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    1、7 年级年级(下下) Units 712 导学案导学案 一、重点单词一、重点单词 1多风的 adj._ 2多云的 adj._ 3天气 n_ 4花,(时间、钱等)v._ 5免费的 adj._ 6拜访,参观 v_ 7冬季 n_ 8直的 adj._ 9重的 adj._ 10(在)今晚 adv. 国家 n._ 54. 银行;岸 n._ 55. 过;穿过 adv.大的 adj. _ 60. 可爱的 adj._ 61. 快地(的)adv.天赋 n. _ 64. 所有事物 pron._ 二、词汇拓展二、词汇拓展 1.high (adj.) _ (n.)身高;高度 2.act (v.) _(n.)演员_(n.

    2、)女演员 3.real (adj.)_(adv.)真正地 _(近义词)真的 4.use (v.) _(adj.)有用的;有益的 _(adj.)无用的 5.drink (v.)_(过去式) _(过去分词)喝 6.child (n.)_(复数) 7.wish (n.拐弯”,若接宾语则加介词 to,如 turn to the left/right=turn left/right“向左/ 右转”等。 e.g. Please turn left at the second crossing. 2.turn 作名词时,意为“轮流;轮班”。常见用法:its ones turn to do sth.“轮到某人

    3、做某事”;take turns to do sth.“轮流做某事”。 e.g. Its your turn to clean the blackboard. The students take turns to clean the classroom. 3.turn 作系动词时,意为“变得”,后接形容词作表语。 e.g. Trees turn green in spring. turn 短语小结 turn on 打开( 电器 ) turn off 关闭( 电器 ) in turn 轮流地;依次 turn to 翻到 turn in 上交 take turns 轮流 turn over 翻过来

    4、turn.into 把翻译成;把变成 turn down 调小( 音量 );拒绝 turn up 调大( 音量 );出现;来到 练一练: 1) (2020 十堰)I cant hear clearly. Please _ the radio a little. Just one minute. Ill do it right away. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down 2)(2020 株洲)Please _the computer, Lily. Its time for you to go to bed. A. turn off B

    5、. turn up C. turn on 2. 辨析 spend, cost, take 与 pay (1)spend 为动词,意为“度过;花费”。表示“花费”时,其用法是:主语只能是人,指某人“花费 (时间、金钱)”,常用于 spend.on something 或 spend.(in ) doing something 句型中。 e.g. I spent half an hour finishing my homework. (2)cost 表示“花费”,主语必须是“物”。 e.g. The book cost him one dollar. (3)take 表示“花费”,主语一般是“一件

    6、事”,有时也可以是人,常用于 it takes sb.some time to do sth. 句型中。 e.g. It took me ten minutes to go to the post office. (4)pay 作 “花费” 之意, 主语只能是人, 指为买到的东西付钱, 常与介词 for 连用, 句型为 sb.pay money for sth.。 e.g. Youll have to pay me ten dollars a week for your meals. 练一练: 1)(2020 黄石)He spent two hours _ his mother with ho

    7、usework last Sunday. A. helping B. helped C. to help D. help 2) Lin Jia,you have a nice grandma,right? Yes,she always her time with me whenever I need her. A.spends B.uses C.takes D.pays 3. enjoy v享受;喜爱 及物动词,意为“享受;喜欢;对感兴趣”。相当于 like.very much 或 be interested in.。后 接名词、代词、动名词,不接动词不定式。短语 enjoy oneself

    8、have a good time“玩得高兴,过得 愉快”。 e.g. I enjoy eggs and milk for breakfast. Do you enjoy listening to music? Did you enjoy yourself today? 练一练: 1)(2020 临沂) Most of us enjoy_to our mothers speak, because our brains greatly prefer the voices of our own mothers. A. listening B. listen C. to listen 2) (2020

    9、 百色)We enjoyed _at the English party last weekend. A. us B. our C. ours D. ourselves 4. interested 和 interesting 的用法 interesting 意为“有趣的”,主语通常是物,表示“某物有趣”。 e.g. The story is very interesting and I like reading it. interested 意为“感兴趣的”,主语通常是人,表示“某人对某物感兴趣”。常用短语:be interested in。 e.g. They were so interes

