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    2021年春pep人教版三年级下册Unit1 Part B(第三课时)课件(内嵌音视频)

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    2021年春pep人教版三年级下册Unit1 Part B(第三课时)课件(内嵌音视频)

    1、Unit 1 Welcome back to school! Part B & Part C Start to readStory time 人人 教教 PEP 版版 英英 语语 三三 年年 级级 下下 册册 Warm up Boy and girl Im a boy and you are a girl. Im a boy and you are a girl. Im a boy and you are a girl. Do you want to be my friend? Lets sing Look! Whos the boy? Where is he from? Is he a te

    2、acher? Lead in Start to read Read and tick. My names Mike. Im from Canada. Hes from Canada. Presentation This is John. Hes my friend. Shes my friend. This is John. Hes my friend. Shes my friend. Talk about your teacher and your friend. This is _. He/She is a _. Talk about the people below. What can

    3、you see in the picture? Zip and Zoom are playing a game “ teacher and student ”. They both want to be the teacher. Zip and Zoom. Who will be the teacher? Story time Watch and answer the question. Who is the teacher, Zip or Zoom? Zip. Listen and read after the tape. Lets play a game. OK! Lets play te

    4、acher and student. Im big. Im the teacher! Im clever. Im the teacher! Im the teacher! No! Im the teacher! Zip: Zoom: Zip: Zoom: Zip: Zoom: Zip: Wait a minute! Can you read this? Sure, “I am the student”. Haha! You see? I am the teacher! Oh, no! No! Im the teacher! Zip: Zoom: Zip: Zoom: Zip: Act out

    5、the story with your partner. Lets check Listen and number. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2 3 4 Practice 1. Miss White: We have two new students today. Girl and boy: Welcome. 2.Miss White: Hi, Mr Jones. This is Zhang Peng. Mr Jones: Hello, Zhang Peng. Where are you from? Zhang Peng: Im from Shandong. 3. John: Mu

    6、m, this is Miss Green. Shes my new teacher. Mum: Miss Green, nice to meet you. Miss Green: Nice to meet you, too. 4. Mike: Im Mike. Im from Canada. 听力原文: Look and match Exercises 一、选择正确的答案。 ( )1. This is Lucy. my new friend. A. She B. Shes C. Hes ( )2. Mr Green is a . A. boy B. student C. teacher (

    7、)3. Tom is a . A. girl B. boy C. friend ( )4. This is new friend. A. me B. I C. my B C B C 二、排列顺序。 ( ) Hi, Amy. ( ) Hi, Mr Jones. ( ) Mr Jones, this is Amy. Shes a new student. ( ) Im from the UK. ( ) Where are you from? 1 3 2 4 5 Summary 1. 复习了单词:UK, USA, China, Canada, he, she, teacher, student, pupil. 2.复习了下列句型: -Where are you from? -Im from. This is . He/She is a . 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework 听录音跟读Story time。 one two 把Story time讲给家人 听。


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