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    2018年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册 Unit8 Reading1 学案

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    2018年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册 Unit8 Reading1 学案

    1、1八年级上册 Unit8 Reading1 学案主备:童华清 审核: 日期:2018-8-2学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【板块要点】一、教学目标1. 掌握四会单词的拼写及用法。2. 熟读课文,并掌握文章的大意。3. 教育学生如何正确应对地震。教学重难点:1. 读懂并能理解文章内容,完成相关练习。2. 引导学生如何正确应对地震。二、短语、词汇1. slight adj. 轻微的 slightly adv.2. shake n./v. 震动 shaking n.3. loud adj. 大声的,喧闹的 loudly/aloud adv.4. silent adj. 安静的 silen

    2、ce n.5.dark n. 黑暗 (近义词 darkness)6. shout n. 呼喊声 v. 呼喊,大声叫7. safe adj. 安全的 safely adv. Safty n.8. in the early morning 在清晨 in the late afternoon 在傍晚9 a loud noise like thunder 像雷声一样的一声巨响10. run in all directions 四处跑11. fall down 掉下来12. notat all 一点也不 13. beat fast 快速跳动14. be trapped 被困15. shout for h

    3、elp 大声呼救16. pull myself through the dark 在黑暗中慢慢地挪动自己17. find ones way out 找到出路18. shouts from excited people 来自于激动人群的呼喊声三、句型(语法)1. I couldnt see anything at all.notat all “一点也不,根本不” ,at all 放在否定句的末尾,例如:I dont like fast food at all.He cant swim at all.We didnt know what you said at all.2. I told myse

    4、lf to calm down since I was still alive.Since “既然,由于,因为” ,用来引导原因状语从句,语气比 because 弱,通常用来表示大家都知道的原因,例如:Lets fly kites since it is fine today.2- 1 -八年级上册 Unit8 Reading1 学案主备:童华清 审核: 日期:2018-8-2学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【课前导学】1.在学习了 Welcome to the unit 后, 还记得学习的自然灾害的名称吗?赶快写下来吧: _,_,_,_2. 预习了 Reading 后,你能了解每一

    5、段的大意吗?试着对下面的内容进行连线。What happened to Timmy after the earthquake ? Paragraph 1What Timmy was doing when the earthquake started? Paragraph 2 How Timmy was saved? Paragraph 3 What Timmy did to save himself? Paragraph 4What the earthquake was like ? Paragraph5【课堂学习】. StepPre-readingListen and tell T or F

    6、1. Timmy was asleep when the earthquake started. 2. At first, Timmy heard a loud noise like thunder. 3. People ran in the same direction in the street. 4. Timmy was trapped in a dark place after the earthquake stopped. 5. There was not enough space for Timmy to pull himself through. 6. People found

    7、Timmy soon after he was trapped. Step While-readingTask1:Read by yourself and Complete the table. At firstWhat he didWhen it wasWhat he heardHow he feltTask2:Read after the tape and complete the passage. The real noise was like _ under the ground. People ran _. Timmy tried his best to _ to the stree

    8、t. Pieces of glass and bricks _, and then the walls began to _, too.Task3:Listen and choose the best answer. 1. Timmy _ after the noise and shaking ended.C. ran wildly D. criedA. screamed B. calmed down 2. He could see _.A. Anything B. someone around him C. nothing D. the bright daylightTask4:Read a

    9、fter a student and answer the two questions:1. What did Timmy feel when he was trapped? 2. Did he shout for help? Task5:Read together and match the sentences. a. “Help! Please help! Im here! ” 1. I was trying to find my way out _- 2 -b. move away the bricks. 2. I screamed _c. the bright daylight. 3.

    10、Then I heard shouts from _d. when I suddenly heard some noise above me. 4.They quickly _e. excited people. 5.At last, I saw _Step Post-readingRead again and then complete the table below.the Taiwan earthquakeIt was about two oclock in the early morning Jimmy_1_when the earthquake startedSoon the rea

    11、l noise came like bombs under the _2_Finally ,the noise and shaking_3_ Jimmy couldnt see anything at all,so he felt_4_ and his heart was beating fastJimmy _5_for help But no one came._6_later Jimmy heard shouts from excited people, at last, he was safe.Step Discuss (一)After the earthquake, Timmy has

    12、 some useful ways of protecting himself in the earthquake. If you are Timmy, what good ways of protecting yourself do you know?(二)Suppose there will be an earthquake, what should we do to keep ourselves safe?Discuss in groups of four.If you are at school:_.If you are at home:_.If you are on the road

    13、:_.If you are in a tall building:_.【课后拓展】1、词汇 1. Keep _ (安静). They are sleeping.2. Dont be _ (紧张 ). They are friendly.3. _ (既然) you know it, its unnecessary to tell you.4. Did people run in all _ (方向) when the earthquake happened?5. He tried his best to stay _ (活着).6. W cant hear you, can you speak

    14、_ (loud)?7. “I cant stay here.” The girl said to _ (her).8. Tom fell from the tree. _ (luck), he didnt hurt himself. 9. Then, the _ (really) noise came. 10. It is _ to travel by air. You neednt worry about your _. (safe)11. The students _(mop) up the floor last week and now it looks cleaner. 12. It

