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    1、 完形填空完形填空专题专题 江苏省无锡市锡北片 2020 届九年级一模英语试题 二、完形填空二、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个 选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上作答。(本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) Mr. Lee was a teacher in a middle school in a big city. He had a 15 and he had a garage(车库) under his apartment. However,someone often parked their cars in front o

    2、f his garage 16 he couldnt drive his car out of his garage. This made him quite 17 . When he found others write “No Parking” on the door of their garages, he 18 to write them on his own garage,too. Mr.Lee was good at writing,and his handwriting is very 19 . He bought some 20 paint and a paint brush,

    3、and then he wrote “No Parking” on the door of his garage. The red words were so beautiful and great that many people said great to him. They said, “It shows that you are a 21 man.” He thought there would be 22 parking his car in front of his garage. He realized, however, that he was 23 the next morn

    4、ing. Someone still parked his car there like before. Mr.Lee was very angry with the man. Mr.Lee went up to him at once when the man 24 his car in front of Mr. Lees garage as usual. “Why do you park your car here? Cant you see the words here?” asked Mr.Lee. “I saw it. But I thought the words are so b

    5、eautiful. Then you must be a knowledgeable man. You cant break or draw something on my car. I believe in you.”, the man said happily. 15.A.car B.truck C.bus D.bike 16.A.as a result B.above all C.so that D.after all 17.A.excited B.mad C.pleased D.sad 18.A.allowed B.started C.suggested D.decided 19.A.

    6、poor B.strange C.successful D.cool 20.A.black B.blue C.red D.brown 21.A.special B.knowledgeable C.enjoyable D.fashionable 22.A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody 23.A.right B.wrong C.correct D.satisfied 24.A.stopped B.started C.mended D.broke 二、完形填空二、完形填空 (本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) A. 15-19 A C B D D

    7、20-24 C B C B A 江苏省无锡市惠山区 2020 届九年级一模英语试题 三三、完形填空、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以 填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑(本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) I keep a two-dollar bill in my wallet that was given by my mother when I was six years old. Mother gave it to me 35 luck would follow me everywhere. She looked at m

    8、e and said, “I want you to carry this two-dollar bill for extra good luck.” “Thanks, Mom,” I replied. “I will keep it close to me always.” My mother passed away when I was seven years old. I remembered I took out my two-dollar bill and held it in my hand for the longest time, knowing that she would

    9、be 36 over me the rest of life. On my first 37 , I was thirty years old. As I sat in the 38 , I noticed there were five women ahead of me. All of them were 39 and well dressed, which made me more nervous. “What makes you feel you are fit for this job?” Mrs. Martin, the office manager asked me. “I re

    10、ally need this job and there is 40 I cant do. I know I am not as 41 as your other applicants(申请人) for the job, but please give me a chance. I learn quickly and can be a very capable(有能力的) member of your team.” That evening I received a(n) 42 from Mrs. Martin.“Gina,” she said, “you were not the most

    11、suitable applicant, but you have so much confidence in yourself 43 we decided to give you a chance to prove yourself.” “Thank you, Mrs. Martin. You will not regret this decision.” I said excitedly and hung up the phone. I got my 44 and took out my two-dollar bill. “Thanks, Mom. I am sure to make it,

    12、” I said out loud so that she could hear me. ( ) 35. A. even if B. because of C. even though D. so that ( ) 36. A. watching B. protecting C. teaching D. caring ( ) 37. A. business B. interview C. journey D. vacation ( ) 38. A. waiting room B. dining room C. sitting room D. living room ( ) 39. A. old

    13、er B. cleverer C. younger D. earlier ( ) 40. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything ( ) 41. A. polite B. important C. suitable D. attractive ( ) 42. A. e-mail B. call C. letter D. telegram ( ) 43. A. as B. that C. what D. which ( ) 44. A. pocket B. wallet C. bag D. case 三、完形填空(本大题共三、完形填空(

    14、本大题共 10 分,每小题分,每小题 1 分)分) 35-39: DABAC 40-44: CCBBB 江苏省无锡市天一实验学校、江阴初级中学、太湖格致中学 2020 届九年级一模英语试题 二、完形填空二、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可 以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Chef Zhang Xuesi lowered the fire on the stove where he was cooking his Cantonese meal. He added all the

    15、 necessary foods, 15_ the seafood, shrimp. He quickly lowered the fire and turned toward a phone camera 16 hundreds of people watched him online. Many people in China have to stay in their homes in the effort to stop the 17 of coronavirus. Millions of them are finding a new interest in cooking. Peop

    16、le watching television and online cooking shows are learning 18 to make Chinese and Western foods. They are also pushing up the sale of special cookware on online markets. The Chinese video streaming company Billibilli said it has had more than 580 million views of its 19 videos in the two months si

    17、nce Another online cooking show producer DayDayCook told Reuters its numbers of new users 20 200 percent from January to February. A recipe for bean curd and shrimp received the most watchers. We have never gained new users with such speed since we launched the 21 in 2012, said founder and leader No

