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    1、44 44 议论文体素材储备与写作指导议论文体素材储备与写作指导 20212021 年中考英语书面表达高分作文攻略(全国通用版)年中考英语书面表达高分作文攻略(全国通用版) 议论文体素材储备与写作指导议论文体素材储备与写作指导 体裁解读体裁解读 议论文体对事件作出点评,表达观点,是日常语言表达的种常见形式. 对于习作面言财常以议论文的形 式为其载体。热点就是日常生活中些有争议的话题, 学生围绕这些话随用述自己的观点。常见的话题往往 涉及学习生活、环保、未来规划等,例如:是否要使用塑料包装袋,是否要参加课外培训课程,是否需要进 步发展共享单车系统等。 这些议论都需要有明确的观点,充分的依据,严谨

    2、的谋篇布局。对热点话题、事 件的评析是在事例引述、数据分析、事实佐证的基础上进行的说理。 不同于纯粹的记叙文描写, 以事抒情,侧重描写,不同于应用文强调功能性和实用价值,也不同于说 明文的以文解惑,阐述事物本质的特点,热点评论类的文章往往夹叙夹议,在描写的基础上,还要有一-定 篇幅的议论,表达主张、发表意见,其过程强调逻辑的严密性,要求语言精练、论证合理。 在评论中,要有论点、论据和论证三个组成部分。- -般建议在引人部分 Assertion part)简述材料,并提 出一个明确的中心论点:而后按照作文要求,在铺陈论述部分(Exposition part 就自己提出的中心论点辅以具 体的论据进

    3、行说明;最后在结尾处(Conclusion par)再次重申论点提出的合理性,或给予进步的建议、 设想。 初中阶段,议论文般以“利与弊”.“赞成与反对”:“是与非”、“建议推荐”等主题眼开。 在我们议论文写作时,以下几点需要牢记在心: 1.人称。议论文,是要自己为自己的某个观点辩护,或者提出自己的看法,因此一般都是使用第一.人 称“I”。 2.分段。议论文定要分段书写, 根据议论文的组成要素,我们一般都是按其要素划分成三段,这样可 以使文章的结构更加清晰。 3 逻辑词的使用。议论文很大的特点就是强调逻辑性。因此,我们要通度使用逻辑词、连词等,使我们 的文章前后紧密相连,环环相扣。 相关话题写作

    4、素材必备相关话题写作素材必备 词组词组 开始,首先 to begin with ,at the very beginning 更近一步讲,另外 moreover, further more, additionally, besides 所以:therefore,as a result, 转折:means while,however,nevertheless,notwithstanding 表示各种连接关系的短语 1) 先后次序关系: at this time; first; second; at last; next; previously; simultaneously; eventuall

    5、y; last but not least; to begin with; to start with; to end with; finally; seeing.; since then; first of all; afterwards 后来; following this; preceding 先前的 2) 因果关系:because;because of this;being that;another important factorreason of. ;since;as;for; in that.;owing to 由于;due to 由于;for the reason that.;

    6、in view of 鉴于;the reason seems to be obvious; there are about. ;for this reason; as a result of this;therefore;.and so.;consequently;as a result;thus 这样,如此,因而;hence 因此;so;so that.;in consequence 结果, 结果;as a consequence;accordingly 因此,于是; inevitably 必然的; under these conditions; thereupon 于是 as a cons

    7、equence 因此 3) 转折关系: but; even so; however; though; even though; independent of; reckless of 不顾; despite that; in spite of that;regardless of 不顾; yet.;and yet;but unless. 4) 并列关系:and; also;too;as well as;either.,or.;both.and. 5) (补充)递进关系:furthermore;moreover 而且,此外;further;In this way ;still;not only.

