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    1、 2020 年浙江省温州市瑞安市小升初英语试卷年浙江省温州市瑞安市小升初英语试卷 一、听字母或单词,选择正确的选项(字母或单词读两次)一、听字母或单词,选择正确的选项(字母或单词读两次).5% 1 (5 分)听字母或单词,选择正确的选项。 (1)A.UK B.USA C.PRC (2)A.10 B.11 C.13 (3)A.duck B.cat C.panda (4)A.ruler B.pencil C.bag (5)A.swimming B.jumping C.camping 二、听句子,选择正确的选项(句子读两次“二、听句子,选择正确的选项(句子读两次“10% 2 (10 分)听句子,选择

    2、正确的选项. 三、听小对话,选择正确的选项(对话读两次) 。三、听小对话,选择正确的选项(对话读两次) 。5% 3 (5 分)听小对话,选择正确的选项. (1)Its today. A.rainy B.sunny C .windy (2)The flowers are . A.pink B.purple C .blue (3)Mr Smith is from . A.China B.Canada C. Australia (4)The museum is the school. A.next to B.near C .in front of (5)Hank is going to tomorr

    3、ow . A.watch TV B.do the dishes C .wash clothes 四、听对话,选择正确的选项。四、听对话,选择正确的选项。10% 4 (10 分)听第一段对话,完成第 2122 小题(对话读两次) 。 (1)The boy wants to go to the . A.bookstore B.post office C.cinema (2)The boy can go there . A.by train B.on foot C.by plane (二)听第二段对话,完成第 2325 小题(对话读两次) 。 (3)Tony says,I often on Sund

    4、ays. A.play football B.go to Nanda supermarket C.go to the park (4)What will Tony do this Sunday? Tony will . A.play football B.go to Nanda supermarket C.go to the park (5)When is Tonys birthday?Its on . A.June 16th B.June 6th C.June 7th 五、字母书写按字母表的顺序填上所缺字母的大小写。五、字母书写按字母表的顺序填上所缺字母的大小写。 2% 5 (2 分)字母书

    5、写:按字母表的顺序填上所缺字母的大小写。 (1)Bb Dd (2)Ff Hh (3)Rr Tt (4)Uu Ww 六、语音辨析根据发音规则,选择正确选项。六、语音辨析根据发音规则,选择正确选项。 5% 6 (5 分)看图作答。 A.sing B.bike C.week D.boy E.funny (1)Mike likes his new . (2)The King likes to in the evening. (3)Joy and a share a toy. (4)Im going to meet Mr Lee next . (5)Sunny has a umbrella. 七、词汇考

    6、查。七、词汇考查。10% 7 (5 分)理解单词意思,选出与它们同类的单词,将正确选项填在横线上。 A.she B.go C.pink D.shoe E.does word puzzles (1)wait stop (2)he you (3)red green (4)goes shopping cooks Chinese food (5)Tshirt sock 8 (1 分)There is a bed in my _. Aliving room Bkitchen Cbedroom 9 (1 分)I usually _on the weekend. Acook Bwatch TV Cliste

    7、n to music 10 (1 分)I can see tigers in the _. Azoo Bpark Cpost office 11 (1 分)My uncle is a _ . Aworker Bdoctor Cscientist 12 (1 分)I will _ tomorrow. Atake a trip Bvisit my grandpa Cgo to the supermarket 八、语言知识运用读对话,选择正确选项。八、语言知识运用读对话,选择正确选项。8% 13 (1 分)I can see_apple and some oranges in the fridge.

    8、( ) Aan Ba Csome 14 (1 分)I like the golden season in Wenzhou.The weather is cool and the farmers are busy. Yes,I like _,too.( ) Aspring Bautumn Csummer 15 (1 分)John is 163 cm tall.Sam is 5 cm taller than John.How tall is Sam? Hes .( ) A168 cm B165 cm C158 cm 16 (1 分)My name is Mike.Whats your name?

    9、Shh._.We are in the library.( ) AKeep to the right BTake turns CTalk quietly 17 (1 分)Mum,can I have some_,please? Sure! Be careful! Its hot.( ) Anoodles Bbananas Cice cream 18 (1 分)Did you visit the Great Wall in Beijing? .But I visited the Birds Nest in Beijing.( ) ANo,I didnt BYes,I did CNo,thanks

    10、 19 (1 分)My brother likes _football.( ) Aplaying Bplayed Cplay 20 (1 分)I will go to Australia for my holiday. ( ) AThank you. BYou are welcome. CHave a good time! 九、情景交际读对话,把正确选项填在横线上。九、情景交际读对话,把正确选项填在横线上。5%金老师打电话给金老师打电话给 Albert 了解他上周“停课不停学“的了解他上周“停课不停学“的 情况。情况。 21 (5 分)读对话,把正确选项填在横线上。金老师打电话给 Albert

