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    1、 1 20202020 年初年初二二英语第二次月考英语第二次月考试卷试卷 一、听力略 二、单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 21.We are thinking of taking _ one-day trip to the mountains during the holiday. A. a B. an C. the D. / 22.The number of tigers _ getting _. A. is; fewer and fewer B. is; smaller and smaller C. are; fewer and fewer D. are; sm

    2、aller and smaller 23.-Did you get any information about this test? -Well, I was trying to, but found _. A. nothing B. no one C. some D. none 24.-Who is making much noise? -It _ be Tom. He is sleeping now. A. cant B. may not C. mustnt D. couldnt 25.This is the telephone number. Do you want to _? A. w

    3、rite down it B. write it down C. write down them D. write them down 26.-What do you think of the book? -I found it quite _, and I can find out the things I am interested in it _. A. easy; easily B. easily; easily C. easily; easy D. easy; easy 27.Lets do something _ for wildlife in the world. A. make

    4、 some space B. making some spaces 2 C. to make some space D. to make some spaces 28.Girls, Ill tell you _, and you can do it _. A. how to do; by yourself B. what to do; by yourself C. how to do; alone D. what to do; on your own 29.Bicycling is a good exercise. _, its easy to learn. A. However B. Oth

    5、erwise C. While D. Moreover 30.-_ bad weather! It makes me down. -Yes. _ rainy morning. A. What; What B. What a; What C. What a; What a D. What; What a 31.-Mum, I dont quite understand the Chinese saying. -Dear, dont worry. _ the years go by, you will get to know it. A. As B. While C. Since D. Until

    6、 32.The boy felt _ thirsty and stopped to drink _ water. A. a bit; a bit B. a bit of; a bit of C. a bit of; a bit D. a bit; a bit of 33.Tell David _ look out of the window, _? A. doesnt; will you B. not to; will you C. dont; does he D. not to; will he 34.-Workers are building a new shopping mall the

    7、re. -Im glad to hear that. Itll _ young people _ jobs. A. provide, with B. provide, for C. give, to D. give, with 35. They will protect their families if theres _. A. dangerous B. in danger C. danger D. in dangerous 三、完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) I love training with my husband Chris. We do our own

    8、 exercises separately, and then we spend 30-40 minutes doing something we 36 like together. And we 37 enjoy it. I also train with my 38 -my brother, his wife and our cousins will come to our house every now and then to train together. Its like family fun time! The competition also makes us work out

    9、a little 39 . 3 Laziness, as you know, is catching (能传染的), and so is enthusiasm(热情). If you can get your friend to join you, you will be able to 40 each other on those days when the other doesnt feel like moving. If you set yourself a goal (目标) and add some 41 , I promise you that the training will

    10、be much more 42 . Time will fly by and you will want to do it again. This is 43 I wanted to learn Chriss favorite sport-surfing. Not only would we have more things to do together, 44 it was hard for me. At the same time, I have 45 Chris to two of my favorite sports: horse riding and motorbiking. Now

    11、 he also loves them, and this 46 we have even more chances to have fun together. Encouraged by our 47 , my brother and his wife now train together too. What if you live 48 ? Well, Im sure you have a friend who would love to train with you. Or, if you have young children, why not train in the backyar

    12、d with another 49 while the children play? You just need some music. The important thing is to have a plan and to make the time 50 it. It will be much more fun than doing it on your own. 36.A. all B. both C. each D. every 37.A. really B. rarely C. often D. seldom 38.A. friends B. classmates C. famil

    13、y D. neighbours 39.A. higher B. slower C. louder D. harder 40.A. encourage B. see C. look at D. talk to 41.A. degree B. fight C. space D. competition 42.A. interest B. excitement C. happiness D. fun 43.A. because B. why C. so D. when 44.A. but also B. and C. because D. while 45.A. instructed B. intr

    14、oduced C. offered D. provided 46.A. says B. is C. means D. explains 47.A. change B. temperature C. quality D. example 4 48.A. with your child B. with your parents C. with your husband D. by yourself 49.A. trainer B. mother C. parent D. father 50.A. do B. doing C. to do D. does 三、阅读理解(本题共 15 题,每小题 2

    15、分,满分 30 分) A Best Dessert Buffets(甜点自助餐)in London for Christmas Lets check out Londons best dessert buffets for 2020-2021 winter and Christmas season! Prince Hotel The great chocolate dessert buffet “Secret Garden of Chocolate” is held at the Coffee Bar on the 3rd floor of the hotel. The Chocolate S

