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    1、初一英语易错题重做初一英语易错题重做 7Bunit2 一、一、 单项选择单项选择(15(15) ) ( ) 1. That is _ basketball. I like playing _ basketball very much. A. a; the B. a; / C. a; a D. /; / ( ) 2. -How often do you go to the Computer? -_. A. Three times B. Once a week C. Four hours D. In the afternoon ( ) 3. My mother always me do my ho

    2、mework on Saturday morning. A. hopes B. asks C. makes D. tells ( ) 4. does Andys father look? He looks strong and tall. A. How B. When C. Where D. What ( ) 5.My grandfather wants_ around the world because he enjoys _ new places. A. traveling ; see B. to travel ; to see C. to travel ; seeing D. trave

    3、ling ; to see ( ) 6. Do you know there _ a parents meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. has B. is going to have C is going to be D. will have ( ) 7.一 do you often do in your free time?We often chat with our friend. A. What B. When C. Why D. Where ( ) 8. I work in a big factory 10 miles _ my home. A. away

    4、B. far away C. away from D. far away from ( ) 9.- What are you doing?- Im reading the newspaper(报纸). There is in it. A. something interesting B. anything interesting C. nothing interesting D. interesting something ( ) 10. I often play football my friends school. A. and; after B. with; to C. with; af

    5、ter D. and; at ( ) 11. - Im afraid I cant help you your problem. - Thank you all the same(仍然). I can ask Fiona help. A. for; for B. for; with C. with; with D. with; for ( ) 12. Its a big box. Let me _you carry it. A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help ( ) 13. What are you going to buy for your moth

    6、ers birthday? -I am not sure. But I will buy her _. A. something special B. anything special C. special something D. nothing special ( ) 14.We can make a fire _ the room warm. A. keep B. keeping C.to keep D. keeps ( ) 15. Its a fine day today. Shall we go jogging? -_. I need to do my homework. A. Ha

    7、ve a nice time B. Not at all C. Good idea D. I am afraid not 答案:答案:BBCAC CACACD DAAC 二 完形填空 (10*1.5=15) When I was small, my mum used to give the family something special for meals she would make breakfast food for dinner. I still remember one night my mum put some bread in front of my dad, somethin

    8、g very burnt. I waited to see if anybody noticed. To my surprise, my dad just took his 1 , smiled at my mum and then turned to ask me how my day at school had been. Ive forgotten what I told him that night. 2 I do remember watching him put some butter on that bread. He 3 as usual, every single bit.

    9、After dinner, my mum said sorry to my dad for burning the bread. And I never forget what he said, I 4 burnt bread, dear. It doesnt matter at all. 5 , I went to kiss Dad good night.I asked him if he really liked his bread burnt. He held me in arms and 6 , Your mum worked very hard all day. Shes reall

    10、y tired. And you seea bit of burnt food never hurt anyone! Now I know life is not perfect. 7 is perfect, either. As for me, I often forget birthdays or some other special days. But Ive learned something 8 over these years. What we really need is the understanding of each other, whether between a hus

    11、band and wife, a parent and child or just between two friends. This is the key to a happy 9 . So dont get angry if the bread gets burnt. Remember, 10 bread never hurt anyone. Be kind to those around you and a happier life will surely come closer to you ( )1. A. glass B. milk C. spoon D. bread ( )2.

    12、A. But B. So C. Because D. And ( )3. A. threw it away B. ate it up C. put it away D. looked it up ( )4. A. hate B. love C. make D. save ( )5. A. After school B. Before dinner C. Later that night D. The next morning ( )6. A. shouted B. said C. laughed D. cried ( )7. A. Everybody B. Anybody C. Nobody

    13、D. Somebody ( )8. A. important B. difficult C. funny D. easy ( )9. A. class B. party C. life D. story ( )10. A. burnt B. cheap C. fresh D. cold 答案:答案:DABBC BCACA 三三 阅读理解阅读理解 (20(20) ) A Neighbors are very important in our lives. Their lifestyles and friends can have a strong impact(影响) on our lives.

    14、 It is a good idea to get to know the people next door or across the street. How do you get along with your neighbours? Here are some tips: Go over and introduce(介绍) yourselves. Good greetings are helpful. You can get to know others first names and you can also talk about the weather. But. dont stay

    15、 too long. Give a hand. If you hear that someone close by is ill, or has had an accident, take over a hot meal. This will give a special touch(感动) during a difficult time. Meet a need. When you hear of a special need that you can meet, do it, such as sitting with a sick(生病的) child while your neighbo

    16、ur goes to work or taking an old parent to a doctors when their car doesnt start. Exchange(交换) holiday cards or gifts. A backyard barbecue(烧烤) can be a great way to share food and fun. Dont forget about graduation, weddings and birthdays. Even if your neighbours(or their dogs) worry you at times, be

    17、ar it. They are like family in many ways because youll have to live with them, or near them, for a long time. Appreciate(赏识) their strengths and overlook (忽视) weaknesses, and everyone will get along just fine. 1. When we go over to introduce ourselves to new neighbours, we should _. A. give them som

    18、e nice presents B. give a good talk with them C. stay with them for some time D. ask them some interesting questions 2. The writer thinks we should _ to help the neighbours. A. drive them to work B. look after their sick child C. cook them a meal every day D. give them enough money 3. The meaning of

    19、 the underlined word bear is _ in Chinese. A. 攻击 B. 赞扬 C. 容忍 D. 劝阻 4. How many pieces of advice are mentioned in the passage? A. Three. B. Four C. Five. D. Six. 5. The title for the passage can be _. A. Neighbours Are Important B. How to Meet Your Neighbours C. How to Get on with Your Neighbours D.

