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    1、 1 Unit 1 When is your birthday? I. 单词单词难难点点 12 个月缩写:Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. II. 词组词组 1. 想要做某事 want to do sth. 2. 生日快乐! Happy birthday! 3. 生日聚会 birthday party 4. 多大年纪 how old 5. 再见 see you 6. 举行学校郊游 have a school trip 7. 举行篮球赛 have a basketball game 8. 举行足球赛 have

    2、a soccer game 9. 举行两场球赛 have two ball games 10. 进行一次英语考试 have an English test 11. 举行一次英语聚会 have an English party 12. 举办艺术节 have an art festival 13. 举行一次图书促销活动 have a book sale 14. 玩的愉快 have a good time 15. 在学校图书馆 in the school library 16. 英语日,英语节 English Day 17. 学校开放日,学校活动日 School Day 18. 体育节,运动会 Sp

    3、orts Day 19. 本学期 this term 20. 下个周 next week 21. 新年(on January 1st) New Years Day 22. 妇女节(on March 8th) Womens Day 23. 植树节(on March 12th) Tree Planting Day 24. 劳动节(on May 1st) Labor Day 25. 母亲节(on the second Sunday of May) Mothers Day 26. 儿童节(on June 1st) Childrens Day 27. 父亲节(on the second Sunday o

    4、f June) Fathers Day 28. 教师节(on September 10th) Teachers Day 29. 国庆节(on October 1st) National Day 2 30. 圣诞节(on December 25th) Christmas Day III. 语法语法 1. 名词所有格(伴你学 P6) 2. 基数变序数词顺口溜 一二三,单独记,(one first two second three third) 其余都加 th (four fourth) 八加 h (eight eighth), 九去 e (nine ninth), ve 要用 f 替 (five

    5、fifth ,twelve twelfth) 整十把 y 变 ie, 然后再加 th (twenty twentieth) 如果遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。(twentyone twentyfirst) 3. 时间介词用法 at +时间点 at nine oclock; at 3:10 on+天, on Sunday; on May 1st; on May 1st, 1999 in+月或年 in January; in 2014; in December, 1998 在早晨 in the morning 在下午 in the afternoon 在晚上 in the evening / at

    6、night 在一个周日的早晨 on Sunday morning 在一个寒冬晚上 on a cold winter evening When is your birthday? My birthday is on August 2nd. When is your mothers birthday? Her birthday is in July . How old are you? I am 14 (years old ). How old is he? He is 14(years old). IV. 同义句转换同义句转换 1. When is your birthday? = When w

    7、ere you born?你什么时候出生的? 2. How old are you? = Whats your age(年龄)? 3. My birthday is on January 4th. = The date of my birth is on January 4th. 4. When is your birthday? = Whats the date(日期) of your birth? 5. January is the first month of a year. 6. December is the twelfth month of a year. 7. There are

    8、 twelve months in a year. 8. I am thirteen. Today is my thirteenth birthday. 注:1. the + 序数词 表示第几个; 2. 形容词性物主代词/ 名词所有格+序数词 表示某人的第几个 3 Unit 2 Main Points ( (重点知识重点知识) ) I. Phrases (词组词组) 1. 我/他/她最喜欢的学科 my / his / her favorite subject 2. 你最喜欢的日子 your favorite day 3. 大卫最喜欢的学科 Davids favorite subject 4.

    9、上数学课/科学课/历史课 have math / science / history 5. 上体育课和历史课 have P.E. and history 6. 上两个小时美术课 have an art lesson for two hours 7. 你的体育老师 your P.E. teacher 8. 你的地理老师 your geography teacher 9. 你的科学老师 your science teacher 10. 跟我们一起做游戏 play games with us 11. 喜欢历史 like history 12. 喜欢做某事 like doing sth. / like

    10、 to do sth. 13. 第二天 the next day 14. 有用的 be useful 15. 简单有趣 be easy and fun 16. 难但是有趣 be difficult but interesting 17. 确实令人放松 be really relaxing 18. 那件事之后 after that 19. 在下午两点 at 2:00 p.m. 20. 在星期五下午 on Friday afternoon 21. 教我们英语 teach us English 22. 从周一到周五 from Monday to Friday 23. 十二点钟到一点钟 from 12

    11、:00 to 1:00 24. 对某人严格要求 be strict with sb. 25. 对某事严格要求 be strict in sth. II. Sentences (句子句子) (P9 Grammar Focus) 1. 让我们周六见吧。 Lets meet on Saturday. 2. 今天星期几? What day is it today? 3. 几天是几月几号? Whats the date today? 4. 你呢? How about you? / What about you? 4 5. 你今天过得如何? Hows your day? 6. 的确如此。 Thats fo

