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    1、1 九年级下册九年级下册 Unit 1 一一 重点短语重点短语 1. 开辟 2. 贸易路线 3. 出发 4. 去旅行 5. 建立;设立 6. 起航 7. 在那时 8. 被称为 9. 也;还 10. 太.而不能. 11. 长大 12. 注意 13. 上交 14. 寻找 15. 世界各地 16. 例如 17. 在.末端 18. 大量的 19. 直到. 20. 因为;由于 21. 把.与.对比 22. 在.和.之间 一一 重点短语重点短语 1. open up 2. trade routes 3. set off 4. go on a trip 5. set up 6. set sail 7. at

    2、 that time 8. (be) known as 9. as well as 10. too. to. . 11. grow up 12. pay attention to 13. hand in 14. look for 15. around the world 16. such as 17. at the end of 18. quantities of 19. not. until 20. because of 21. compare. with. between. and. . 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. 如何做某事 2. 命令某人做某事 3. 似乎. 4. 允许某人做某事 5

    3、. 想要做某事 6. 一直做某事 7. 最.之一 8. 需要做某事 9. 告诉某人做某事 10. 想要做某事 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. how to do sth. 2. order sb. to do sth. 3. It seems that. . 4. allow sb. to do sth. 5. want to do sth. 6. keep doing sth. 7. “one of+the+形容词的最高级 十名词复数” 8. need to do sth. 9. tell sb. to do sth. 10. would like to do sth. 三三 句型突破句型突破

    4、 1. 他横跨大西洋的航行开辟了欧洲的新世界美 洲大陆。 2. 它们建立了中国和其他国家之间的贸易路线。 3. 这是在克里斯托弗.哥伦布第一次起航发现美洲之旅 的近个世纪以前。 4. 他的任务是加强与外国的联系,并与之建立贸易路 线。 5. 它们足够大,能携带 25 000 人以及大量的货物。 6. 似乎对他来说没有太远而不能访问的地方。 7. 在每次航行结束,郑和带回了许多在中国第一次见到 的东西,比如一只非洲长颈鹿。 8. 除了增强贸易,航行也促进了文化与科技的交流。 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 1.结果状语从句 2. too. to. . 3. enough t 三三 句型突破句型突破 1.

    5、 His voyages across the Atlantic opened up the New World the American continents to Europe. 2. They set up trade routes between China and other countries. 3. This was nearly a century before Christopher Columbus first set sail on his journey of discovery to America. 4. His task was to develop relati

    6、ons and set up trade routes with foreign countries. 5. They were big enough to carry25,000 people as well as very large quantities of goods 6. It seemed that nowhere was too far for him to visit. 7. At the end of each voyage,Zheng He returned with many things that were seen in China for the first ti

    7、me, such as a giraffe from Africa. 8. Besides developing trade, the voyages also encouraged the exchange of cultures and technologies. 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 1.结果状语从句 2. too. to. . 3. enough to 2 九九年级下册年级下册 Unit 2 一一重点短语重点短语 1. 使(炸弹等)爆炸 2. 脱下 3. 最初;起初 4. 在某种程度上 5. 略有不适;不得劲 6. 与.不同,不同于 7. 也 8. 多少 9. 准时,按时 10. (

    8、把水、 电源等)打开 11. 确保,查明 12. 参加 13. 照看,照顾 14. (将来)有一天 15. 收到.的来信 16. 从.到. 17. 在某人的空闲时间 18. (与某人)结婚 19. 或.或.,不是.就 是. 一一 重点短语重点短语 1. set off 2. take off 3. at first 4. to a certain degree 5. under the weather 6. be different from 7. as well 8. how many 9. on time 10. turn on 11. make sure 12. take part in

    9、 13. look after 14. some day 15. hear from 16. from. to. 17. in ones spare time 18. get/be married (to sb. ) 19. either. or. 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. 习惯于.适应. 2. 为了(不)做某事 3. 发 现做某事. 4. 借给某人某物 5. 完成. 6. 决定做某事 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. get used to 十 n. /v.+ing 2. in order (not) to do sth. 3. find +it+形容词+动词不定式 4. lend sb.