    10、ted in the activity that they all took part in it. 拓展:V-ed 形容词和 V-ing 形容词 V-ed 和 V-ing 分别是由过去分词和现在分词转化而来的形容词。 V-ed 形容词表示人的感觉,一般情况下主语为人,意为“感到的”,在句中一般只作表语。 V-ing 形容词表示事物本身所具有的特点,一般情况下主语为物,意为“令人的”,在句中既可作 定语,又可作表语。 练一练: 1) (2020 常州)Jennys parents were completely_ when they saw the_ changes in her. A. su

    11、rprising; amazing B. surprised; amazing C. surprising; amazed D. surprised; amazed 2) My father thinks writing is as as reading. A.interesting B.interested C.more interesting D.more interested 5. the number of 的用法 the number of 表示“的数量”,后接可数名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 e.g. The number of the students in our

    12、class is 50. a number of 表示“许多”,相当于 many, 修饰可数名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。number 前可用 large, small 等修饰,表示程度。 e.g. A number of students are planting trees on the hill. 练一练: The number of tourists over 33 million this year. Yes. A large number of tourists so far because of the new look of our city. A.is;have c

    13、ome B.is;has come C.are;has come D.are;have come 6. cut up 的用法 cut up 意为“切碎”,属于“动词+副词”结构。其后宾语是名词时,宾语既可以放在副词前,也可以放在 副词后;其后宾语是代词时,该宾语只能放在副词前。 e.g. He cut the meat up.=He cut up the meat. The meat is too large.He cut it up.( 不能写成 He cut up it. ) up 短语小结 keep up 跟上;( 与 )齐头并进 look up 查阅;抬头看 make up 编造 pi

    14、ck up 接电话;捡起 put up 举起;张贴 ring up 打电话 set up 建立;搭起 show up 赶到;露面 take up 从事;开始做 speed up 加速 stay up 熬夜 turn up ( 音量等 )调高 wake up 唤醒 bring up 抚养;养育 call up 打电话 cheer up 振作起来 clean up 打扫干净 dress up 装扮;乔装 end up 最终成为 fix up 修理 get up 起床 give up 放弃 grow up 长大 hang up 挂断;搁置 hurry up 匆忙;快点 练一练: 1) (2020 东

    15、营)By the end of 2025, garbage-sorting systems (垃圾分类系统) will be _ in Dongying. A. set up B. given up C. shut off D. brought out 2)(2020 云南)Dont _ our hopes. As long as we pull together, well make it. A. give up B. give out C. give back D. give away 7. would like 用法 would like 意为“想,想要”,与 want 意义相同,但语气

    16、更委婉。would like 可与任何人称连用,没有人 称和数的变化。常见用法: would like sth.=want sth.,意为“想要某物”。 e.g. Would you like some bread? would like to do sth.=want to do sth.,意为“想要做某事”。 e.g. Would you like to go with me? would like sb.to do sth.意为“想要某人做某事”。 e.g. Jim would like his friend to help him with his English. 注意: “Woul

    17、d you like.?” 用于礼貌地询问对方的意愿,可表示提建议或请求。 其肯定答语一般为 “Yes, I d like to./Yes, I d love to.” ;否定答语一般为 “No, thanks.” 或 “Sorry, but I can t./I m afraid I can t.”。 练一练: Would you like to watch a movie with me after the exam? . A. It doesnt matter B.Youre welcome C.Yes, Id love to D. Enjoy yourself 8. 辨析 little

    18、/ few; a little/ a few (1) few, little 表否定,意为“几乎没有”。few 修饰可数名词,而 little 修饰不可数名词。 e.g. She has few friends here. There is little water in the bottle. (2) a few, a little 表肯定,意为“有一点,但不多”。a few 修饰可数名词,a little 修饰不可数名词。 e.g. Theres only a little soup left. A few people like such things. 练一练: 1) (2020 黔东