    18、rma Chu. Many new home cooks are young people living in cities, say industry leaders. This group is used to 22 in restaurants or getting food delivery. Now these people are cooking at home. Wu Shuang is a 30-year-old who works in Beijing, the capital. She was 23 those trapped at home in February. Sh

    19、e says she spent a lot of time online, learning how to make bread and other foods. Chef Zhang explained that many of his online viewers expressed 24 in discussing more than just food. 二、完形填空 (本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 15.-24 ACB DA .BABDC 江苏省无锡市凤翔集团 2020 届九年级一模考试英语试题 I used to hate being called upon in cla

    20、ss mainly because I didnt like others to notice me. And if I was not told to have a seat by the teacher, I always 35 to sit at the back of the classroom. All this changed after I joined a sports team. It began when a teacher suggested I join the basketball team. At first I thought it was a crazy ide

    21、a because I didnt have a good sense of balance, and I didnt have the 36 to keep up with the others in the team and they would laugh at me. But because the teacher kept insisting on my “ 37 for it”, I decided to give a try. Getting up the 38 to try was only the half of it! When I first started 39 the

    22、 practice courses, I didnt even know the rules of the game. Sometimes Id get confused (迷惑的) and take a shot at the wrong direction which made me feel really silly. 40 , I wasnt the only one “new” 15 A. including B. forgetting C. having D. remembering 16 A. why B. before C. as D. after 17 A. coming B

    23、. spread C. return D. birth 18 A. what B. where C. when D. how 19 A. cooking B. fire C. dancing D. singing 20 A. got B. increased C. reduced D. became 21 A. service B. beginning C. ending D. actions 22 A. playing B. eating C. drinking D. buying 23 A. between B. besides C. opposite D. among 24 A. fee

    24、ling B. humour C. interest D. anger 35. A. hoped B. agreed C. chose D. meant 36. A. duty B. patience C. chance D. ability 37. A. asking B. looking C. cheering D. going 38. A. strength B. courage C. stress D. knowledge 39. A. enjoying B. preparing C. attending D. watching 40. A. Interestingly B. Hope

    25、fully C. Exactly D. Luckily at the game, so I decided to learn the game, do my best at each practice course, and not be too hard on myself for the things I didnt know. I practised and practised. Soon I knew the 41 and the “moves”. Being part of a team was not so difficult. V ery soon the exciting pa

    26、rt for me was WINNING 42 I didnt have enough confidence. With time, I learned how to play and made friends. I never had so much fun! With more self-confidence comes more praise from teachers and classmates. I have gone from “ 43 ” in the back of the classroom and not wanting to call attention to mys

    27、elf, 44 raising my hand even when I sometimes wasnt and not 100 percent sure I had the right answer. Now I have more self-confidence in myself. 三、完形填空 35-39 CDDBC 40-44 DCCAB 江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校 20192020 学年度九年级第二学期英语一模试卷 二、完形填空:先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可 以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) It w

    28、as our first Thanksgiving in the new house and I wanted everything to be perfect. But my plan for everyone to contribute some preparation work couldnt be carried out for my husbands business trip. Even worse, I had to_1_ two days of planned vacation finishing the extra work. By Wednesday, since I di

    29、dnt get an ideal table with fresh flowers, beautiful drinking glasses and various homemade desserts, I just hoped that Id find a clean tablecloth and eight _2_ forks. In my perfect Thanksgiving, there wouldnt be any orange in my salad because I hadnt made the shopping list. There would be no perfect

    30、 family photos to record that day because I hadnt got the broken camera_3_. Someone had brought home the wrong toilet paper, which made me break down. I dont remember what my son asked me as he was vacuuming (吸尘), but I do remember my serious mom-face before barking out an_4_. The noise and anger ar

    31、e terrible to kids everywhere that they might as well_5_ me. But he didnt. Instead of disappearing from view, my second-grader turned off the vacuum and walked 41. A. steps B. orders C. rules D. games 42. A. so B. because C. though D. when 43. A. hiding B. playing C. relaxing D. dreaming 44. A. by B

    32、. to C. with D. for across the room to face me. He never said a word. He just put his arms around me, making me feel a deep sense of_6_of myself until today. The end result was that it was a(n)_7_ Thanksgiving. The people I loved gathered around my table and dined just one choice of the pie. My dad

    33、used a mismatched fork without_8_. My daughter drew a picture of us where everyone smiled. My son took a(n)_9_to teach me that sometimes we need a hug (拥抱) most when we are least huggable. This is the best gift you can give. One size fits all and no one ever minds if you_10_. 1.A. spare B.waste C. o

    34、ffer D.save 2.A. amazing B. challenging C. satisfying D. matching 3. A. worked B. fixed C. dealt D. hired 4. A. idea B. instruction C. order D. answer 5.A. punish B. praise C. avoid D. comfort 6. A. pride B. shame C. confidence D.surprise 7. A. fashionable B. awful C. perfect D. meaningful 8. A. sadness B. doubt C. complaint D. worry 9. A. risk B. break C. chance D. lead 10.A. receive B. return C. refuse D. remind 完形填空 ADBDC BCCAB


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