    16、weets Buffet features (以为特色) over 40 kinds of different kinds of chocolate (dark, milk and white). The delicious chocolate desserts can be enjoyed with over 15 kinds of free drinks. Make sure to make an online booking to get a special account (折扣)! Website: Telephone: 020 85637725 Hours: 13:30-15:00

    17、/15:30-17:00/17:30-19:00 Price (regular price): 30 for grown-ups, 18 for children under 16 Sunshine Hotel Sunshine Hotel is hosting a Christmas dessert buffet “Alices Crazy Tea Party in Christmas”. The colorful dessert buffets have over 30 kinds of fruit desserts. Website: www. Telephone: 020 8371 9

    18、686 Hours: 12:00-14:00/14:30-16:30 5 Price: 25 for grown-ups, 12 for 4-8 year-olds, 15 for 65 year-olds City Hotel This winter, City Hotel is offering a Christmas dessert buffet “Holiday Tea Party” with traditional British dishes such as shortcake. Enjoy the traditional British Christmas! Website: T

    19、elephone: 01202 363831 Hours: 9:00-10:30/11:00-12:30/13:00-14:30/15:00-16:30 Price: 28 for grown-ups, 20 for 6-12 year-olds, 8 for 3-5 year-olds Hilton Hotel Hilton Hotel is hosting a new dessert buffet with over 30 kinds of colorful desserts. More interestingly, a small violin concert is held at th

    20、e buffet, and guests can enjoy the good afternoon tea time. Website: www. Telephone: 01865 552031 Hours: 14: 30-17: 00/15: 00-17: 30 Price: 26 for grown-ups, 15 for 4-12 year-olds 51.Which hotels buffet has a special offer for old customers(顾客)? A. Sunshine Hotel B. Prince Hotel C. Hilton Hotel D. C

    21、ity Hotel 52.If you are free in the morning for a dessert buffet, you can call _. A. 020 85637725 B. 020 8371 9686 C. 01202 363831 D. 01865 552031 53.Where is the text most probably from? A. A food review(评论) B. A restaurant report C. A hotel introduction D. A website for festival activities B We ar

    22、e traveling in New Zealand these days. We arrived here on Wednesday night. On Thursday we 6 crossed the Southern Alps. It took hours. We drove through Arthurs Pass and then stopped to look at mountains. The top looked a bit like black and white pictures with their bright white snow and big black roc

    23、ks. We stayed for the night in Greymouth, where we bought some books. Yesterday we drove on to see the famous Franz Josef Glacier (冰川). First we left our things in our hotel and then we set out to walk to the glacier. It took a long, long time to walk over the rocks in the bottom and when we got to

    24、the wall of the glacier we were very thirsty. We broke off a tiny bit of ice and tasted it. We were drinking water that was thousands of years old. It was much nicer than the ice from the fridge. Today we drove to the Fox Glacier. Someone had told Dad about a lake on the way, so we went there first.

    25、 We had to walk through a dark forest to find Lake Matheson. It was a very cold lake because all its water came from the glacier. It was too late in the day to reach the Fox Glacier. We stayed in the car park to watch great big greenbrown parrots. I used to consider parrots sweet and lovely, but the

    26、se birds were not. They were walking all over the cars in the car park, pulling soft parts off with their bills (喙). They even broke off windscreen wipers (雨刮器). Tomorrow we have to get up early because we are flying to the top of Franz Josef in a plane. I am looking forward to that because the top

    27、of the glacier is all deep snow. So far we have only seen the front ends of glacier. 54. What did the writer see at Southern Alps? A. Some snow B. Many books C. Lots of pictures D. Black and white rocks 55. The writer _ before reaching the Franz Josef Glacier. A. moved some rocks B. bought some thin

    28、gs C. took a long walk D. climbed an ice wall 56. Why did the writers family go through a forest? 7 A. To visit a friend. B. To find a lake C. To see a glacier D. To avoid walking on rocks 57. How did the writer feel about the parrots? A. Happy B. Worried C. Sorry D. Surprise C Alfred Traeger was an

    29、 engineer who invented (发明) the pedal (踏板) radio for the Flying Doctor Service. This helped people communicate (交流) with each other all over the ourback (澳大利亚内陆地 区). Alfred Traeger was born in Dimboola, Australia on 2nd August 1895. When he was twelve years old, Traeger made a telephone receiver. He

    30、 was always interested in engineering, and his hobby was working with radios. John Flynn asked Traeger to invent a simple radio for the Flying Doctor Service. At the time, many people in the outback could not communicate with a hospital because they were far away from telephone lines. Traegers job w

