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    1、八年级八年级上册上册英语英语第二次第二次月考分类月考分类复习复习-词汇词汇 一词汇 (A)根据句意和汉语注释,写出正确的单词 1. Samuel (数数) from 1 to 100 and finally fell asleep. 2. _ (记录) the study time every day is a good habit for you 3. With its help, I can see much _(清晰) pictures. 4. The poor animal (死亡)yesterday because of its il lness. 5. Jim only told

    2、his secrets to three friends, but _(没有一个)of them kept it for him. 6. Lily_ (描述) the beauty of Guilin to me and made me really want to go there 7._(令人难过的是), farmers cut down trees and forests. 8.Please tell me the _ (结果) of the exam! How I want to know them! 9. A windy day is _ (极好的) for flying kites

    3、. 10.The housing price (上升) quickly in 2016. 11. Her heart _ fast when she received the letter. (跳动) 12. The local_gvnmntshould take actions to protect the environment at once. 13. Kanas Lake is a very beautiful place. A large number of _ trsts come here to visit it. (B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Alth

    4、ough shopping online is fast and easy, youd better _ (not be) crazy about it. 2. Yesterday I saw a bird_(fly) around in the classroom when I opened the door. 3. The Great Green Wall is in the _(north) part of China. 4. I think its important for children _(sleep) for eight hours every day. 5. Air pol

    5、lution is one of the_(serious) problems in the world. 6. It is _(use)to talk with Tom because he doesnt like accepting others advice. 7. He didnt come to school yesterday because of getting_(ill). 8.Although shopping online is fast and easy, I advise you _ (not be) crazy about it. 9. The Greens deci

    6、ded_(move) to Canada because Mr Green found a job there. 10. I hate to say this. But this experiment failed, _ (main) because of your carelessness. 11. He felt very sad because he answered most of the questions _(correct). 12. We should _ (active) take part in all kinds of sports. 13. Cutting down t

    7、oo many trees _ (lead) to losing their living areas years ago. 14. The radio says there will be much _ (snow) here tomorrow. 15. The father is much _ (crazy) about making model planes than his son. 16. _ (mix) milk and coffee together and Im sure you will love the taste. 17. Dont make any noise! Sim

    8、on _ (introduce) himself to the whole class. 18.All night long sandy sat at the desk, (prepare) for the coming Maths competition. 19. Not only Sandy but also her parents (mop) the water up at 8 last night. 20. Its pity that the heavy rain prevented us _(go) out to fly kites last weekend. 21.His gran

    9、dfather decided to learn English by himself in his (80). 22. Please look after the _ (tour) clothes after they leave. 23.My mother often told me (not throw) rubbish everywhere when I was young. 24. Students should learn to protect the (nature) environment. 25. Too much noise made me _(sleep) the who

    10、le night. 二选择题二选择题 1. The rich man _ much food_ the poor families during the hard time. A.provides, to B. provides, with C. provided, with D. provided, for 2. How many workers are there in your factory, Mr Brown? _ workers in our factory_ more than _. A. The number of; is; two hundreds B. The number

    11、 of; is; two hundred C. A number of; are; two hundreds D. The number of; are; two hundred 3. You look worried. Youd better _ your problem with others. Oh, yes. _a problem is like cutting it in half. A. share; sharing B. sharing; To share C .to share; To share D. share; Shared 4. _ does a panda _ whe

    12、n it is born? A mouse. A. What; likes B. How; like C. What; look like D. How; look like 5. -You should be careful when _. -Yes, I will. But Id like to know when _ to have a rest. A. driving; to stop B. driving; stopping C. to drive; stopping D. to drive; to stop 6. -Would you like somewhere else_?-N

    13、o, thanks. I have a large room _. A. to live in; to live B. living in; living C. living; living in D. to live; to live in 7. 70 percent of the students in the class _from Wuxi. Half of their work _ already finished. A. are; is B. are; are C. is; is D. is; are 8.You can call me _0510-887999503 or e-m

    14、ail me _. A. on ; at B .at ; on C. by ; on D. on; on 9. _the kids wearing scarves and gloves had _snowmen on the playground! A. What a fun; making B. What fun; to make C. How fun; to make D. What fun; making 10. I got up very early this morning _ late for watching the sun-rise. A. in order to be B.