    12、r sure. 7. 我真的很忙。 I am really busy. 8. 谢谢你的邮件。 Thank you for your e-mail. 9. 那对你来说合适吗? Is that OK with you? 10. 你最喜欢什么科目? What subject do you like best? = 你最喜欢的科目是什么? Whats your favorite subject? 11. 你为什么不喜欢科学? Why dont you like science? 12. 因为它难。 Because its difficult. 13. 他为什么不喜欢历史? Why doesnt he

    13、like history? 14. 因为它无聊。 Because its boring. 15. 王太太是个非常有趣的人。Mrs. Wang is great fun. 16. 周日是一周中的第一天。 Sunday is the first day of a week. 17. 周一是一周中的第二天。 Monday is the second day of a week. 18. 周六是一周中的第七天。 Saturday is the seventh day of a week. 19. 周四是周三之后的那天。 Thursday is the day after Wednesday. 20.

    14、周五是周六之前的那天。 Friday is the day before Saturday. 21. 周三是在周二和周四之间的那天。 Wednesday is the day between Tuesday and Thursday. 22. Jack 教我们英语。Jack teaches us English.=Jack is our English teacher. 23. Mary 教我汉语。Mary teaches me Chinese.=Mary is my Chinese teacher. III. Exercises (练习练习) 1. Her mothers favorite

    15、color is blue. (对划线部分提问) 2. Mr. Chen is our P.E teacher. _ is _ P.E teacher? 3. I like math because its interesting. _ _ you like math? 4. Mike has P.E. on Thursday. 5. This is a computer. 6. Mrs. Green is his Chinese teacher. 7. My books are on the bookcase. 8. My father is OK. 9. Teachers Day is o

    16、n September 10th. 10. I like history because its exciting. 11. My mother is 36 years old. 12. He usually goes to school at 7:00. 13. Those pants are 18 dollars. 14. Kates favorite day is Sunday. IVReview (复习复习) 1. 复习一般现在时(三单) 2. 可数名词单数变复数规则 5 3. 区别: Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Miss + family name Unit 3 Main

    17、Points (重点知识重点知识) .语法语法 1. 情态动词 can 的用法(变否定定,一般疑问句,及提问)2. 乐器,球类运动,棋类与 the 3. too 及 also 区别 .短语短语 1. 下棋 play chess 2. 说英语 speak English 3. 弹吉他 play the guitar 4. 弹钢琴 play the piano 5. 拉小提琴 play the violin 6. 敲鼓 play the drums 7. 打篮球 play basketball 8. 英语俱乐部 English club 9. 游泳俱乐部 swimming club 10. 运动俱

    18、乐部 sports club 11. 讲故事俱乐部 story telling club 12. 擅长 be good at sth. /doing 13. 听起来好 sound good 14. 喜欢做某事 like to do /doing 15. 讲故事 tell a story/tell stories 16. 空闲的 be free 17. 和某人交谈 talk to sb. 18. 和某人交朋友 make friends with sb. 19. 善于和某人交往 be good with sb. 20. 给某人打电话 call sb. at + 电话号码 21. 在周末 on we

    19、ekends = on the weekend 22. 在某方面帮助某人 help sb. with sth. 23. 空闲的 be free 6 .句子句子 1. 你会下棋吗? 不,我不会。Can you play chess? No, I cant. 2. 你会什么运动? What sports can you play? 3. 你很擅长讲故事。 You are very good at telling stories. 4. 我会功夫。 I can do kung fu. 5. 我喜欢打篮球。 I like to play basketball. 6. 你想加入什么俱乐部?What cl

    20、ub do you want to join? 7. 你能帮助孩子画画吗?Can you help the children with drawing? 8. 请拨打 628-1736 跟王老师联系。Please call Mr. Wang at 628-1736. 9. 你善于跟孩子们相处吗?Are you good with children? .句型变换句型变换 1. He can play the piano. (对画线部分提问) _What _ _can_ he do? 2. I want to join the music club. (对画线部分提问) What club do

    21、you want to join? 3. Bill can play the drums. (改为否定句) Bill cant play the drums. 4. She can draw. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) Can she draw? No, she cant . Unit 4 What time do you go to school? .语法语法 1. 时间的表示方法(顺读法和逆读法) .短语短语 1. 起床 get up 2. 刷牙 brush teeth 3.穿衣 get dressed 7 4. 吃早/午/晚饭 have breakfast/ lunch/ di

    22、nner 5. 电视台 radio station 6. 在晚上 at night/ in the evening 7. 去工作 go to work 8. 迟到 be late for 9. 在学习日 on school days 10. 做家庭作业 do ones homework 11. 打扫我的房间 clean my room 12. 散步 take a walk 13. 去睡觉 go to bed 14. 运动 play sports 15. 放学 after school 16. 半小时 half an hour 17. 到家 get home 18. 要么要么either or

