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    2021年小升初英语语法专项培优突破 第7章:现在时(3)1般现在时的基本用法

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    2021年小升初英语语法专项培优突破 第7章:现在时(3)1般现在时的基本用法

    1、3.3. 一般现在时的基本用法一般现在时的基本用法 1) 表示经常发生的动作或存在状态表示经常发生的动作或存在状态 常和 always,usually,often, sometimes,every day,every week 等时间状语连用。 He is often late. 他常常迟到。 He goes to work every day. 他每天去上班。 Do you drive? 你开车吗? He teaches English. 他教英语。 2) 表示普遍真理表示普遍真理 由于是众所周知的客观事实,所以一般不用时间状语。 The earth is round. 地球是圆的。 3)

    2、有些表示心理状态或感情的动词往往用一般现在时表示。有些表示心理状态或感情的动词往往用一般现在时表示。 I want your help. 我需要你的帮助。 I dont think you are right. 我以为你错了。 Does it (you leg) hurt?疼吗?(腿疼吗?) 4) 在时间、条件状语从句中表示将来的动作。在时间、条件状语从句中表示将来的动作。 If it doesnt rain tomorrow,well go to the Summer palace. 如果明天不下雨,我们去颐和园。 When he gets to the village,he will wr

    3、ite to me. 他到村里后就写信给我。 5) 表示已经预先计划或安排的肯定将要发生的动作。表示已经预先计划或安排的肯定将要发生的动作。 主要用于 come,go,start,begin,leave,return,stop 等瞬间动词,句中常有表 示将来时间的状语。 Next week they leave for Shanghai. 下周他们动身去上海。 Our holidays begin in a week. 一周后,我们的假期开始。 6) 其他其他 Here comes Li Ming! 李明来了 There goes the bell! 铃响了。 Here he comes. 他

    4、来了。 一般现在时的基本用法一般现在时的基本用法 练习题练习题 用所给词的正确形式填空 1.We often_(play)on the playgound. 2.He _(get)up at six oclock. 3._you _(brush)your teeth every morning. 4.What_(do)he usually _(do)after school? 5.Danny _(study)English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art at school. 6.Mike sometimes _(go)to the park with his si

    5、ster. 7.At eight at night,she _(watch)TV with his parents. 8._ Mike_(read)English every day? 9.How many lessons _your classmate_(have)on Monday? 10.What time _his mother_(do)the housework? 11. He often _(have)dinner at home. 12.Daniel and Tommy_(be)in Class One. 13.We_(not watch)TV on Monday. 14.Nic

    6、k _(not go)to the zoo on Sunday. 15. They_(like)the World Cup? 16.What _they often _(do)on Saturdays 17.Your parents_(read)newspapers every day? 18.The girl_(teach)us English on Sundays. 19.She and I _(take)a walk together every evening. 20. There_(be)some water in the bottle. 21.Mike _(like)cooking

    7、. 21. They_(have)the same hobby. 23.My aunt_(look)after her baby carefully. 24. You always_(do)your homework well. 25.I_(be)ill.Im staying in bed. 25. She_(go)to school from Monday to Friday. 27.Liu Tao _(do)not like PE. 28.The child often_(watch)TV in the evening. 29.Su Hai and Su Yang _(have)eight

    8、 lessons this term. 30.What day _(be)it today?Its Saturday. 31.Dont make a noise.Grandpa _(sleep). 32.Toms family_(watch)TV. 33.It _(take)me two hours to finish my homework last night. 34.What _ your mother _(do)every evening?She _(wash)clothes. 35._ it _(rain)every day? 36.What _(do)you _ on Sunday

    9、s?We _(play)football. 37.There _(be)a football match on TV every morning. 38.They often _(visit)the Great Wall. 39.Who _(dance)the best in your class? 40.He _(not come). 41.The earth _(move)round the sun. 42 She _(buy)a sweater. 43. Mr.Wang often_(go)to Shanghai. 【答案】 1. play 2 gets 3 Do you 4 does

    10、do 5 studies 6 goes 7 watches 8 Does read 9 do have 10 does do 11 has 12 are 13 dont watch 14 doesnt go 15 likes 16 do do 17 read 18 teaches 19 take 20 is 21 likes 22 has 23 looks 24 do 25 am 26 goes 27 does 28 watches 29 have 30 is 31 is sleeping 32 watch 33 took 34 does do washes 35 Does rain 36 do do play 37 is 38 visit 39 dances 40 didnt come 41 moves 42 bought 43 goes


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