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    1、 中考英语学科二模试卷中考英语学科二模试卷 2020. 06 本试卷共 8 页, 满分 90 分。考试用时 100 分钟。 注意事项注意事项 1. 答卷前, 考生务必用 0. 5 毫来黑色水笔将自己的姓名、 考试号填写在试卷、 答题卷上相应 位置。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后, 用 2B 铅笔把答题卷上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需 改动, 用橡皮擦干净, 再选涂其他答案。答案答在试卷上无效。 3. 非选择题必须用 0. 5 毫米黑色水笔作答, 答案必须写在答题卷各题目指定区域内相应位 置上;如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新答案;不得使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上 要求作答的答案

    2、无效。 祝同学们考出优异成绩祝同学们考出优异成绩! 一、单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. His neighbour is _ one-legged man. He lost one of his legs in the war when he served in the army. A. / B. the C. an D. a 2. The country life he is used to _ a bit sooner or later. A. change B. will change C.

    3、 changes D. changing 3. Read the sentence. “I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret.“ The underlined word “because“ is used to _. A. connect ideas B. create new words C. show time D. give examples 4. -The local snack tastes spicy and sweet. -Well, _ you are here, why not have a try? A.

    4、 since B. because C. though D. unless 5. John did badly in the sports meeting. And I did even _. A. worst B. bad C. badly D. worse 6. According to a survey, four out of five women do housework at home, but only _of men would do it. A. four-fifth B. four-fifths C. two-fifth D. two-fifths 7. Though To

    5、m _ America for over two years, he misses his friends and relatives from time to time. A. was away from B. left C. has been away from D. has left 8. -_ are you going to the School Uniform Exhibition, Amy? -To learn about different styles of school uniform. A. What B. Where C. Which D. Why 9. -Amy, y

    6、our pronunciation is so beautiful now. How do you make it? -Thanks. Just as the saying goes, “_“ A. Each dog has its day B. Practice makes perfect C. Many hands make light work D. The grass is always greener on the other side 10. When the new high-speed railway comes into operation, the time on the

    7、trip from Zhenjiang to Lianyungang will be much less than _ in the past. A. that B. this C. one D. it 11. You shouldnt eat so much chocolate _ meals. Because it will effect your appetite. A. except B. through C. between D. unless 12. Whenever he is late, he will _ an excuse. So we wonder what excuse

    8、 he will invent next time. A. set up B. put up C. take up D. make up 13. -Do you like the weekly talk show The Readers on CCTV? -Sure. Its a great programme _ can develop the habit of reading. A. who B. that C. what D. whose 14. -How would you like your black tea, sir? A. No, thanks B. OK, it smells

    9、 good C. With some sugar, please D. It sounds like a good idea 15. -Did you notice _ in her office? -Yes, She was going over our writing. A. what was Miss Lin doing B. what Miss Lin was doing C. what does Miss Lin do D. what Miss Lin does 二、完形填空(共二、完形填空(共 10 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分, 满分满分 10 分分) 阅读下面短文, 根据短

    10、文内容, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择最佳选 项。 At first, Rhonda Tormaschy thought her 16-year-old daughter, Cassidy, was joking about opening up an ice cream truck. “We were sitting around one night with her and one of her friends, and this is what she approached(接近)us with and we thought she wasnt 16 at fi

    11、rst, “Rhonda said. But last all, her husband, Chad, started 17 some type of truck, and they found an old school bus in Lincoln, Oregon. The family spent the winter fixing, painting and transforming _18_ into Ice Cream Express. In order to turn the small, old school bus into an ice cream truck, the f

    12、amily even 19 a freezer, fridge and sink. “Getting it together was kind of a(n) 20 for all of us, “Rhonda said. “We had to go through the health inspector, get signatures from the police department and the fire department. Finally we received the 21 _“ “The community needed something to lighten up t

    13、heir day and make their day 22_, “Cassidy said. “I thought that this would be a good way to help everybody through their day. “ She visits local businesses at a set time every Thursday and plans to hit up neighborhoods and parks in the evening, as well as 23 ice cream at other summer events. Ice Cre

    14、am Express serves Schwans products. “Its quite a variety (多样)“ Cassidy said. “We offer products from the sundae cones to the sandwiches and Italian ice-just about_ 24 , Now that the truck is up and running, Cassidy hopes her younger sisters will take it over when she leaves for college. “We have a d

    15、aughter whos going to be 13 here and that would be a perfect time for her to take it over in the next couple of years. “Rhonda said. “ 25 she doesnt want to, I think I would probably continue it as long as its still a want and a need in Dickinson. “ So far, the reception to Ice Cream Express has bee