    10、sth. = lend sth. to sb. 5. finish +n. /pron. /v.+ing 6. decide to do sth. 三三 句型突破句型突破 1. 我们放烟花来庆祝中国的新年。 2. 当我们进入人们家中的时候,我们必须脱下鞋子。 3. 我必须承认,起初美国(文化)对我来说是一次大的文 化冲击。 4. 在我的空闲时间里,他们为我组织了许多活动,以便 我不会想家,也不会感觉孤独。 5. 然而,在某种程度上,美国的生活很难适应。 6. 在最初的几周, 我未能理解多少,因为大家说得很快。 7. 虽然我很快勉强适应了,但我仍然有麻烦,因为他 们用了许多习语。 8. 他们的日

    11、常英语与我们在中国学的差别很大。 9. 他们不要求学生穿校服,因此学生可以穿几乎他们 喜欢的一切。 10. 无论如何,那一年我有很多美好的回忆,尤其是冬 天在雪地里玩和打棒球。 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 so that 引导的目的状语从句 三三 句型突破句型突破 1. We set off fireworks to celebrate the Chinese New Year. 2. We must take off our shoes when we enter peoples homes. 3. I must admit that at first America was a big cul

    12、ture shock for me. 4. They organized a lot of activities for me in my spare time so That I wouldnt miss home or feel lonely. 5. However, to a certain degree, life in the US was hard to get used to. 6. I failed to understand much in the first few weeks because Everyone spoke so fast. 7. Though I soon

    13、 managed to get used to it, I still had problems because they used a lot of idioms. 8. Their everyday English is very different from what we learn in China. 9. They do not require students to wear uniforms so students can wear almost whatever they like. 10. Anyway, I have many great memories of that

    14、 year, especially playing in the snow in winter, and playing baseball. 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 so that 引导的目的状语从句 3 九年级下册九年级下册 Unit 3 一重点短语一重点短语 1. 太多 2. 在危险中 3. 温室效应 4. 让.进来 5. 同 .一样 6. 由于 7. 海平面 8. 在将来 9. 砍伐 10. 吸收 11. 造成;导致 12. 扔掉 13. 许多;大量 14. 采取行动 15. 与.不同 16. 对.无害 17. 有作用;有影响 18. 关心 19. 充当 20. 洗淋浴 21. 关上(1

    15、) 22. 关上(2) 一一 重点短语重点短语 1. too much 2. in danger 3. greenhouse effect 4. let. in 5. the same as . 6. as a result of 7. sea level 8. in the future 9. cut down 10. take in 11. result in 12. throw away 13. mountains of 14. take action 15. be different from . 16. (be) friendly to . 17. make a difference

    16、 18. care for 19. act as 20. take a shower 21. turn off 22. switch off 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. 越 来越. 2. 阻止.(做)某事 3. 导致某物做某事 4. 通过做某事 5. .处.状态 6. 为了做某事 7. A 比 B 更. 8. 一直做某事 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. 比较级+and+比较级 2. keep. from+n. /v. ing 3. cause sth.十 to do sth. 4. by doing sth. 5. make+n. +adj. 6. in order to+do sth. 7.

    17、 A+be+形容词比较级+ than+B 8. keep+ doing sth. 一一 重点短语重点短语 23. 代替,而不是 24. 捡起 25. 交朋友 26. 其余的. 27. .覆盖. 28. 数千的 29. 在.的开始 30. 尽可能. 一重点短语一重点短语 23. instead of 24. pick up 25. make friends 26. the rest of 27. cover. with. 28. thousands of 29. at the beginning of 30. as. as possible 三三 句型突破句型突破 1. 消费者是买和使用物品的人

    18、。 2. 你能猜一猜什么是“环保消费者”吗? 3. 地球周围的大气层对所有生物是必需的。 4. 它像温室的玻璃,让阳光进人并阻止热量散出去。 5. 没有它,地球将会和月球一样一寒冷且没有生命。 6. 太多的这种气体污染了大气层,导致它保存了太多的 热量 7. 由于温室效应,地球的温度正在上升。 8. 这使温室效应更糟,因为树吸收二氧化碳, 放出氧气。 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 the same (as) , different ( from),like ,the same as 三三 句型突破句型突破 1. A consumer is someone who buys and use thing

    19、s 2. Can you guess what a “green consumer” is? 3. The atmosphere around the Earth is necessary for all living things. 4. It is like the glass of a greenhouse ,letting sunlight in and keeping heat from getting out, 5. Without it, the Earth would be the same as the Moon- cold and lifeless. 6. Too much

    20、 of this gas pollutes the atmosphere, and causes it to keep in toomuch heat. 7. As a result of the greenhouse effect, the Earths temperature is increasing. 8. This makes the greenhouse effect worse because trees take in CO2 and produce oxygen. 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 the same (as) , different ( from),like ,the

    21、same as 4 九年级下册九年级下册 一重点短语一重点短语 1. 自然灾害 2. 想起,想到 3. 对.感兴趣 4. 担心 5. 梦见,梦到 6. 例如 7. 通过;经过 8. 持续;坚持 9. 担心 10. 考虑 11. 盯着看;凝视;注视 12. 惊讶地 13. 暂时 14. 如.以至于 15. 等候 16. 收拾行李 17. 例如 18. 写下 19. 救生包 20. 最后 21. 从.到 22. 多远 23. 注意;留心 24. 倒塌 25. 立刻 26. 尽可能.地 27. 醒来 Unit 4 一一 重点短语重点短语 1. natural disaster 2. think of

