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    1、2020 年湖南省长沙市望城区中考英语一模试卷年湖南省长沙市望城区中考英语一模试卷 I听力技能(两部分,共听力技能(两部分,共 5 小题,计小题,计 20 分)第一节分)第一节 对话理解对话理解 根据所听到的对话,从题中根据所听到的对话,从题中 所给的所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案回答问题听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个三个选项中选出最佳答案回答问题听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每小题小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间 (共秒钟的作答时间 (共 5 小题,计小题,计 15 分)分) 1 (1 分)What will

    2、the speakers do tonight? A Stay at home B Go to the cinema C Do some shopping 2 (1 分)What sport does the woman like better now? A Skiing B Surfing C Boating 3 (1 分)How much does a meal cost at 7:00 pm? A5 B8 C10 4 (1 分)What can we know about the girls classmate? A He is beautiful B He is impolite C

    3、He is hardworking 5 (1 分)Who has the man sent an invitation to? A Laura B Rosa C Maria 第二节第二节 听下面听下面 6 段对话或独白每段对话或独白后有段对话或独白每段对话或独白后有 2-3 个小题,从题中所给的个小题,从题中所给的 A, B, C 三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间 (共秒钟的作答时间 (共 6

    4、 小题,计小题,计 15 分)分) 6 (2 分)听第六段对话,回答以下小题 (1)What sport did Bill play last week? A Volleyball B Basketball C Baseball (2)How much should Lucy pay in the sports centre? A140 a year B150 a year C200 a year 7 (2 分) (1)What was the girls fathers first job? AA doctor BA worker CA waiter (2)Where did Aunt Be

    5、th work first? AIn a bookstore BIn a school CIn hospital 8 (2 分)听第八段对话,回答以下 小题 (1)How often does the girl have English classes on school nights? A Every day B Twice a week C Three times a week (2)What does she enjoy doing most? A Listening B Writing C Talking 9 (3 分)听下面一段对话,回答下列小题 (1)When will the s

    6、peakers leave for the shopping trip tomorrow? A At 8:45 B At 9:15 C At 9:30 (2)How many people will go for the trip? A3 B4 C5 (3)What do the speakers need to take tomorrow? A Backpacks B Food C Drinks 10 (3 分)听第十段对话,回答以下小题 (1)Why is the man refused to borrow books? A Because he has not returned one

    7、of the books B Because he wants to borrow too many books C Because he has not carried his student ID card (2)What is the woman? A A library keeper B A student C A head teacher (3)What does the woman advise the man to do? A To pay the fine now B To copy what he needs C To buy the books 11 (3 分)听下一段独白

    8、,回答以下小题 (1)When was the first car invented? A More than 100 years ago B Less than 100 years ago C Just 100 years ago (2)Who really invented the first car? A A German B An American C An Englishman (3)How many brothers and sisters must Ford have? A Five brothers and sisters B Six brothers and sisters

    9、C Seven brothers and sisters II知识运用(两部分,共知识运用(两部分,共 10 小题,计小题,计 20 分)第一节分)第一节 语法填空语法填空 从从 A、B、C 三个选项中三个选项中 选择最佳答案填空 (共选择最佳答案填空 (共 10 小题,计小题,计 10 分)分) 12 (1 分)Wow, you get an A this term great progress you have made! ( ) AWhat an BWhat CHow 13 (1 分)Jennie loves Paris so much This is her time to visit

    10、 it ( ) Afive Bfifth Cthe fifth 14 (1 分)Whos singing in the garden? It be Mr Brown He has gone to South America ( ) Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt 15 (1 分)Food safety is very important to us So some laws must to stop people from selling and eating wild animals ( ) Amake Bmade Cbe made 16 (1 分)For most stud

    11、ents, the online study is an unforgettable memory ( ) Atwomonths Btwomonth Ctwo months 17 (1 分)We will certainly enter a good high school we work hard ( ) Aas long as Bas soon as Cas far as 18 (1 分)Do you still remember the days we spent together, James? Of course Ill never forget those happy moment

    12、s ( ) Awhat Bthat Cwhen 19 (1 分) I havent seen you for a whole week What are you doing these days? Well, I am busy for the coming test next week ( ) Aprepare Bpreparing Cto prepare 20 (1 分)Lisa is amazing! She can write different words both hands at the same time ( ) Aby Bon Cwith 21 (1 分)Yesterday

    13、little Brian asked his teacher in class ( ) Awhen did light travelled faster than sound Bhow light travelled faster than sound Cwhy light travels faster than sound 第二节第二节 词语填空词语填空 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项三个选项 中选出最佳答案 (共中选出最佳答案 (共 1 小题,计小题,计 10 分)分) 22(10 分) What is yo

