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    1、2021 高考英语词汇复习专题之基础词汇(一)高考英语词汇复习专题之基础词汇(一) 目录目录 内容内容 专题一专题一 词汇识记与复习词汇识记与复习 专题二专题二 单句词汇变形填空单句词汇变形填空 专题三专题三 语法填空模拟习题语法填空模拟习题 专题四专题四 语法填空真题链接语法填空真题链接 专题一:词汇识记与复习专题一:词汇识记与复习 1century /sentri/ n.世纪,百年 2accept /ksept/ v. 接受 3twenty /twenti/ num.二十 4driver/drav(r)/ n.司机,驾驶员 5light/lat/ (lit, lit) v. 点燃,照亮 n

    2、.光,光 线,灯 a.轻的,浅色的 6celebrate/selbret/ v.庆祝 7nurse/ns/ n.护士,保育员 8ride/rad/ (rode, ridden) v.&n. 乘坐,骑 9stupid/stjupd/ a.愚蠢的 10university/junvsti/ n.大学 11centre/sent(r)/ (=center) n.中心 12method/med/ n.方法,办法 13lose/luz/ (lost, lost) vt. 丢失, 失去, 输 掉 14surface/sfs/ n.表面 15house/has/ n.房子 16everywhere/evri

    3、we(r)/ ad.处处,到处 17chemistry/kemstri/ n.化学 18suggest/sdest/ vt.建议,暗示 19ancient/ennt/ a. 古老的,古代的 20bowl/bl/ n.碗 21fever/fiv(r)/ n.发烧,发热 22loud/lad/ a.大声的 23patient/pent/ a.有耐心的 n.病人 24courage/krd/ n.勇气,勇敢,胆量 25seldom/seldm/ ad.很少,不常 26your/j(r)/ pron.你(们)的(形容词性物主 代词) 27radio/redi/ (pl. radios) n.无线电,

    4、收 音机 28grow/r/ (grew, grown) v. 生长,发 育,种植,逐渐变得 29jump/dmp/ n.&vi.跳,跳跃 30enjoy/nd/ vt.欣赏,享受,喜欢 31straight/stret/ a.直的, 笔直的 ad.直接地 32circle/skl/ n.圆, 圆圈, 圈子 v.画圆圈, 圈出 33Africa/frk/ n.非洲 34earth/ n.地球 35day/de/ n.白天,一天 36gun/n/ n.枪,炮 37more/m(r)/ a.&pron. (数、量等)更多 的,更大 ad.(程度上)更强,更多 38polite/plat/ a.有礼

    5、貌的 39silent/salnt/ a.沉默的,寂静的 40live/lv/ vi.居住,活着,生活 /lav/ a. 活的,现场直播的,现场演出的 41choice/ts/ n.选择,抉择 42true/tru/ a.真的,真实的 43page/ped/ n.页,页码 44zero/zr/ (pl. zeros) n. 零点,零度 num. 零 45report/rpt/ n.&v.报道,报告 46huge/hjud/ a.巨大的 47excuse/kskjuz/ vt.原谅,为辩解(或 找理由) /kskjus/ n.借口 48busy/bz/ a.忙碌的,繁忙的 49pet/pet/

    6、n.宠物 50especially/speli/ ad.特别,尤其 51add/d/ v. 增加,添加,补充说 52club/klb/ n.俱乐部 53grandfather/rnf(r)/ (=grandpa)n. 爷爷,外公 54important/mptnt/ a.重要的 55easy/izi/ a.容易的,不难的 56sale/sel/ n.卖,出售 57clever/klev(r)/ a.聪明的 58total/ttl/ a.全部的, 完全的, 整个的 n. 总数,合计 v.合计 59wonder/wnd(r)/ v.想知道,感到诧异 n.惊讶,惊奇,奇迹,奇观,奇事 60lion/

    7、lan/ n.狮子 61artist/tst/ n. 艺术家 62stop/stp/ n. 停止,车站 v.停止,阻止 63perfect/pfkt/ a.完美的 64climb/klam/ v.爬,攀登 65first/fst/ ad.第一,首先 a.第一的,最 早的 num. 第一 n.第一个人或事 66avoid/vd/ v.避免,避开 67cause/kz/ n.原因,事业 vt.引起 68sell/sel/ (sold, sold) v. 卖,销售 69horse/hs/ n.马 70travel/trvl/ n.&v.旅行 71score/sk(r)/ n.分数,二十 v.得分,记

    8、 分 72yourself/jself/ (pl. yourselves)pron.你 自己 73night/nat/ n.夜晚,晚上 74hardly/hdli/ ad.几乎不 75England/glnd/ n. 英国 76communication/kmjunken/ n.沟通, 交谈,交流,交往 77bird/bd/ n.鸟 78have/hv/ (has, had, had) v. 有, 吃, 喝, 进行,经受 79pay/pe/ (paid, paid) v. 付钱, 给报酬 n.薪金,工资 80about/bat/ ad. 大约,到处 prep. 关 于 81mad/md/ a.

