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    1、1 2020-2021 学年七年级上册各区英语期中考试考点整理 一单项选择一单项选择 【冠词】 1. Do you like_film My People, My Homeland? Yes, I think its_interesting and meaningful film.(2020 玄武期中) A.the; an B. the; theC. a; theD. a; an 2.There is_“f” in the word “free”.(2020 秦淮期中) A. aB. anC. theD. 不填 【时间介词 on】 3._Teachers Day, we visit our p

    2、rimary school teachers and tell them about our new school. (2020 玄武期中) A.AtB. InC. OnD. For 4.They want to watch the film _the evening of 15 November.(2020 秦淮期中) A. inB. onC. atD. 不填 5. _ National Day, people have many activities to celebrate the birthday of our country. (2020 建邺期中) A. OnB.AtC. InD.

    3、 For 【频率副词】 6. Jacky thinks volleyball is a girls name, so he _ plays it.(2020 鼓楼期中) A. alwaysB. usuallyC. oftenD. seldom 7. We_get the chance to go to the cinema, because we are too busy with our work. (2020 玄武期中) A.seldomB. sometimesC. oftenD. always 【介宾动宾】 8.Its a secret between you and_. Dont le

    4、t others know it.(2020 玄武期中) A.IB. myC. weD. me 9.Whos the man in a blue T-shirt? He is Mr. Green, our new teacher. He teaches_Maths.(2020 秦淮期中) A.yourB. ourC. usD. we 10.I like my English teacher Mr. Scudder because I can learn a lot from _. (2020 鼓楼期中) A. heB. himC. sheD. her 11. Is Mr. Wang your

    5、teacher? Yes. He teaches _English.(2020 建邺期中) A. youB. ourC. usD. we 2 【外貌长相】 12._your new PE teacher look? Tall and strong.(2020 玄武期中) A.What doesB. What isC. How doesD. How is 13._? He looks tall and strong.(2020 秦淮期中) A. What is your fatherB. How is your father C. What does your father likeD. How

    6、 does your father look 【语音】 14.Which i in the following words has a different sound from the others?(2020 玄武期中) A.slimB. timeC. winterD. tennis 15.Which of the following words is pronounced (发音) /hbi/?(2020 秦淮期中) A.hobbyB. happyC. homeD. hope 16.Which pair has different sounds?(2020 秦淮期中) A.white; r

    7、iceB. game; faceC. bread; heavyD. music; just 17. Timmy has got many presents from her friends. Which of the following is correct for the underlined part?(2020 建邺期中) A. /B. /e/C. /e/D. /i:/ 18. Read the sentence I am glad to have a chat with Max.” and youll find some words have the same vowel “_”(20

    8、20 鼓楼期中) A. /e/B. /C. /D. /D/ 【hope 用法】 19.Sandy, I hope you _ to my School Open Day. It will be very interesting! Of course I will. Thank you!(2020 建邺期中) A. are comeB. to comeC. comesD. come 【特殊疑问词】 20. How far is it from your home to your school? _.(2020 玄武期中) A.On foot.B. I can take a bus there.

    9、C. Its about half an hour.D.About half an hours walk. 21._do you do homework every day? Nearly two hours a day. A. How soonB. How oftenC. How longD. How much 3 【open/is open close/ is closed】 22.The park near our school_at six in the morning and it_for twelve hours a day. (2020 玄武期中) A.is open; open

    10、sB. opens; is open C. is open; is openD. opens; opens 23.Its 10 oclock in the morning now. The supermarket is _. Lets go and buy some food.(2020 秦淮期中) A.opensB. openC. openingD. to open 24.Our friends will come tonight for dinner. There is nothing in the fridge. Its 10 oclock now and the supermarket

    11、 is _ . Lets go and buy some food. (2020 建邺期中) A. closeB. closedC. openedD. open 【词组】 25.Theres nothing to eat. I have to go to the supermarket. Can you help me_my child? OK.(2020 玄武期中) A.look atB. look forC. look afterD. look out 26.New studies say that eating candies may not_your eyes.(2020 玄武期中)

    12、A.be good forB. be good atC. be good toD. be good in 27.What does Cindy often do after school?(2020 秦淮期中) She often plays the piano for one hour. It makes her_happy. A.feelB. feelsC. feelingD. to feel 【情景交际】 28. Im going to have a big party tomorrow. _!(2020 秦淮期中) A.Let me seeB. Of course C. Have a

    13、good timeD. Wish you good luck 29.Mike, I will go to another school for a new start. I wish you _ in your new school.(2020 鼓楼期中) A. a good tripB. all the bestC. good healthD. a great holiday 30.Lets go fishing this afternoon. _, but I have an important meeting. A.SureB. Id like toC. I dont want to g

    14、oD. I have no time 二完形填空完形填空 (2020 鼓楼期中) My first day at the new school makes me look stupid (傻的) in front of all the class. The teacher sends me to the _1_ to write down my name. Of course I know my name and know _2_ to write it. But standing there with the eyes of the many girls and boys looking a

