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    1、五年级上册复习内容模块纵览Module1 Getting to know each other本模块是关于认识自己及了解他人。Unit1 My future 介绍了各种职业,探讨未来想从事的职业。Unit2 Going to school 介绍了上学或上班的出行方式。Unit3 My birthday 介绍了有关生日的庆祝活动。Module 2 Relationships本模块是关于自己与家长及朋友的关系。Unit4 Grandparents 介绍了和祖父母一起进行的活动。Unit 5 Friends 介绍了自己和好朋友之间的相同和不同之处。Unit 6 Family life 介绍了不同的房

    2、间及家庭生活。Module 3 Out and about 本模块是关于丰富多彩的户外生活。Unit 7 At the beach 介绍了海边休闲度假时所做的一些事情。Unit 8 An outing 描述了一次“寻宝”活动。Unit 9 Around the city 是关于问路及指路。Module 4 The natural world本模块是关于大自然和人们日常生活之间的关系。Unit 10 Wind 认识风的各种状态。Unit 11 Water 介绍了水的各种用途。Unit 12 Fire 介绍了一些基本的防火知识。第一单元复习1. 词组Jump into the lake fly a

    3、 plane cook nice food (be) afraid of flying help people drive a taxi(be)good at.2. 句型用What do you want to be ?询问对方将来想从事的职业。用I want to be .及I want to (do).介绍自己未来想从事的职业及理由。3. 难点1)当句子主语为第三人称单数时,动词要做适当的变化。2)want to do 与want to be 的正确用法。3)许多动词词尾加er可构成名词。如:teach-teachersing-singer play-player。但,也有例外,如cook

    4、可做动词,意为“烹饪”,也可做名词,意为“厨师”,而cooker的意思则为“炉灶;炉具”。习题:1. 用所给词的适当形式填空1) Jim _ (want) to be a doctor. He can _ (help) people.2) Ms Fang _ (be) a teacher. She _ (teach) us Science.3) What _ (do )your brother want to be ?4) May _ (like) cooking. She wants to _ (be) a cook .5) Im good at _ (sing).I want to be

    5、a _(sing).6) My father is a taxi_ (drive). He likes _ (drive). 第二单元复习1. 词组come to school take the train get off(the train) on foot/walkafter half an hour take the school bus /by school bus bus stop2. 句型11)用How do you come to school?询问对方上学的交通方式。2)用I come /go to school.He She comes /goes to school.介绍自

    6、己或他人去某地的交通方式。3难点1)表示不同交通方式的短语on foot , by bus等所用的介词不同。2)区分go to school 和come to school 的用法。习题:用所给词适当形式填空1) Ms Guo _(live) on Green Street.2) Mr Black _(take) Bus No.18 to Yellow Street.3) I _(come)to school by bus.4) My father _(go) to work by car.第三单元复习1. 词组right away have fun favourite colour 2. 句

    7、型1) 用Whens your birthday?询问对方的生日。2) 用Its on.来回答有关日期的问题。3) 用Can you .?来邀请或请求对方做某事。3. 难点1)日期的表达法在书面和口语中的差异。如:在五月一日这一词组,书面可表达为:on 1st May ,口语则表达为:on the first of May 2) 序数词的构成和含义习题:写出相应的英文1) 第三_ 2)第五_ 3)第九_4) 第三十_ 5)在11月12日_第四单元复习内容1. 词组play sport go shopping play chess play football the Double Ninth F

    8、estival2. 句型1) 用What do you usually do with your grandparents?询问对方与祖父母一起做的事。2) 用句型I always /usually /often/sometimes .with my grandparents.描述自己和祖父母一起做的事。3) This Mary.4) Come with me.3. 难点频率副词的含义区别。习题:写出相应的英文1) 做运动_ 2)离我家远_3) 在周末_ 4)一周两次_5) 在公交车站_第五单元复习内容1. 词组each other make phone calls not.at all li

    9、ke helping peoplecarry heavy bags in the same class 2. 句型We both like.Im bored.I dont know.Is that Ken?3. 难点same前面要加the both与all的用法区别习题:选词填空完成句子。easy both all heavy different the same 1) I am Tony. Jimmy is my friend. We _work at the hospital.2) Sandy has two good friends. They are at _school. They

    10、_like playing football.3)I am Lily. I have a friend. Her name is Daisy. We _like singing. We are in _classes. I am in Class A, and she is in Class C.4)I have three toy bears. They have _colours. I like _of them.5)Whats in your bag? Its so _. There are some fruit and drinks.6) The exercises are _.Ted

