A.souvenir Bmedal Ccap Dshirt 答案 D 解析 根据空后的“wore”以及“clothing”可知,作者参加活动时得到了一件衬衣(shirt)。 故选 D。 16A.patiently Bembarrassingly Cproudly Dunwillingly 答案 C 解析 根据句中的感叹号以及“happy”等可以推断, 作者很骄傲地回答了儿子的问题。 故选C。 17A.huge Bfreezing Cbeauti

    42、ful Ddeep 答案 B 解析 根据上文出现的“Polar Plunge”“cold lake”可知,作者参加的活动是在寒冷的湖水 里面进行的。freezing 在此意为“极冷的”。故选 B。 18A.letter Bdate Cname Dgoal 答案 D 解析 根据上文的“The first goal on my list.”可知, 作者列出的计划清单就是自己要实现的 一个个目标。故选 D。 19A.returning Bdisappearing Cunited Dcured 答案 A 解析 根据文章内容可知,作者想找回自己,找回自己眼中曾经的光彩,所以作者认为在完 成了一个个计划后

    43、,从前的自己也慢慢回来了。故选 A。 20A.work Bdream Clearn Dshare 答案 B 解析 在文章中作者列出了计划清单,即自己要做的事情,这些实际上就是自己的梦想。所 以通过这件事她向家人展示了梦想的重要性。故选 B。 .阅读理解 (2019 江南十校质检) Everybody,at some point in their lives,has experienced failure.It could be something as simple as not getting the job you wanted,or getting fewer marks even af

    44、ter hard work.But what makes you is not your failure,but how you get back up after being hit. Once,a young school boy was caught in a fire accident in his school and was assumed that he would not live.His mother was told that he was sure to die,for the terrible fire had destroyed the lower half of h

    45、is body.Even if he were to survive,he would be lame throughout his life. But the brave boy did not want to die nor did he want to be lame.Much to the amazement of the doctor,he did survive.But unfortunately from his waist down,he had no motor ability.His thin legs just hung there,lifeless.Eventually

    46、 he left the hospital.But his determination to walk was unshakable.At home,when he was not in bed,he had to stay in a wheelchair.One day,he threw himself from the chair and pulled himself across the grass,dragging his legs behind him.He reached the fence,raised himself up and then began dragging him

    47、self along the fence,firmly determined.He did this every day,with faith in himself that he would be able to walk unaided.With his iron determination, he did develop the ability to stand up, then to walk on and off, then to walk by himself and then to run. He began to walk to school,and then run to s

    48、chool,to run for the joy of running.Later in college he was on the track team. In February 1934, in New York Citys Madison Square Garden, this young man who was not expected to survive,who would surely never walk,who could never hope to runthis determined young man,Dr.Glenn Cunningham,ran the worlds fastest mile. A good example of the power of positive thinking and fai


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