    15、t my _3_ 4 makes me freeze (冰冻) inside, and I cant write a letter. “Write your name, the teacher says to me again. I lift (举起) the white chalk to the board and, as I am going to write my name, my mind goes empty. I cannot remember my name, not even the first letter. “Just forget about _4_ and write

    16、your name, the teacher says! I want to write but my hand cannot _5_. The children begin to whisper (窃窃私语) and my face turns red. “Dont you know your name? the teacher asks. I look at her and cannot _6_. The teacher stands up and walks to my side, _ 7_ at me to give me hope. She puts her hand softly

    17、on my shoulder and asks me, “Whats your name?” ” Richard Wright, I speak in a low voice. I spell my name very quickly. “Now, can you write?” “Yes, Madam. _ 8 _ , I tum to the blackboard to write. I try very hard to remember, _9_ I can remember nothing. I lean (倚靠) my head against the cold blackboard

    18、 feeling very_ 10_ The boys and the girls start laughing and I freeze. “You may go to your seat. the teacher says. I sit with my ears and neck burning, hearing the pupils talk about me, hating myself. 1.A. blackboardB. deskC. chairD. wall 2.A, whereB. whenC. whatD. how 3.A. faceB. eyesC. backD. mout

    19、h 4.A. themB. youC. itD. us 5.A. jumpB. goC. moveD. draw 6. cryB. answerC. standD. sit 7,A. laughingB. smilingC. shoutingD. calling 8.A. AgainB.AlsoC. ReallyD. Often 9.A. soB. butC. orD. and 10.A. tiredB. funnyC. thirstyD. sad 三三阅读理解阅读理解 A(2020 建邺期中) On the 15th day of the eighth lunar ( 阴 历 的 ) mon

    20、th every year, people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. In this year, it falls on October 1st. Watching the moon and eating moon cakes are some of the fun activities we do during this traditional festival. They look up at the moon and give best wishes to each other. The full moon stands for being t

    21、ogether with friends and family. Also, many popular legends and poems are about the moon. They all show how Chinese people appreciate (欣赏) the moon. The most famous legend is about the lady Change. Long ago, people said there were 10 suns in the sky. Her husband Hou Yi shot down nine of them. The Em

    22、press of Heaven (王母娘娘) gave him a magic pill (仙丹) as a reward. This pill would make him live forever. However, Change took the pill by accident. Then she flew to the moon and lived there forever. Another legend tells the story of a woodcutter (伐木工) named Wu Gang. He had to cut down trees because he

    23、once made the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) angry. But the magical tree kept growing back. So he had to work endlessly. There are a lot of poems about moon too. For example, Su Shi of the Song Dynasty wrote his famous The Mid- Autumn Festival, Tune: Prelude to Water Melody (水调歌头明月几时有) during the Mid-Autumn Fe

    24、stival. 5 1.The Mid-Autumn Festival is on_. A. 15th day of the eighth lunar month every yearB. October 1st every year C. 1st day of the tenth lunar month every yearD.August 15th every year 2.People watch the full moon during this traditional festival because_. A.watching the moon and eating moon cak

    25、es are important B.the full moon stands for being together with friends and family C.they like looking up at the moon and give best wishes to each other. D.They want to show how Chinese people appreciate the moon. 3.Which is the correct order of the things below? . The Empress of Heaven gave him a m

    26、agic pill as a reward. . Hou Yi shot down nine of suns. . Change flew to the moon and lived there forever. A.B.C.D. 4.The underlined word“endlessly”in the passage means ” _”. A. yearlyB . foreverC. quicklyD. carefully B(2020 建邺期中) Over 30 percent of all food produced goes to waste, according to The

    27、United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization(联合国粮农组织). Supermarkets and families throw away food that they cant finish selling or eating. To stop this, here are some ideas. Take a look for yourself. Food bank The worlds first food bank was in the US in 1967. People and stores can give food to Th

    28、e bank if they have more. People in need could then go to the food bank and take the food home they could not buy any for themselves. In Shanghai, there is a shared fridge in some places. It stores(储存)food that is donated by nearby markets and restaurants. It is free for anyone to take. Pay as you l

    29、ike A UK company called The Real Junk Food Project says that food that has passed its sell-by date(保质期)is still safe to eat. They collect this food from supermarkets and sell it in cafes. You only have to pay as much as you like. If you dont want to spend money, you can also work at the cafes. There

    30、 are now 125 Real Junk Food cafes worldwide,And the number is growing quickly. Buy less What else can we do to stop food waste? The answer is just buying less food. There are millions of people around the world who still dont have enough to eat. We should be more careful about how we shop for food.