    8、but also.; not.but.;in addition (to);additionally, much more interesting, more specifically 更具体地说, next, besides;as far as. is concerned 至于; moreover 此外;in other words; along this line of consideration; on (the) one hand.在一方面, on the other hand.; even; as a saying goes.; in order to do it.; meanwhil

    9、e 同时;at the same time;accordingly 因此;In the first place.,in the second place.;equally important; of even greater appeal. 6) 比较关系:similarly; in like manner, in comparison with;when compared with;compared with;when in fact.; like.;likewise;similarly important;apart from (doing).; . rather than.,by doi

    10、ng so ;bothand.; in the same way; not only.but (also). 7) 对照(不同点):yet; still; for all of that; notwithstanding 虽然,尽管; rather 当然,的确,宁愿,相当; neither . nor; although; though; but; however; something is just the other way around; yet; conversely 相反的; unlike; opposed to; as opposed to this 与不同; in contras

    11、t (to); by way of;on the contrary;different from this;nevertheless 然而,不过,虽然如此; contrary to;whereas 但是,鉴于; while;but on the other hand 8) 举例关系:for example;for instance 例如;in this case 既然假若这样; namely 也就是换句话说;as you know;you may assay;as he explains;like;such as;a case in point is 一个恰当的例子是.; consider.;

    12、in particular尤其特别; including.; for one thing.首先, for another.; put it simply; stated roughly; as an illustration, I will say.; a good example (of.)would be.;to detail this,I would like to.;It is interesting to note that.;in this situation; as proof; take the case of; take as example (something);as f

    13、or; as regards;as to;according to; on this occasion. 9) 强调关系: in fact; especially; particularly; moreover(此外); naturally; what is more important; in reality; certainly; of course; indeed; in particular;not to mention.;believe it or not;undeniably(无可置疑); other thing being equal; it is certainsure tha

    14、t.; to be strict; to be true; by definition; definitely; undoubtedly; without a doubt; in truth, in any event(不论怎样); without reservation(毫无保留地); obviously, not only. but(also.), both. and. 10) 条件关系: if;unless; lest;provided that;if it is the case;in this sense;once (i) possible;if necessary;if so;if

    15、 not all; if anything. 11) 归纳总结类:in a word / in sum / in short in brief / in conclusion / in summary therefore 因此,所以/ hence 因此,今后 to sum up / to conclude the conclusion can be drawn that for this reason / on the whole 12) 地点关系:beyond; opposite to; adjacent 邻近 to; at the same place; there; over; in t

    16、he middle; around; in front of; in the distance; farther; here and there; above; below; at the right; between; on this side. 13) 目的关系: with this object 无证; for this purpose; in order that; in this way, since; so that; on that account 由于.缘故; in case 万一; with a view to 考虑到; for the same reason. 14) 重申

    17、关系:in other words; that is to say; as I have said; again; once again. 15) 结果关系:accordingly; thus; consequently(因此); hence; therefore; thereupon; inevitably; under these conditions; as a result; as a consequence; because; because of; so that; not only.but (also.); so. as to. 16) 顺序关系:first; second; t

    18、hirdly; next; then; at the outset(在开始时),following this; at this time; now; at this point; after; afterward 后来; after this; subsequently 后来; lastly 最后 相关话题写作思路与示例指导相关话题写作思路与示例指导 1.写作思路写作思路 (1)审题审题 对于议论文这一 文体,审题的关键在于审清楚论点,也就是题目要求对于什么事情进行议论。对于议 论文论点的把握,我们一般可以从所给出的主题(标题)中提取出关键信息。如一篇议论 文的要求中,给出 的标题是My op

    19、inions on shared bicycles (我对于共享单车的看法),那么,我们不难提取出关键词: shared bicycles (共享单车)。 审清楚论点,才能保证我们接下去的写作切题。 (2)构思构思 目前在中考中,纯粹的议论文写作已不多见,反之议论文结合记叙文的体藏确很多。因此,考生在遇 到议论文的体藏时,不要忘记结合具体事例进行定的记叙, 通过事件反映观点,再通过观点支撑事件。如 上面提到的共享单车话题,我们就不能仅仅表达自己的观点,否则作文会显得过于空洞,而是要结合社会 上我们天天能够见到的事例来引出观点,这样才具有生活化的内容。 (3)结构结构 议论文写作,推荐采用总一分

