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    1、甘肃省甘肃省 2020 年年中考英语一模试卷中考英语一模试卷(解析版解析版) Listening test part (共(共 20 分)分)I.听对话,选择相符的图片 (每小题听对话,选择相符的图片 (每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1What does the woman suggest adding to the soup? 2Where does the woman advise the man to put the new chair? 3How will the woman go to Forest Hills? 4What were the mans favorite a

    2、nimals? 5How long does the man work every day? .听对话,选择最佳答案 (每小题听对话,选择最佳答案 (每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 6Where are the speakers going next? ATo the kitchen garden B To the information center C To the greenhouse 7What did the woman do just now? A She bought a car B She had her car repaired C She practiced dri

    3、ving a car 8Where does the man live now? A In Canada B In Vietnam C In Japan 9What do the speakers think is polluted? A The air B The water C The land 10What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A Neighbor B Classmates C Strangers III.听长对话,选择最佳答案 (每小题听长对话,选择最佳答案 (每小题 2 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 11

    4、 (2 分)听第一段对话,回答下列小题 (1)Whats wrong with the man? A He has a fever B He has a sore throat C He has a headache (2)When will the man come back for a check? A In three days B In a week C In a month 12 (3 分)听第二段对话,回答下列小题 (1)What does the man like about the apartment? A The kitchen and the study B The liv

    5、ing room and the study C The living room and the bedrooms (2)How much is the apartment behind the park for a month? A 200 dollars B 500 dollars C 700 dollars (3)What is in the apartment on the ground floor? AA TV BA Sofa C A table .听短文,完成表格,每空不超过两个单词 (每小题听短文,完成表格,每空不超过两个单词 (每小题 5 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 13 (5

    6、 分) Camp America What it does It runs over (1) children s summer camps Where In the countryside and areas of (2) What it provides Apartments What jobs it offers Teaching sports, dancing or arts Helping to(3) Taking care of children (4) work Cleanup work Food (5) Written test part (共(共 100 分)分)V.单项选择

    7、(每小题单项选择(每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分)分) 14All of us volunteered to clean up the old peoples home Eric He had a bad cold ( ) Abeside Bexcept Cagainst Dwith 15 Would you like to drink, Mr Smith? Thanks A cup of green tea, please ( ) Asomething Banything Ceverything Dnothing 16The doctors and nurses did their be

    8、st to fight the virus(病毒) They are the of our time ( ) Aleaders Bheroes Crelatives Denemies 17The football game between Class 2 and Class 3 was so that we all felt after watching it ( ) Aexciting; exciting Bexcited; excited Cexciting; excited Dexcited; exciting 18 What did you think of their perform

    9、ances? Wonderful! They performed than I expected ( ) Awell Bbetter Cthe better Dbest 19Li Hua make the dumplings She learned it from her grandma ( ) Aneed Bmust Ccan Dshould 20 In China, we cant start to eat everyone is at the table Its one of our Chinese table manners ( ) Auntil Bsince Cwhile Dalth

    10、ough 21The baby girl wont sleep peacefully unless her mother beside her ( ) Alies Bhides Cstops Dwaits 22Mrs Zhou advises us to bed late Its bad for our health ( ) Ago Bnot Cto go Dnot to go 23My sisters hobby is playing the guzheng She it for seven years ( ) Aplays Bplayed Cwas playing Dhas played

    11、24Nick his father They are both humorous and ready to help others ( ) Alaughs at Bshouts at Ctakes after Dlooks after 25 The Chinese National Womens Volleyball Team won the 2019 FIVB World Cup proud we Chinese felt! ( ) AWhat a BWhat CHow a DHow 26 students at my school have done some voluntary work

    12、 and them is increasing ( ) AA number of; a number of BA number of; the number of CThe number of; the number of DThe number of; a number of 27Excuse me Could you tell me ? At a bookstore on Spring Road ( ) Awhere did you buy the magazine Bwhere you bought the magazine Cwhy did you buy the magazine D

    13、why you bought the magazine 28Hi, Betty, long time no see ? Pretty good ( ) AWhat s the matter BWhat do you do CHow is it going DHow do you do VI.完形填空(每小题完形填空(每小题 10 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 29 (10 分) Chinese superstar Lang Lang has inspired millions of young pianists His wonderful (1) at the opening ceremony

    14、 of the Beijing Olympics is still remembered by many people Lang Lang was born in Shenyang in 1982 At the age of two, his parents(2) half a years salary (薪水) to buy him a piano and then he started his musical journey Lang Lang showed a (3) talent for the piano He won his first competition at five wh

