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    1、3A 3A 期末复习期末复习 9 9 班级班级_ _ 姓名姓名_ _ 学号学号_ 一一.用“用“am, is, are”填空。填空。 1. This _ Miss Fang. They _Miss Fangs students. 2. -How old _ you? -I _ seven years old. 3. -What _ your name? -My name _ Kitty. 4. -We _ teachers. He _ a doctor. 5. -_ you five?-No, I _ six years old. 6. -Here _ your cake, Alice. -H

    2、ere you _, Kitty. 7. _I Peter? No, you _ Tom. 8. Who _ she? She _ my friend. 9. Here _some peaches. Here _some jam. 10. This_ my brother. He_tall and thin. 11. Who _ you? I _ a rabbit. My ears _ long. 12. _this your father? Yes, he _. 13. Sally and I _sisters. Their mother _ young. 14. _Kelly and Da

    3、nny ten? Yes, they_. 15. I _a pig. My tail_is short. My ears_big. 二二.Read and choose.(用所给词“用所给词“I. my, you, your”填空”填空) 1. Who am _? Are _ Tom? Yes. 2. I have a bicycle. _ bicycle is new. 3. My father is a teacher. Are _ a teacher? 4.Whats _name? _name is Kelly. 5. Im a rabbit. _ tail is short. _eye

    4、s are red. 6 Whos _sister? The tall girl is _sister. 7. -Heres some jam for_.-Thank _. 8. -Here are _presents. -Thanks, Mum. 3A 3A 期末复习期末复习 1010 班级班级_ _ 姓名姓名_ _ 学号学号_ I. Read and write. 1. whats this its a ladybird it has six legs 2. look is this an insect no it isnt II. Read and choose: ( ) 1. A. i

    5、nsect B. net C. red D. yellow ( ) 2.A. black B. fat C. ant D. ladybird ( ) 3.A. this B. stick C. fine D. rabbit ( ) 4.A. colour B. shop C. log D. dog ( ) 5.A. up B. tube C. sun D. butterfly III, Write the words: sandwich(复数)_ butterfly (复数)_ box (复数)_ there(同音词)_ here (同音词)_ hungry (反义词)_ she(物主代词)_

    6、 they (宾格)_ he (宾格) _ IV. Choose the best answer. ( ) 1. _ ant is _ insect. A. An a B. A a C. An an ( ) 2. _ is it? Its a rectangle . A. What B. What shape C. How ( ) 3.How is the ant? Its _. A. black B small C. sweet ( )4. The bee is nice. It _fly. A. is B does C .can ( )5. Do you like _? Yes, I do

    7、. A. butterfly B. butterflys C. butterflies ( )6. _ the insect. Its nice. A. Look at B. Look C. See ( )7.What is it? _ a small cat. A. It B. Its C. Its ( )8. _and _ are insects. A. Birds bees B. Bees ant C. Ants ladybirds V. Rewrite the sentences. 1. This is my school.(划线提问)(划线提问) _2、 That is a lady

    8、bird.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) _3. Is that rabbit your sisters? (改肯定句)(改肯定句) _4. My classroom is next to the hall.(划线提问)(划线提问) _5. It is green and brown. (划线提问)(划线提问) _6. The picture is like a square. (划线提问)(划线提问) _ VIReading( T or F ): Birds dont fly high up in the sky. The air(空气空气) is too th

    9、in. It is hard for birds to breathe(呼吸呼吸) in thin air. This air doesnt hold(支持支持) them up. Birds fly near the ground so that they can see where they are. The birds look for places they know. Then they do not get lost. Some birds fly so low over the ocean that the waves often hide them. Many birds fl

    10、y long distances(距离距离) in the spring and autumn. ( ) 1. Thin air is hard for birds to breathe. ( ) 2. Thin air doesnt hold birds up, so they dont fly high up in the sky. ( ) 3. Birds fly near the ground to find food. ( ) 4. Sometimes waves can be higher than some birds. ( ) 5. Many birds fly long distances only in the spring and autumn.


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