    15、in order to be not C. not in order to be D. in order not to be 11. Look! There are many in the sky. I think it will be tomorrow . A. clouds; cloud B. cloudy; cloud C. clouds; cloudy D. cloudy; cloudy 12. Some wild animals are . We should do something them. A. in danger; to protect B. in danger; prot

    16、ecting C. in dangerous; protecting D. out of danger; to protect 13. There are birds living in this area, because there is space for them. A. fewer and fewer; less and less B. few and few; little and little C. more and more; less and less D. little and little; few and few 14. His mother is looking at

    17、 the pictures. How she looks! A. careful; careful B. carefully; careful C. carefully; carefully D. careful; carefully 15. The sentence structure of “Eddie is watching Hobo work.” is _. A. S+V+DO +OC B. S+V+IO+DO C. S+V +P D. S+V+O 16. will the weather be like tomorrow? I hope it will be . There are

    18、many wet clothes at home. A. What, cloudy B. How, snowy C. What, sunny D. How, fine 17. Do you know if it tomorrow? I am not sure. It may snow if the temperature below zero. A. snows; will drop B. will snow; will drop C. will snow; drops D. snows; drops 18. _ the number of teachers in your school? _

    19、 than 300 and a number of them _ volunteers. A.Whats; More; are B. How many is; More; are C. Whats; Larger; are D. How many is; Larger; are 19. How many problems did you have_ these exercises? _! Theyre quite easy. A. to finish; A few B. finishing; Few C. to finish; A little D. finishing; Little 20.

    20、 Thanks for keeping the secret me. Ill keep the secret myself. A. to, for B. for, to C. for, with D. at, to 21. The weather here is different from _ in Beijing, but the people here are as friendly as _ in Beijing. A. those; that B. that; those C. the one; that D. the one; those 22. If you really wan

    21、t to lose some weight, I advise you _ fast food. A. stopped eating B. stopping eating C. to stop to eat D. to stop eating 23. There is nothing left in the fridge, _? _. Lets go to the supermarket to buy some. A. is there; Yes B. isnt there; No C. isnt there; Yes D. is there; No 24. Children couldnt

    22、wait _ the gift box _ the morning of Christmas Day. A. open; in B. to open; on C. open; on D. to open; in 25. There are too many exercises left. Its _ for us _ in such a short time. A. impossible; to finish it B. possible; to finish it C. impossible; to finish them D. possible; to finish them 26. Th

    23、e boy wanted to make the kite _ than others, but he didnt make it_. A. more lightly; correctly B. lighter; correctly C. more lightly; correct D. lighter; correct 27. Things in your room are all over the floor. Be sure to _ before the guests _. No problem. A. tidy up them; arrive B. tidy up them; rea

    24、ch C. tidy them up; arrive D. tidy them up; reach 28. _ our country gets, _ the people will be, which is well known. A. The more strong; the more happy B. The stronger; the more happy C. The strong; the happier D. The stronger; the happier 29. Can I _ Robinson Crusoe? Mrs Zhao! Sure, its interesting

    25、, but you can only _ it for two weeks. A. borrow; keep B. lend; borrow C. borrow; lend D. lend; keep 30.-Alice_ dance_ Suzy now. -Yes. Suzy practices _of all the girls. A. isnt, as good as, harder B. doesnt, as good as, harder C. isnt, as well as, hardest D. doesnt, as well as, hardest 31.The worker

    26、 helped the old man _a light in his bedroom and _a picture on the wall. A. put in, put on B. put up, put on C. put in, put up D. put on, put up 参考答案参考答案 词汇词汇 A:counted , Recording, clearer, died , None described Sadly results perfect rose beat government tourists B: not be, flying , northern, most serious useless ill not to be to move mainly incorrectly actively led snow crazier mix is introducing preparing were mopping going eighties tourists not to know natural 选择题选择题 DBACC DAADD CAABA CCABB BDDBC BCDADA


    本文(2020学年牛津译林八年级上册英语第二次月考分类复习--高频词汇(含答案))为本站会员(理想)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

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