    31、as to develop a radio that was both a transmitter and a receiver, meaning it could both send a message and receive a message. The radio had to be small, easy to use and cheap enough for outback people to buy. Traeger carried out experiments and set up a small radio network connected to Alice Springs

    32、 which is in the outback. Traeger also had to work out how to produce the power (发电) to run the radio. He developed a machine that was turned by hand, but the radio needed both hands to run it, too. He came up with a simple and cheap way. He used bicycle pedals to produce power, leaving the hand fre

    33、e. Pedal radios were used by the Flying Doctor Service, neighbors and friends who could now communicate socially, and the school of the Air, which brought education to children all over the world. In 1933, Traeger also invented a keyboard transmitter. On 31 July 1980, Traeger died in Adelaide, Austr

    34、alia. 8 58. What did 12-year-old Traeger do? A. He visited the outback B. He bought a new radio C. He created a telephone receiver D. He made friends with John Flynn 59. Why couldnt people in the outback communicate with hospital? A. Their radios couldnt send messages B. They were unable to use tele

    35、phones C. They didnt know hospitals numbers D. Their telephones were often cut off (切断) 60. What can we learn about the pedal radio? A. It was widely used B. Is saved much power C. It was invented in 1933 D. It needed both hands to run 61. What is the passage mainly about? A. What Alfred did in the

    36、Flying Doctor Service B. What Alfred did to better pedal radios C. How pedal radios helped the outback D. How Alfred invented the pedal radio D When eight-year-old student Barry writes a story, it is usually about dinosaurs (恐龙) because theyre cool. For 10-year-old Emily, fantasy (奇幻) books are her

    37、stories of choice while she has recently written such a story. These are the kinds of ideas and storytelling skills that Australian writers are hoping to inspire (启发) in students getting on Russ the Story Bus, a traveling library that will make its way around schools in western Sydney and New South

    38、Wales for the next six weeks. It is one of a number of programs in the Childrens Festival of Moving Stories that started this week. The bus, which has been painted by artist Shaun Tan, has a library full of childrens books that students can take home. 9 Traveling with the bus each week will be a wri

    39、ter James Roy, who has written books like Captain Mack and Billy Macks War, said much of his inspiration (灵感) came from what he saw around him. “Its really easy to think that stories are all about heroes or people who can do great things,” Roy said. “But in fact a lot of the more important stories a

    40、re kids own stories and the things they try hard to deal with every day. Ive been all over the world talking to kids about writing stories and it doesnt matter where you go. the same things worry them and the same things excite them.” This is the third year the Childrens Festival of Moving Stories h

    41、as been held and the first time that Russ the Story Bus will visit faraway schools. Along with the bus, writer talks will be held at libraries in western Sydney for students. “The fact that we can visit the schools is good for the children who may come from families where English is a second languag

    42、e and they dont have many chances to read, “ Clare Sawyer, head of childrens programs, said. “We hope the bus can make them think more widely, to think about where stories come from and what stories they can make up for themselves. 62. What is Russ the Story Bus? A. An artists home B. A story about

    43、a bus C. A library on the move D. A newly-painted bus 63. What stories does James Roy think highly of? A. Stories around children B. Stories easy to read C. Stories about heroes D. Stories about great things 64. What is new about this years Russ the Story Bus? A. It will have writer talks B. It will

    44、 have more books C. It will teach writing skills D. It will reach faraway schools 65. What does the underlined word “them” refer to (指代)? A. The writers B. The schools C. The students D. The programs 10 第卷(非选择题 共 60 分) 五、词汇(本题共 15 小题: 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) A.请根据括号中的中文提示, 英文释义, 写出句中所缺单词, 使句子通顺。 66. Its v

    45、ery helpful of him to write down those classmates (地址)for me. 67. Some people just cant (know) why many birds become rare. 68. The rich man (接受)Jerrys invitation and went to his home for the party. 69. In our first lesson, our English teacher herself to us. 70. We should believe the old saying Pract

    46、ice makes (the best) in our study. B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词, 并用其适当形式填空, 使句子通顺。 71. Good looks is not as important as good . 72. -Whose are these cages? - They are those . 73. We d better enjoy the sights outside at weekends. 74. -What do you do for a ? -By selling newspaper. 75. Its quite in the room. Ple

    47、ase turn your TV down a little. C.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词, 并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。 76. Millie with her classmates about how to save water these days. 77. Eating too much and exercising less to his illness last year. 78. Tom won t come to see his grandpa if he free this Sunday. 79. -Why didnt you come to school yesterd


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