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    2020学年牛津译林版七年级上册英语7A Unit8 Fashion单元重难点提优训练整理(含答案)

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    2020学年牛津译林版七年级上册英语7A Unit8 Fashion单元重难点提优训练整理(含答案)

    1、7AU7AUnitnit8 8 FashionFashion 单元重难点提优训练整理单元重难点提优训练整理 一、一、单项选择:单项选择: 1. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can use the Internet or go to the library, or _. A. all B. some C. both D. any 2. -Good morning. Id like a birthday gift for my mother. -What about this scarf? It is beautifu

    2、l and it_soft and smooth. A. feels B. smells C. sounds D. becomes 3. _people are becoming the “Heads-down”Tribe(低头族). It is _ bad. A.Too many; much too B. Too much; much too C.Much too; too much D. Too many; too much 4. -The pair of jeans_ a lot of money. -So I cant buy_. A.costs; them B. spends; th

    3、em C. takes; it D.cost; them 5. Look! Here_Simon. He_a pink shirt and a pair of jeans. A. comes; is wearing B. goes; is putting up C. comes; is putting on D. goes; is dressing 6. Tom couldnt buy the book because he had only_ money with him. A. a little B.few C. a few D.little 7. Listen ! He is talki

    4、ng_ his school activities_his classmates. A. to; with B. about; with C. with, with D .about; about 8. Students look smart _dark blue while black looks cool_ students. A. in; on B. to; in C. on; in D. on; on 9. Sweets are nice to eat, _ I dont often eat them because they are not healthy. A. but B. an

    5、d C. or D. for 10. Its ten oclock. The book shop_now. It usually_ at nine in the evening. A. closes; closes B. is closed; closes C. is closing; is closed D. closes; is closed 11.My grandmother is very fat. The doctor asks her to _ and _. A. eat more; exercise more B. eat less; exercise less C. eat l

    6、ess; exercise more D. eat more; exercise less 12. -What do you _the fashion show? - Its wonderful. A. think with B. like C. find D. think of 13. This pair of boots _ nice. Could I _? A. are; try it on B. is; try them on C. is; try it on D. are; try them on 14. -Diana, can you help me open the door?

    7、I _ too many shopping bags. -I am glad to. A. carry B. am carry C. am carrying D. will carry 15. Her red silk blouse_her blue jeans very well and they also_her very well. A. matches; fit B. matchs; fit C. fits; matches D. fits; match 16. Practising running is_,but the runners always_. A.a hard work;

    8、hard work B.hard work;work hard C.a hard work;work hard D.hard work;hard work 17. Our geography teacher tells us to _ more about our city and share it next week. A. find out B.think about C. chat with D. talk with 18. Whos the woman_a red sweater and white trousers? A.with B.on C.is wearing D.wearin

    9、g 19. Your blouse looks so nice. How much does it _? A.spend B.take C.cost D. pay 20. -Is there_milk at home? -Yes. Would you like_before you go to bed ? A.any; any B. any; some C.some; some D. some; any 二、句型转换二、句型转换 1. Kitty looks pretty in the yellow skirt. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Kitty _ in the yellow skir

    10、t? 2. Can I borrow your bike? (改为同义句) Can you _ _ _ _me? 3. I dont know what I should do next. (同义句) I dont know what _ _ today. 4. You cant be so lazy. (改为祈使句) _ _ so lazy! 5. The hat is made of wool.(对画线部分提问) _ _ the hat_ of? 6. Blue clothes look great on Mum.(改为同义句) Mum_great_blue clothes. 7. I d

    11、ont know what clothes I should wear for the fashion show.(改为同义句) I dont know_ _ _for the fashion show. 8. He needs another ten people to finish the work. (改为同义句) He needs _ _ people to finish the work. 9. I think my red gloves are very nice. (对划线部分提问) _do you _ _ my red gloves? 10. It will take you

    12、another two days to finish the work. (同义句) You will spend two _ days _ the work. 11. Wendy has to borrow some CDs.(改为否定句) Wendy _ _to borrow any CDs. 12. We will stop todays class.(改为同义句) _ _ _ todays class. 三、三、单词拼写单词拼写 1. The road is very _(平坦的). Its good for old people to take a walk on it. 2. Th

    13、e pretty girl is one of the countrys top _(模特). 3. I dont think the price _(包含) three meals. 4. They have to wear _(深色的) suits from Monday to Friday. 5. Thank you very much for buying this beautiful pair of _(手套) for me. 6. Its a good idea to give your father a _(短上衣)as a gift on June 19, Fathers Da

    14、y. 7. It is comfortable to step on the _(柔软的) ground in spring. 8. The boy is very selfish. He never _(借) his things to others. 9. Can I try on this _(丝绸) blouse? It looks very nice. 10. Football is _(受欢迎的) around the world. 11. The two red _(scarf) are both made of wool. 12. Whose handbag is it? Is

    15、 it that _(lady)? 13. The bed looks warm and _(comfort). 14. What a _(love) cat! I like it very much. 15. Are these shoes the _(gentleman)? 四、四、完成句子完成句子 1.这些围巾是丝绸做的。 These_ _ _ _ _. 2.你觉得你的新学校怎么样? _ do you _ your new school? 3.你的短裙和你的鞋子很相配。 Your_ _ your shoes very_. 4.今晚妈妈得出席一个大的晚宴。 Mum_ _ _ _ a big

    16、 dinner this evening. 5.Millie 正在给她的笔友写信。 Millie_ _ _ _ _her pen friend. 6.Daniel 经常把玩具借给别人。 Daniel often _ his toys _ _. 五、书面表达五、书面表达 春节即将来临,Millie 的妈妈正在 Sunshine Shopping Mall 为她买新衣服。请根据以 下提示,写一篇不少于 80 字的短文。 提示:1. Sunshine Shopping Mall 一共有 5 层,有 3 层商店和 2 层饭店,每一层都很大。 2. 有很多服装店,在那可以买到各种类型的衣服;是会见朋友和

    17、娱乐的好地方。 3Millie 的妈妈正穿着一件紫色衬衫和黑色羊毛短裙。她看起很精干。她正在为 Millie 寻找一件白色衬衫。白色看起来很干净,可以搭配其他任何颜色。 4. Millie 的妈妈计划为 Millie 买不同风格的衣服。她还想买一双黑色运动鞋,因为运 动鞋轻便舒适。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考答案参考答案 单项选择单项选择 CAAAA ABAAB CDBCA BADCB 句型转换句型转换 1.How does;look 2.lend your bike to 3.to do 4.Dont be 5.What is; made 6.looks

    18、; in 7.what to wear 8.ten more 9.What; think of 10.more; finishing 11.doesnt have 12.Thats all for 词汇运用词汇运用 1.smooth 2.models 3.includes 4.dark 5.gloves 6.jacket 7.soft 8.lends 9.silk 10.popular 11.scarves 12.ladys fortable 14.lovely 15. gentlemens 完成句子完成句子 1.scarves are made of silk 2.How; like 3.skirt; matches; well 4.has to go for 5.is writing a letter to 6.lends; to others


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