    19、南) There is _milk in the fridge, is there? A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 2)(2020 青海)Why dont you find some workers to repair the machines? Well, _ of them want to do such a low-paid job. A. a few B. few C. some 七、语法复习七、语法复习: 1.there be 句型 1. 在 there be 句型(there be名词介词短语)中,be 动词要和后面所跟的名词在数上保持

    20、一致;在有 并列主语的情况下,要根据第一个主语的单复数来确定 be 动词的形式,即遵循“就近原则”。 e.g. There is a pen and two books on the desk. There are two books and a pen on the desk. 2. there be 句型的一般将来时 【注意】 “there must be.”表示推测,意为“一定有”; “there may/might/could be.”意为 “可能有”;there besb.doing sth.“有人在做某事”。 练一练: 1)(2020 青海)_ an amusement cente

    21、r, some restaurants and hundreds of stores in the shopping mall. Wow, its amazing. I will go next week. A. There is B. There are C. There will be 2)(2020 云南)There _ a basketball game next Monday. If it _ , well have to put it off. A. is going to have; will rain B. is going to have; rains C. is going

    22、 to be; rains D. is going to be; will rain 2. 一般过去时 1) 定义:一般过去时表示在过去某一时间或某一时间段内所发生的动作或存在的状态。 2) 标 志 性 时 间 状 语 :yesterday ( morning/afternoon/evening ),( three days/a month. ) ago,last night/year/month/century 等。 3)一般过去时的结构: (1)肯定式: 表状态:主语+was/were+其他 表动作:主语+动词过去式+其他 (2)否定式: 表状态:主语+was/were not+其他 表动

    23、作:主语+didnt +动词原形+其他 (3)一般疑问式: 表状态: Was/Were+主语+其他? 表动作: Did+主语+动词原形+其他? 回答:表状态:Yes,主语+was/were./No,主语+wasnt/werent. 表动作:Yes,主语+did./No,主语+didnt. 4.一般过去时的用法: (1)表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。 e.g. Liu Ying was in America last year. (2)表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常与时间副词 often, usually, always, sometimes, every day/week 等 连

    24、用。 e.g. We often went out for a walk after supper. (3)有些句中虽然没有明确的时间状语,但实际上是指过去发生的动作或存在的状态,此时也要用一般 过去时。 e.g. I didnt know you were in Paris.( 说话时,“我”已经知道你在巴黎了,之前不知道。) 5.规则动词过去式的构成: 类别 构成方法 例词 通常情况下 加-ed watchwatched wantwanted looklooked jumpjumped 以不发音的 e 结尾的动词 加-d likeliked movemoved loveloved useu

    25、sed 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词 变 y 为 i,再加-ed carrycarried hurryhurried studystudied 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重 读闭音节动词 双写这个辅音字母, 再加-ed stopstopped dropdropped planplanned 练一练: 1) (2020 长沙) The film My People, My Country, which amazed lots of movie-goers, _ to the top of the Chinese box office last Monday. A. jump B. jum

    26、ped C. jumps 2)(2020 桂林)He _this city when he was eighteen. A. leaves B. doesnt leave C. left 八、写作复习:八、写作复习:活动活动 写作指导写作指导 活动类写作通常为记叙文,重点叙述活动的时间、地点、经过和感受。在写作时,要注意以下几点: 1.抓住记叙文的六要素:when, where, who, what, why, how; 2.以记叙为主,可适当发表议论或抒情; 3.文章的人称根据题干要求确定; 4.恰当使用时态:介绍目前的状况,以一般现在时为主;叙述已经发生过的事情,以一般过去时为主; 5.一

    27、般按照事情的发展及时间的先后顺序进行叙述,但有时也可采用倒叙或插叙等。 重点词汇重点词汇 travel/trip/journey/tour 旅行 visit 参观 experience 经历;体验 relax 放松 visitor/tourist 游客 enjoy 享受 traffic 交通 scenery 风景 environment 环境 well-known 著名的 convenient 方便的 comfortable 舒适的 attractive 有吸引力的 wonderful 极好的 fantastic 极好的 beautiful 美丽的 exciting 兴奋的 interesti