    16、n amazing, Rhonda said. “We havent had an ice cream bus in this town for years, “Rhonda said. “I think its gone over way better than we expected it to, which is great. “ 16. A. satisfied B. silent C. strange D. serious 17. A. pushing for B. looking for C. paying for D. asking for 18. A. them B. her

    17、C. us D. it 19. A. put in B. put up C. put out D. put through 20. A. trick B. trip C. event D. experience 21. A. wonder B. reward C. license D. project 22. A. faster B. cooler C. Darker D. brighter 23. A. buying B. serving C. feeding D. storing 24. A. anyone B. nothing C. anything D. none 25. A. If

    18、B. Because C. Whenever D. Unless 三、阅读理解(共三、阅读理解(共 10 小题小题:每小题每小题 2 分分, 满分满分 20 分)分) 阅读下面的三篇短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择 最佳选项。 A Reader Notice Library closed:17 to 21June We regret to tell you that our library will be closed next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the rep

    19、airs It will open again on Monday with the new opening hours: MondayFriday: 8 a. m. 6 p. m. Saturday 每小题每小题 1 分分, 满分满分 10 分)分) A)根据句意)根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的正确形式或音标用括号中所给单词的正确形式或音标提示填空提示填空, 每空一词。每空一词。 36. The Curies were given the Nobel Prize in 1903 for one of the greatest _(discover)of the world, Radium.

    20、37. In the past when the world population was much lower than it s now, a man had little _ (difficult)in growing food that was needed. 38. Pollution and waste is a problem everyone can help to solve by reducing _ (necessary) needs in our daily lives. 39. Here is our local snack. Please help _ (you)t

    21、o anything you like, guys. 40. The _ mjuzim was quite a peaceful place, we sat down in the main hall and listened to the rain beating against the windows. B)根据句意及汉语提示)根据句意及汉语提示, 写出各单词的正确形式写出各单词的正确形式, 每空一词。每空一词。 41. Because of the COVID-19, this years summer holiday will not start until the middle of

    22、 _(七月) 42. My mothers _(四十)birthday is coming soon. I want to give her a pleasant surprise. 43. _ (领导) by President Xi Jinping, the Chinese people are fighting against the spread of the COVID-19 through China. 44. When the door _ (最后)closed on him, he realized that he was refused rudely. 45. In the

    23、past, many rivers were _(污染) seriously, but now they are cleaned up. 五、短文填空(共五、短文填空(共 10 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分, 满分满分 10 分)分) 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词, 使短文意思完整, 每空一词。 The young idol with positive energy A fine example has endless power. As a pop star, he is q 46 popular in Asia with more than 70 million follo

    24、wers on Weibo. As a role model, he was chosen by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)(联合国环境规划署)as the UN Environment National Goodwill Ambassador (亲善大使) in April 2018. The example m 47 above is the Chinese singer and actor Wang Junkai, or Karry Wang, the leader of TFBOYS. As UNEPs y 48 am

    25、bassador, Wang attended a United Nations (UN) meeting in Kenya on March 14. He gave a speech in English on sustainable(可持续的)fashion. In an I 49 after the meeting, Wang said that he would like to spread the concept(观念)of environmental protection A 50 the world, and to build a better sustainable futur

    26、e for humans and our planet. In fact, its not the first time that Wang has contributed to h 51 people understand the importance of protecting the world. In 2016, Wang widely shared the wildlife activities, reaching 400 million viewers. A year later, he publicly spoke out on the urgent need to protec

    27、t wildlife in d_52 . He named them “the superstars of the planet“. Besides drawing attention to wildlife, he also called on his f 53 to pledge(许诺) to reduce e-waste. Within 24 hours, his post was s 54 1.67 million times, and more than 400, 000 followers signed the pledge. According to Wang, young pe

    28、ople are no 1 55 onlookers when it comes to environmental action; nor should they be. “I will spare no effort to do everything I can to take care of our earth. And I invite everyone to join me, “he said. 六、任务型阅读(共六、任务型阅读(共 10 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分, 满分满分 10 分)分) A 阅读以上信息, 用恰当的单词完成下面的短文, 每空一词。 Books writte

    29、n in the Gothic(哥特式) style are popular all over the world. A feature of these books is that they usually mix fiction, horror and death. They have romantic scenes at times. Gothic style books first appeared in the late 1700s in Great Britain. They were especially popular during Victorian times(1837-1

    30、901). Many of s novels we read today, such as Jane Eyre and Frankenstein, are from that time period. Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by British author Robert Louis Stevenson(1850-1894) is a famous Gothic novel. One of the storys most important characters is Dr Jekyll, a doctor with a kind heart who lives in

