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    1、 2020-2021 学年广东省深圳市罗湖区九年级(上)期末英语试卷学年广东省深圳市罗湖区九年级(上)期末英语试卷 第一部分选择题(第一部分选择题(50 分)分)I.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入四个选项中选出能填入 相应空白处的最佳选项,相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。 (共并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。 (共 1 小题,每小题小题,每小题 10 分) 。分) 。 1 We could all say that we have bad days as we go through li

    2、fe, but what does it take to have a really good day? I remember a day recently when I had to go to the (1) for special tests because I wasnt feeling well and my doctor sent me to a specialist to try and find the cause of my illness. As I (2) parking lot. I finally found one not too far from the entr

    3、ance to the hospital. As I got out and brought my change out of my pocket, I noticed a man looking a little(3) standing in front of a parking meter (停车记时收费表) two cars away. He seemed to be searching his pockets for what I supposed were (4) for the meter. Although I (5) didnt feel that great, I thoug

    4、ht that I should at least go over to him and find out if I could help him. As I stood beside him, he turned to me looking worried. I asked him if he had a problem I could help with. He said that he had no coins at all because he was only thinking about visiting his (6) wife when he left his house. I

    5、 reached into my pocket and (7) out two dollars and gave it to him without saying a word. And, without waiting for a reply, I turned around and said to him as I was walking away, Have a good day. The funny thing was that I felt a lot brighter, a small smile came to my face, and I seemed to walk just

    6、 a little quicker. I was walking away when he (8) : Thank you so much. You know, I didnt even (9) him to say anything. He didnt have to say a word to me. It was simply enough to know that I had helped someone else who needed a (10) . Thats all it took to bring a smile to my face as I went on toward

    7、completing my own business. You know, it doesnt take much to help someone else. (1)A. gym B. school C hospital D. company (2)A. walked B. drove C. rode D. ran (3)A. worried B. tired C. relaxed D. bored (4)A. tools B. keys C. coins D. cards (5)probably B. suddenly C. finally D. really (6)A. sick B. h

    8、elpful C. bad D. beautiful (7)A. pushed B. made C. pulled D. sent (8)A. laughed out B. called out C. took out D. found out (9)A. mean B. expect C. make D. save (10)A. courage B. patience C. guide D. hand .阅读理解(阅读理解(40 分)第一节分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,四个选项中选出最佳选项, 并并 在答

    9、题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。 (共在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。 (共 3 小题,每小题小题,每小题 10 分) 。分) 。 2 English Winter Camp We offer holiday course for teenagers in Shanghai, you can improve your English, enjoy great trips and activities and make new friends of your own age. Telephone: 02165552031 Website: Ages: Young children (912) , T

    10、eenagers (1317) Creative Arts Winter Camp Designed for young students with a great interest in painting ,providing an exciting experience to explore creative pathways and develop skills for the future. Telephone: 010 85439806 Website: www. mms. edu. en Ages:eenagers (14 15) Super Activity Winter Cam

    11、p Beautiful setting! Fantastic activities! Friendly and experienced staff Activities include adventure. sports. drama. and morel Telephone: 0755 84719686 Website: www. supercamps. com Ages: Teenagers (l3 17) YMTs Winter Camp We are open to anyone aged 6 17 looking to develop their acting, singing an

    12、d dancing ability. Join the Chinas leading music theatre company! Telephone: 020 85637725 Website: www.youthmusictheatre. com Ages: Young children (6 12) ,Teenagers (13 17) (1)Which month can children and teenagers take part in these activities? A. In February. B. In May. C. In August. D. In October

    13、. (2)Which website can you go to for information about drama? A. www. cul. com. B. www. nus. edu. cn. C. www. supercamps. com D. www. youthmusictheatre. com. (3)Which camp can eight year old Thomas enter for? A. Super Activity Winter Camp. B. YMTS Winter Camp. C. Creative Arts Winter Camp. D. Englis

    14、h Winter Camp. (4)Whats special about English Winter Camp? A. It is open to all ages. B. It requires creative ideas. C. It has experienced staff. D. It offers English course. (5)Where is the poster most probably from? A. A science report. B. A website for teenagers. C. A shopping brochure. D. A scho

    15、ol introduction. 3It was mothers Day,but the young mother was a little unhappyBecause she was 800miles away from her parentsIn the morning she phone her mother to wish her a happy mothers Day,And her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs(丁香) in the garden Later that day,when she told her husban

    16、d about the lilacshe saidI know where we can find all that you wantGet the children and come onSo they went,driving down the country roadsThere on a small hill, they saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacsThe young woman ran quickly to enjoy the flowersCarefully,she picked a few here and a few thereOn