    20、Good Neighbours 答案:答案:CBCCC B It is a Saturday afternoon. Suzie is watching the boys play. The two boys are Joey and Bob. They are riding their bikes. Suzies mum comes out of the house and asks, What are you doing, dear? Mum, Im watching the boys ride their bikes, says Suzie. Can you teach me to rid

    21、e a bike? Suzies mum thinks about it and agrees at last. Suzie is only four years old. She is afraid at first. Her mum holds (抓住) the bike when she starts to ride. After about half an hour, Suzie is not afraid. She is having fun. Suddenly (突然), Suzie sees that her mum isnt holding the bike. She gets

    22、 afraid, but she soon finds that she can ride a bike all by herself (独自). Suzie is very happy. 6. What are Joey and Bob doing? A. Playing basketball. B. Riding bikes. C. Reading books. D. Listening to music. 7 What does the underlined word agrees mean in Chinese? A. 犹豫 B. 放弃 C. 同意 D. 原谅 8. How old i

    23、s Suzie? A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven. 9. How does Suzie feel when she finds her mum isnt with her? A. Happy. B. Afraid. C. Relaxed. D. Sorry. 10. What can we know from the story? A. Suzie can ride a bike now. B. Suzies father feels happy for her. C. Suzies mother buys her a new bike. D. Suzie

    24、 makes friends with Joey and Bob. 答案:答案:BCABA 四四 词汇词汇 A)根据中文或者音标,完成句中所缺的单词。)根据中文或者音标,完成句中所缺的单词。(15) 1. The window is_(坏的).It is very cold in the room 2. We have a new_(邻居).He is very kind and helpful. 3. She is our _(组)member. She is very kind to us all. 4. Do you have a_(社区)centre in your neighbour

    25、hood? 5. Its_ (有用的)to have a dictionary(字典)when you want to learn English. 6. Some_(学院的)students will come to our neighbourhood and help us. 7. Johns father owns a company. He is the _(经理)of it. 8 Can you help me_(检查)my computer. It doesnt work. 9. Can you teach me some _(技巧) on how to improve my En

    26、glish? 10. A lot of_(参观者)will come to the factory next month. 答案:答案:broken/neighbor/group/community/useful/college/manager/check/skills/visitors B)用所给词的适当形式填空。)用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Listen! Mr Black_ (sing) a Chinese song in the room. 2. There_ (be) a class meeting tomorrow. 3.We all volunteered _(paint)

    27、the house. 4.The rain is coming into my house and I felt _(help). 5. We want to have a _(meet) in the afternoon. 答案:答案:is singing/is going to be/ to paint/helpful/meeting 五五 句型转换。句型转换。(10) 1. There is nothing wrong with my watch. (同义句) There _ _ wrong with my watch. 2. My neighbours are kind and hel

    28、pful. (对划线部分提问) _ are your neighbours _? 3. My father will be back in a few days? (对划线部分提问) _ _ will your father be back? 4. I shall wait for him to call me back? (对划线部分提问) _ _ you wait for to call you back? 5. I dont know what I can wear to an evening party. (同义句) I dont know _ _ wear to an evening

    29、 party. 答案:答案: isnt anything wrong/ what like/ how soon/ who will/what to do 七 任务型阅读 (10) Community Volunteers(志愿者志愿者) Hi Jenny, I am enjoying my new school. It has lots of clubs and activities. One of my favourite clubs is the Community Volunteers. The club gives us a chance to help people. This te

    30、rm we are helping out at a charity (慈善机构)for disabled(残疾的) children. I am helping to organize(组织) games , reading stories to the children and helping with the music group. Mrs. Brown organizes our club. She says that I am really good with the children. I think that is because I have two little siste

    31、rs. Next term we are going to visit some older people. Some of the older people are blind (失明的) and they want us to help them to read letters and books. A lot of clubs and activities are about having fun but in the Community Volunteers we help other people and have fun. Everyone in the club is very

    32、friendly and its a great way to make new friends at school. See you soon. May Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the email. What May does this term She is helping _1_ children and taking good _2_ of them. She _3_ games, reads stories and helps with the _4_ group. Mrs. Brown says May t

    33、reats the children very _5_. What May will do _6_ term She will help some _7_ people. Some of them are _8_ and need her to read letters or books to them. _9_ May feels It is _10_ to help others and make new friends. 答案:答案:disabled/care/organized/music/well/next/older/blind/how/great 八 书面表达(15) 根据下表提

    34、示,以“My dream community”为题写一篇短文,词数 80 字左右。 要求:1.内容必须包括表格中的要点,可适当发挥。 2.条理清楚、语句连贯。 概述 社区很大,居民不多 设施 花园、运动场(playground)、游泳池 环境 花草树木多;空气清新 邻居 善良,友好;一些邻居是志愿者,他们有一技之长,帮人们 解决问题;帮老人购物、打扫房屋;帮孩子们学习 其他 我打算为社区做点事:(1) (2) My dream community _ _ 答案:答案: My dream community My dream community is very big, but there ar

    35、ent many people living there. There are lots of trees and beautiful flowers in the neighbourhood, so the air there is fresh. We have a big garden, a swimming pool and some playgrounds. We can have a good time playing there. All my neighbours are nice and helpful. Some of them are volunteers with dif

    36、ferent skills. If we have any problems, they can help us. They also help old people do some shopping and clean ,their houses. If children have problems with their stu 时,they will give them a helping hand. I will do some things for my neighbourhood. I am going to pick up the rubbish in the community centre. If my neighbour is not good at English, I will help her with her English after school. My neighbourhood will be a good place to live.


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