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    1、江苏省淮安市江苏省淮安市 2020 年年中考英语三模试卷中考英语三模试卷 I.单项选择(共单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分)从分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可四个选项中,选出可 以填入空白处的正确答案以填入空白处的正确答案 1What do you think of _ exchange student in our class? He is really_ unusual boy He often comes up with new ideas ( ) Athe;an Ban;the Cthe;a Da;an 2Why is there

    2、so much paint on your coat, Tom? Oh, I was standing_ the wall I didnt notice the wet paint! ( ) Aover Bthrough Cacross Dagainst 3 Yesterday, I went to the zoo to watch monkeys but found_ I guess they might be sleeping in the cave ( ) Aneither Bnone Cnothing Dnobody 4 Its impossible to achieve anythi

    3、ng_ you are afraid of difficulties and give up easily( ) Athough Bif Cunless Duntil 5Why_ we close the chemical factory? Because it has caused a lot of pollution We need a better environment ( ) Amight Bcan Cmay Dmust 6Janes never been to Beijing, _ she? _But she is looking forward to visiting it ag

    4、ain one day ( ) Ais;Yes Bisnt;No Chas;Yes Dhas;No 7Did you enjoy the ride on Space Mountain, Josh? Yes It couldnt be_ ( ) Aexciting Bmore exciting Cless interesting Dthe most interesting 8 Its really silly_ Uncle Bob_ such a good job offered by the company( ) Afor;to accept Bof;to accept Cfor;not to

    5、 accept Dof;not to accept 9Li Mei,_ amazing progress youve made in your English pronunciation! ( ) Awhat Bhow Chow an Dwhat an 10Dear, why dont you_ the lights?I thought nobody was home ( ) Aturn on Bturn off Cturn down Dturn out 11Over the past years, Jin Yongs works_ into many TV series and films

    6、( ) Acould be made Bhave been made Chave made Dare made 12Excuse me, Sir Please dont smoke here This is a non smoking area Im really sorry I_ that ( ) Ahavent known Bdont know Cdidnt know Dwont know 13Mom, the fish _ I simply cant wait to taste it! ( ) Asmells well Bsmells good Cis smelt well Dis sm

    7、elt good 14Could you please tell me_ for your birthday? Sure Look at this watch Its from Mary ( ) Awhat you are planning Bwhat you prepared Cwhat did Mary make Dwhat Mary bought 15What are you going to do this weekend? _ If possible, I might go to the bookshop with my friends ( ) AIt depends BIt doe

    8、snt matter CIm afraid not DDont mention it .完形填空(共完形填空(共 1 小题;每小题小题;每小题 15 分,满分分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 16 (15 分)Sometimes, we hear that a man is described as a loser The word loser(1) that a person is unsuccessful in life It is really a(n) (2

    9、) word, which often hurts peoples feelings The other side of this is the word(3) ,which is often used to describe somebody who is rich and successful A lonely loser, (4) he tries his best to change, can also be a winner in the end Some great people were considered a loser once Then there came a poin

    10、t when things (5) well for them Albert Einstein was a famous physicist When he was young, he was(6) in learing how to speak and didnt seem to be very smart His parents even(7) that something was wrong with his brain Though it took him a little bit longer than others, he did well, changing(8) and ide

    11、as about space J K Rowling, (9) is the creator of Harry Potter series experienced pains and poverty (贫穷) on her way to success After a shortlived marriage, as a mother of three children, I had no job, as (10) as it is possble to be in modern Britain, she said She once lived on welfare(救济) In that pe

    12、riod,she considered (11) a complete loser But the bad situations didnt(12) her Finally she became one of the greatest writers of our time If youve never failed, youve(13) tried anything new,said Einstein It is impossible to live (14) failing at something, unless you live so cautiously (谨慎地) that you

    13、 might as well not have lived at all,JK Rowling told people Just keep moving forward and (15) can stop you from succeeding Sometimes, it just takes a little longer to be a winner (1)A answers Basks C replies D means (2)A empty B rude C unusual D surprising (3)A victory Bleader Cruler Dwinner (4)Aunt

    14、il Bbefore C if Dsince (5)A stayed up Bshowed up C worked out D turned out (6)A serious Bslow C active Dclear (7)A discovered B mentioned Cfeared D hoped (8)A Chemistry BEnglish C Maths D Physics (9)A what Bwho C where D whose (10)A stupid Bweak C scared D poor (11)A himself B herself C myself D the

    15、mselves (12)A separate Bwarn C punish D break (13)Anever B often C sometimes D always (14)A through B without C against Dacross (15)A something B everything C nothing Danything III. 阅读理解(共阅读理解(共 3 小题:小题:A、B 两篇每小题两篇每小题 10 分分 C 篇每小题篇每小题 10 分,满分分,满分 25 分)阅读下分)阅读下 文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一

