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    1、68 各地中考真题再现各地中考真题再现 04 2021 年中考英语书面表达高分作文攻略(全国通用版)年中考英语书面表达高分作文攻略(全国通用版) (一)(一) 学校是否有必要设立“无作业日”?对此, 你在班中进行了调查。 请你根据下表内容写一篇短文在英语课 上交流,并阐述你的观点和理由。 Opinions Reasons most students Yes have free time feel relaxed some students No waste time get bad grades I 注意:短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节; 词数:80-100; 短文首句仅供选择使用,

    2、不计入总词数。 参考词汇:无作业日 Homework-free Day 短文首句:Ive done a survey about whether it is necessary to have Homework-free Day. Here are the results. _ _ _ _ _ _ 【写作思路写作思路】 这是一篇材料类作文。着重通过调查对“无作业日学生的看法:赞成与反对及理由。主要以第三人称 和一般现在时。写作中应适当使用连词,做到上下文联系紧密,符合逻切关系。 【参考范文参考范文】 Ive done a survey about whether it is necessary

    3、 to have Homework-free Day. Here are the results. Most students think it necessary to have Homework-free Day so that they will have more free time to do what they like, such as reading their favorite books, going swimming and so on. They will also feel relaxed and join their friends in playing diffe

    4、rent games. Some students, however, dont like it. Theyre afraid that they may waste time or even get bad grades. They prefer to do homework as usual. In my view, Homework-free Day will certainly help a lot. I can choose to watch some interesting English programs, which will help improve my listening

    5、 and speaking skills. 【名师点评】【名师点评】 文章中使用了非常好的短语或句子会给文章增色。such as ,例如; Homework-free Day ,无作业日; prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事。 Ive done a survey about whether it is necessary to have Homework-free Day. (介 词后接宾语从句);Most students think it necessary to have Homework-free Day so that they will have more free t

    6、ime to do what they like.(宾语从句;不定式做主语和结果状语从句);I can choose to watch some interesting English programs, which will help improve my listening and speaking skills. (非限制性定语从句)。 还运用了 or, however 等使上下文衔接的更好。 (二)(二) 现在越来越多的学生使用“作业帮”这个APP 来搜查他们不会做的题目。对此,不同的人有不同的看 法。请根据以下文字的提示,并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇英语短文。 优点优点 1. 及时帮

    7、助学生解决在学习中遇到的困难; 2. 在家就能学习,简单,方便; 3. 可以选择自己喜欢的老师,学习兴趣更浓。 缺点缺点 1. 有的学生假装学习,事实上在玩游戏; 2. 有的学生不想独立思考,直接照抄答案,他们根本不关心自己的学习, 只是虚度光阴。 你的建议你的建议 联系实际,给出自己合理的建议。 要求: 1. 80100 词。(开头的首句已给出,不计算在词数内) 2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称及其他相关信息,否则,不予评分。 参考词汇:convenient方便的,便利的 pretend to do.假装做 think independently独立思考 Today, more

    8、and more students are using the App zuoyebang. However, different people have different ideas about it. Some people think _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【写作思路写作思路】 这篇作文要求我们对介绍不同人对“作业帮”这个应用软件的看法,并联系实际,发表自己的观点。 题目中利用表格的形式,列出了写作的主要内容,审题可知,短文应包括以下几个部分:作业帮的优点、 缺点以及个人观点。可以分为三段分别进行叙述,各自的理由在表格中都已呈现,学生们需要用正确的英 语将这些内容表达出来。最后一

    9、部分内容则需要学生们联系自己的实际生活,发挥想象力,自己来补充适 当的内容。文章应以一般现在时、第三人称和第一人称为主来叙述。写作时应注意:首先要将题目中要求 的所有内容都包括在作文中,不能遗漏要点。可以根据表达需要适当发挥,使文章内容更加充实、完整, 但需要注意合理性,要紧贴题目要求和文章主旨。其次应注意英语表达习惯和汉语的不同,不能逐词翻译 表格内容,写汉语式的英语。应从句子的整体结构出发,以简单句结构为基础,穿插并列句、复合句以及 其他复合结构的使用,提升作文档次。同时语句之间使用恰当的连接成分,使行文连贯、自然。 【参考范文参考范文】 Today, more and more stud

    10、ents are using the APP zuoyebang. Different people have different ideas about it. Some people think its useful. The APP zuoyebang can help students to solve difficulties in their studying in time. Its easy and convenient for them. They can study at home. They can choose their own teachers they like,

    11、 and they will be more interested in studying. However, others dont think so. They think some students just pretend to study, in fact they play games. They dont want to think independently, but only copy the answers. They dont care about their studying at all. Its a waste of time. I think its good f

