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    1、 解放中学 2019-2020 学年九年级第二次模拟考试 英语听力原文 解放中学 2019-2020 学年九年级第二次模拟考试 英语听力原文 一、听力(共 25 分) I.听句子,选择正确答语。句子读三遍(5 分) 1. Hi, Bill. How do you get to school every day? 2. Excuse me, is there a bookstore near here? 3. Tom, will you get some water for me, please? Im too thirsty. 4. Hey, Peter. Dont run in the ha

    2、llways, or you may knock down other students. 5. Who do you think is a good learner? II.听简短对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。对话读三遍(5 分) 6. M: Whats the matter, Sally? You look worried. W: I think I may fail a test, Dad. Q: Why is Sally worried? 7. M: Hey, Tina. Where did you go on vacation? W: I went to the mountain

    3、s with my family. Q: Where did Tina go on vacation? 8. M: What are you doing? W: Im looking for a blouse that can match my jeans. Q: What is the woman doing? 9. W: How was your flight to Beijing, Johnny? M: Terrible. We were kept at the airport for 5 hours. Q: How did Johnny get to Beijing? 10. M: L

    4、ily, Ive just written a story. Want to read it? W: Why not? Come on. Q: What does the woman mean? III.听描述,选出与其相符的图片。其中有一幅图片是多余的。句子读三遍(5 分) 11. It is very dangerous to talk on the phone while driving even though you are an experienced driver. 12. Its a pity that the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was put off. 1

    5、3. Paper cutting is our traditional art and it always carries peoples wishes for good luck. 14. At the beginning of 2020, a big fire hit Australia, and thousands of kangroos and koalas died in the fire. 15. In 2019, the cartoon Ne Zha was a great success and the director Jiaozi also became famous. I

    6、V.听较长对话,选择正确答案。对话读三遍(5 分) 听第一段对话,作答第 16-17 小题。 M: What do you think of the supermarket on the Internet? W: It is wonderful, just like the real supermarket. Its very convenient for buyers. M: Have you found anything you want to buy? W: Yes, Ive found some toy cars for my son. Can I order them now? M:

    7、 Yes, of course. Please leave your address and they will be sent to you in 3 days. W: OK. Thanks. 听第二段对话,作答第 18-20 小题。 M: Hello! Jiefang Moving Company. May I help you? W: Yes, I want to move to Chaoyang Road. M: When are you moving? W: Next Monday. I have a lot of things- a television, two beds, one table and some other things. M: Maybe you need a big truck to carry them. W: All right. And How much should I pay? M: 360 yuan.


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