    31、5.How many ideas are mentioned in the passage to save food? A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five 6.In a food bank,_. Apeople in need could go to the food bank and take the food home B.you need to pay as much money as you buy in a supermarket C.the food has passed its sell-by date 6 D. we should be more care

    32、ful about how we shop for food 7.According to the writer, _. A.food that has passed its sell-by date is not safe to eat B.food in cafes is from peoples home and supermarkets C.there are going to be fewer and fewer Real Junk Food cafes worldwide D.you can also work at the cafes when you dont want to

    33、pay 8.What does this passage mainly talk about? A.The reasons why people waste food B.Ideas to stop food waste C.The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization D.Ways to shop for food 四任务型填空四任务型填空 US Schools ban bake sales (2020 玄武期中) Can you bake ( 烘 烤 )? In the United States, children learn

    34、to bake from a very young age. They have “bake sales” at school. It is a traditional ( 传 统 的 )activity. Students bake sweet treats ( 甜 品 ) at home. Then they sell the treats at school. The schools make money. They may use the money to pay for field trips, art and sports activities. However, now ther

    35、e are some different ideas about bake sales. Twenty-four states (州) dontlet students sell or buy sweets during the school day. They follow the Smart Snack rules. The rules say food at school must be healthy. But sweets like cakes and cookies can be bad for studentshealth. So students have different

    36、ideas about bake sales. Tracy doesnt like bake sales. She says they arent good for children and there are other ways to raise ( 筹 集 ) money. For example, schools can sell water. Schools should care more about studentshealth. ButAna likes bake sales. She thinks its more fun to buy cakes than carrot s

    37、ticks (棒). Students can make baked food healthier. They can use natural ingredients (天然食 材 ). Also, baking is a nice way for students to spend time with their friends and family. US Schools ban bake sales IntroductionIn the United States, children learn to bake when they are very_1_. As a traditiona

    38、l activity, students bake the treats at home, then sell_2_at school. The school pay for some activities_3_the money. Different _4_24 states dont let students sell or buy sweets when they are in the _5_. The rules say food at school must be_6_. Sweets can be_7_for studentshealth. Tracy_8_bake sales.

    39、They are bad for children and schools can try something_9_to raise money. Ana likes bake sales. 7 _10_cakes is more fun than carrots sticks. Baking is a nice way for them to spend time with their friends and family, too. 五首字母填空五首字母填空 (2020 玄武期中) If you love getting out, Great Outdoors Month is the p

    40、erfect month for you! Great Outdoors Week started in 1998. Later, governors (州长) from across the country joined in choosing June as a m_1_ to celebrate the great outdoors. Now it is a month-long celebration. Great Outdoors Month wants to let more people get out and e_2_themselves. People can exercis

    41、e or take part in volunteer (志愿者)jobs. Here are some a _3_for you to get out to do. Everyone in them can have joy. They can help you stay away f _4_smart phones and get close to nature. Biking lets you see the world in a n _5_and different way. It can h_6_you keep healthy. Boating is a great f_7_act

    42、ivity and you can do it with your parents, brothers and sisters. This activity on the w _8_can also help you build a deep relationship (关系) with each other. When you go on p_9_, you will make a fire by yourselves and cook meals with your friends. Doing some e_10_to enjoy nature is good for our body.

    43、 We should let getting out be part of our healthy life and have a good time in this month! 六基础知识六基础知识 【音标】 1. What time is by your watch? It is a _ /kw:t(r)/ to seven.(2020 建邺期中) 2. Chinas Beidou-3 Navigation Satellite System was officially commissioned. We Chinese are so happy that one of our dream

    44、s comes _ /tru:/.(2020 建邺期中) 3. Nanjing Poly Theater in our Jianye District is bright and _ /mdn/ (2020 建邺期中) 4. To celebrate the National Day, my family often have a _ /pknk/. (2020 建邺期中) 5. Listening to music is one of my _ /hbiz/. It makes me feel happy.(2020 鼓楼期中) 【动名词】 6. I practise _ (swim) ev

    45、ery week. I enjoy it.(2020 建邺期中) 7. We have a good time _ (watch) the film The Eight Hundred in the cinema. (2020 建邺期中) 8.Many people in England enjoy _ (play) football, rugby and cricket. (2020 鼓楼期中) 【主谓】 9. Sandy with her classmates often _ (enjoy) playing football after school.(2020 建邺期中) 10.The

    46、little girl sits down on the chair and _ (have) another drink.(2020 鼓楼期中) 8 【所有格】 11.Whose shoes are these, John? I think they are those_(play).(2020 秦淮期中) 【改写句子】 12.Nanjingnan Railway Station is far away from Xinjiekou. (改为同义句) It is a _ from Nanjingnan Railway Station to Xinjiekou.(2020 秦淮期中) 13.W

    47、hats your favourite sport?(2020 玄武期中) I like table tennis_(well). 14. They do morning exercises at 8:15 in the morning. (改为否定句)(2020 鼓楼期中) They _ morning exercises at 8:15 in the morning 15. Sandy goes to the Volleyball Club three times a week. (对划线提问)(2020 鼓楼期中) _ Sandy go to the Volleyball Club? 1

    48、6. Simon and Jim play for their school football team. (改为同义句)(2020 鼓楼期中) Simon and Jim are _ their school football team. 【翻译句子】 17.我喜欢在电话里和朋友谈论有趣的电影。(2020 秦淮期中) I like talking to my friends about interesting films_. 18.李雷上学从不迟到,他总是第一个到校。(2020 秦淮期中) Li Lei _school. He is always the first to get to school. 19.做家庭作业每天要花费她一个小时。(2020 玄武期中) _her an hour_her homework every day. 20.你可以在我们学校图书馆借各种各样的书。(2


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