    28、ng 有趣的 expensive 昂贵的 cheap 便宜的 culture 文化 tour guide 导游 take a bus 坐汽车 take photos 照相 take a coach 乘长途汽车 take a boat 乘船 take a taxi 乘出租车 gift shop 礼品店 learn about 了解到 fall in love with 爱上 be famous for 因而闻名 have a long history 历史悠久 place of interest 名胜古迹 be interested in 对感兴趣 do some shopping 购物 提分句

    29、型提分句型 From April 15th to April 17th,we went on a trip to the Great Wall. As for me,traveling is the best way to relax. Its a good idea to go traveling during the summer vacation. We enjoyed ourselves/had a good time last weekend. All of my classmates went hiking last Sunday except Tom. I prefer to s

    30、tay at home rather than go out during the winter vacation. Climbing a mountain on your own is too dangerous. Hurry up, or you will be the last to reach there. Many supermarkets are open in order to meet the needs of local people. 优秀范文优秀范文 (2020 天津)假如你是学校校报英语专栏的小记者,请根据以下要点写一篇短文,描述你校学生李 华的一次难忘经历,并表达你的

    31、想法。 (1)李华在假期中去甘肃参加了文化交流活动。 (2)他向当地学生介绍天津的历史和名胜古迹。 (3)他介绍自己的学习方法,还为他们演奏钢琴。 (4)他与很多学生成为朋友并保持联系。 (5)你认为 参考词汇:文化交流活动 cultural exchange activities 名胜古迹 places of interest 要求: (1)词数:80100 个。 (2)开头已给出,不计入总词数。 (3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。 Li Hua, a student of our school, went to Gansu to take part in the cultural ex

    32、change activities. He introduced the history and places of interest of Tianjin to the local students. He showed his ways of learning and played piano. He made friends with some students there and kept in touch with them. I think it is an unusual experience. It is necessary for the students to take p

    33、art in cultural exchange activities. They can not only learn some useful cultural knowledge but also making friends with other people. Its a good way to communicate with other students. 针对训练针对训练 假如你是李华,于 4 月 13 日星期五这一天参加了学校组织的郊游活动。请你以“School Trip”为主题, 写一则英文日记。要点如下: 1.参加活动的人员和集合时间; 2.郊游地点和交通方式; 3.活动内

    34、容; 4.个人感受。 注意: 1.词数 80100; 2.请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥; 3.文中不能出现真实的校名和人名; 4.日记的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Friday, April 13th It was sunny today. We went on a school trip._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 答案答案 一、重点单词 1.多风的 adj.windy 2. 多云的 adj.cloudy 3.天气 n.weather 4.花,(时间、钱等)v.spend 5.免费的 adj.free 6.拜访,参观 v.visit 7. 冬季 n. winter 8. 直的 ad

    35、j.straight 9. 重的 adj.heavy 10. (在)今晚 adv. & n. tonight 11. 电影院 n.cinema 12.转向,翻 v.turn 13. 假期 n.vacation 14.描述 v.describe 15. 身高 n.height 16.点菜,命令 n.&v.order 17、森林 n.forest 18.答案 n.回答 v.answer 19.蜡烛 n.candle 20.受欢迎的 adj.popular 21.马 n.horse 22.种植,生长,发育 v.grow 23.采,摘 v.pick 24.优秀的 adj.excellent 25.乡村

    36、,农村 n.countryside 26. 花 n.flower 27.机器人 n.robot 28.女演员 n.actress 29.扎营,搭帐篷 v.camp 30.海滩,沙滩 n.beach 31.呼叫,喊叫 v.shout 32.语言 n.language 33.移动 v.move 34.信息 n.message/information 35.困难;难题 n.problem 36.再一次;又一次 adv.again 37.假期 n.vacation 38. 欧洲 n. Europe 39.高山 n.mountain 40.大小;尺码 n.size 41.世界 n.world 42.想法