    14、ur favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange or red? If you do, you must be an optimist(乐观者) , a leader or an active person who enjoys life Do you prefer grey or blue?Then you are probably quiet, shy and you often follow instead of (1) You seem to be a pessimist(悲观者) Colors(2) our moods(情绪) , and t

    15、here is no doubt about it A yellow room makes most people feel more(3) and warmer than a dark green one It seems that a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the sad winter day On the other hand, black is for (4) A black bridge(5) the River Thames, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides(自

    16、杀)than the other bridges in the area until it was(6) green The number of suicides (7) at once, perhaps it will fall even more if the bridge is done in pink or baby blue Light and(8) colors make people happier It is true that factory workers work better, harder, and have(9) accidents when their machi

    17、nes are painted orange rather than(10) or dark green (1)Areturning Bleading Ccoming (2)Acause Binfluence Ccreate (3)Acheerful Bnervous Cuneasy (4)Astress Bsurprise Cjoy (5)Aon Bthrough Cover (6)Apainted Bdrawn Cdescribed (7)Adropped Bremained Cincreased (8)Adark Bbright Cclear (9)Aless Bfewer Cmore

    18、(10)Alight Bpink Cblack 阅读技能(四部分,共阅读技能(四部分,共 2 小题,计小题,计 48 分)第一节分)第一节 图表理解图表理解 阅读下列图表,从每题所阅读下列图表,从每题所 给的给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子 (共三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子 (共 2 小题,计小题,计 10 分)分) 23 (4 分) In order to learn more about students purpose in travelling, No 1 middle school which has 800 students did a s

    19、urvey The result is as below (1)The number of students who go travelling for sightseeing(观光) is A 296 B 264 C 120 (2)From the chart above, we know that A about one third of the students go travelling to relax B more students go travelling to make friends than to develop independence C 15 students go

    20、 travelling for other purposes 24 (6 分)Chinese President Xi Jinping presents Chinas top science award to Huang Xuhua and Zen Qingcun in Beijing, capital of China, Jan, 10th 2020 The following is some basic information about the 2 winners Huang Xuhua, born in 1924 in Guangdong province Graduated from

    21、 Jiaotong University in 1949 Served in ship building industry Known as the father of Chinas own nuclear submarine(核潜艇) Zen Qingcun, born in 1935 in Guangdong province Graduated from Peking University in 1956, and went to Soviet Union (前苏联) for further study Served as a meteorologist(气象学家) Solved man

    22、y problems in predicting weather (1)The ceremony to present Chinas top science award was held in A 1949 B 1956 C 2020 (2)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the photos and information? A Both awarded scientists are from Guangdong province, and Huang is older than Zen B Zen Qingcun went t

    23、o the Student Union for further study, and became a meteorologist C Huang Xuhua worked in the ship building industry and designed Chinas first nuclear submarine (3)Where might this chart(表格) be from? A tour guide B A newspaper C A story book 第二节第二节 短文理解短文理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最

    24、佳选项回答三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答 问题或完成句子 (共问题或完成句子 (共 2 小题,计小题,计 20 分)分) 25 (10 分) The Spring Festival in 2020, the year of rat is quite unusual because of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus (新型冠病毒) which has already spread in many provinces especially in Hubei province People feel worried because many

    25、people caught the pneumonia(肺炎) The government announced that 2, 744 confirmed (确认的) cases of pneumonia caused by the virus, including 461 in serious conditions, had been reported in the country by the end of Sunday,Jan 26th,2020 During the past 24 hours, 769 new confirmed cases, 3,806 new suspected

    26、(疑似的) cases and 24 deaths were reported By Sunday, the pneumonia had resulted in a total of 80 deaths, while 51 people had recovered and 5,794 remained as suspected patients The whole country is taking action to prevent the spreading of the diseasePeople stay at home instead of going to public place

    27、s or visiting their relativesThe streets in most cities are almost emptyPeople wear masks when they go outMany provinces sent medical teams to Wuhan to help control the situationThe Peoples Liberation Army also sent medical team and soldiers to helpWuhan city where the disease started is also doing

    28、its best to fight the diseaseIt is building two special hospitals to take care of the patients Many companies and people donated money,masks or other equipment to Wuhan and other cities in Hubei Although it is hard to stop the disease, people showed great courage and love in this event Those medical

    29、 teams went to the place that other people are running out of The help from the whole country lit the light of hope We believe that one day the disease will be beaten because of the courage and love of those heroes and the hope in peoples heart (1)Why is the Spring Festival in 2020 special? ABecause

    30、 people found a new virus BBecause there is a disease spreading CBecause it is the year of rat (2) The number of confirmed cases increased by by the end of Sunday, Jan 26th, 2020 A2744 B461 C769 (3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A The pneumonia had already caused 24 deaths

