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    2020江苏中考英语一轮满分攻略课件:译林牛津版八年级(下)Unit 7

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    2020江苏中考英语一轮满分攻略课件:译林牛津版八年级(下)Unit 7

    1、目 录,八年级(下)Unit 7,教材词块自主测,教材词句攻关,练讲重难点,教材词块自主测,1. equal; equal rights 2. mostly 3. case; in case of 4. cure 5. afford; cant afford sth; afford to do sth 6. including 7. war,补充词块,词形词块拓展,8. pale 9. secretary 10. right 11. matter; It doesnt matter.,补充词块,词形词块拓展,1. medical; modern medicine; take medicine;

    2、 medical research 2. Indian 3. education; educational; educated; basic education 4. development; develop a habit; with the development of 5. set; set up 6. specially; especially 7. proudly; pride; be proud of/take pride in; be proud to do sth 8. spread; spread news 9. basic; at the base of; be based

    3、 on/upon; basic questions,补充词块,词形词块拓展,3. spread; (使)散开; 扩散 5. cure; 治愈 6. develop; 发展; 加强,补充词块,词形词块拓展,补充词块,词形词块拓展,动词短语 1. carry on 2. hand out 3. talk to sb 4. drive to sp 5. send.to. 6. make noise 7. raise money 8. divide.into.,9. make up ones mind 10. go to the hospital 11. watch the show 12. do a

    4、 good job 介词短语 13. on board 名词短语 14. be (a) part of,1. works for 2. is getting used to travelling 3. as much money as 4. after meals 5. are improved 6. were given,补充词块,词形词块拓展,补充词块,词形词块拓展,一般现在时的被动语态和一般过去时的被动语态(见本书P215),1. C2. D3. A4. B5. A6. proud 7. secretary 8. including 9. spread 10. blindness 11.

    5、 medical 12. readers 13. education 14. especially 15. carry on with 16. made up her mind,教材词句攻关,1. Did Tom win the long jump? Of course he did. He jumped much _ than any other jumper. A. farthest B. far C. furthest D. farther,1,考点,考 点 抢 测,练讲重难点,辨析further与farther (P92)(宿迁:2017.46; 淮安:2016.55),D,2. We

    6、 are so tired to go any _(far). Lets stop to have a good rest. 3. Threefourths of the students in my class plan to go abroad for _(far)study in the future.,farther,further,满分点拨,(1)further既可表示有形距离上的“较远,更远”,也可以表示“更深层次的,更高级的”(宿迁:2017.46;淮安:2016.55),多指抽象意义。如: For further details, call this number. 想获知更多

    7、细节,请拨打这个号码。 (2)farther只表示有形距离上的“较远,更远”。如: It is much farther/further than you thought. 它比你想象的远得多。,4. Lucy cannot afford _ the school uniform. Lets give away our pocket money to her. OK. Lets go. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought,2,考点,考 点 抢 测,afford的用法(P94)(宿迁:2017.44;盐城:2014.76),B,5. Although som

    8、e families cant afford _(buy) a house in a big city, they still live a happy life.,to buy,满分点拨,afford为动词,意为“买得起,负担得起”。用法如下:,6. I am very proud _ you that my best friend has just won the first prize in the race. A. tell B. to tell C. told D. telling,3,考点,考 点 抢 测,辨析proud与pride(P95)(宿迁:2019.62;盐城:2017.61),B,7. The young man is the only college student in the village. The villagers are proud _ him. A. of B. to C. for D. in 8. 多么伟大的科学家啊!他真是中国的骄傲。 What a great scientist! He is really _ China.,A,the pride of,满分点拨,


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