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    1、五年级五年级上上册期册期末测试末测试卷卷( (三三) ) 一、一、选出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的一项。选出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的一项。 ( )1.A.visit B.cousin C.nurse D.his ( )2.A.pretty B.letter C.cinema D.forest ( )3.A.wear B.wait C.write D.always ( )4.A.factory B.why C.country D.story ( )5.A.dance B.cinema C.clothes D.juice 二、二、英汉互译。英汉互译。 1.两杯果汁 2.吃一顿丰盛的午餐 3.吃

    2、橘子 4.住在英国 5.擅长溜冰 6.after school 7.an English teacher 8.put on your coat 9.so heavy 10.watch films 三、三、根据首字母或中文提示,完成句子。根据首字母或中文提示,完成句子。 1.Monday is the s day of a week. 2.My mother can w many stories. 3.Miss Green often (教)them English after school. 4.My e-friend usually (放)kites on Sundays. 5.Let me

    3、 send these (信)to the students. 6.I (有时)swim with my father in summer. 四、四、单项选择。单项选择。 ( )1.There any milk in the fridge. But theres juice. A.is; any B.isnt; some C.isnt; any ( )2.There are floors in my house. My bedroom is on the floor. A.second; two B.two; second C.second; second ( )3.Jims mother i

    4、s a . She drives the taxi every day. A.writer B.factory worker C.driver ( )4.What animals can you see in Canada? . A.Kangaroos B.Polar bears C.Bald eagles ( )5.I often teach Chinese and teaches me English. A.she; she B.her; her C.her; she ( )6. Mike and Helen always to the cinema? Yes. A.Does; go B.

    5、Does; goes C.Do; go ( )7.Whats wrong you? I am tired. A.with B.for C.to ( )8.Look at the animals. It has no arms legs. A.not B.and C.or ( )9.My sister is a . She fairy tales for children. A.write; writer B.writer; writes C.writes; writes ( )10.There five Chinese books and an English book on the tabl

    6、e. A.have B.are C.is 五、五、按要求完成句子。按要求完成句子。 1.There is some soup on the table.(改为否定句) There soup on the table. 2.My mother likes playing the piano.(改为一般疑问句) your mother playing the piano? 3.Mike often plays basketball with his friends on Sundays.(对画线部分提问) does Mike often basketball with his friends? 4

    7、.Yang Ling is good at skating.(改为同义句) Yang Ling skating. 5.Its time for dinner.(改为同义句) Its time dinner. 六、六、根据首字母提示完成提示。根据首字母提示完成提示。 Mike is my good friend. He likes p basketball and football. He likes drawing t . But he i good at football, he cant play it w . Now he l in a new house. There a three

    8、bedrooms. Mikes bedroom is on the s floor. A desk is in f of the bed. Under the desk, theres a toy rabbit. It h red e . Mike likes it very much. 七、七、将下列句子重新排列成一段通顺的对话。将下列句子重新排列成一段通顺的对话。 ( )Does it have any legs? ( )It has six. ( )Whose animal friend is that? ( 4 )Yes, it does. ( )Its Liu Taos. ( )Ho

    9、w many legs does it have? 八、八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。阅读短文,选择正确答案。 In the UK, people often go out by buss or metro (地铁) . On a buss or a metro, you can see a lot of people looking out of the windows or reading books and newspapers. They do not talk very much. When English people meet, they often talk about one

    10、thingthe weather. So when you meet someone in the UK, you can say, “Its a nice day, isnt it?” “But its a little cold,” someone may answer. Talking like this is polite(礼貌的)and friendly. It is very different (不同的) in China. When Chinese people meet, they will ask, “What did you have for breakfast?” or

    11、 “Have you eaten yet?” Talking about meals is a common(普通的)way to greet(打招呼)in China. ( )1.You can see many people on a bus or a metro in the UK. A.reading B.talking C.sleeping ( )2.People in the UK like talking about the when they meet. A.breakfast B.weather C.friends ( )3.The underlined word “meal

    12、s” means “ ” in Chinese. A.天气 B.新闻 C.膳食 ( )4.Chines people like . A.reading on a bus B.looking out of the windows C.talking about meals when they meet ( )5.When you meet an English friend in the UK, you can say “ ”. Then he or she will think you are polite and friendly. A.Its a sunny day. B.What did

    13、 you have for breakfast? C.How much is your salary(工资)? 答案答案 一、1-5CBCBC 二、1.two glasses of juice 2.have a big lunch 3.eat oranges 4.live in the UK 5.be good at(do well in) skating 6.放学后 7.一位英语教师 8.穿上外套 9.如此重 10.看电影 三、1.second 2.write 3.teaches 4.flies 5.letters 6.sometimes 四、1-5BBCBC 6-10CACBB 五、1.isnt any 2.Does; like 3.When; play 4.does well in 5.to have 六、playing; trees; is; well; lives; are; second; front; has; eyes 七、361425 八、1-5ABCCA


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