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    1、陕旅版英语六年级下册期中考试知识点复习陕旅版英语六年级下册期中考试知识点复习 Unit 1 May I Speak to Kitty?基础知识基础知识 一、单词:一、单词: speak to 与.交谈 phone call 电话 Internet 互联网;网络 go on the Internet 上网 send 送;发送 send a message 发短信 e-mail 电子邮件 out 外面的;在外的 take a message 留言 think about 考虑 send an e-mail 发电子邮件 read an e-book 读电子书 二、二、词组与句子:词组与句子: 1.W

    2、hat do you think is the most useful?你认为什么是最重要的? 2.May I speak to.?我可以和谁通话吗? 3.Sorry,Kitty is out.抱歉,kitty 出去了。be out 外出。 4.Can I take a message?我可以捎个口信吗? 5.This is.我是. This is.speaking 6.Could you please ask Kitty to call me?你能让 kitty 给我打个电话吗? ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事。让某人做某事。 7.Ill tell her when she

    3、comes back.她回来的时候我将告诉她。 8.Is that Liu Zhaoyang?你是刘朝阳吗? 9.Who is that?你说谁? 10.Where did you go this morning?今天早上你干什么了? I1.I went shopping with my mom.和我的妈妈购物了。 12.She bought me a mobile phone.她给我买了一部手机。buy sb sth/buy sth for sb 13.I will use it to make phone calls and send messages.我将用它打电话和发信息。 use s

    4、th to do sth 用某物做某事。用某物做某事。 14.I hope to have a mobile phone,too.我也希望有一部手机。 hope to do sth 希望做某事希望做某事 15.Im afraid you cant.恐怕你不能。 16.Mobile phone are very useful.手机非常有用。 17.It takes too much time and its bad for their eyes.它花了太多的时间,而且对眼睛 不好。 18.Two little boys are talking on the phone.两个男孩正在打电话! On

    5、e.the other 一个一个.另一个另一个 19.What a fine day!多好的一天! 20.Can I take a message?我可以捎个口信吗? 21.Sounds good.听起来不错! 22.Young students shouldnt have mobile phones.年轻人不应该有手机。 23.Let me think about it。让我想想! 24.I have an idea!我有个好主意! Unit 2 What Would You Like?基础知识与测试基础知识与测试 一、一、单词:单词: a bowl of 一碗 a plate of 一盘

    6、a glass of 一玻璃杯 a bottle of 一瓶 a cup of 一茶杯 a piece of 一片;一块; anything 任何东西 else 别的;其他的 take up 拿起 address 地址;住址 knife 刀(复数 knives) call for food 点餐 feel hungry 感到饿了 二、词组与句子:二、词组与句子: 1.welcome to 欢迎来到. 2.What would you like to eat?你想吃点什么? Wed/Id like.我想要我想要. 3.What kind of noodles would you like?你想要

    7、什么种类的面条? 4.Would you like something to drink?你想要喝点什么? 5.Anything else?还要其他的东西吗?No,thanks./Yes,please. 5.Please wait a minute.请稍等。 6.电话用语:This is.我是. 7.Bye the way 顺便说一下 8.How much are they?他们多少钱?How much is it?它多少钱? 9.People in China usually eat with chopsticks.中国人经常用筷子吃饭。 10.People in USA usually e

    8、at with forks and knives.美国人经常用刀和叉吃饭。 11.Its time for supper 该是吃饭的时候了 12.How many pieces of bread does Mr. Zhao want?张先生想要多少块面包? 13.What would you like for lunch?午饭你想吃什么? 语音知识语音知识:ow /au/ how now brown flower cow down town power /o/ know snow grow bowl row show blow throw Unit 3 Whos That Man?基础知识基础

