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    1、2021 年中考英语总复习年中考英语总复习名词名词 第一节第一节 词汇词汇。 根据首字母及句意补全单词,并将单词的正确形式完整地填写在答题卡上(每空一词)。 (2020.成都中考成都中考)1.This 5-year-old boy has such a good sense of d_ that he never gets lost. (2020.成都中考成都中考)2.Ms. Wang is very strict with us. She always asks us to do everything according to her i_. (2020.广元中考广元中考)3.Could y

    2、ou please give us a general i_about the changes in your life. (2020.乐山中考乐山中考)4.It is a s_between you and me. Dont let others know it. (2020.凉山中考凉山中考)5.Each time when you make a d_, you should think carefully. (2020.凉山中考凉山中考)6.This s_words help the young learn many secrets of the ocean. (2020.遂宁中考遂宁中

    3、考)7.In autumn, quite a few l_turn yellow and fall off the trees. (2020.遂宁中考遂宁中考)8.Hainan is in the s_of China. (2020.攀枝花中考攀枝花中考)9.The computer is one of the greatest i_ in the twentieth century. (2020.自贡中考自贡中考)10.There are 12 months in a year. And D_ is the twelfth month of a year. (2020.南充中考南充中考)11

    4、.We sat o_ each other, so I could see his face clearly. (2020.甘孜中考甘孜中考)12.What would you like to eat on your b_? (2020.甘孜中考甘孜中考)13.That store sells things at high p_, but theyre really good. (2020.眉山模考眉山模考)14.Could you get me an i_to your friend? (2020.眉山模考眉山模考)15.If we work hard together, our actio

    5、ns can make a d_to the world and lead to a better future. (2020.成都模考成都模考)16.If you want to get good grades in the exam, you should pay a_ to the teachers in class. (2020.成都模考成都模考)17.How many made-in-China p_ in total are sold in that American supermarket? (2020.成都模考成都模考)18.China has made great i_ in

    6、 protecting wild animals since each of them on Earth has a role to play in ecosystem. (2020.成都模考成都模考)19.One of the c_ of this job is that you should be able to drive. (2020.成都模考成都模考)20.Mike shook his head in d _at the news of Kobes death. (2020.成都模考成都模考)21.Were often told not to make any n_ during t

    7、he examinations. (2020.成都模考成都模考)22.The poor man wonders what happened to his wife, but he hasnt got any i_ yet. (2020.成都模考成都模考)23.Dont touch these k_!Mind you dont cut your fingers. (2020.成都模考成都模考)24.Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to s_. (2020.成都模考成都模考)25.Our teachers often give

    8、 us some s_on how to face the difficulties. 第第二二节节 词汇。词汇。 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.The (box) are too heavy for the little boy to carry. 2.The girl in white is an unusual and talented (violin). 3.Cats like catching (mouse) for food. They are natural enemies. 4.He bought two kilos of (potato) on his way hom

    9、e. 5.The Beidou satellite(卫星)will form a (communicate) bridge between controllers on Earth and the far side of the Moon. 6.Now more and more schools care for the full (develop) of the students talents. 7.The true (mean) of Christmas is sharing and giving love to people around us. 8.There are many (d

    10、ifferent) between the twins. One is shy, but the other is outgoing. 9.Thanks for all the (member) hard work! More and more people have learned how to keep kids from danger now. 10.Now people hope to eat healthily and begin to care about the (safe) of food. 11.Zheng Chenggong is one of the national (

    11、hero) in our country. We are proud of him. 12.Some parents often tell their kids not to believe (strange)words. 13.The (player) cap is really cool and I like it very much. 14.Many (visitor) came to the hometown of the great man during the vacation. 15.Many modern (invention) have made a great differ

    12、ence in our life. 第第三三节节 完形填空。完形填空。 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (2018.全国模考全国模考)How often do you let other peoples rude actions change your mood? Do you let a bad driver or an impolite waiter make your day in a mess? However, the mark of your wise reply to the actions is how 1 you

    13、 can come back to smiling to them. Sixteen years ago, I learned this 2 at the back of a taxi in New York. We were driving fast in the right lane (车道)when suddenly, a black car jumped 3 a parking space right to front of us. My taxi driver stepped on the brake(刹车)as hard as possible, and at the 4 mome

    14、nt our car stopped just one inch from the back of the other car. I couldnt believe what happened next. The driver of the car turned his head around and started 5 bad words. But then heres what really 6 me. My taxi driver just smiled and waved(挥手致意) at the guy. I said, Why did you just do that? This

    15、guy nearly 7 us! He told me what I now remember The Law of the Garbage(垃圾)Truck. He said, “Like garbage trucks, many people run around full of garbage, full of anger, and full of regret. 8 their garbage increases more and more, they look for a place to pour it. If you let them, theyll pour it on you

