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    1、2019-2020 学年联合体中考二模试卷学年联合体中考二模试卷 选择题选择题(共共 40 分分) 一、单项选择一、单项选择(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 15 分分) 请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。 1. Look at the picture. The mother duck is _the baby ducks across the road. A. carrying B. leading C. following D. pushing 2.- Some new kind of mornin

    2、g exercises like dancing are becoming popular. - Thats true. _can help keep fit and have fun at the same time. A. It B. They C. We D. You 3. _April 22nd, people around the world celebrate Earth Day in different ways. A. At B. In C. For D. On 4. Make a list of the questions you want to ask. _,you may

    3、 forget some of them in a short time. A. However B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. Anyway 5. I love the weekends because I _get up early on Saturdays and Sundays. A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. shouldnt 6. Read this sentence “She felt small as she walked to the enormous, empty stage. “ Which word has the

    4、SAME meaning as the underlined word “enormous“? A. Clean B. Bright. C. Huge D. Tiny 7. The school hall _ next week to celebrate this years Science 每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 10 分分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在格题卡上将该选项涂黑。 Have you heard of Maria Montessori? She is a famous Italian educationalis

    5、t, whose method of teaching has 16_peopleall over the world. Born in Italy in 1870, Montessori became the first woman doctor in her country after she graduated from 17 school in 1896. She did many operations for poor children Later, she _18 a “Children House“ in Rome in 1907. The rooms were bright a

    6、nd colorful. This was the place where she developed the Montessori Method, which was formed during 1908-1913. Maria thought that children must be free o learn 19 being criticized (批评) or limited. She let the children make their own 20 of what they wanted to do and work with their own speed, not the

    7、rest of the class or the teacher. As a result, children love leaning and this gives them confidence. Very young children learn to dress 21_and to put their toys away so they can become independent(独立的). Children are 22 to repeat activities as often as they wish, and they develop their observation(观察

    8、) kill by doing different activities. In addition, the Montessori Method thinks that a teacher is a 23 ,not a leader of the classroom, helping to open students eyes to wonder around them. A typical room in a Montessori school has many things children can use. The furniture Water and soil help provid

    9、e us with necessary food and drinks. Coal, oil and natural gas are not only useful for families, but have wider use for factories. is_24_ so they can arrange(安排)it as they wish. Because the environment offers many activities, children like to work together and they develop a social life based on coo

    10、peration(合 作)instead of 25 . Maria Montessori travelled around the world to train teachers to use her method. In 1950, she received the World Peace Education Badges. 16. A. influenced B. controlled C. organized D. praised 17. A. business B. medical C. language D. art 18. A. put up B. took up C. turn

    11、ed up D. set up 19. A. by B. after C. with D. without 20. A. chokes B. promises C. mistakes D. suggestions 21. A. itself B. it C. themselves D. them 22. A. refused B. forced C. warned D. encouraged 23. A. manager B. guide C. controller D. pioneer 24. A. light B. expensive C. heavy D. large 25. A. co

    12、nclusion B. conversation C. competition D. contribution 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 15 分分) 阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该选项涂黑。 A Sandy got the following messages yesterday. Read them carefully and find the best answers to the questions. 26. When is Grace going to have a

    13、 party? A. This weekend. B. This Friday. C. Next weekend. D. Next Wednesday. 27. What is “the Fugitive“? A. A book. B. A movie. C. A song. D. A ball game. 28. What did Mr. Brown most probably do for Sandy? A. He fixed her car. B. He wanted to buy her car. C. He prepared dinner for her. D. He found a

    14、new kind of dog food. B Animals have their special ways to deal with hard times in nature. The superb fairy-wren, one kind of bright-blue bird in Australia, is one example. This year, a ten-year study showed that this small bird has eggs of different sizes in different kinds of weather. When the wea

    15、ther is hot and dry there is less food for young superb fairy-wrens, and they die easily. So the mother bird will make larger eggs to help her babies grow stronger inside before they break out of the eggs into the “hungry“ world. However, not all mother birds are able to do this. Only those with at

    16、least one male child can. When the weather is “good“, the mother will make smaller eggs, and her sons will bring food back for their bay brothers and sisters from the eggs. With her sons help, the mother can save more energy to make larger eggs when the weather is bad. Isnt this amazing? 29. Which i

