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    1、补全对话补全对话 安徽卷安徽卷 补全对话补全对话 根据对话内容根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。其中有两个为多余选项。 Linda: Good morning. Moonlight Middle School. Susan: This is Susan Lee, _31_ Linda: Im sorry, but he isnt in the office now. Susan: _32_ Linda: No, he wont, He is away for the rest of the day. Sus

    2、an:_33_ Linda: Im afraid not._34_ Can I take a message. Susan: OK, thanks. I have a meeting with him next Monday, but I cant make it. Linda: I see, _35_ Susan: Thank you very much. A. Will he be back soon? B. Who is calling, please? C. Id like to speak to Mr. Thomas. D. Ill tell him when he comes ba

    3、ck. E. When will Mr. Thomas come back? F. Is there any other way I can reach him? G. He has gone out of the town on business. 【答案】31. C 32. A 33. F 34. G 35. D 甘肃天水甘肃天水 (从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项为多余选项) A: Hello, is that Mrs. Green? B: Yes, it is. _61_ A: Im from the package delivery company (快递公司). I ha

    4、ve your package. Are you at home? B: Unfortunately, Im at work right now._62_ A: Actually, this package needs your signature (签名) . Can I bring it to your office instead? B:_63_ I dont have time to leave my desk. A: I see._64_ B: Yes, that would be better. Can you bring it to my home at 6 p. m.? A:

    5、Sure, that is fine._65_ B: Great! Thank you so much! A. Can you leave the package at my door? B. What time is it? C. Well, can I bring the package tomorrow? D. Ill see you tomorrow at 6 p.m. E. What can I do for you? F. How much is it? G. Im quite busy at work now. 【答案】61. E 62. A 63. G 64. C 65. D

    6、四川成都卷四川成都卷 补全对话补全对话 根据对话内容根据对话内容, 从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。 Jane: Weve walked for a long time. Im hungry, Gina. Gina: Me, too. _11_ Jane: Yeah. What shall we eat? Do you have any good ideas? Gina: Em _12_ Jane: Sounds good. Gina: Lets go to Uncle Bobs. Their beef hamburgers are delicious.

    7、 Jane: Really? _13_ Gina: Its on Long Street. _14_ Jane: Oh, I see. How can we get there then? Gina: Its not far, _15_ Jane: OK. Lets go. A. We can walk there. B. Where is Uncle Bobs? C. How about some hamburgers? D. And its across from Sunshine Park. E. Why dont we get something to eat? 【答案】11. E 1

    8、2. C 13. B 14. D 15. A 四川成都卷四川成都卷 完成对话完成对话 在空格中填上适当的单词在空格中填上适当的单词, 使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词) 。使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词) 。 A: Do you still smoke, Paul? B: No. I had to stop smoking because of a serious illness. The doctor told me that many _51_ smoking had weakened my health. A: Could you tell me how you started t

    9、o smoke? B: When I got my first job, I was very young. I couldnt finish the tasks in time and even made many mistakes. You cant imagine how helpless I was _52_ I began to smoke as I felt _53_ at work. A: _54_ its harmful to do so. It cannot lower the pressure _55_ only to do harm both to own health

    10、and to that of people around you. The _56_ and dangerous things from the smoke easily get into peoples body and the chances of being sick _57_. B: Thats true. I quite agree with you. A: Some people start smoking at a young age because their parents smoke. B: Exactly. People always say children like

    11、to _58_ their parents. A: Yes, children like to follow the examples of their parents in many ways. B: But some parents dont pay enough attention to their influence on children. A: I agree. _59_, smoking is one of the main reasons for fires. Sometimes those _60_ smokers even cause dangerous fires. B:

    12、 Surely, smoking can cause lots of serious problems. I will never smoke again. 【答案】51. years 52. then 53. stressed/ nervous 54. Actually 55. but 56. tiny 57. increase 58. copy 59. Besides/ Also 60. careless 重庆重庆 A 阅读下面对话,从 7 个选项中选择 5 个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 _40_ _41_ _42_ _43_ _44_ A. What is

    13、 it? B. How old are you? C. I am always asking myself this question, too. D. Who are you? E. Where are you from? F. Can you describe your hometown? G. I have very thick fat, so I can keep myself warm. 【答案】40. E 41. F 42. G 43. C 44. A 重庆重庆 B 阅读下面对话阅读下面对话, 从方框内从方框内 7 个选项中选择个选项中选择 5 个恰当的句子完成此对话个恰当的句子完

    14、成此对话, 并把答题卡上对应题目并把答题卡上对应题目 的答案标号涂黑。的答案标号涂黑。 A: Good morning._40_ B: Im looking for some books for my father. His birthday is coming. A: Well. What is he interested in? B: _41_He goes fishing every week. A: Its a good hobby. Is he god at it? B: No, not really. He often comes back without any fish. A:

    15、 I see. _42_ B: Let me have a look. Oh, its for beginners. A: Yes. Its very helpful. Im sure your father will like it. B: Hmm. . . Thanks. _43_ How much is it? A: _44_ B: Here you are. A: Thank you. A. What about this one? B. Can you help me? C. Its too expensive. D. 25 yuan. E. What can I do for yo