    16、个最佳答案 17(10分) Once upon a time a little leaf was heard to cry, as leaves often did when a gentle wind passed by The twig(小枝) asked,whats the matter, little leaf?The leaf said, The wind just told me that one day it will pull me off! When the tree heard this, it swung all over and promised the leaf, Y

    17、ou will not go till you want to The sunny days of the autumn cameThe little leaf saw all the leaves around becoming very beautiful Some were yellow, some were red, and some were in both colors The little leaf asked the tree what it meant The tree said, All these leaves _ fly away and they have put o

    18、n these beautiful colors because of joy The little leaf wanted to go,and grew very beautiful in thinking of itWhen it was very bright in color, it saw the branches of the tree had no color in them The leaf asked, Branches, why are you brown?We must keep our working clothes onYour clothes are for hol

    19、iday, because your tasks are over, said a branch Just then a little puff of wind came, took the leaf up and turned it over and over The little leaf was like the fire in the air, and fell down silently among hundreds of other leaves It began to dreama dream so beautiful that perhaps it would last for

    20、ever (1)The tree wanted to the little leaf at first A protect B give up C control D go with (2)Which of the following can be put in ? A are refused to B are forced to C are ready to D are afraid to (3)Why didnt the branches change colors? A Because the air was too dry B Because they had to keep work

    21、ing C Because they were too lazy D Because they hardly got sunshine (4)The little leaf fell down with A sadness B regret C surprise D Satisfaction (5)What can we learn from the passage? A Always prepare for the future B Live in and enjoy the moment C Each season has its own beauty D We should make o

    22、ur own decisions 18 (10 分)The following gives us a general introduction to some articles in the magazine Readers Digest Read it and find out what interests you most AGE 58 Cover story Your Amazing Body! What do fingerprints say about your health risks? Why do you have a runny nose when you catch a c

    23、old? Science hasmany of the answers but not all! PAGE 78 PAGE 84 Humor Really Practical Jokes Some jokes just make you laugh, but some punch lines(妙语)can make you stop laughing and actually think PAGE 106 Inspiration Fascinating Facts Great Ocean Secrets Scientists are still searching for the truth

    24、about many creatures and features of the deep ocean PAGE 82 Drama in Real Life My Friend the Timber Wolf Deep in the Alaskan forest, the writer comes upon an injured(受伤的) wolf mother and her pups The Dog Who Saved My Life Eric OGrey was unhealthy, overweight, and depressed(抑郁的)then he met a friend n

    25、amed Peety PAGE 100 Travel Americas Greatest Road Shows Vocations are wonderful, but these unusual places of interest prove that getting there can be half the fun (1)If you want to learn more about health, you should turn to APage 58 B Page 78 C Page 82 D Page 84 (2)Jack is interested in animals und

    26、er the sea Which part may interest him most? A Cover Story B Fascinating Facts C Drama in Real Life D Travel (3)The story The Dog Who Saved My Life must be very A boring B exciting C moving D Surprising (4)Americas Greatest Road Shows mainly tells us A vacations can help people relax B its hard to r

    27、each unusual places of interest C America is filled with unusual places of interest D the journey to these places of interest is great fun (5)What can we learn from the reading? A Page 84 could be helpful to people who are under stress B The Timber Wolf saved his owner from being depressed C Scienti

    28、sts have discovered a new creature in the ocean D Eric OGrey met his pet dog Peety in the deep forest 19 (5 分)Sitting among a sea of cars, have you ever dreamed about your car taking off and flying over the road? Many of us spend an hour or so stuck in traffic every week The main problem is that we

    29、are not expanding(扩展) our transportation systems fast enough to meet ever increasing demands (需求) One solution is to create a new type of transportation that doesnt rely on roads In the last century, planes and cars changed the way we lived Cars which can be afforded by the general population, have

    30、allowed us to move farther Planes have also cut travel time to faraway destinations (目的地) At the beginning of a new century, we may see the realization of a centuryold dreamthe mix of cars and planes or flying cars You might have heard news about flying cars before The technology to make them safe a

    31、nd easy to fly may finally be here With progress in lightweight material, computer models and noman control, the dream is very close to becoming real Car maker Moller went public with the Skycar M400 in 2011 It is the first car that can take off and land straight The fourseat Skycar is powered by ei

    32、ght engines (引擎) The cost of car is about1 million at first,but when it begins to be produced in large amounts, that price could come down to as low as 60,000 The latest flying car CityHawk is predicted to be tested between 2021 and 2022 It is similar to the Skycar except for its power source The im