    17、s the best title of the passage? A. The Best Place for Birds. B. The Hard Times in Nature. C. Larger Mother Birds Have Larger Eggs. D. Mother Bird Fights Weather Changes. 30. What does the underlined word “this“ mean in the passage? A. Having eggs of different sizes. B. Growing stronger inside the e

    18、gg. C. Saving food for weaker baby birds. D. Helping baby birds break out of the eggs. 31. What can we learn about superb fairy-wrens from the passage? A. Baby birds grow well in hot, dry weather. B. Male birds can usually live for over ten years. C. Young male birds share the job of feeding the bab

    19、y birds. D. Mother birds make smaller eggs when there is less food outside. C Would you pay thousands of dollars for a painting with a face so unclear that youre not even sure its a face? What if the artist was a computer? A piece of artwork created mainly by a computer programme has been sold a the

    20、 price $432,500- about ten times more than people expected. This painting. named Edmond de Belamy, was created by artificial intelligence (AI). This means the computer now doesnt just follow us, but makes some decisions and “thinks itself“. 15,000 real paintings were used by some French students to

    21、train the computer programme with two parts. One part tries to create paintings that look real, while the other part decides if it is good. If the painting doesnt look real enough, the first part will change its decisions until it comes up with a better work. This is not the first AI artwork just th

    22、e first piece on sale. In fact, many people are not impressed with the painting. “The work isnt interesting or creative,“ says Robbie Barrat, who helped create the painting but doesnt like the idea of selling it. He thinks its too simple and gives a bad idea of what real AI artists are doing. In som

    23、e other peoples opinion, however, AI art is already very unusual. They hop it will be more common in the future. Still, people who look down upon AI art shouldnt worry. Just as an AI artist, Theo Triantafyllidis says, he usually thinks of AI as a tool and not the artist. Even the best AI today is so

    24、mewhere between a stupid child and a smart pet. It will grow up. 32. Edmond de Belamy was mainly created by _. A. a computer programme B. some French students C. several unknown artists D. a man called Edmond 33. What does the third paragraph mainly tlk about? A. What the computer programme can do.

    25、B. Whom the computer programme was trained by. C. Why the painting Edmond de Belamy was created. D. How French students train the computer programme. 34. The writer mentions Robbie Barrat in Paragraph4 to show_. A. many people are impressed with the painting B. lots of people took part in creating t

    26、he painting C. some people didnt expect the painting to be sold D. most people thanked Robbie Barrat for his help with the painting 35. What does the writer probably think of AI? A. It creates better art than humans. B. It hasnt developed well enough C. It will make many artists lose their jobs. D.

    27、It will always be a tool used only by human artists. D A man in Germany may not have been in danger when he called the police on a baby squirrel running after him, but it all worked out for the best for the funny suspect. Emergency services in the city of Karlsruhe got a call on Thursday from a man

    28、afraid that the tiny animal wouldnt stop following him around. The Guardian reported. Police arrived at the scene, where the squirrel finally stopped running after him by lying down and going to sleep. It turned out that the squirrel actually needed help, the police said. “It often happens that squi

    29、rrels which have lost their mothers look for a replacement(代营)and then focus(集中)their efforts on one person, “the police spokeswoman Christina Krenz told The Guardian. The squirrel, now named Karl-Friedrich, is in the care of an animal center. Karlsruhe police posted a statement on Facebook about th

    30、e animal, including several lovely photos. The baby squirrel chase is the second squirrel event to make international headlines this summer. Last month, a London woman called police after she heard loud noises in her home and suspected a burglar. The intruder turned out to be a squirrel, according t

    31、o the police who came for help. Although the government in the German case said the squirrel did need help, wildlife experts warn that before intervening (介入)in the case where you suspect a squirrel is orphaned(孤儿 的),you should do your best to make sure the animal truly requires help. The Wildlife C

    32、entre of Virginia, which gets hundreds of calls every year about supposedly orphaned squirrels, published this handy guide to help decide whether such an animal really needs help and what to do if so. When in doubt, contact a local wildlife rescuer or animal center. 36. Karl-Friedrich in the passage

    33、 turns out to be _. A. a policewoman B. a little squirrel C. a guide in Virginia D. a woman from London 37. What does the underlined part “The intruder“ in Paragraph5 mean? A. A wildlife expert. B. A brave policeman. C. A woman suspect. D. An unpopular visitor. 38. Why did the baby squirrel run afte