    15、en he had to stand up to play the piano (4) his feet couldnt reach the pedals (踏板) This (5) made him believe that he could become a pianist When he was nine, his father (6) his job and moved with him to Beijing for further studies When he was 11, Lang Lang took home an International prize Now, as a

    16、famous pianist, Lang Lang has a strong interest in the (7) role that music can play in childrens lives I think the best way to reach children is to play them music This really opens their ears and their minds he said In 2008, Lang Lang(8) an international foundation(基金会) in New York to encourage chi

    17、ldrens love of music Many talented young musicians have (9) top music schools in the world through his foundationLang Lang believes that all children should get a chance to receive music education and his work has (10) broken new ground (开 辟新天地) in childrens education (1)A idea B show Cdiscovery D i

    18、nstruction (2)Apaid B sent C took D cost (3)A popular B natural C similar D right (4)A so B if C though D because (5)A story B lesson C experience D habit (6)A gave up B looked for C found out D depended on (7)A traditional Btiny Cimportant Dbasic (8)Avisited Binvented C praised D created (9)Aguided

    19、 B managed Centered D compared (10)Ahardly B surely C usually D suddenly VII.情景交际 (每小题情景交际 (每小题 10 分, 共分, 共 10 分) 根据对话内容, 从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,分) 根据对话内容, 从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话, 其中有两项多余其中有两项多余 30 (10 分)A: Hi Welcome to Angies home (1) B: Yes My mother bought me this dress last week, but its a little too small f

    20、or me I want to exchange it for a larger one A: Im afraid that s the only size we have at the moment B: Thats too bad!(2) A: Yes, but it will take two weeks to arrive Is that OK? B: Thats too long (3) A: Im sorry But how about another style? B: Well, is it the same price as this one? A: Yes Let me c

    21、heck it for you (4) what about this one? B: Oh, it looks nice (5) A: Yes, please wait a momentHere you are Enjoy your party And have a nice day B: Thanks You too A Can I help you? B Its your lucky day! C Im afraid we have sold out D I dont want any other style E Do you have it in dark blue? F I need

    22、 it for a party next Friday G Then can you order a larger one for me? V.阅读理解(每小题阅读理解(每小题 10 分,共分,共 40 分)分) 31 (10 分) Student Volunteer Needed! On Saturday, December 12th, from 10 AM until 4 P M our school will hold a music festival in the school gym (体育馆) Professional musicians and singers will take

    23、 part in this special event We are looking for you to help with the jobs listed below Job Time Date Make posters(海报) 1 PM 4 PM December 5th Decorate (装饰)gym 11 A M 4 PM December 11th Help performers 9AM4 PM December 12th Welcome guests 10 AM2 PM December 12th Clean up gym 4 PM7 PM December 12th Inte

    24、rested students should speak with Ms Braxton, the music teacher Students who would like to help at the festival must have written permission (许可)from a parent (1)What time will the festival begin? A At 10 AM B At 11 A M C At I PM D At 2 PM (2)What job will be done the day before the festival? A Maki

    25、ng posters B Helping performers C Decorating the gym D Cleaning up the gym (3)Who should talk to Ms Braxton? A Musicians B Singers C Interested parents D Interested students (4)How long will welcoming guests last? A For two hours B For three hours C For four hour D For five hours (5)The material is

    26、probably from a Astorybook B guidebook C news report D notice board 32(10分) A month ago I had no idea that on a Saturday afternoon in November Id be hanging 30 meters above the ground and enjoying it Now I looked down at the river far below me, and realized why people love rock climbing My friend Ma

    27、tt and I had arrived at the Activity Center on Friday eveningThe accommodation (住处) wasnt wonderful, but we had everything we needed (beds, blankets, food) , and we were happy to be out of the city and in the fresh air On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group Cameron had come al

    28、ong with two friends Kevin and Simon while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda We had come from different places and none of us knew the area We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors, but none of us was sure exactly how Half of us, spent the morning caving (洞穴险) while the others

    29、went rock climbing and then we changed at lunchtime Matt and I went to the caves first Climbing out was harder than going in,but after a lot of pushing,we were out at lest covered in mud (泥) but excited by what wed done (1)From the first two paragraphs, we know that the writer A ate little at the Ac

    30、tivity Center B went rock climbing last October C had lots of rock climbing experience D arrived at the Activity Center on an evening (2)How many people were there in the writers group? A Six B Eight C Ten D Twelve (3)What do we now about the members of the writers group? A They came from the same c

    31、ity B Some of them knew each other C Some of them had been to the Activity Center before D More people were interested in caving than rock climbing (4)What word might the writer use to describe her experience of caving? A Fun B Scary C Relaxing DSurprising (5)What is the writer trying to do in the p