    11、 了解他上周停课不停学的情况。 Miss Jin:Hello,Albert.This is Miss Jin. Albert: Hi,Miss Jin. Miss Jin:What are you doing now? Albert: (1) Miss Jin:Good boy.Did you have classes online last week? Albert: Yes,I did. Miss Jin: (2) Albert: Three. MissJin:Good! What did you do after classes? Albert:I did my homework and

    12、 watched TV. Miss Jin: (3) Albert:No,I didnt.I stayed at home all days. Miss Jin:Did you play sports? Albert: Yes,I did. (4) Miss Jin: (5) Stay at home.Stay healthy and study hard! Albert:Thank you,Miss Jin.I will try hard. A.Im cleaning my room. B.Great! C.Did you go outside? D.How many English cla

    13、sses did you have? E.I played pingpong with my dad at home. 十、任务型阅读。十、任务型阅读。10% 22 (10 分)为助力抗击新型冠状病毒(Novel Coronavirus)肺炎疫情,学校给同学们下发了以下宣传单。 请仔细阅读,完成任务。 (2) How to keep yourself safe(保证安全)from(远离)novel coronavirus? Heres what you can do: Do more exercise Exercise is one of the most important ways to

    14、help you stay safe.You can play football,play basketball, run Exercise can make you strong. (1) Wash your hands with soap and running water for more than 15 seconds. Before eating and after using the toilet After returning home After touching trash Dont eat wild animals Its not right to eat wild ani

    15、mals.You can eat cooked meat and eggs.Try to eat more fruit and vegetables. Wear masks outdoors Wearing a mask is a nice way to protect you.Makel sure to wear it properly by tightening up the nose clip and pulling the bottom of it over your chin so that your nose and mouth are both covered(覆盖). Go t

    16、o the hospital when youre ill If you are ill,you should ask your parents to go to the hospital with you,and see a doctor. 任务一:给单子上的处配上正确的图片。 任务二:第二点落了一行,请帮忙选择一个合适的小标题填在(1)处。 A.Keep your room clean. B.Wash your hands properly. C.Go to bed and get up early. 任务三:标题(2)处,请你选择一个恰当的标题。 A.How to keep yourse

    17、lf safe from novel coronavirus? B.How to wear masks? C.How to eat wild animals? 十一、阅读理解。十一、阅读理解。 20% 23 (10 分)阅读理解。 Peter 是位菲律宾籍大学生运动员,这是他写给笔友的一封信,仔细阅读,选择正确选项。 Dear Wang Tong, Im happy to be your pen pal.My names Peter,from Manila, Philippines(菲律宾马尼拉市).Manila is the biggest city in my country. Let m

    18、e talk about my family.My father is a businessman.My mother is a secretary.They work in Manila.I have a brother and two sisters.Theyre all younger than me.Im a basketball player.I study at a sports Academy (学院).I live at school.Every morning,I get up at 5:30.I do morning exercises from 6:00 to 7:00.

    19、Then at 8:00,I begin my classes.My school days are busy but I really enjoy.I want to be a basketball coach in the future.Jim is my favourite basketball coach.I will work hard. Ill go to Hangzhou in 2022.Im looking forward to it.Tell me something about you. Your new pen pal Peter (1)This letter is fr

    20、om _ to _. A.Wang Tong;Peter B.Peter;Wang Tong C.Jim;Peter (2)How many people are there in Peters family? A.6 B.8 C.3 (3)Peters parents work in . A.Manila B.Hangzhou C.a sports Academy (4)Peter does morning exercises from_to _every day. A.5:00;8:00 B.7:00;8:00 C.6:00;7:00 (5)Peter wants to be a one

    21、day. A.basketball coach B.secretary C.basketball player 24 (10 分)Peter 将在 2022 年来杭州参加亚运会。下面是他在杭州旅游网上搜到的资料,请你仔细阅读, 完成题目。 7:30 Lakeside jogging Jogging is quite a healthy exercise in Hangzhou.There are always large groups of people running slowly around the West Lake. 11:30 Dining at Lou Wai Lou(楼外楼)

    22、Lou Wai Lou is the most famous restaurant in Hangzhou.It has a long history.Come and try dishes like Dongpo Pork,Longjing Tea cooked with Shrimp(虾)and more.Lou Wai Lou is on the lakeside,so you can enjoy the outdoor views of West Lake as well. 14:30 Teatasting Find a teahouse,and some friends to cha

    23、t and have some tea together.Longjing Tea is very famous.You need to learn to let go and put aside all the things that bother you and enjoy life. 18:30 Watch night of West Lake Show The night show lasts around an hour.You can buy a ticket to enjoy the songs,dances,opera and so on.Im sure you will en

    24、joy it. (一)阅读、判断,对的填,错的填。 (1)Lou Wai Lou is a famous museum. (2)You can eat Dongpo Pork at Lou Wai Lou at noon. (3)Longjing Tea is very famous in Hangzhou. (二)阅读、选择,把正确选项填入横线上。 (4)Jogging is quite a healthy exercise in Hangzhou.Here jogging means . A.慢跑 B.饮茶 C.骑车 (5)The night of West Lake Show begin