    31、London. He and his close friend Mr. Utterson often have dinner together. But one day, Utterson notices Dr. Jekyll behaving strangely after asking him about a crime that happened outside Dr. Jekylls house. He says that a young girl had been killed by a man. The police believe lat the man may have com

    32、mitted many crimes, but they couldnt find any clues. Mr. Utterson shows great interest in the case, only to find out that the murderer is Dr Jekyll himself. In fact, Dr Jekyll had invented a kind of medicine that turned him into Mr. Hyde, an evil (邪 恶)man. He believed that all humans have an evil si

    33、de. He wanted to see if he could move the evil part away from. the good part. In the book, the author shows humans dual(双重的)nature. People can have both an evil side and a good side, just like Dr Jekyll: He looks kind on the outside, but he can also be a cold-blooded murderer on the inside. The auth

    34、or uses detailed comparisons and, descriptions to explain the way both sides of Dr Jekyll work Because of this, the novel turned. out to be a successful one and has been spoken highly of by thousands of millions of readers since it was. published. It has been made into over 120 stage and film versio

    35、ns(版本) so far. 阅读以上信息, 用恰当的单词完成下面的短文, 每空一词。 Gothic Books and Dr Jekyll and. Mr Hyde Gothic books are popular around the world for they often mix fiction, horror, death and romance together. This kind of books first appeared in the late 56 , century. One of the famous Gothic novels is Dr Jekyll and M

    36、r. Hyde by British author Robert Louis, Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll, one of the storys most important characters, believes everyone has an evil side and a good. side. He 57 if an evil side could be moved away from a good side. So he invented a. kind of medicine which made him 58 Mr. Hyde after taking it.

    37、Then he committed many crimes. The book shows humans dual nature and 59 how the evil side and the good side work by comparing and describing. The novel turned out to be a big success and it has won high _60_from thousands of millions of readers. There also have been many stage and versions of the no

    38、vel. B China on Sunday issued a white paper (白皮书 )on the countrys battle against COVID-1.() 新型冠状病毒. The white paper, titled “Fighting COVID-19:China in Action, “was issued by the State Council Information Office (国务院新闻办公室). The Chinese government released the white paper to keep a record of the coun

    39、trys efforts in its own fight against the virus, to share its experience with the rest of the world, and to clarify, its ideas on the global battle, according to the white papers. “The CVID-19. global pandemic (全球大流行) makes the human beings suffer a lot in a century“, it said. Facing the “unknown, u

    40、nexpected, and devastating (毁灭性的) disease, “ China started a war to prevent and control its spread, the white paper said. Making peoples lives and health its first thing to be considered, China took wide, strict., and thorough containment measures (彻底的抑制措施), and has for now succeeded in cutting all

    41、channels for the spread of the virus, it added. Besides the foreword and afterword, the white paper consists of four parts; “Chinas Fight against the Epidemic: A Test of Fire, “Well-Coordinated Prevention, Control and Treatment, “Assembling a Powerful Force to Beat the Virus, “and “Building a Global

    42、 Community of Health for All. “ 阅读以上信息, 用恰当的单词完成下面的表格, 每空一词。 Title China 61 _white paper on fighting against COVID-19 _62 To keep a record of the countrys efforts in its own fight against the virus. To share its experience with 63 _countries in the world. To clarify its ideas on the global battle, a

    43、ccording to the white paper. Contents Foreword Main body _64_ up of four parts: Chinas Fight against the Epidemic: A Test of Fire. Well-Coordinated Prevention, Control and Treatment. Assembling a Powerful Force to Beat the Virus. Building a Global Community of Health for All. Afterword Achievement C

    44、hina has cut all channels for the spread of the virus 65 . 七、书面表达(共七、书面表达(共 1 题题, 满分满分 15 分)分) 假如你是李华。 你在某英文网站看到一则招聘中国志愿者的广告。 请根据该广告中所提 供的两个志愿者项目, 结合你的实际情况选择其中的一个项目并给项目负责人写一份 email, 表达你希望参加这个项目的愿望, 并阐述理由。 Project One Place: A small village in a poor area of China Activities: teach children English v

    45、isit the old peoples home work on the farm Project Two Place: A middle school in Japan Activities: set up a cultural exchange center give Chinese lessons play games with Japanese children 要求: (1) 邮件中必须包含招聘广告中的信息, 并适当发挥。 (2) 文中不能出现与你身份相关的信息。 (3) 词数:不少于 90 个词。邮件的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam, I am Li Hua, a middle school student. from China. I want to be a volunteer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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