    20、总的结构进行,文章虽然可以不作明确的分节处理,但也因有层次性。 般开头总括观点。 中间部分结合事例用述,最后再总结全文。这样的作文会显得较为完整。 2.范文赏析范文赏析 题目题目 write at least 60 words on the topic my opinion on getting pay for doing housework 以“我对有偿做家务的 看法”为题,写一不少于 60 词的短文标点符号不占格。 提示:一些家长为了鼓励孩子参与家务活给予孩子定的报酬作为奖励,你怎么看这件事? (注:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) 1.审题审题: gettin

    21、g paid for doing housework 2.构思构思: 本文核心论点在getting paid for doing housework (有偿做家务),同学们在写作构思时,要注意提取关 键信息: 1) getting paid (有偿) : 2) doing housework (做家务),如果作文中只注重了其中的点,那么就会有偏 题之嫌。众所周知,做家务时每个家庭成员 都应该承担的义务,能够主动做家务也是为人所赞誉的美德, 其本身并无议论的必要,而有偿做家务就不同了。有些人认为不应该有偿,因为这会使人变得太过功利, 本应是主动承担的又务,反面变成了一种取得报酬的手段。 面有些人

    22、认为应该有偿,这会激发人的干劲, 让人懂得份耕耘, 份收获的道理。 出题人的本意,正在于让考生们对于这一观点发表自己的看法。 3.结构结构: 本文可采取总一分总的结构。开头部分可以直截了当的表达出自己对于在这种现象的支持或反对,中 间部分可以根据自己的观点作阐述,尤其注意应当结合些自己或身边 人的事例,以免作文脱离实际生活。 结尾部分可以再次对于自己观点和论述内容进行总结。 考范文及点评考范文及点评: My opinion on getting pay for doing housework It has been on hot discussion whether children shou

    23、ld get pay for doing housework.As far as I am concerned, getting pay for doing housework is reasonable and beneficial to childrens growth. As the only child in my family, I am always encouraged to do various kinds of housework, such as washing clothes and mopping the floor. In return, my parents giv

    24、e me pocket money as rewards. Through this experience, not only do I become more diligent and hardworking, but also I am able to afford what I want to buy. In addition,as the old saying goes, “No pains, no gains, I am fully aware of the value of labour and happiness in the process of doing housework

    25、 In conclusion, I firmly support the view that it is essential for children to get pay for doing housework, which contributes to our ll-round development. 写作思路写作思路: 第一节: 总括观点(reasonable and beneficial) -支持 第二节:闸述观点。 作者结合自身的实际情况, 闸述了通过做家务获得的好处: 1) become m diligent; 2) be able to afford what I want t

    26、o buy; 3 be aware of the value of labour and happiness. 第三节:总结全文: I firmly support the view. 好词好句: 1. 1 has been on hot discussion whether.是否该做.正在被人们热烈的讨论. 该句是个主语从句, 由 it 作为形式主语出现,常用语文章开头,引出自己的观点。 2. As far as I am concerned.在我看来. 该句一般用于第 二节闸述具体观点的时候, 后面可以接上自己的看法。 3. reasonable adj. 合理的: 4. benefici

    27、al adj. 有益的: 5. be encouraged to do.被鼓励去做某事: 6. such as.例如. 同义词组: for example, for instance,常用于列举事物。 7. in return 作为回报 这个短语可以用作状语成分,常用来表达做件 事情的结果。 8. not only.but also.不仅. . 这个词组用作连词,而且文中作者正确的在 not only 之后使用了部分倒装的语序,如果同学们对于倒装 句的掌握还不是很熟练的话,也可以把主语放在 not only 之前,使用正常的句子语序即可。 9. as the old saying goes.古语有. 这个句型常用来引用名人名言等,用在作文中可以有力的支持论点。 10. be aware of.意识到. 11. in conclusion 总而言之 这个短语常用于结尾,用于对全文进行总结。 12. which contributes to our all-round development.这是一 个非限制性定语 从句,用于修饰前面的观点。


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