    15、was nine oclock when I _ (wake) up last Saturday morning.13. I _ (watch) TV when my parents came home yesterday afternoon.14. The children were running out when it suddenly started _ (rain) heavily.15. The average (平均) persons heart _ (beat) 70 times a minute.16. Can you tell me something about _ (n

    16、ature) disasters?二、选择题- 3 -( ) 1. Last night, I heard a noise _ thunder.A. as B. so C. like D. from( ) 2. The little girl listened to the thunder _.A. in fear B. fearly C. with fear D. by fear( ) 3. The travelers _ on the top of the mountain. They called 110 for help.A. trapped B. were traped C. tra

    17、pping D. were trapped( ) 4. Mr Green told me _ turn off the lights.A. to not forget B. not to forget C. not to forget to D. to not forget to( ) 5. The excited girl _ quickly.A. come down B. calmed down C. call down D. put down( ) 6. Be careful, Tom and Peter! Dont hurt _.A. you B. yours C. yourself

    18、D. yourselves( ) 7. She shouted _ help, but nobody came _ a long time.A. to, to B. to, for C. for, to D. for, for( ) 8. Every day she waters the flowers after _ up the floor.A. mopped B. mop C. mopping D.moping( ) 9. Please _ the stove after cooking, or it may be dangerous.A. Turn on B. turn up C. t

    19、urn down D. turn off( ) 10. It is dangerous _ a car _ a snowy day.A. to drive, in B. to drive, on C. drive, in D. drive, on( ) 11. The boy fell from the bike and _.A. his head hurts B. his head hurtC. is hurt D. hurt his head( ) 12. Because of their carelessness, they _ the football game last month.

    20、 A. loss B. lose C. lost D. losing( ) 13.What were you doing _ the fire happened?A. if B. while C. when D. since ( ) 14. Few people stayed _ after the air crash.A. live B. living C. alive D. life( ) 15. - Did you hear the shouts _ the boy?-Yes. When I arrived there, I found the boy looking at a snak

    21、e _ fear.A. at; with B. from; with C. from; in D. in; in三、改写句子(每空一词)1. “Dont play in the street,” the teacher told the boy.(合并为一句 )The teacher told the boy _ _ _ in the street.2. The earthquake happened in 1999. (同义句)The earthquake _ _ in 1999.3. We were having a test from 9:00 to 10:00 yesterday mo

    22、rning.(对划线提问)_ _ you _ from 9:00 to 10:00 yesterday morning?4. Finally, the noise ended. (同义句)_ _, the noise ended. = _ _ _, the noise ended.5.People were running out of the building. (一般疑问句)_ people _ out of the building?四、翻译句子1. 人们惊恐地看着彼此。- 4 -People _ _ _ _ _ _.2. 他根本不知道学习英语的重要性。 He _ know _ _ _

    23、_ English _ _.3. 请把椅子搬开,因为它挡了我的路。Please _ _ the chair, _ its on my way.4. 他开始到处乱跑。 He started _ _ _ _ _. 5. 你能找到出路么? Can you _ _ _ _? 6. 他太累了,很快就睡着了。He was so tired that he _ _ quickly.五、阅读理解An earthquake (地震) may happen at any time. Its best for us to know what to do, where to be safe and who to co

    24、ntact during the earthquake. The following information will help you.Remember:Prepare your personal earthquake bag. Collect these items and keep them somewhere near you. Water, food, medicine, mobile phone, torch (手电筒 ), personal washing things, blanket, money.Remember: Drop, Hide, Hold and Contact.

    25、Drop to the floor and protect your head and neck with your arms. Hide yourself beside something like a table, a bed and so on. Hold the furniture so that you wont move away during the earthquake. Contact family friends to tell them where you are.Remember: Never do these things.Stand close to the bui

    26、ldings (because they may fall on you. )Stand under the trees or signs (because its better for you to stand in an open space. )Go too close to the power lines (电线) ( because you may be badly hurt by electricity. )( ) 1. The underlined word “contact“ in the passage most probably means “_ “ in Chinese.

    27、A. 联络 B. 求救 C. 接触 D. 帮助( ) 2. According to the passage, how many items should be kept in your personal earthquake bag?A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. D. Nine.( ) 3. We should hold the furniture so that _.A. we wont move away during the earthquake B. we can hide under itC. it can protect our heads and ne

    28、cks D. we can protect the furniture( ) 4. It is safer for you to stand _ during the earthquake.A. close to a building. B. in an open space.C. beside power lines. D. under a tree( ) 5. Which is the best title of this passage?A. The Reasons of the Earthquake. B. Different Kinds of Earthquakes.C. The P

    29、ersonal Earthquake Bag. D. Its Better to be Safe than Sorry.- 5 -课后拓展答案一 quiet nervous since directions aliveLouder herself luckily real safe safetyMopped woke was watching to rain beats natural二 CADCB DDCDB DCCCC三 not to play took place What were doing At last In the endWere running四 1. Looked at each other in fear1.doesnt the importance of learning at all2.move away because3.to run in all directions4.find the way out5.fell asleep五 ACABD


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