    9、知识 一一 、单词:、单词: pupil 小学生 actor 演员 singer 歌手 reporter 记者 scientist 科学家 police 警方;警察 police officer 警官 player 运动员 set up 建立;建造 past 过去的 grassland 草原 age 年龄 lose 失去 difficult 困难的 at the age of.在.岁时 a hope school 一所希望学校 二、二、词组:词组: 1.a boy from USA 一个来自美国的男孩 2.a lot of question 许多问题 3.say to 对某人说 4.teach

    10、 him herself 她自己教他 5.become interested in 变得对.感兴趣 be interested in 对.感兴趣 6.at that time 在那时 7.in the past 在过去 8.be good/bad for.对.有好处/害处 9.do well in/be good at 在.做得好/擅长. 10.on the grassland 在草原上 11.a basketball player 一名篮球运动员 12.lose his two arms 失去他的双臂 13.have to 不得不 14.play the piano 弹钢琴 三、句子:三、句

    11、子: 1.What is.?She/He is.他/她是一名. What do/does he/she do?Whats his/her job?(对职业进行询问的句式) 2.Whos the young woman?年轻人是谁? 3.What did she do?她做了什么? 4.She set up a hope school for poor children?她为贫穷的孩子建立了一所 希望学校。 5.Which one?那个人? The thin man with glasses.带眼镜的那个瘦男人。 6.In the past,he worked on the grassland

    12、for 40years.在过去,他在草原上 工作了 40 年。 7.He is very helpful to the people there.他对那的人非常有帮助。 8.Little Liu Wei wanted to be a football player.小刘伟想成为一名足球运动 员。want to do sth 想要做某事 9.At the age of.在.岁时 10.He had to do everything with his feet.他不得不用脚做每一件事。 11.He learned to swim and did it very well.他开始学习游泳,而且做得非

    13、常 好。 12.He had to stop because it was bad for him.她不得不停下来因为对他有害。 13.How difficult it was!多么困难啊! 语音知识: oo 发音 too room school noodle moon soon choose bamboo look good cook foot hook wood stood bookcase Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting.基础知识基础知识 一、单词。一、单词。 meeting 会议;聚会 throwing 投掷运动 meter 米 race 比赛 long ju

    14、mp 跳远 high 高;高的 high jump 跳高 running race 赛跑 anyway 无论如何 guess 猜测 wish 祝福;祝愿 take part in 参加;参与 100-meter race100 米赛跑 have a sports meeting 举办一场运动会 二、二、词组与句子词组与句子 1.What are you good at?你擅长什么?be good at 擅长. 2.How often do you play it?你多久玩一次? How often 对频率进行提问 3. You look tired.你看起来累。 4.We had the sc

    15、hool sports meeting yesterday.昨天我们举办了校运动会。 5. What sports did you take part in?你参加了什么? 6.Did you win?你赢了吗? 7.I was the first in the 100-meter race.一百米比赛我是第一名。 8.I lost it.我 输了。lose-lost 9.The weather was fine and the pupils were excited.天气很好,学生们很兴奋。 10.Our class did very well in the sports meeting.我

    16、们班在运动会上做的很好。 do well in 在某方面做得好。be good at 11.Who won the race finally?最后谁赢了? win-won 12.best wishes 最美好的祝福。 13.Wed better play sports every day.我们最好每天做运动。had better do sth 最好做某事 14.Whats your favorite sport?My favorite sport is playing basketball.你最喜欢 的运动是什么?我最喜欢的运动是打篮球。 15.What sport did you take

    17、part in?I took part in the boys 100-meter race and the long jump.你参加了什么运动?我参加了男子 100 米赛跑和跳远。 16.Anyway,you did well.无论如何,你做得很好。 17.At first,he was behind a pupil from Class Three.开始,他在三班一个学生 的后面。 18.Can you write and tell me something about your sports meeting?你能告诉 我一些关于你们运动会的事情吗? 19.Lets be faster,higher and stronger!让我们更快、更高、更强! 20.Lets do sports every day and be healthy.让我们每天做锻炼、更健康!


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