    23、19.大量 lots of= a lot of 20. 对有好处 be good for 21. 尝起来好 taste good 22. 给我做早饭 make breakfast for me 23. 回家 go home 24. 洗澡 take a shower 25.去上学 go to school .句子句子 1. 你通常几点起床?我通常在大约六点半起床。 What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at about 6:30. 2. Rick 总是几点吃早饭? What time does Rick always have bre

    24、akfast? 3. 我上班从不迟到。 I am never late for work. 8 4. 现在几点? What time is it? = What is the time? .句型变换句型变换 1. They always get dressed at 7:00 oclock. (对划线部分提问) What time do they always get dressed? When do they always get dressed? 2. They usually exercise on weekends. (对划线部分提问) When do they usually exe

    25、rcise? 3. She often takes a walk after dinner. (对划线部分提问) What does she often do after dinner? 4. Jim does his homework in the evening. (变一般疑问句,并做否定回答) Does Jim do his homework in the evening? No, he doesnt. Unit 5 Main Points (重点知识重点知识) 一重点词组一重点词组 1. 乘地铁 take the subway = by subway 2. 乘火车 take the t

    26、rain = by train 3. 乘公共汽车 take the bus = by bus 4. 乘船 take the boat = by boat 5. 乘出租车 take a taxi = by taxi 6. 坐轮船 take the ship = by ship 7. 坐小汽车 take the car = by car = in a car 8. 骑自行车 ride a /ones bike = by bike = on a bike 9. 步行 walk = take a walk = on foot 10. 坐索道 go on a ropeway 11. 到达某地 get t

    27、o = arrive in(大) / at(小) = reach + 地点 12. 到达北京 get to Beijing = arrive in Beijing = reach Beijing 13. 到家 get home = arrive home 9 14. 到达我家 get to my home = arrive at my home =reach my home 15. 动身去某地 leave for 动身去上海 leave for Shanghai 16. 十分钟的步行路程 ten minutes walk 17. 五分钟的路程 five minutes ride (自行车或汽车

    28、路程) 18. 停止做某事 stop doing sth. 19. 停下来去做另一件事 stop to do sth. 20. 成百上千的 hundreds of 三百 three hundred 21. 多少 how many + 可数名词复数 (pl.) how much + 不可数名词 (u.) 22. 害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth. / be afraid of doing sth. 二重点句型二重点句型 1. 某事花费某人多长时间去做. It takes sb. some time to do sth. e.g. It usually takes me five

    29、 minutes to get there by bus. 2. 你怎样到达学校? 我通常乘公交车。 How do you get to school? I usually take the bus. 3. 从你家到学校多远?How far is it from your home to school? 大约十公里。 Its about 10 kilometers. 4. 你到达学校花多长时间?How long does it take you to get to school? 5. 大约骑车十五分钟路程。It takes about 15 minutes by bike. 6. 玛丽想知道

    30、鲍勃住在哪。Mary wants to know where Bob lives. 7. 玛丽想知道他认为这次旅行怎么样。 Mary wants to know what he thinks of the trip. 8. 玛丽想知道他到达爷爷奶奶家需要花多长时间。 Mary wants to know how long it takes to get to his grandparents home. 9. 你是步行还是骑车上学? Do you walk or ride a bike to get to school? 10. 对许多学生来说,到达学校是容易的。 For many stude

    31、nts, it is easy to get to school. 11. 所以这些学生靠滑索道来过河上学。 So these students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. 12. 没有桥,对于船来说河水太湍急。 10 There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. 三语法小结三语法小结 1. How:如何,怎样,提问方式 (1)I walk to school every day. (划线提问) (2)My brother Tom goes to scho

    32、ol by bike every day. (划线提问) 2. How far :多远,提问距离 Its twenty kilometers from my home to school. (划线提问) 3. How long:多久,多长时间,提问时间段 It usually takes me five minutes to get there by bus. (划线提问) 4. 乘公共汽车去某地 take the bus to Beijing = go to Beijing by bus 四同义句转换: 1. He goes to the park on his bike . He _ hi

    33、s bike _ the park . 2. They often take trains to Dalian. They _ to Dalian _ train. 3. Linda sometimes walks to work. Linda sometimes _ _ work _ _. Unit 6 Main Points ( (重点知识重点知识) ) 一、一、语法语法 1. 祈使句的用法 2. have to /must 3. can 表示允许 二、二、短语短语 1. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. do sth help sb. with sth 2. 戴帽子 wear a hat

    34、 3. 穿校服 4. 按时 be on time 5. 听某人listen to 6. 迟到 be/arrive late for 7. 不得不做某事 have to do sth 11 8. 保持安静 bekeep quiet 9. 出去 go out 10. 洗餐具 do the dishes 11. 打扫他的房间 clean his room 12. 练习做某事 practice doing sth 13. 在学习日的晚上 on school nights 14. 太多 too many 15. 铺床 make ones bed 16. 对某人/事严格要求 be strict with

