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    2020年牛津英语7A Unit6 Food and lifestyle 单元提优试题(含答案)

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    2020年牛津英语7A Unit6 Food and lifestyle 单元提优试题(含答案)

    1、牛津英语牛津英语 7A unit6 单元提优练习单元提优练习 一、单项选择一、单项选择 1. I often have _ egg and a glass of milk for _ breakfast every day. A. an; / B. a; / C. an; the D. a; the 2. - Im hungry. Would you please give me _to eat? - How about _cakes? A. something; any B. anything; some C. something; some D. everything; any 3. I

    2、have noodles and vegetables because they are good_ me .I think its important _ us to have healthy eating habits. A. at; for B. with; as C. to ; for D. for; for 4. Those _ need a lot of time _ every day. A. dances, dance B. dancers, dancing C. dancers, to dance D. dancing, to dance 5. We cant eat lot

    3、s of sweets before _ to bed because theres _sugar in them. A. going; much too B. go; too much C. going; too much D. to go; too many 6. You need _ more and watch _TV. A. to exercise ; little B. to exercise ; less C. to exercise ; more D. exercising ;less 7. You can put _ salt into the soup to make it

    4、 _better. A. a little; tastes B. a little; taste C. a few ; to taste D. a few; taste 8. Doing sports me fit. A. help, keep B. helps, keeps C. help, keeps D. helps, keep 9. - _ meat do you want? About three and a half _. A. How many, kilos B. How much, kilos C. How many, kiloes D. How much, kiloes 10

    5、. My friend Amy _ drinking coloured drinks _ cola and orange. A. like; like B. like; likes C. likes; like D. likes; likes 11. Breakfast gives us energy _ the _morning. A. to; whole B. for; whole C. on; all D. for; all 12. I sometimes have rice _ fish and an apple _ lunch. A. with, to B. with, for C.

    6、 for, with D. in, on 13. Kitty does _ because she wants to be_. A. exercise; health B. sports; healthy C. sports; health D. exercises; healthy 14. Fish is good children. We need to keep healthy. A. on; them B. for; it C. at; them D. to; them 15 The fish on the plate looks_, but tastes _. A. well; ba

    7、d B. bad; good C. badly; well D. good; good 二、完形填空: In my family,my mum always gives the family something special for meals she may make breakfast food for dinner. I still remember one night my mum 1 some bread in front of my dad,something very burnt (焦的) . I wait to see if (是否) my dad will get angr

    8、y. To my surprise, my dad just takes his 2 , smiles at my mum and then turns to ask me how my day at school is. I 3 what I tell him that night. 4 I remember (记得) watching him put some butter on that bread. He 5 happily, every bite(一口). After dinner, my mum says 6 to my dad for burning the bread. And

    9、 I never forget(忘 记)what he says, I 7 burnt bread, dear. It doesnt matter at all. Later that night, I go to kiss Dad good 8 . I ask him if he really likes his bread burnt. He has me in arms and 9 , Your mum works very hard all day. Shes really 10 . And you seea little burnt food never hurts(伤害)anyon

    10、e! Now I know life is not perfect(完美). 11 is perfect, either. As for me, 1 often forget birthdays or some other special days. But I learn something 12 these years. What we really need is the understanding of each other, between a husband(丈夫)and wife, a parent and 13 or just between two friends. This

    11、 is the key(关键)to a happy 14 . So dont get angry if the bread gets burnt. Remember burnt bread never hurts anyone. Be 15 to those around you and a happier life will surely come closer to you. 1 .A. cooks B. puts C. finds D. buys 2. A. glass B. milk C. bowl D. bread 3. A. tell B. know C. forget D. as

    12、k 4. A. But B. So C. Because D. And 5. A. keeps B. eats C. drinks D. looks 6. A. hello B. goodbye C. no D. sorry 7. A. dislike B. love C. make D. need 8. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night 9. A. sings B. says C. laughs D. cries 10. A. tired B. excited C. angry D. interested 11. A. Everybody

    13、 B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Somebody 12. A. important B. difficult C. interesting D. easy 13. A. student B. brother C. sister D. child 14. A. class B. party C. life D. story 15. A. angry B. kind C. clever D. free 三三、阅阅读读理理解解 A In recent years, WeChat is very popular. Many people express(表达) themselves,