    11、dy finished them quickly.第六单元复习内容1. 词组watch TV turn off do ones homework tell a storyfall down look at the stars 2. 句型用现在进行时描述自己及他人正在做的事情。Im doing my homework.3. 难点1)现在进行时的结构及用法。现在进行时的构成是:主语+be +v.ing现在分词形式现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“现在”,动作目前的状态是“正在进行中”。所谓“正在进行中”,是指在谈到这件事的时候,这个动作还在进行中.至于它是什么时候开始的,什么时候会停下来,不是我们关

    12、心的。2)一般现在时与现在进行时的区别。一般现在时表示主语经常性和习惯性的动作或存在的状态,也表示说话者的能力及自然现象。习题:翻译下列句子1)我正在和家人玩单词游戏。2)我爸爸正在做晚饭。3)我通常睡前读一本有趣的故事书。第七单元复习内容1.词组on holiday enjoy the sunshine collect shells read a book go swimming throw the bottle into the seawrite a letter 2.句型1)用现在进行时的一般疑问句Is /Are.(doing)询问他人正在做的事情,并做出肯定或者否定回答。2)用现在进行

    13、时描述人们在海边度假时所做的一些事情。3.难点现在进行时的一般疑问句形式。习题:选择填空1)_she reading a book ?Yes,she is .A .Am B. Are C. Is 2)_we going home? No,we arent. We are going to the park.A. Are B. Is C. Do3)Is Sally _a model ship?No, she isnt.A .make B. makes C. making4)What do you like?I like _stamps and postcards.A. listening B.

    14、looking C. collecting 5)Would you like to go _with us?Sure.A. swimming B. swim C. Swims第八单元复习内容1.词汇at the top of. get through look down be like run away run after. jump into 2.句型用现在进行时的特殊疑问句What are you doing?询问他人正在做的事,并能做出回答。3.难点理解现在进行时的表意功能。习题:写出相应的英文1)穿着外套 2)在山顶上3)往下看 4)看地图5)这里有一封信。第九单元复习内容1.词汇ge

    15、t to walk/ go along.(road/street) turn leftturn right walk straight on ones right2.句型Walk along Winter Street. Turn left at Spring Street.How do I get to the post office?Excuse me.Is that right?Lets go!3.难点1)准确使用描述路线的词和短语,如Walk along.Turn .Walk straight.等。2)会看地图,能正确使用turn left 和turn right等短语。3)quite

    16、和quiet要分清。习题:写出相应的英文1)去博物馆_2)花店_3)左转_4)一直走_5)邮局_6)在你的右手边_7)打扰了_8)沿着中山路走_第十单元复习内容1.词汇dance softly move quickly blow gently blow stronglymove slowly the sound of the wind too quiet draw a circle cut out 2.句型1)用副词描述做事情的状态: The children are flying their kites happily. 2)用副词及现在进行时描写风的状态:The wind is blowi

    17、ng. It is blowing gently.3)用副词及现在进行时描写风车的状态:The windmill is moving slowly.3.难点副词和形容词在用法上的区别习题:写出相应的英文1)风的声音_2)轻轻舞动_3)画一个圆_4)开心地玩_5)轻轻地吹_6)猛烈地吹_选择填空1)Please give me _paper.A. some B. a C. many2) Listen! The wind is _.A. bored B. blouse C. blowing3) Its very _in the library. No one talks aloud.A. quie

    18、t B. quite C. cute4) Please speak_. I cant understand(明白).A. strongly B. slow C. slowly第十一单元复习内容1.词汇grow crops put out fires use .to.2.句型1)用How do we use water? 询问水的用途。2)用We use water to.简单介绍水的用途。3.难点句型We use water to wash our hands.中to 与动词词组搭配使用。习题:按要求写单词1)rain(形容词)_2)ground(近义词)_3)shine(ing形式)_4)w

    19、ash (第三人称单数)_5)use(形容词)_6)up(反义词)_7)fly(第三人称单数)_8)fall(第三人称单数)_9)crops(同类词)_ _10)over(同类词)_ _ _第十二单元复习内容1.词汇be careful with. not.at all burn downplay with matches2.句型We must be careful with fire.We mustnt play with matches.Safety first.3.难点1)must be 后接形容词的用法。2)mustnt 句型与Dont.句型的区别。习题:选择单词并用适当形式填空 mu

    20、st can do be 1) _you help me?2) You _play with the knife. Its dangerous.3) Someone is knocking at the door. _you hear it?4) _walk on the grass.5) We _throw the rubbish in the bin.6) We _smoke or leave fires burning in the forest.7) You _watch too much TV. Its bad for your eyes.8) _climb the tree. Its not safe!9) _careful! The steam(水蒸汽)is hot.10) Look at the sign! You _park (停车)your car here.


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