    16、u? F. I will take it. G. He is interested in fishing. 【答案】40. E 41. G 42. A 43. F 44. D 河南卷河南卷 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个活当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个活当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A: Hi! My names Carl. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you. My name is Francisco. A: Wait, wait, please. _51_? B: Francisco. Al

    17、l my friends and family back in Peru call me Pancho. A: Okay, Pancho. _52_? B: Well, I have three brothers and two sisters. A: Wow. _53_. So are you the oldest, Pancho? B: No. Im the second oldest in my family. A: So, what do your parents do? B: _54_. Its a hard job, but he works hard to support the

    18、 family. A: How about your mother? B: She helps run a small family store with some of my brothers and sisters. A: _55_? B: We mainly sell food, like bread, eggs, soft drinks, rice, sugar, and cookies. Things that people buy every day. 【答案】51. Whats your name / Your name (again) / Would/Do you mind t

    19、elling me your name (again) / Could/Would/Will you (please) tell me your name (again) / Would you like to tell me your name (again) 52. So, tell me about your family / Would/Do you mind telling me about your family / Could/Would/Will you (please) tell me about your family / Would you like to tell me

    20、 about your family / How many brothers and sisters do you have / Do you have brothers or sisters 53. That is/You have a big family / I cant believe it / Thats amazing/unbelievable/ / (How)I admire you / I wish I could have so many brothers and sisters / What a big family (it is/you have) 54. My fath

    21、er is a taxi driver/cook/ / My father works as a taxi driver/cook/ / My father is an engineer/ / My father works in a coal mine/ 55. What kind of store (is it) / What do you sell 黑龙江哈尔滨卷黑龙江哈尔滨卷 (A)从)从 AG 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。 (选项中有两项是多余的)选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。 (选项中有两项是多余的) A: Hi, Lucy! The cat in the

    22、 photo is so cute. Whose is it? B:_51_ A: I love its round face._52_ B: Its called smart. A: Why? B: Because its really smart._53_ A: How amazing! Then thats a good name for it!_54_ B: Five years old. By the way, do you have a pet? A:_55_My mother worries that keeping a pet will bring me a lot of tr

    23、ouble. B: Actually, pets can bring you lots of pleasure. I hope you will have a pet one day in the future. A. Yes, I have a pet, too. B. It can even play the guitar. C. Its my pet cat. D. No, I dont have one though I love pets too. E. How old is it? F. Whats its name? G. Its kind of silly. 【答案】51. C

    24、 52. F 53. B 54. E 55. D (B)填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。)填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。 A: Hi, Mike! You look so happy, dont you? B: Yes. Today is _56_. Its my favorite day. A: Why? B: Because tomorrow is Saturday. A: _57_your plan for tomorrow? B: I have nothing much to do. I only want to stay at home. A: What about tak

    25、ing a trip to the Sun Island? B: Good idea! We can go there by bus. A: Why not ride a bike _58_of taking a bus? Its good for our health and the environment. B: Great! But _59_shall we meet? A: In front of our school gate. B: When shall we meet? A: Lets meet _60_8:00 tomorrow morning. B: OK. I cant w

    26、ait to take the trip with you. 【答案】56. Friday 57. Whats 58. instead 59. where 60. at 湖南长沙卷湖南长沙卷 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。 A: Hi, Jane. You made great progress in English during the long winter vacation. _50_ ? B: Just by taking online courses and finishing my homework in time. Sometimes I watched the onl

    27、ine classes again when necessary. A: But I didnt make full use of the time. So I cant catch up with my classmates now. I feel worried and hopeless. B: _51_ .Read a lot and do exercises, and youll get improved. A: Good idea. When I have difficulties,_52_ ? B: No problem. I am always there if you need

    28、 help. A: Its very kind of you. By the way, whats the title of your tomorrows speech? B: Only I. 5. A: Sounds interesting. But its just a number. _53_ ? B: It means we need to keep temperature increases below 1.5. A: If not, what would happen? B: Unexpected disasters (灾难) would hit the earth again a

    29、nd again A: True. The forest fires in Australia have given us warnings. _54_ ? B: The fires lasted for several months. It is reported that countless wild animals have been killed and thousands of people have lost their homes in the big fires. A: What a bitter lesson! 【答案】50. How did you learn Englis

    30、h? 51. Dont worry. / Never give up. /Come on. / Cheer up. 52. can you help me? 53. What does it mean? 54. How long did the fire last? 江苏南京卷江苏南京卷 A The Walla Walla Wallaby Foundation Welcome to the Walla Walla Wallaby Foundation of America, Washington chapter. Here you will find news, photos, and oth

    31、er resources about the wallaby. In addition, our sites unique (独特的) features for members include profile pages, discussion forums (论坛), and other contents. We are the worlds best wallaby support group. For over 20 years, the Walla Walla Wallaby Foundation has served the Walla Walla community through

    32、 education and outreach on behalf of the wallaby. Search Member Login Discussion Forums Member Profiles Donate Contact Us 26. The Walla Walla Wallaby Foundation is set up to _. A. sell the wallabys food B. support the wallaby C. take photos of the wallaby D. provide news about the wallaby 27. If you