    16、. So when someone wants to pour it on you, dont feel hurt. Just smile, wave, and move on. You will be 9 .” I started thinking: how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and 10 it to other people? Then I knew clearly what I should do. I began to see Ga

    17、rbage Trucks. I see the bad mood people are carrying. I see them coming to pour it. And like my taxi driver, I dont feel hurt. I just smile, wave, and move on。 ( )1.A. clearly B. quickly C. exactly D. correctly ( )2.A. example B. experience C. lesson D. case ( )3.A. out of B. across C. next to D. fa

    18、r from ( )4.A. next B. busy C. right D. last ( )5.A.shouting B. telling C. whispering D. expressing ( )6.A. cheered B. encouraged C. surprised D. satisfied ( )7.A. attacked B. killed C. warned D. beat ( )8.A.Since B. While C. As D. Before ( )9.A. happier B. busier C. safer D. luckier ( )10.A. donate

    19、 B. lend C. spread D. hang 第第四四节节 语法填空。语法填空。 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A (2020 年眉山中考真题年眉山中考真题)Can a one-armed person still play basketball? You might think so after you see Zhang Jiacheng play. The one-armed 13-year-old from Guangdong 1 (become) an internet star recently. Featuring his dribbl

    20、ing (运球) skills and powerful underarm shots (腋下投篮), his basketball 2 (video) have been viewed by more than 50 million people. Zhang even drew the attention of NBA superstar Steven Curry, You are 3 inspiration. You are a real superstar in playing basketball. Curry said in a video posted on Sina Weibo

    21、. However, it wasnt easy 4 Zhang to step onto the court. At the age of five, Zhang 5 (hit) in a car accident and lost his right arm. Although it was difficult at first, I gradually got used to eating and getting dressed by 6 (I), Zhang said. He also keeps up with his studies in school and helps his

    22、family with chores. On a hot evening in 2018, Zhang was watching a basketball match 7 he first discovered his love for the sport. Then he signed up for a basketball class in his school. From then on, he always took a basketball with him. He also practiced basketball in PE class. While the class was

    23、learning how to jump rope, which takes two hands, he asked his teacher 8 (let) him do basketball training instead. As time went by, he 9 (final) became the best basketball player in his school. He has got a lot of attention since then. Zhang said, With the encouragement of all these people, Ill prac

    24、tice more. Im sure that I will become even 10 (good). B Two simple words “thank you” have made a big difference to thousands of firemen in New York City. Savannah is 11. girl from Texas. “I was trying to think 12. I could help them out,” she says. After hearing about sacrifices(牺牲) made by firemen,

    25、she 13. (move) by the risks they face. 14. Savannah made 200 thank-you cards for them. “I want to show how much I care about them.” “I told the firemen thank you,” Savannah recalls. “Theyre always there to help you.” Savannah decided 15. (keep) making cards. For the next seven months, she woke up ea

    26、rly to paint and color and cut. In that time, she 16. (send) 1,600 cards with bite-sized candy while meeting her 17. (hero). Soon, fire stations started thanking her. Once too shy to give a speech at school, 18. is now easy for Savannah to speak regularly to firemen and school students. She is quite

    27、 different 19. what she used to be. “Shes saying how 20. (thank) she is to them!” Savannahs mom, Debbie, says. “Savannah sees that stepping out and doing something can really make a difference.” 2021 年中考英语总复习年中考英语总复习名词名词 参参 考考 答答 案案 第一节第一节 词汇词汇。 根据首字母及句意补全单词,并将单词的正确形式完整地填写在答题卡上(每空一词)。 1.direction 2.

    28、instructions 3.introduction 4.secret 5.decision 6.scientists 7.leaves 8.south 9.inventions 10.December 11.rice 12.opposite 13.birthday 14.price 15.introduction 16.difference 17.attention 18.products 19.improvement 20.conditions 21.disbelief 22.noise 23.information 24.knives 25.success 第第二二节节 词汇。词汇。

    29、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.boxes 2.violinist 3.mice 4.potatoes munication 6.development 7.meaning 8.differences 9.members 10.safety 11.heroes 12.strangers 13.players 14.visitors 15.inventions 第第三三节节 完形填空。完形填空。 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1-5 BCADA 6-10 CBCAC 第第四四节节 语法填空。语法填空。 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1. has become 2. videos 3. an 4. for 5. was hit 6. myself 7. when 8. to let 9. finally 10. better 11.A 12.how 13.was moved 14.so 15.to keep 16.sent 17.heroes 18.it 19.from 20.thankful


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