    31、in total B Nearly 6000 people remained as suspected patients C People stay at home and visit their relatives instead of going to public places (4)What does the underlined word recovered mean? A治愈 B覆盖 C隐藏 (5) According to the passage, the whole country did the following things EXCEPT A people wear ma

    32、sks to protect themselves B medical teams from all provinces(省)have gone to Wuhan C Wuhan is building 2 new hospitals 26 (10 分) The famous basketball legend (传奇) Kobe Bryant, died at around 10 in the morning, Jan 26th local time in a helicopter(直升机) crash(坠毁) in Calabasas, California at age 41 and 1

    33、57 days Nine people died in the crash, including the pilot and Bryants 13yearold daughter Gianna No one survived(幸存) the crash Bryant and his daughter were expected at the Mamba Sports Academy in Thousand Oaks for a basketball game Gianna was expected to play in the game and Bryant was expected to c

    34、oach Bryant played for 20 years with the Los Angeles Lakers and is considered one of the best basketball players of all time He won five NBA championships(冠军) , was an 18time AllStar and is fourth on the NBAs alltime scoring list Many basketball fans couldnt believe his death at first Only after the

    35、 Lakers team announced the news on a social media, the fans finally accepted the truth with tears and sadness Many people worried about how Kobes family would react (反应) when they heard the heartbreaking news Not only in the US , but also in China, people felt shocked at the terrible news To many Ch

    36、inese people, Bryant was such a great inspiration that encouraged them to chase their own dreams He fell in love with basketball when he was very young and since then, he kept training hard to realize his basketball dream He was so energetic and selfdisciplined(自律的) that people found strength from h

    37、im He was always challenging himself throughout his life Bryant was also a good friend who just made a video to wish all Chinese friends a happy new year People like Bryant not only because he was skillful in playing basketball, but also because his attitude(态度) and spirit Although he passed away, h

    38、is spirit will stay alive to encourage people who love him to face the difficulties they may have Wish him rest in peace and keep playing basketball in heaven(天堂) (1)When did Kobe born? A In 1977 B In 1978 C In 1979 (2)What was Kobe expected to do before the crash? A He was expected to play a basket

    39、ball game B He was expected to meet his daughter at Mamba Sports Academy C He was expected to be the coach in a basketball game (3)Kobe had the following achievements EXCEPT A Four NBA championships B 18time AllStar C Fourth on the NBAs alltime scoring list (4)We can learn from the 5th paragraph tha

    40、t A many basketball fans believed the news at first B neither Chinese fans nor American fans felt sad about Kobes death C the spirit of Kobe encourages people to fight for their own dreams (5)What is the passage mainly about? A Kobes death and peoples reactions B Kobes spirit and his achievements C

    41、Peoples love for Kobe Bryant 第三节第三节 语篇补全语篇补全 阅读下列短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短阅读下列短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短 文选项中有一项为多余选项 (共文选项中有一项为多余选项 (共 1 小题,计小题,计 8 分)分) 27 (8 分)Shyness is a kind of fear (1) How can we overcome shyness? Have a good posture(姿势) The way a person holds themselves says a lot about t

    42、hat person People with sloped (倾 斜的) shoulders dont think of themselves as important (2) By practicing a good posture, you will feel you have the ability to do things well Increase your walking speed You can tell if a person is confident by the way he walks People who walk in a slow way , and look a

    43、t the ground when they walk usually have no confidence in themselves However, people who have confidence in themselves walks faster (3) So walk a little faster, head held up, and look straight ahead Do some exercise Exercise increase your energy in the body That will put you in a more positive (积极的)

    44、 state of mind By having exercise, you will feel sure of yourself (4) Do things that make you feel good This can be anything that you really like doing like going to the theater, listening to music, traveling, helping someone out with a problem etc A That is because they have important things to do,

    45、 friends to meet, places to go B People who are shy always worry too much about what people think of them or embarrassing themselves in some way in front of others C Think about it, it is better to do some exercise than just looking at TV all day D However, your friends and family may help you out o

    46、f such bad feelings E So stand up straight, shoulders back, keep your head up, and always make eyes contact (接触) 第四节第四节 阅读表达阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题 (共阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题 (共 1 小题,计小题,计 10 分)分) 28 (10 分)Katies job is to bring others joy She has worked for Disney for ten years She pleased families f

    47、rom all over the world and can bring a smile to anyones face A story of her journey to work at Disney World appears in the new Disney Movie One Day at Disney There are some amazing stories of those who work for the company Katie is the youngest of three kids from Cleveland She loved music and Disney

    48、 movies when she was very little She often watched movies and sang along with her mom, Karen She told her mom she wanted to sing Part of Your World, for the school talent show The song was a beloved song, but it almost didnt make it into the movie When Katie sang it, she remembered her moms mouth dropped open wide when she heard her little girl sing for the first time When Katie was nine years


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