    17、their way home thre was a smile on her faceWhen they were passing a nursing home(养老院) ,the young woman saw an old granny sitting in a chairShe had no children with herThey stopped the car and the young woman walked to the old woman,put the flowers in her hands,and smiled at herThe old granny thanked

    18、 her again and againShe smiled happily,too When the young mother came back to her car,her children asked her,Who is that old granny?Why did you give flowers to her?I dont kown her Their mother said, But its Mothers Day, and she has no children I have all of you,and I still have my motherJust think h

    19、ow much those flowers meant to her 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内 46The young woman was a little unhappy on Mothers Day because Ashe didnt have a present Bshe was a long way from her mother Cshe didnt know it was Mothers Day Dshe wanted to have a trip 47There were many beautiful purple lilacs Ain the yo

    20、ung womans garden Bin the market Con a small hill Din the nursing home 48The young woman had Aone child Bno child Cmore than one child Da boy and a girl 49The young woman gave the flowers to the old granny because Ashe knew the old granny Bshe didnt like the flowers Cher mother asked her to do so Ds

    21、he wanted the old granny to be happy 50Which is the following is NOT true according to the passage? AThe young woman was kind BThe old granny was sad at last CThe young woman loved her mother DThe old granny had no child 4Nowadays, more and more people pay attention to their physical health. There a

    22、re all kinds of articles and medicine about how to take care of their bodies. Most of them tell people to keep healthy by taking something into their bodies. However, a recent study in the U.S. examined the influences of having a higher purpose on health. 136, 265 people took part in 10 different st

    23、udies, mostly in the United States and Japan. An important relationship was examined between having a higher purpose in life and reducing the risk of death from all causes, especially from cardiovascular disease (心血管疾病).The people who were observed were around 65 years old at the beginning of the st

    24、udies, and they had been followed for seven years. During that time, more than 14, 500 of them died and more than 4, 000 suffered cardiovascular events such as strokes (中风)or heart attacks. The study showed that a higher sense of purpose has something to do with the reduction of about 20 percent of

    25、death from all causes as well as a lower risk of cardiovascular problems. This is a meaningful finding, and the knowledge should encourage us to help people find their purpose. Its not just nice to have oneit can actually save lives. Giving life a higher purpose has long been an important way of lif

    26、e. Now the findings further prove that they may help people to look after their health and bring them a sense of wellbeing. said Dr. Alan Rozanski, one of the authors of the study and members of the research team. So keep looking for your purpose! (1)What may more and more people pay attention to no

    27、wadays according to Paragraph 1? A. How to keep healthy. B. How to get safe medicine. C. How to have a good relationship. D. How to reduce the risk of death. (2)Which of the following could take part in the study? A. Students in the middle schools. B. Teachers with higher purposes. C. People with il

    28、lnesses in the hospital. D. People who are aged from 60 to 70. (3)What does the underlined word reduction mean in the passage? A. Becoming more. B. Becoming less. C. Becoming worse. D. Becoming better. (4)What can we learn from the study? A We can keep healthy by taking something into our bodies. B.

    29、 We should take physical examination in hospital over year. C. More than 14, 500 old people suffered strokes or heart attacks. D. It could help us take care of our health with a higher life purpose. (5)Which can be the best title of the passage? A. The Risk of Heart Problems. B. The Influence of Doi

    30、ng Sports. C. The Importance of Keeping Healthy. D. The Benefits of Keeping a Higher Life Purpose. 第二节第二节 以下是一篇关于如何学会与自己相处的文章。请阅读金文,并从下列方框里的六个以下是一篇关于如何学会与自己相处的文章。请阅读金文,并从下列方框里的六个 句子中选择五句子中选择五 个还个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。 (共原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。 (共 1 小题,每小题小题,每小题 5 分)分) 5 (5 分) A. If you feel there is a room

    31、for improving, B. You know improving takes time. C. Build up your confidence at first. D. If the answer is yes, E. Second, dont always compare yourself with others. F. So you should learn to be happy with yourself. There is no one like you in the world. (1) You should be confident, because you are s

    32、pecial, just like there are no two same leaves in the world. As we all know, nobody is perfect. If you are not the most beautiful or the smartest person, thats OK. (2) then try your best to make some changes. If you have tried your best but still arent satisfied, ask yourself two simple questions. F

    33、irst, are you happy with who you are? (3) then there is nothing to worry about. If you are OK with yourself and you have done your best in everything, you should be satisfied. Second, have you given yourself enough time to improve? (4) Selfconfidence is also very important. If you are confident, you

    34、 will be OK with the way you are. If you are not confident, here is some advice. First, find out your talents and try to use them. (5) Third, forgive yourself for sonic mistakes you have made. 第三节第三节 信息匹配下面的材料信息匹配下面的材料 AF 分别介绍了六个网站的主要信息。 清根据分别介绍了六个网站的主要信息。 清根据 Sandy, Ken, Linda, Coco, Kris 五五 个人的需求,