    14、 share ideas and give information by WeChat. Liu Tao, Li Ming and Xie Hong are showing their WeChat moments(朋友圈) below. Liu Tao After 3-hour flight(航班), I am at last in Shanghai Disneyland. I took a picture of the castle, is it beautiful? You see, there are too many people in it during holidays, so

    15、I have to wait for hours before watching a play or play a game. Its a little pity. I will take a plane to Sanya this Wednesday. Ill post again from there. Li Ming London is beautiful. We went on a great city trip. We took a double-bus around the city and visited the Big Ben, the Tower bridge and the

    16、 Buckingham Palace. Of course, we didnt miss(错过) the London Eye. And its nice to sit at a street cafe and watch the world go by. But to tell you a secret(秘密), Lei Wei is sad because no one can understand his English. Xie Hong Were staying at the grassland of Inner Mongolia( 内 蒙 古 ). Every morning, w

    17、e get up early, and we ride the horses. Then its breakfast and more riding-not my idea of fun! So, today I walked to a little town near the grassland where they have Internet. This weekend, were shopping in Hohhot. I cant wait. 1. Where is Liu Tao writing from? A. Shanghai. B. Sanya. C. The UK. D. I

    18、nner Mongolia 2. How will Liu Tao get to Sanya? A. By train. B. By plane. C. By bus. D. By car. 3. What did Li Ming do in London? A. He visited museums. B. He took a bus ride(旅行). C. He sat at a street park. D. He watched films in the cinema. 4. How many places of interest(名胜) did Li Ming visit in L

    19、ondon? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 5. Which of the following is Right about Xie Hong? A. It is very noisy(嘈杂的) around the grassland. B. Her idea of fun is horse riding. C. She is going to London this weekend. D. She cannot use Internet at the grassland. B We can enjoy a two-day weekend every

    20、week. Maybe two days are too short, but we can try to plan the time well. Here are some ideas. Get up early. The weekend is not only a time to sleep in. But some of us get up for lunch! Thats too bad. You can have more free time if you get up early. Do the homework early. We have to spend much time

    21、on our homework. You can feel better if you do your homework early. You can do homework on Saturday morning. And then you can play well. I often do my homework on Saturday morning, so I dont have to worry (担心) about it on Saturdays or Sundays. Go out for fun. Think about what you like to do. Plan a

    22、sports activity like playing football in the park. You can also visit a museum, a zoo or a park. ( )1. The writer is a _. A. teacher B. student C. parent D. doctor ( ) 2. The underlined phrases sleep in means(意思是) _ in English. A. get up early B. go to bed late C. go to bed early D. get up later tha

    23、n usual in the morning ( ) 3. The second idea is about _. A. the right time to get up B. the good place for weekends C. the best time to do homework D. the outdoor activity for weekends ( ) 4. Its not a good idea to visit a(n) _ at weekends. A. Internet Bar B. park C. museum D. zoo D When you see so

    24、meone in trouble, what will you do? Maybe you can get the ideas from the story. Many years ago, there was a poor farmer and a great man. They lived in the same village, but they never talked with each other before. One day, the poor farmer was taking a bag of wheat to town. Suddenly, the bag fell of

    25、f his donkey(驴) onto the road. It was too heavy, so he did not know what he could do about it. He only hoped that someone would soon go by and help him. Just at that time, a man on a horse came up to him. But the farmer felt disappeared(失望) when he saw the man. It was that great man. He thought the

    26、great man wouldnt help him, and hoped another farmer would come up. But to his surprise, the great man got off his horse when he came near. I see you need help, he said, Im here just at the right time. Then he took one side of the bag and the farmer took the other. They lifted(提) it together and put

    27、 it on the donkey. Sir, asked the farmer, How can I pay you? Its very easy, the great man answered. When you see anyone else in trouble do the same for him. ( )1. What did the poor farmer take to town? A. A bag of vegetables. B. A bag of wheat. C. A bag of rice. D. A bag of apples. ( ) 2. Why couldn