    35、sb. / be strict in sth. 17. 遵守规则 follow the rules 18. 拍照 take a photophotos 19.不准,禁止 must not 20. 没必要 dont have to 三、三、句子句子 1. 规则是什么?What are the rules? 2. 上课不要迟到。Dont be/ arrive late for class. 3. 不要在走廊上跑。 Dont run in the hallways. 4. 不要在教室吃东西。Dont eat in the classroom. 5. 不要在课堂上听音乐。Dont listen to

    36、music in class. 6. 不要打架。Dont fight. 7. 你必须准时。You must be on time. 8. 我们总是必须穿校服。We always have to wear the school uniform. 9. 在图书馆我们也必须保持安静。We also have to be quiet in the library. 10. 你们在上课时可以戴帽子吗?不,我们不能。 Can you wear a hat in class? No, we cant 11. 你必须做什么?What do you have to do? 四、四、句型变换句型变换 1. You

    37、 cant arrive late for school. (变为祈使句) Dont arrive late for school. 12 2. I can watch TV after I read a book. (改为否定句) I cant watch TV after I read a book 3. She has to go to bed before 10:00. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) Does she have to go to bed before 10:00? Yes, she does. 4. Eat outside the classroom. (改为否定句

    38、) Dont eat outside the classroom 5. Molly has to help her mum make breakfast every morning. (对划线部分提问) What does Molly have to do? Unit 7 Main Points ( (重点知识重点知识) ) 一、一、语法语法 1. 动物的名称 2. 描述动物的形容词 二、二、短语短语 1. 整天 all day 2. 用 2 条腿走路 walk on two legs 3. 迷路 get lost 4. 处于极大的危险之中 be in great danger 5.砍伐树木

    39、cut down trees 6. 由.制成 be made of 7. 之一 one of +名词(复数形式) 8. 好运的象征 a symbol of good luck 9. 来自 be from= come from 10. 想做 want to do 11. 使让某人做某事 let sb(宾格) do sth 12. 有点 kind of = a little 三、三、句子句子 5. 你为什么喜欢熊猫? Why do you like pandas? 6. 因为他们非常可爱。 Because they are very cute. 13 7. 他为什么喜欢树袋熊。 Why does

    40、he like koalas? 8. 因为他们很漂亮。 Because they are very beautiful. 9. 你为什么不喜欢老虎? Why dont you like tigers? 10. 因为他们有点恐怖。 Because they are kind of scary. = Because they are a little scary. 11. 让我们看长颈鹿吧。 Lets see giraffes. 12. 狮子来自哪里? Where are lions from? 13. 他们来自南非。 They are from South Africa. 14. 我非常喜欢大象

    41、。 I like elephants a lot. = I like elephants very much. 四、四、句型变换句型变换 1. They are from Australia. = They come from Australia. (对划线部分提问) Where are they from? = Where do they come from? (注意对应关系) 2. She likes elephants because they are symbols of good luck. (对划线部分提问) Why does she like elephants? 3. John

    42、 likes giraffes. (对划线部分提问) What animals does John like? 4. Tony wants to go to the zoo. (改为否定句) Tony doesnt want to go to the zoo. Unit 8 Main Points ( (重点知识重点知识) ) 一、一、语法语法 1. 现在进行时(定义,结构,标志性词,现在分词的变化规则) 2. race 和 game 区别 3. 现在进行时与一般现在时的区别 二、二、短语短语 1. 看电视 watch TV 2. 读报纸 read a newspaper 3. 讲电话 tal

    43、k on the phone 4. 听 CD listen to a CD 14 5. 用电脑 use the computer 6. 做汤 make soup 7. 洗衣服 wash clothes 8. 在电视上 on TV 9. 希望做某事 wish to do sth 10.看电影 go to the movies 11. 喝茶 drink tea 12.端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 13. 包粽子 make zongzi 14.打扫房子 clean house 三、三、句子句子 1. 你正在做什么?What are you doing? 2. 我正在讲电话。I a

    44、m talking on the phone. 3. 他正在做什么?What is he doing? 4. 他正在读报纸。 He is reading a newspaper. 5. 你们正在听 CD 吗?是的,我们在听。Are you listening to a CD? Yes, we are. 6. 她在用电脑吗?不,她没有。她在洗衣服。 Is she using the computer? No, she isnt. She is washing the clothes. 7. 千好万好不如自己家好。No place like home. 8. Jack 每天都学英语,但此刻他没有在

    45、学。 Jack studies English every day, but now he is not learning it. 9. 你现在想去看电影吗?Do you want to go to the movies now? 四、四、句型转换句型转换 1. The mother is reading a story to her young children. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) Is the mother reading a story to her young children? Yes, she is. 2. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV. (改为否定句) His dad and uncle are not watching the boat races on


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