    35、 帮助他们选个人的需求, 帮助他们选出合适的网站, 并将其标号填入题前的括号内。 (共出合适的网站, 并将其标号填入题前的括号内。 (共 1 小题, 每小题小题, 每小题 5 分)分) 6 (5 分)A. The site offers you a web school to study English. The classes are smallno more than 10 students. Native teachers are always here to help you. We have daytime classes, evening classes and weekend c

    36、lasses. Just go to our website and see which youd like to order. B. Our website offers you a way of travelling through network. Travelers contact people online who are willing to host them online. It only costs you little money. C. This site tells you how to teach and look after the babies Also many

    37、 mothers in the site forum (论坛) talks about their feeling and give their advice. D. Our website can get large discounts on plane tickets and hotel rooms. You can save up to 65%. We negotiate (商议)discounts with our partners, and then let you know. E. It is the most popular travel websites in the UK.

    38、It offers oversea travelers information about British sights, traffic, culture, and so on. F. This is a wellknown safe online shopping website. You dont need to go out to walk from one shop to another. Just click your mouse and pay, and sellers will send the things you bought to you in a few days. (

    39、1)Sandy likes going shopping. She always feels tired after shopping around. She wants to find a website on which she can buy kinds of things she likes. (2)Ken is going to travel abroad by air during this winter vacation. He hopes to get cheap plane tickets and hotel rooms. (3)Linda had a baby last m

    40、onth. She is young and doesnt know how to care for her baby. Which website would help her? (4) Coco likes travelling, but she only has a little money. If there is one way the traveler can save money, it would be fine for her. (5)Kris was a student from Korea. He is poor in English, so he wants to fi

    41、nd a website for help. He doesnt mind paying. 第二部分第二部分 非选择题(非选择题(50 分)分)III.仔细阅读下面句子,选择括号中所给词汇或用所给单词的适当形式填空,仔细阅读下面句子,选择括号中所给词汇或用所给单词的适当形式填空, 使每个句子在结构、句意、和逻辑上正确。 (共使每个句子在结构、句意、和逻辑上正确。 (共 15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分)分) 7 (How/What) exciting the news is! 8We hope (visit) this city again 9I believe he (come) ba

    42、ck soon. 10Sichuan province is famous (as/for) giant pandas. 11Children began to think of the games (which / who) they wanted to play. 12I cant find Mr. Chens office. I dont know (where / which) office he is in. 13 (Because / Although) he is young, he can speak five different languages. 14We should

    43、be thankful because our parents provide us (with / for) almost all the things we need. 15Ken told me his sister (leave) for Shanghai the next day. 16The price is too high. I cant afford (own) it. 17Jason has a lot of (interested) in watching TV but he has to spend all his time studying. 18It is nece

    44、ssary for students (learn) how to take care of themselves. 19 (go) to bed early is good for our health. 20I have nothing to do tomorrow. I will consider (read) books in the library with you. 21Anna seemed (exciting) after she watched a movie. IV. 请选择方框中所提供的单词或短语并使用其正确的形式将下列句子补充完整,每词限用一请选择方框中所提供的单词或短

    45、语并使用其正确的形式将下列句子补充完整,每词限用一 次。 (共次。 (共 2 小题,每小题小题,每小题 5 分)分) 22 (5 分) agree; person; beat; polite; exact (1)We Team A yesterday and won the football match. (2)If I can get the of my parents, I can go out with my classmates at night. (3)It is to shout at people no matter who you are. (4)This house is l

    46、arge with a garden. It is what I want. (5)Please keep your things with you. There may be some thieves around. 23 (5 分) feel ashamed of; pass out; come along; hold out; out of place (1)All of a sudden, one of them and fell on the ground. (2)Sally feels because she is the new coiner without friends in

    47、 this city. (3)Toms aunt gave Tom a task of painting their fence. Ben Rogers and made fun of him. (4)I didnt help an old lady lying on the ground yesterday and I myself now. (5)Peter his hand and wanted to shake hands with the new manager. V. 语法填空阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词语的正确形式填空,并将答语法填空阅读下面短文,在空格

    48、处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词语的正确形式填空,并将答 案案 写在答题卡规定的位置上。 (共写在答题卡规定的位置上。 (共 1 小题,每小题小题,每小题 10 分)分) 24 The Monkey King and the magic fan When the four heroes reached the Fiery Mountains (火焰山) , they met an old man. He told them, The flames are(1) (possible) to pass, but the immortal Princess Tieshan has a magic fan that can put out the fire. Sun Wukong went to the pr


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