    28、t the farmer lift the bag? A. Because he was too young. B. Because he was too old. C. Because the bag was too heavy for him. D. Because the bag was too large for him. ( )3. When the great man saw the poor farmer in trouble, What did he do? A. He went away without stopping. B. He asked another farmer

    29、 to help him. C. He came up to help him. D. He gave him a lot of money. ( ) 4. The great man asked the poor farmer to pay him . A. by giving him money B. by giving him a horse C. by giving him a bag of wheat D. by helping others 四四、词汇运用、词汇运用 1. Everyone should brush their _ (牙)after getting up and b

    30、efore going to bed. 2. It is their highest _(得分) of the season. 3. Mr. Li goes to a fast food restaurant and _(点)a pizza for lunch. 4. _ (计划) a trip to Yangzhou is one of our dreams. 5. Which animal likes eating ( 胡萝卜) very much? 6. A good breakfast _ (help) us start the day well. 7. Simons idea sou

    31、nds _ (wonder). What about kittys? 8. Kitty doesnt like snacks and cola, because they are _ (health). 9. My grandpa is eighty years old, but he is still very _(energy) 10. This car is one of the _.(dance) 五句型转换五句型转换 1.Sandy dances for two hours every day. (对划线部分提问) does Sandy dance every day? 2.Dani

    32、els shirt is green and white. (对划线部分提问) Daniels shirt? 3.There is a swimming pool near my home. (对划线部分提问) near your home? 4.Ann usually has rice and meat for lunch. (改为否定句) Ann rice meat for lunch. 5.Mum cooks dinner for us for half an hour. (改为同义句) It Mum 30 minutes dinner for us. 六、任务型阅读六、任务型阅读 Do

    33、 you often wake up with a tired feeling? If so, listen to Dr. Talbot and he has good ideas to help you feel good. Start exercising. If you hate feeling tired, you should start exercising. Try running, swimming or cycling. When you exercise, your body (身体) helps to give you energy and make you feel h

    34、appy. If you think exercising is not easy, listen to your favourite music and dance to it. Thats exercise, too. Keep a healthy diet (饮食). You should eat three meals every day and say goodbye to too much fast food. If you need more energy for the day, make an energy drink. Put some fruit juice and mi

    35、lk in a glass and drink it. It is great. Enjoy outside world. The flowers and the nice air (空气) can make you feel happy. The green trees are good for your eyes. Take a shower (淋浴). When you have a shower, change the temperature (温度) of the water from hot to cold and back to hot again. Youll feel its

    36、 different. Laugh (大笑). You should laugh for more than three minutes a day. It can make you feel great. 1 to help you feel good Some people feel tired after 2 up. 3 Try running, 4 , or cycling. They help give you energy. If you find exercising 5 , dance to your favourite music. Healthy diet Have thr

    37、ee meals a day. 6 eat too much fast food. 7 an energy drink. Outside world Go out to 8 the flowers, nice air and green trees. A shower 9 the temperature when taking a shower. Laugh You should laugh for more than 3 10 a day. 七、书面表达七、书面表达 学校的English Club正以My Best Friend为题举行征文活动, 请根据下列表格中提示的内容, 用英语写一篇征

    38、文。 姓名 李梅 年龄 13 岁 外貌品质 个子不高,但看起来健康;很友好 生活习惯 1.她说保持健康很重要, 因此经常吃水果和蔬菜。 早饭吃面包喝牛奶; 午饭吃些肉、蔬菜和米饭;晚饭吃得少。 2.每天锻炼半个小时,她通常步行上学 你的想法 My Best Friend Id like to tell you something about my best friend Li Mei. 参考参考答案:答案: 选择题:ACDCC BBDBC BBBBB 完形填空: BDCAB DBDBA CADCB 阅读理解 ABBDD BDCA BCCD 词汇: 1.teeth 2.points 3.orde

    39、rs 4.Planning 5.carrots 6.helps 7.wonderful 8.unhealthy 9. energetic 10.dancers 句型转换 1.How long 2.What colour 3.How many swimming pools are there 4.usually doesnt have;or 5.takes to cook 任务型阅读 1.IdeasWays How 2.waking 3.Exercise 4.swimming 5.difficult/hard 6.Never/Dont 7.Make 8.enjoy 9.Change 10.minutes 书面表达(略)


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