    22、 3. be interested in 4. be worried about 5. dream about 6. such as 7. pass by 8. stick with 9. worry about 10. think about 11. stare at 12. in surprise 13. for now 14. so. that. 15. wait for 16. pack up 17. for example 18. write down 19. survival kit 20. in the end 21. from. to. 22. how far 23. pay

    23、attention to 24. fall down 25. at once 26. as. as possible 27. wake up 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. 开始做某事 2. 必须/不得不做某事 3. 试图/尽力做某事 4. 做某事是.的. 5. 负担得起做某事 6. 没有时间做某事 7. (句子)似乎. 8. 想要做某事 9. 停止正在做某事 10. 让某人做某事 11. 能够做某事 12. 建议做某事 13. (某人)花费多少时间做 14. 使某人/某 物. 15. 发现某人正在做某事 16. 让我们做某事吧 17. 足 够. 18. 最好做. 19. 帮助某人做某事 20.

    24、 期待某人做某事 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. start+to do sth. 2. have to+ do sth. 3. try+ to do sth. 4. It+be+形容词十 to do sth. 5. afford+ to do sth. 6. have no time+to do sth. 7. It seems/ seemed that+ 8. want+ to do sth. 9. stop+doing sth. 10. ask sb. +to do sth. 11. Be able to+do sth. 12. suggest doing sth. 13. It take

    25、s (sb.) some time+to do 14. make+宾语+形容词 15. find sb. + doing+sth. 16. Lets+ do sth. 17. 形容词/副词十 enough 18. had better do 19. help sb. +(to) do sth 20. expect sb.十 to do sth. 一重点短语一重点短语 28. 假如 29. 远离. 30. 无所事事消磨时间 31. 不被理睬;不被注意 一重点短语一重点短语 28. in case of 29. stay away from 30. sit around 31. fall on d

    26、eaf ears 三三 句型突破句型突破 1. 如果我们的城市严重淹水,将会发生什么事? 2. 大件的物体,例如汽车和轮船,从我窗前经过。 3. 我试图给我爸爸打电话,但是电话线路不通。 4. 坚持工 作很重要。 5. 我抽不出时间闲坐着担心洪水。 6. 最后,人们惊讶地开始注意到洪水,但是已经太晚 了。 7. 巴里建议把食物、水和药品放进一个灾难救生包里。 8. 1 月 5 日,蒙特利尔的人们(从睡梦中)醒来,发现家中 已经断电。 9. 他们期待电力会随时恢复供给。 10. 每当一场新的台风形成,就用列表上的下一个名字 给它命名。 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 it 作形式主语的用法 三三 句型突

    27、破句型突破 1. What would happen if our city was badly flooded? 2. Large objects, such as coaches and boats, passed by my window. 3. I tried to call my dad, but the line was dead. 4. Its important to stick with it. 5. I cant afford to sit around and worry about the flood. 6. In surprise, people finally st

    28、arted to notice the flood,but it was too late. 7. Barry suggested putting food, water and medicine in a disaster survival kit. 8. On 5th January, the people of Montreal woke up to find they had no electricity in their homes. 9. They expected the power to come back on at any time. 10. Whenever a new

    29、typhoon arise ,it is given the next name on the list. 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 it 作形式主语的用法 5 九年级下册九年级下册 Unit 5 一重点短语一重点短语 1. 跟.玩. 2. 最后 3. 互相 4. 穿上;戴上 5. 说实在的 6. 被.绊倒 7. 抓紧 8. 保持平衡 9. 几个;一些 10. 到达 11. 乘公共汽车 12. 直到 13. 对抗 14. 非常;很 15. 超过;多于 16. 数以百万计的 17. 离.远 18. 充满. 19. 对.有好处 20. 建立 21. 多久一次 22. 在任何时间;随时 23. 以.开

    30、始 24. 参加 25. 例如 26. 全世界 27. (在旅馆等)登记 28. 对某人感到满意 29. 过得愉快;玩得高兴 30. 阻止某人做某事 一一 重点短语重点短语 1. play with . 2. at last 3. one another 4. put on 5. to be honest 6. fall over 7. hold on to 8. keep ones balance 9. a few 10. arrive at 11. by bus 12. up to 13. play against . 14. a lot 15. more than 16. million

    31、s of 17. be far from . 18. (be) full of 19. be good for 20. build up 21. how often 22. at any time 23. begin with . 24. take part in 25. such as 26. all over the world 27. check in (at) 28. feel pleased with sb. 29. have a wonderful time 30. keep sb. from doing sth. 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. 使某人做某事 2. 继续/反复做某事