    37、;主意 n.idea 43.相当;完全 adv.quite 44.博物馆 n.museum 45.火;火灾 n.fire 46.黑暗的 adj.dark 47.语言 n. language 48.以前 adv.ago 49.跳;跃 v.jump 50.做饭 v.厨师 n.cook 51.寒冷的 adj,感冒 n.cold 52.温暖的 adj.warm 53. 国;国家 n. country 54.银行;岸 n.bank 55.过;穿过 adv.&prep. across 56.前面 n.front 57.爬 v.climb 58.特色菜 n.特殊的 adj.special 59.大号的;大的

    38、 adj.large 60.可爱的 adj.lovely 61.快地(的)adv.&adj.fast 62.导游 n.带领 v.guide 63.礼物;天赋 n.gift 64.所有事物 pron.everything 二、词汇拓展 1.high (adj.) height (n.)身高; 高度 2.act (v.)actor(n.)演员 actress (n.)女演员 3.real (adj.) really (adv.)真正地.true(近义词)真的 4.use(v.) useful(adj.)有用的;有益的useless(adj)无用的 5.drink(v.) drank(过去式) dr

    39、unk(过去分词)喝 6.child (n.) children(复数) 7.wish (n.&v.) hope(同义词)希望 8.rain (n.) rainy (adj.)有雨的 9.wind (n.) windy (adj.)多风的 10.sun (n.)sunny (adj.) 晴朗的 11.snow(n.)snowy_ (adj.)下雪的 12.cloud (n.) cloudy(adj.)多云的 13.sit (v.)sat (过去式/过去分词) sitting(现在分词)坐seat (n.)座位 14.pay (v.& n. )paid_ (过去式/过去分词)付费 15.cros

    40、s(v.)crossing(n.)十字路口 across(adv.&prep.)穿过 16.north(n.)northern(adj.)北方的;北部的 17.spend(v.)spent(过去式/过去分词)花(时间、钱等) 18.free (adj.) freedom (n.)自由 busy (反义词) 19.enjoy(v.) enjoyable (adj.)有乐趣的;令人愉快的 20.easily (adv.)easy(adj.)容易的; 不费力的 21.Europe(n.) European(adj.)欧洲(人)的 22.dry (adj.) drier (比较级)driest (最高

    41、级) 23.hot (adj.) hotter (比较级) hottest(最高级) 24.bad (adj.) worse (比较级)worst(最高级) 25.visit(v.)visitor (n.)游客;访问者 26.different (adj.) differently(adv:)不同地difference(n.)差异 27.blow (v.) blew (过去式)blown (过去分词)吹 28.farm (n. & v. ) farmer (n.)农民 29.exciting (adj.) excited (adj.)兴奋的excite (x)使激动 30.expensive

    42、(adj)inexpensive/cheap(反义词)廉价的 31. hear (v)heard(过去式/过去分词)听到;听见 32. sheep (n.)sheep (复 数) 33. natural (adj.) nature (n.)自 然界; 大自然 34.tired (adj.) tiring(adj.)累人的;无聊的 35. mouse (n.) mice_(复数) 36.fly(v.)flown(过去分词)飞flew(过去式)flight (adj.)飞行;航班 37. India (n.)Indian(adj.)印 度(人)的 38. surprise (n. & v.)sur

    43、prising (adj.)令人惊讶的surprised (adj.)惊奇的;感觉意外的 三、重点短语 1. 为某人带消息 take a message for sb. 2.照相 take a photo 3. 警察局 police station 4.在.对面 across from 5.在.前面 in front of 6.最后 in the end 7.中等身高 medium height 8.确定 be sure 9.吹灭蜡烛 blow out the candles 10. 带某人逛某地 show sb.around sp. 11.参观博物馆 visit a museum 12.对.

    44、感兴趣 be interested in 13.看电影 go to the cinema 14.有点儿累 kind of tired 15.去睡觉 go to sleep 16.待在家 stay at home 17.捎个口信 take a message 18. 度 假 on (a) vacation 19.沿着.走 go along 20.花费时间 spend time 21.一点,少量 a little 22.世界各地 around the world 23.许愿 make a wish 24.总的说来 all in all 25.熬夜 stay up late 26.搭起,举起 put up 27.吃惊 get a surprise 28.把.弄醒 wake up 四、重点句型 1.我给他捎个口信好


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