    33、 want to give money to support WWWF, you can click on the icon “_”. A. About WWWF B. Donate C. Discussion Forums D. Educational Resources 28. The reading material above is _. A. a diary B. a story C. a questionnaire D. a web page 【答案】26. B 27. B 28. D 【解析】 这是一篇应用文,主要是介绍瓦拉瓦拉比基金会的网页。 【26 题详解】 细节理解题。根据

    34、“We are the worlds best wallaby support group”可知瓦拉瓦拉比基金会的建立是为了支持 沙袋鼠。故选 B。 【27 题详解】 细节理解题。about WWWF关于基金会;donate 捐助;discussion forums 讨论区;educational resources 教育 资源。如果想给钱支持基金会,应点击“donate”。故选 B。 【28 题详解】 推理判断题。a diary一篇日记;a story一个故事;a questionnaire一篇问卷调查;a web page 一个网页。根据 “search”,“Member Login”,“

    35、 Discussion Forums”以及“Contact Us”可推断是一个网页。故选 D。 B Tea is tasty and good for you. It is also one of the most popular drinks around the world. But what is tea? And why is it so popular? All tea comes from tea leaves but tea is not always the same. There are many kinds of tea. You can drink black tea,

    36、green tea, white tea or fruit tea. Each type of tea has a different taste and a different colour. The history of tea begins in Asia. In China, Korea and Japan, tea is still very important today. In Japan, it can take many hours to prepare and drink tea with your guests. In Malaysia, a popular drink

    37、at breakfast is teh tarik (pulled tea). Malaysians say it is good for you and tastes good with canai bread. Tourists in Kuala Lumpur like watching the tea sellers make pulled tea. The tea sellers pour hot water on black tea. After five minutes, they add sugar and milk. Then they pull the teathey pou

    38、r the tea from one cup to another many times. In many countries, you must have a special kettle to make tea. People in different countries also like to add different things to their tea. For example, Russians use a special kettle called a samovar. They like drinking tea with lemon. Sometimes, they a

    39、lso drink tea with some sugar or jam. In Turkey, tea comes in a Caydanlik. A Caydanlik has two kettles: one for the water and one for the tea. Drink Turkish tea with some sugar. Arab tea, called karak, has cardamom, ginger, milk and sugar. In the United Kingdom, they add some milk and sugar. The Bri

    40、tish usually eat biscuits with their tea. In Japan, they like. . . 29. Tea, a drink with a long history, first appeared in _. A. Europe B. America C. Asia D. Africa 30. The writer uses the punctuation mark “” at the end of the passage to _. A. express his uncertainly of the subject B. show his speci

    41、al taste in Japanese tea C. attract readers interest in further reading D. hide his limited knowledge in this field 31. What is the best title for the passage? A. The History of Tea B. Different Tea Kettles C. The Most Popular Drink D. The World in a Teacup 【答案】29. C 30. C 31. D 【解析】 本文讲了茶的历史,并重点介绍了

    42、世界上不同国家的人饮茶习惯和口味的不同。 【29 题详解】 细节理解题。根据上文 The history of tea begins in Asia.可知茶首次出现于亚洲,故选 C。 【30 题详解】 推理判断题。倒数第二三段可知,不同国家的人喜欢在茶中添加不同的东西,并列举了具体的例子,作者 在文章末尾使用标点符号“.”省略了对日本人喝茶习惯的描述,以此来吸引读者对进一步阅读的兴趣。故 选 C。 【31 题详解】 最佳标题。A.茶的历史;B.不同的茶壶;C.最受欢迎的饮料;D.茶杯中的世界。通读全文,可知本文讲述了 世界各地的人们饮茶时喜欢在茶中添加不同的东西。一个茶杯折射出世界各国茶文化的

    43、不同。故选 D。 C LIFE is AWKWARD. What should you do when your parents are embarrassing (使尴尬) you in front of your friends? Or what if you see what looks like a classmate stealing someone elses headphones? In our social Qs column (专栏), the teenager Harper Ediger and the adult Philip Glances give their bes

    44、t advice to kids looking for help navigating real-life situations. Now its your turn: Do you have a question about an uncomfortable social situation at school, at home, on social media or among friends? Email it to us at Kjdsqsnjpost. com and Harper and Philip may answer it in a future issue. Please

    45、 include your age and hometown. Cmon, we know you have one. To inspire (激励激励) you, here are reader-submitted questions weve published in previous issues: My mom signs me up for camps and activities without asking what I want to do. I only learn what Im doing at the last minute. I dont like that its

    46、a surprise, and I feel that I should be able to help plan my time. How can I have more of a say? At my school, fourth graders need to learn different dances, then dress up for a fancy party where we ask partners to dance with us. This makes me nervous, and Im not looking forward to it. How should I

    47、handle this situation? My sister is home for college break and lucky me, shes my roommate. As Im 12 and shes almost 19, we both want our own space. I know she doesnt mean it personally, but she always complains that she doesnt have a home, which makes me feel as if Im intruding in my own room. Do I tell her


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