    12、or students who are hard-working. They can study better. But for students who dont want to study, its very bad. 【名师点评】【名师点评】 这是一篇优秀是作文,短文作者根据题目要求,把人们对“作业帮”这个应用软件的不同看法进行了 介绍,并在最后发表了自己的观点。短文有以下几个特点:首先文章内容完整,包含了题目中要求的所有 信息,没有遗漏要点。各部分内容之间层次清晰,叙述有条理,三段式的作文,一目了然,每一段的主题 也很明确。其次短文中使用了正确的时态和人称,语法规范,用词准确,语言得体

    13、。句子结构完整,符合 英语的表达习惯。除简单句结构外,短文里还使用了and连接的并列句、宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句等 复合句,以及动词不定式、动名词等非谓语动词结构。短文中较好的句型有The APP zuoyebang can help students to solve difficulties in their studying in time.、They can choose their own teachers they like, and they will be more interested in studying.、 They think some students just

    14、 pretend to study, in fact they play games.、 I think it s good for students who are hard-working等。 (三)(三) 礼貌从我做起, 从现在开始, 从点滴小事做起。 请根据下面的提示和要求, 以 “When to Say Thank You” 为题,写一篇短文。 提示:1) When should we say “thank you” at home? 2) When are we supposed to say “thank you” at school? 3) . 要求:1) 短文须包括提示中的两

    15、个要点和一个补充要点,可适当发挥。 2) 短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。 3) 词数80个左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 参考词汇:wash, encourage, open When to Say Thank You Its polite to say “thank you” when others help us or say something kind to us. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【写作思路写作思路】 这是一篇要求介绍我们在家和在学校怎么做个有礼貌的人。动笔前先要认真阅读要点,围绕要点组织 材料,然后用正确的英语句子把这些内容表达出来,在此基础上亦可适当发挥,

    16、注意不要遗漏材料中给出 的要点。根据材料可知本文主要是应用第一人称,一般现在时态,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯 语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。 重点短语和句型:saythank youto sb 对某人说谢谢,its+形容词+for sb to do sth 做某事对某人来说 怎么样,help sb do sth帮助某人做某事,as often as possible尽可能经常的。 【参考范文参考范文】 When to Say Thank You Its polite to say thank you when others help us or say somethin

    17、g kind to us. Being polite is a good tradition in our country. Nobody likes a person who is impolite. Its important for us to be polite. We should say thank you to parents when they cook for us. We should say thank you when they wash clothes for us. We should also be polite at school. When the teach

    18、ers help us work out questions, we should say thank you to them. When we get bad grades and the teachers and classmates encourage us, we should say thank you. When someone opens the door for us, we should say thank you. We should say thank youas often as possible. If everyone is polite to others, th

    19、e world will be more and more beautiful. 【名师点评】【名师点评】 如果想在写作方面拿到高分,请大家关注以下几个方面: 1. 务必保持卷面整洁,书写清晰,阅卷老师的第一印象极为重要。 2. 认真审题(确定体裁,格式,人称,时态)-列出提纲(把所要表达的内容按一定顺序列成若干条。) -打草稿-修改-定稿的写作流程。 3. 学会用英语思维表达,适当使用增强连贯性的连接词,好词、好句的积累,扩句练习和改错练习, 学以致用。 4. 加强练习,多写多练,学会升级词汇,不用重复句型,注重从句的使用,使句子在写对的基础上, 再写好、写优美。 (四)(四) Write

    20、a review(评论) of the following story in about 120 words The review has to include the following points(阅读下面的故事,请根据下面的提示,写出一篇约120词的评论) (1)The title of your review(你撰写的评论的标题) (2)Your idea(s), examples and the reason(s) for unhappiness and happiness in the story(你归 纳的关于故事中幸福和不幸福的观点,举例子并说明原因) (3)Your ide

    21、a(s) of happiness, examples for happiness in your daily life(归纳你在日常生活中关 于幸福的观点,并举例说明) (4)Your conclusion about happiness(关于幸福的结论) (5)The words you may use(你可能用到的词) be satisfied with(对满意) desire n欲望 contentment 知足 the key(关键) to happiness A long time ago, in a rich and beautiful country, there lived

    22、an unhappy king He slept badly and didnt feel like eating He often cried for no reason This made the queen and his people worried So they called a doctor to examine himBut he found nothing wrong with his bodyHe said what the king needed was the shirt of a happy person to wearThat would make him happ

    23、y The prime minister was called to the palace But when they explained the kings situation to him, he said, Although I have a lot of power, it doesnt make me happy Im always worried about losing my power Then the kings banker came to say, Im afraid Im not happy either I have a lot of wealth, but Im a

    24、lways worried about losing money Someone tries to steal my money Next, the palace singer was called to say, Im famous but Im not happy because Im worried about being followed by others I cant be free Finally, the top general was told to go out to find a happy man He searched and searched but couldnt