    32、 3. 必须/不得不做某事 4. 设法做某事 5. .得多 6. 为了做某事 7. 学着做某事 8. 想要做某事 9. 帮着做某事 10. 开始做某事 11. 渴望做某事;极想做某事 12. 迫不及待地做某事 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. make sb. +do sth. 2. keep on+ doing sth. 3. have to+do sth. 4. manage+ to do sth. 5. much 十比较级 6. in order+to do sth, 7. learn+to do sth. 8. want+ to do sth 9. help+(to) do sth. 10

    33、. start+ doing sth. 11. (be)dying 十 to do sth. 12. cant wait+ to do sth. 三三 句型突破句型突破 1. 当公共汽车爬越群山时,我们看到树上厚厚的积雪。 2. 我极想出去玩玩雪! 3. 最后,我们到达了旅游胜地并迅速跳下公共汽车. 4. 第- -次穿上滑雪板让我感觉怪怪的。 5. 说实在的,第一”堂课并不很成功。 6. 我不停地跌倒,不得不抓住一根绳索以保持平衡。 7. 尽管天气很冷,假期中大部分时间我都用于:滑雪。 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 时态 被动语态 三三 句型突破句型突破 1. As the bus climbed

    34、through the mountains, we saw the thick snow on the tree. 2. I was dying to get out and play with it! 3. At last, we reached the resort andquickly jumped out of the bus. 4. Wearing skis for the first time made me feel strange. 5. To be honest, that first lesson was not a great success. 6. I kept on

    35、falling over, and I had to hold on to a rope to keep my balance. 7. Although it was very cold, I spent most of my holiday skiing. 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 时态 被动语态 6 九九年级下册年级下册 一一重点短语重点短语 1. 不再 2. 孤独 3. 感觉羞愧 4. 承受压力 5. 集中于 6. 解决;处理 7. 担心 8. 防止;提防 9. 抵消;对消 10. 持乐观的态度 11. 休息一下 12. 去听音乐会 13. 学着做;开始做 14. 乐器 15. 忙于某事

    36、16. 把.她在后面 17. 讲笑话 18. (使)振奋起来 19. 保护某人. 20. 举行 21. 在.方面做得好 22. 不时 23. 到达 24. 腹痛 25. 醒来 Unit 6 一一 重点短语重点短语 1. no longer 2. be lonely 3. feel ashamed 4. suffer from stress 5. focus on 6. deal with 7. worry about 8. guard against 9. cancel out 10. look on the bright side 11. take a break 12. go to a c

    37、oncert 13. take up 14. musical instrument 15. be busy with sth. 16. leave. . behind 17. tell jokes 18. cheer. up 19. protect sb. from. 20. take place 21. do well in 22. now and then 23. arrive at 24. have a stomach ache 25. wake up 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. 强迫某人做某事 2. 通过做某事(介词) 3. 感谢做某事 4. 难过地做某事 5. 不得不做某事 6.

    38、被接受 7. 害怕做某事 8. 被用来做某事 二二 常用搭配常用搭配 1. force sb. to do sth. 2. by doing sth. 3. thanks for doing sth. 4. be sorry to do sth. 5. have to do sth. 6. be accepted 7. be afraid to do sth. 8. be used to do sth. 三三 句型突破句型突破 1. 他们过多地将精力集中于学习上、解决同龄人的压 力、担心别人的想法上和在其他事情上做得不够。 2. 你可能想知道压力是否是件严重的事情。 3. 你应该意识到压力对你

    39、的健康来说是一种风险。 4. 如果你想过长寿和健康的生活,你需要开始提防始 于年轻时的压力。 5. 你应该总是持乐观的生活态度,并想象你会有个快 乐、成功的未来 。 6. 当你忙于一种业余爱好时,你会将所有的烦恼抛在 后面。 7. 进行有规律的锻炼,饮食健康并且获得足够的睡眠 是能够帮助你的全部事情。 8. 在你沮丧时,看一部滑稽的电影或同朋友讲笑话经 常会使你振奋起来。 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 1.形容词+ that 从句 2.宾语从句 三三 句型突破句型突破 1. They focus too much on studying, dealing with peer pressure and

    40、 worrying about what others think, and not enough on other things. 2. You may wonder whether stress is a serious matter. 3. You should be aware that stress is a risk to your health. 4. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you need to begin to guard against stress from a young age. 5. You sho

    41、uld always look on the bright side of life, and imagine that you will have a happy and successful future. 6. When you are busy with a hobby, you leave all your worries behind. 7. Taking regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep are all the things that can help you. 8. Seeing a funny film or telling jokes with friends will often cheer you up when you are low. 四四 语法梳理语法梳理 1.形容词+ that 从句 2.宾语从句


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