    32、assage? A Talk about some people she met on a trip B Explain how to do certain outdoor sports C Describe a special weekend she had outdoors D Call on more people to go to the Activity Center 33(10 分) When Robert Goddard was 17 years old, he climbed high up a tree He looked around and imagined going

    33、into space, maybe even to Mars The year was 1899 As a child, Goddard loved to readHe often visited the library to borrow books on physical sciencesHe was a sick child and didnt graduate from high school until he was 21 He later became a physics teacher at a university In his free time, he built rock

    34、ets and took them to a field, but they didnt fly In 1920, Goddard wrote an article about rocket travel When the New York Times saw it,a reporter wrote that Goddard had less knowledge about science than a high school student In 1926,Goddard built a tenfoot(十英尺的) rocket, put it into a car, and drove t

    35、o a field on his aunts nearby farm He lit the fuse(点火) ,and the rocket went into the sky It traveled at 60 miles per hour Then it fell into the field The flight (飞行) lasted 2.5 seconds The US government didnt show much interest in Goddards invention To continue his study, Goddard used his own money

    36、and money from private organizations Over the years, his rockets grew to 18 feet and flew up to 9,000 feet No one made fun of him after he was successful In fact, he became known as the father of modern rocketry He wrote, The dream of yesterday is the hope of today, and the reality of tomorrow Godda

    37、rd didnt live to see space flightHe died in 1945,but his work didnt stopScientists continued to build bigger and better rocketsIn 1969,the American rocket Apollo 11 took the first men to the moonAt that time,the New York Times wrote about its 1920 article: The Times regrets the error(错误) (1)When God

    38、dard was young, he A was in good health B loved climbing trees C dreamed of being a teacher D was interested in physical sciences (2)What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 3 refer to? A Goddards article B Goddards rocket C Goddards school D Goddards book (3)What do we know about Goddards firs

    39、t rocket? A It was an 18foot rocket B It traveled at 25 miles an hour C It got a lot of peoples attention D It was tested on his aunts nearby farm (4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A Goddard helped make Apollo 11 B Goddard graduated from university at 21 C The government be

    40、gan to support Goddard in the 1930s D The New York Times felt sorry for its 1920 article about Goddard (5)What can we learn from Goddards story? A Be happy with what we have B Think hard before doing something C Always have a dream and work hard D Working with a team is better than working alone 34

    41、(10 分)Monica is an American living in China She is talking about the Chinese Spring Festival Chinese people have celebrated the Spring Festival (or Chinese New Year ) for thousands of years!(1) Sometimes it falls in January For every Chinese family, it is important to prepare for the holiday before

    42、it beginsFor good luck, people clean their home and they buy themselves new clothes And, of course, they buy lots of food to eat during the festival, including fish, meat, fruit, and candy, (2) People put up red paper decorations on their front doors and windows Several days before the festival, peo

    43、ple who live far away from their families travel home to see their family members (3) Families prepare special holiday foods together, such as dumplings or rice cakes And the best part? Parents and grandparents give children red envelopes (信封) with money inside! (4) They think breaking things might

    44、bring bad luck to them In some places on New Years Eve, dragon dancers in beautiful costumes go from door to door, beating drums and setting off fireworks(放烟火) all night long (5) Even if you cant come to China to experience this fun holiday, there are Chinese New Year celebrations all over the world

    45、 If you visit neighborhoods where Chinese people live in your country, you can enjoy the celebrations, too! 根据材料内容,将 AE 五个句子填入文中空白处,使材料完整,通顺,并将其标号填 写在下面题号后的横线上 A Red is an important color on this holiday B This holiday usually takes place in February C It gets really loud, and its impossible to slee

    46、p! D During the holiday, people are very careful not to break anything E In fact, its the largest number of people traveling at the same time in the whole world! B.词语运用(每小题词语运用(每小题 10 分,共分,共 10 分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式 填空,使短文完整、通顺每词限用一次填空,使短文完整、通顺每词限用一次 35 (10 分) above, minut

    47、e, sudden, give,we, excite, cover, patient, far, wait Nanuq ate breakfast and got dressed Outside the igloo (冰屋) , his father was packing the sled (雪橇) Ice and snow (1) the ground around them for miles Well go to the lake, his father said There are lots of fish there How(2) is it, Father? asked Nanu

    48、q Maybe two miles, but dont worry The sun will keep (3) warm Nanuq followed his father to the lake He watched his father dig a hole in the ice and waitMany (4) passed Then, his father pointed at the hole A large fish swam towards the hole Very quietly, Nanugs father held his spear (矛) and waited (5) , he threw the spear forward and pulled


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