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    Unit1 Teenage Life Discovering Useful Structures—Noun PhrasesAdjective Phrases and Adverb Phrases课件

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    Unit1 Teenage Life Discovering Useful Structures—Noun PhrasesAdjective Phrases and Adverb Phrases课件

    1、,Unit 1Teenage Life,PART 1,语法导学,PART 2,达标检测,Discovering Useful StructuresNoun Phrases,Adjective Phrases and Adverb Phrases,PART 1,语法导学,感知以下句子,完成方框下的小题,语法感知,1.句1和3中加颜色短语是 。 2.句2和6中加颜色短语是 。 3.句4和5中加颜色短语是 。,形容词短语,名词短语,副词短语,一、名词短语 以名词为中心词的短语是名词短语。这种短语可能只有一个中心词,也可能带有限定词和其他修饰语,从而形成比较复杂的结构。如:apples,a boy,t

    2、he new student,the authors new book等。 名词短语的句法功能: 1.作主语 A man dies the way a lamp goes out.人死如灯灭。 Tremendous changes happen in this world of ours. 我们的世界发生了巨大的变化。,语法精析,温馨提示 名词短语作主语时,谓语动词的单复数要与名词短语中的中心词保持一致。 A number of books (be) on the desk. The number of books (be) not large.,are,is,2.作表语 China is a

    3、 vast country with a large population and abundant resources. 中国地大物博,人口众多。 It is a pity that we shall be a little late.令人遗憾的是我们要迟到一会儿。 3.作宾语 Would you like a drink?想喝一杯吗? She bought her mother some flowers.她给母亲买了一些花。 4.作宾补 They thought this a great shame.他们认为这是奇耻大辱。 People considered him the better

    4、man for the work. 人们认为他比较适合干这项工作。,二、形容词短语 以形容词为中心词的短语叫形容词短语。形容词短语的结合方式是:修饰语形容词,有时中心词之后还可带有后置修饰语或补足成分。如:very lovely,extremely serious,pleasant enough,too hot to be enjoyable,glad to help you等。 形容词短语可有如下句法功能: 1.作定语,修饰名词或代词等 He is a man reasonable extremely.他是一个很通情达理的人。 This is a most serious problem.这

    5、是一个极其严重的问题。,2.作表语 Wounds made by words are hard to heal.恶语伤人恨难消。 He is interested in watching TV.他对看电视感兴趣。 3.作宾语,英语中“the形容词”可以作为名词使用,担任动词的宾语,表示具有该形容词的特征、性质或者状态的人、事或物。 We should respect the old.我们应该尊敬老年人。 You can tell the true from the false.你能辨别真假。 温馨提示 英语中作宾语的形容词短语往往由“the形容词”构成,表示具有该形容词的特征、性质或者状态的人

    6、、事或物。,4.作宾补 Who has let the window open so widely? 谁把窗子这样大敞着? I intended to leave the house entirely alone. 我打算把那所房子完全抛开不管。,三、副词短语 以副词为中心词的短语是副词短语。副词短语的结合方式是:修饰语副词,有时中心词之后还带有后置修饰语或补足成分。如:very carefully,pretty soon,far from the station等。 副词短语在句子中常常作状语,修饰动词、形容词或副词等。 He is ill extremely seriously with

    7、a bad cancer. 他患了严重的癌症,病情极为严重。 He studies English most slowly of the three. 三个人中,他学英语学得最慢。,单句语法填空 1.Running is cheap,easy and its always (energy).(2018全国) 2.A mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all (cause).(2018全国) 3.A taste for meat is (

    8、actual) behind the change.(2018全国) 4.This switch has decreased (pollute) in the countrys major lakes and reservoirs.(2018全国) 5.According to the World Bank,China accounts for about 30 percent of total (globe)fertilizer consumption.(2018全国),高考链接,energetic,causes,actually,pollution,global,6.He screams

    9、the (loud) of all.The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me.(2018全国) 7.Im a (science) who studies animals such as apes and monkeys. (2018全国) 8.The obvious one is money;eating out once or twice a week may be _ (afford) but doing this most days adds up.(2018浙江) 9.How

    10、ever,be (care) not to go to extremes.(2017全国) 10.Steam engines were used to pull the carriages and it must have been _ (fair) unpleasant for the passengers.(2017全国),loudest,scientist,affordable,careful,fairly,PART 2,达标检测,1.We were passing by aboathouse when we met her. _ 2.Twoofmybrothersfriends cam

    11、e to see him off. _ 3.She will explain quiteclearly what she intends to do in future. _ 4.Quiteproperly,she was punished. _ 5.He is inexperienced,but he is quiteclever. _ 6.The fruit is goodtoeat. _ 7.The servant was afraidtowakeuphismaster. _ 8.I didnt need to answer the questions,which saved me al

    12、otoftrouble. _,.指出下列句子中画线部分的短语类型,名词短语,名词短语,副词短语,副词短语,形容词短语,形容词短语,形容词短语,名词短语,9.Thecuteboywearingbluejeans is my brother. _ 10.Alwaysnervous,the man opened the letters. _,名词短语,形容词短语,11.Her husband,who is her,is a bank manager. 12. ,youd been in the water for quite some time. 13.He found sitting in the

    13、 corner of the classroom a very attentive boy. 14.Students to attempt this course deserve to succeed. 15.We drove .,olderthan,Obviously,thenewstudent,.选择方框内的词或短语完成下列句子,braveenough,verycarefully,16.The weather was . 17. is more than worth reading. 18.Its how the prisoner escaped. 19.The machine cant be made perfect overnight;in fact,it should be improved . 20.The old couple havent heard from their son .,pleasantenough,Theauthorsnewbook,amystery,stepbystep,sofar,


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