    34、r the man? A. The man gave food to it. B. It wanted to bite the man. C. The man would take it to the animal center. D. It needed the replacement for the loss of its mother. 39. What can we get from the wildlife experts words? A. People should find out if the squirrels truly need help. B. The police

    35、should punish the people who hunt the squirrels. C. The government should made laws to protect the squirrels. D. The animal center needs enough money to carry on with their work. 40. Which part of a newspaper may this passage come from? A. Environment. B. Geography. C. Pet raising. D. Sports News. 非

    36、选择题非选择题(共共 50 分分) 四、填空四、填空(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 15 分分) A) 请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 4145 的模线上。的模线上。 41. -This is my dictionary. Where i_(你的)? -Its over there, on the desk 42. I got a beautiful bike on my_(十六)birthday from my parents. I like i

    37、t very much. 43. When taking to British people, please_(避免)the subjects like age, weight or money. 44. Cycling is a_(便宜的)way to get around and it can also help protect the environment. 45. Neil Armstrong is the first man to walk on the moon. He is the_(骄傲)of the whole world. B) 请根据句子意思请根据句子意思,用括号所给单

    38、词的适当形式填空用括号所给单词的适当形式填空,并将并将答答案填写在各题卡标号为案填写在各题卡标号为 4650 的的横横线上。线上。 5. More and more electric bicycle drivers in Nanjing begin wearing helmets_ (keep) themselves safe. 47. You need to explain your opinions quite_(clear)when you have a discussion. 48. -Are you able to fix your computer, Andy? -No, I am

    39、_(certain) if I can fix it myself. 49. Beijing is city with many places of interest. Millions of_(tourist)come here every year. 50. In most cultures, people who have a close family relationship enjoy_(spend) time together and giving each other gifts. C) 请根据对话内容请根据对话内容,从下列方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空从下列方框中选择适当的单词

    40、或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确使对话内容完整正确,并将答并将答 案填写在各题卡标号为案填写在各题卡标号为 51-55 的相应位置上。的相应位置上。 explorer purpose looking forward to interested in win high praise Peter: Li Hua, where are we going for the coming school tip? Li Hua: We will visit Niushou Hilland Tomb of Zheng He. Peter: Thats great. I am very 51. _Zheng He

    41、. Could you tell me something about him? Li Hua: Of course. He was the most well-known 52. _ in ancient China. Peter: Why did he 53. _ not only in China but also all over the world? Li Hua: Because Zheng He led his fleet(船队) to visit more than 30 countries in the15th century. His fleet had plenty of

    42、 ships and the largest one was called Treasure Ship. Peter: Whats the 54. _ of Zheng Hes sailing? Li Hua: To develop international trade and spread Chinese culture. Peter: Zheng He was really a hero. I am really 55. _ the school trip. Li Hua: Me too. I think you will know more about Zheng He after t

    43、he coming school trip. 五、阅读填空五、阅读填空(共共 20 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 20 分分) A) 请认真阅读下列短文请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容并根据所读内容,在文章后在文章后 5665 小题的空格里填入一个最恰当小题的空格里填入一个最恰当 的单词。的单词。 注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词,并将答案填马在答题卡标号为 5665 的横线上。 Perhaps you have heard the expression-when in Rome, do as the Romans do. So when you want to do busin

    44、ess in France, you have to get to know French culture, to make marketing plans, and to run your business by local laws. Language plays an important role when you do business in France. The French are proud of their language, so anyone who does not speak it may not be respected by his French workmate

    45、s or business partners. Also, learning French is important because it is a great way to show your French business partner that you care and respect their countrys culture and language. The first thing you should do when meeting someone new is to shake his hand firmly and always look the person in th

    46、e eye. In social meetings with friends, kissing is common. Use first names only after being invited to. Use Monsieur or Madame before the surname. The French will sometimes introduce themselves using their surname first, followed by their firs name. Dress well. The French draw information about peop

    47、le based on what they look like. Your business clothing is a reflection(反映)of your success and social status. Always try to be tasteful and stylish. The French advise women to dress in a simple but elegant way. Wearing make-up is practiced widely by businesswomen. The French are interested in food,

    48、so lunches are common in doing business in France, which usually include a main meal with wine, cheese, dessert and coffee, and normally take up to two hours. This is a time for relationship building Do not begin eating until the host says “bon appetite“. Pass dishes to the left, keep wrists above the table and try to eat everything on the plate. Be careful with adding salt, pepper or sauces to your food. This may suggest that you find the food tasteless. If


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