    25、 find anyone Everyone seemed to have their own problems, and no one was truly happy Just as he wanted to give up he saw a poor man on the street He was eating with his hands and singing happily to himself The general went to him and said,What makes you so happy? You have no power, money, or fame The

    26、 man said, I have everything I want and I dont want what I cant have So Im happy, and my song comes from the happiness in my heart Can you give your shirt to me, I need it, said the general What shirt? I don t have any shirtsanswered the man _ _ _ _ _ _ 【写作思路写作思路】 这是一篇要求写评论的文章,根据下面的故事中的相关信息写出一篇约120词

    27、的评论。所提供的材料中 列举了撰写的评论的标题。主要从: (1)归纳的关于故事中幸福和不幸福的观点,举例子并说明原因。 (2) 归纳你在日常生活中关于幸福的观点,并举例说明;(3)关于幸福的结论。这几个方面去介绍。时态为一 般过去时,人称为第一人称。注意评论中必须包含材料上的故事情节,并适当发挥。写作时,避免使用汉 语式的英语,尽量使用我们熟悉的句子或短语。语法要正确,表达要符合英语习惯,注意时态、时间状语 的搭配及主谓一致问题。写作中适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系,表达具有条理性。 【参考范文参考范文】 My Thoughts about Happiness Power, w

    28、ealth, and fame cant always make people happy. For example, the rich people were unhappy, because they are afraid of losing money, while the poor people was truly happy because he was satisfied with what he could have. What can always make me happy?Happiness is always in my heart and is easy to find

    29、 if I pay more attention to what I have. For instance, enjoying the beautiful sunshine after a cloudy day, getting a glass of water from mother when I am studying, getting help from my friends when I am in trouble and so on. These are the moments when I am happy. All in all, dont think about what yo

    30、u cant have. Contentment is the key to happiness. 【名师点评】【名师点评】 (1)高分句型一 For example,the rich people were unhappy, because they are afraid of losing money, while the poor people was truly happy because he was satisfied with what he could have.例如,富人不快乐,因为 他们害怕失去钱,而穷人真正快乐是因为他对自己所拥有的感到满足。句子because they

    31、are afraid of losing money是由because引导的原因状语从句。 (2)高分句型二 All in all, dont think about what you cant have. 总之,不要想你不能拥有的东西。 句子what you cant have.作think about的宾语。 (五)(五) 近年来,学生意外伤害事故频发,给许多家庭带来永久的伤痛。作为中学生,我们该如何有效的自我 保护,免受伤害呢? 我市正在举行以“How to Keep Safe”为题的中学生安全知识英语征文比赛,请你根据 下表提示,写一篇短文参赛吧。 How to Keep Safe T

    32、raffic traffic lights, electric bikes(电动车) Swimming rivers, swimming pool Internet ID number, code(密码), unhealthy websites 要求: 1.短文必须包含提示中所有内容,并适当发挥; 2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范; 3. 文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名; 4. 词数:80-100(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 How to Keep Safe Do you know that many dangerous things will happen if we

    33、are not careful enough? As a student, how to keep safe is very important. _ _ _ _ _ _ After all, life is very important. We should learn something about self-protection so that we can protect ourselves well. 【写作思路写作思路】 近年来,学生意外伤害事故频发,给许多家庭带来永久的伤痛。作为中学生,我们该如何有效的自我 保护,免受伤害呢? 我市正在举行以“How to Keep Safe”为

    34、题的中学生安全知识英语征文比赛,给出的材 料比较全面,我们所要做的首先是应用正确的英语句子把这些内容表达出来,在此基础上亦可适当发挥, 注意不要遗漏材料中给出的要点。写作前先结合要表达的事情确定句子的人称时态,注意标点符号及大小 写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。 【参考范文参考范文】 How to Keep Safe Do you know that many dangerous things will happen if we are not careful enough? As a student, how to keep safe is very impor

    35、tant. First, we should obey the traffic rules. When the lights are red, we shouldnt cross the road. And we shouldnt ride the electric bicycles. Second, we shouldnt swim in the river because its dangerous. We can go swimming with our parents in a swimming pool. Third, we shouldnt tell strangers our I

    36、D number or code when we are surfing the Internet. We shouldnt surf unhealthy websites. Whats more, we shouldnt go out with friends without our parents permission. If we are in danger, we can ask for help from our parents or teachers, even police. After all, life is very important. We should learn something about self-protection so that we can protect ourselves well. 【名师点评】【名师点评】 文中用到了非常好的句型:we should obey the traffic rules. When the lights are red, we shouldnt cross the road.;Third, we shouldnt tell strangers our ID number or code when we are surfing the Internet.这些给文章增色 不少。


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