    33、portant difference lies in the power fans that seem much quieter on the road The CityHawk is about as large as a middlesized car It could be used as an air taxi for news collection and traffic control The popularity of flying cars could be very exciting or very scary, depending on how you look at it

    34、 If proper rules are put in place, they could be the answer to our everheavier traffic pressure (1)According to the first paragraph, the new type of transportation should be used to A share the traffic pressure B improve the speed of cars C increase peoples demands D replace the present transportati

    35、on system (2)Whats the second paragraph mainly about? A The development of transport B The advantages of modern transport C The standards of flying cars D The need to improve public transport (3)The writer mentions two kinds of flying cars to A explain how flying cars work B show flying cars are com

    36、ing to us C encourage people to buy flying car D remind people about the importance of flying cars (4)Whats the difference between the Skycar and the CityHawk? A The Skycar has fewer seats B The Skycar is more expensive B The City Hawk is much smaller D The CityHawk produces less noise (5)We can inf

    37、er that the writer about the future of flying cars A doesnt care B feels hopeful Cdoesnt question D feels worried .词汇运用(共词汇运用(共 1 小题:每小题小题:每小题 8 分,满分分,满分 8 分)分)A)根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当)根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当 的单词或短语填空的单词或短语填空 20 (8 分) medical, pushed in, look through, in a mess, lunar calendar stay out, as soon as

    38、 possible, depend on, take a walk (1)Jack isnt an organized boy, and his bedroom is always (2)As everyone knows, the Laba Festival is celebrated on December 8th of the (3)A true friend is the person who you can when you are in trouble (4)Where is your uncle, Bob? He is in Africa He joined the team l

    39、ast month and now is helping the poor patients there (5)Whats your plan for tomorrow? We will along the coast and then have a sunbath on the beach (6)Eric, you look unhappy Whats the matter? I had a fight with a boy because he before me in the hall (7)Most parents think its dangerous for their child

    40、ren to after 10 pm (8)You should change your unhealthy lifestyle , or you will be in poor health B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空 21Last night, the policemen (catch) a robber who was trying to break into a bank 22On (child) Day, the students in this primary school are often taken to the p

    41、ark to take part in some fin activities 23If you think you can (easy) beat him, youre totally wrong 24Do you like Mr White? Yes He is (humor)and always tells funny jokes to make us laugh 25 In our society, many women are (force) to choose between their family and career 26 Many famous Chinese (music

    42、) used to study at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing 27It is reported that the Chinese government is preparing for the (come)Winter Olympic Games, V.完成句子(共完成句子(共 5 小题:每小题小题:每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 10 分)根据所给中文意思,用英语完成下列各分)根据所给中文意思,用英语完成下列各 句句 28 (2 分)这个世界充满了神奇的事情,比如,鱼儿睁着眼睛睡觉 The world is full of am

    43、azing things , , fish sleep 29 (2 分)为了你的健康,你除了戒烟别无选择 For your health, you but to smoking 30 (2 分)快一点打开电视,郭德纲的喜剧节目已经开始五分钟了 the TV quickly Guo Degangs comedy programme for five minutes 31 (2 分)上海迪士尼乐园值得参观周末一起去那儿怎么样? Shanghai Disneyland What about going there together ? 32 (2 分)冰淇淋和汉堡对我们的健康都不好 is our h

    44、ealth .任务型阅读(共任务型阅读(共 2 小题;每小题小题;每小题 10 分,满分分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,根据要求完成下列分)阅读下面短文,根据要求完成下列 各题各题 33(10 分) Last November, more than 4, 000 people aged 10 to 19 took part in a survey Over half of them preferred Chinese brands(中国品牌) to foreign brands The result was based on the questionaires(问卷) across 60 p

    45、rimary and middle schools in nine cities It showed the preference of a large part of young people According to the report, Chinese brands are becoming more popular among young people Take the choice of smart phones as an example Wu Weicheng, 17,a high school student in Shanghai, said most of his cla

    46、ssmates used Chinese brands, such as Huawei, Xiaomi, Vivo and Oppo When talking about why they made such choices, he said that Huawei phones technology and functions(功能) were almost as great as those of iPhones, but the price was much lower So they chose Huawei phones instead of iPhones Why are Chin

    47、ese brands more attractive than before? On one hand, Chinese brands are making some changes in the style of products to make them more fashionable On the other hand, the quality of products has improved greatly Whats more, the products in our country are cheaper than those from abroad As a result, young people have strong confidence in Chinese products The post00s generation(一代人) grow up with the development of China and the rise of its global(全球的) influence Growing up in such an environment also helps them become stronger and more confident in both our cou


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