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    外研英语七下Module10 Unit 2同步练习(有答案)

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    外研英语七下Module10 Unit 2同步练习(有答案)

    1、Module 10 Unit 2 . 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. Whats the d_ today? Its May 25. 2. Its difficult for the child to climb the t_ of the mountain. 3. Da Vinci is a w_ painter. Many people like him very much. 4. How do you_(放松)at weekends? I often listen to music. 5. I can speak Chinese and_(法语

    2、). What about you? . 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Autumn is a_(wonder)season. 2. We all hope_(have)a long holiday. 3. I_(buy)a new car the day before yesterday. 4. I like doing some_(shop)with my parents. 5. He did some_(read)last night. . 单项填空单项填空 1. My brother waited for a long time _ I returned yest

    3、erday afternoon. A. when B. till C. so D. but 2. What things does this small shop_? Lots of school things. A. buy B. sell C. sale D. bought 3. I am happy that we have _ fine weather. A. such B. so C. too D. much 4. There are lots of _ of art in the museum. A. work B. works C. job D. jobs 5. My fathe

    4、r bought a new bike _ me. A. of B. for C. at D. to . 补全对话补全对话 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。 A. Whats in the museum B. And did you go to the Palace Museum C. Where did you go on holiday D. How was your holiday, Nancy E. Did you go to the Great Wall F. How are the people G. How do you like the Great Wall Ric

    5、k: Hi, Nancy! Glad to see you! 1 ? Nancy: Glad to see you, too. I went to Beijing. Rick: Oh, really? 2 ? Nancy: Yes, I did. The Great Wall is very great and fantastic. I like it. Rick: 3 ? Nancy: Of course I did. There are many fantastic halls and treasures in the museum. And we visited many other p

    6、laces, such as Tiananmen Square, Chairman Maos Memorial(纪念的)Hall and so on. Rick: Youre so lucky. 4 ? Nancy: It was pretty good. Rick: And how was the weather, was it cloudy or sunny? Nancy: It was dry and windy. Rick: 5 ? Nancy: They are very friendly to the visitors. Theyre good! 1. _2. _3. _4. _5

    7、. _ . 阅读理解阅读理解 Jane went to Scotland(苏格兰)for her holiday. Two days ago, she sent a letter and a postcard to her family. Jane said in her letter, “I visited a lot of places. How are you all? I miss you very much. I went to Edinburgh(爱丁堡)by train. I stayed there for three days and then I went to the m

    8、ountains. I met a lot of young people there and now they are my friends. I also saw many famous lakes. I find that Scotland is more beautiful than England(英格兰). And the restaurant is very nice. Im having a wonderful time here now. ” 1. Jane sent _ to her family. A. a letter B. a postcard C. some pre

    9、sents D. a letter and a postcard 2. In her letter Jane said_. A. she met many young people in the mountains B. she was in the mountains for three days C. she went to the mountains three days ago with her mother D. she went to the mountains by plane 3. Jane said that_. A. she visited many lakes B. sh

    10、e visited some rivers C. she didnt visit any lakes D. Scotland wasnt beautiful 4. Jane thought that_. A. England was more beautiful than Scotland B. Scotland was more beautiful than England C. England was smaller than Scotland D. Scotland was as beautiful as England 5. From Janes letter we know that_. A. she didnt like England B. she didnt make any friends C. she enjoyed herself very much D. she didnt like the trip at all 答案答案 . 1. date 2. top 3. world-famous 4. relax 5. French . 1. wonderful 2. to have 3. bought 4. shopping 5. reading . 15. BBABB . 15. CEBDF . 15. DAABC


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