    9、发疯的,生气的 82September/septemb(r)/ (Sept.) n. 九月 83thank/k/ vt.感谢 84winner/wn(r)/ n.获胜者 85off/f/ prep.从离开 ad.(离)开,(走) 开,切断 86desk/desk/ n.书桌,写字台 87subject/sbdkt/ n.题目,主题,学科, 主语 88as/z/ ad.像一样 conj.因为,当时, 随着,正如,虽然,按照,像一样 prep. 作为 89eleven/levn/ num. 十一 90map/mp/ n.地图 91action/kn/ n.行动,动作 92information/n

    10、fmen/ n.u信息 93poem/pm/ n. 诗 94thing/ n.事情,东西 95scissors/szz/ n.剪刀 96whose/huz/ pron.谁的 97hurry/hr/ v.赶紧,急忙 98breakfast/brekfst/ n.早餐 99French/frent/ a.法国的,法国人的,法 语的 n.法语 100part/pt/ n.部分,部件,角色 a.部分 的 v.分离,分开,分手 专题二:单句词汇变形填空专题二:单句词汇变形填空 Though you have great (able), you are not able to do everything

    11、alone. (absorb) in her work, she didnt notice the leaders presence. You can not use the computer for free. (addition), you do not have access to the databases. The reason is (accept) for it is a complete excuse. What is the reason for her (absent) from the activity? Is this museum (access) to the di

    12、sabled? Many students plan to work as an accountant, (account) for 30 percent. Thinking the goal is (achieve), he plans to desert it. Dont worry. All the chairs and desks are (adjust). They are suitable for all pupils. She was lucky to be accepted a member of the club. 参考答案:参考答案: ability; absorbed;

    13、addictionally; unacceptable; absence; accessible; accounting Unachievable;adjustable;as 专题三专题三:语法填空模拟习题语法填空模拟习题 People use the word “friend ” in a 1 (various) of ways. A friend can mean anything from an acquaintance(泛泛之交) to someone youve known. Whoever they are, friends are an important part of lif

    14、e at every stage. For some people, making friends is easy. For others, it can be 2 struggle. Its easy for people who know how to connect with others. But you dont need to be clever or 3 (charm) to make friends. People who make friends easily know how to be 4 (them). Theres an old saying, “A friend i

    15、s someone who knows you welland 5 (like) you anyway.” There are three simple things you can do to make friends. First, you have to like yourself. Make a list of your 6 (strong), talents and achievements. That way, when you meet people, youll know 7 you have to share. Next, learn how to listen. To su

    16、cceed in friendships, you need to show an interest 8 others. Ask questions about other people. Finally, its a good idea 9 (join)a club or take a class. That way, you can meet people who have similar interests. Good friends 10 (usual) like the same things. 参考答案:参考答案:1.variety2.a 3.charming 4.themselv

    17、es 5.likes 6.strengths 7. what 8.in 9.to join 10.usually 专题四专题四:语语法填空真题链接法填空真题链接 On our way to the house,it was raining 1 hard that we couldnt help wondering how long it would take 2 (get)there.It was in the middle of Pearl City. We were first greeted with the barking by a pack 3 dogs,seven to be ex

    18、act.They were well trained by their masters 4 had great experience with caring for these animals.Our hosts shared many of their experiences and 5 (recommend)wonderful places to eat,shop,and visit.For breakfast,we were able to eat papaya(木瓜)and other fruits from their trees in the backyard. When they

    19、 were free from work,they invited us to local events and let us know of an interesting 6 (compete)to watch,together with the story behind it.They also shared with us many 7 (tradition)stories about Hawaii that were 8 (huge)popular with tourists.On the last day of our week-long stay,we 9 (invite)to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars, 10 (listen)to musicians and meeting interesting locals. 参考答案:参考答案:1.so 2.to get 3.of 4.who 5.recommended petition 7.traditional 8.hugely 9.were invited10.listening


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