    25、s at . A.11:30 B.21:30 C.18:30 十二、书面表达。十二、书面表达。10% 25 (10 分)毕业派对上,大家分享小学时期难忘的旅行。请根据 PPT 上的信息补全文章,并仿写。 Mike:I went to Uncle Sams farm last weekend.I went there by bus.I picked vegetables and (1) And we had a picnic on the farm.Uncle Sam played pipa for us.That was so great. John:Last month,I went to

    26、Xinjiang.I went there (2) .I climbed Tianshan Mountain and I was so tired.I sang and danced with my friends.I (3) ,too.They were so delicious. Chen Jie:I went to London(4) I went there by plane. I learned English there.I saw English films and (5) in London.It was a wonderful summer holiday. You: I w

    27、ent to (6) last summer holiday.I went there (7) .I (8) and (9) That was so great. (10)请将画线部分句子正确抄写在横线上。 Last month,I went to Xinjiang. 2020 年浙江省温州市瑞安市小升初英语试卷年浙江省温州市瑞安市小升初英语试卷 参考答案与试题解析参考答案与试题解析 一、听字母或单词,选择正确的选项(字母或单词读两次)一、听字母或单词,选择正确的选项(字母或单词读两次).5% 1 (5 分)听字母或单词,选择正确的选项。 (1)A.UK B.USA C.PRC (2)A.10

    28、 B.11 C.13 (3)A.duck B.cat C.panda (4)A.ruler B.pencil C.bag (5)A.swimming B.jumping C.camping 【解答】略 二、听句子,选择正确的选项(句子读两次“二、听句子,选择正确的选项(句子读两次“10% 2 (10 分)听句子,选择正确的选项. 【解答】略 三、听小对话,选择正确的选项(对话读两次) 。三、听小对话,选择正确的选项(对话读两次) 。5% 3 (5 分)听小对话,选择正确的选项. (1)Its today. A.rainy B.sunny C .windy (2)The flowers are

    29、. A.pink B.purple C .blue (3)Mr Smith is from . A.China B.Canada C. Australia (4)The museum is the school. A.next to B.near C .in front of (5)Hank is going to tomorrow . A.watch TV B.do the dishes C .wash clothes 【解答】略 四、听对话,选择正确的选项。四、听对话,选择正确的选项。10% 4 (10 分)听第一段对话,完成第 2122 小题(对话读两次) 。 (1)The boy wa

    30、nts to go to the . A.bookstore B.post office C.cinema (2)The boy can go there . A.by train B.on foot C.by plane (二)听第二段对话,完成第 2325 小题(对话读两次) 。 (3)Tony says,I often on Sundays. A.play football B.go to Nanda supermarket C.go to the park (4)What will Tony do this Sunday? Tony will . A.play football B.g

    31、o to Nanda supermarket C.go to the park (5)When is Tonys birthday?Its on . A.June 16th B.June 6th C.June 7th 【解答】略 五、字母书写按字母表的顺序填上所缺字母的大小写。五、字母书写按字母表的顺序填上所缺字母的大小写。 2% 5 (2 分)字母书写:按字母表的顺序填上所缺字母的大小写。 (1)Bb Cc Dd (2)Ff Gg Hh (3)Rr Tt (4)Uu Vv Ww 【解答】考查字母的书写。四线格中,大写字母 C,G,S,V 占中上格,小写字母 c,s,v 占中格,小 写字母 g

    32、 占中下格。 故答案为: 六、语音辨析根据发音规则,选择正确选项。六、语音辨析根据发音规则,选择正确选项。 5% 6 (5 分)看图作答。 A.sing B.bike C.week D.boy E.funny (1)Mike likes his new . (2)The King likes to A in the evening. (3)Joy and a D share a toy. (4)Im going to meet Mr Lee next C . (5)Sunny has a E umbrella. 【解答】考查看图作答。 (1)B.由题,句意为Mike 喜欢他的新。,图中是 Mi

    33、ke 在骑车,B 选项 bike自行车符合。故选: B。 (2)A.由题,句意为国王在晚上喜欢。,图中是国王在唱歌,A 选项 sing唱歌符合。故选:A。 (3)D.由题,句意为Joy 和一名分享一个玩具。,图中是男孩女孩在分享玩具,D 选项 boy男孩 符合。故选:D。 (4)C.由题,句意为我将在下见到 Lee 先生。,图中是指明日期,C 选项 week周符合。故选: C。 (5)E.由题,句意为Sunny 有一个雨伞。,图中是一把有趣的雨伞,E 选项 funny有趣的符合。 故选:E。 七、词汇考查。七、词汇考查。10% 7 (5 分)理解单词意思,选出与它们同类的单词,将正确选项填在横

    34、线上。 A.she B.go C.pink D.shoe E.does word puzzles (1)wait stop (2)he you A (3)red green C (4)goes shopping cooks Chinese food E (5)Tshirt sock D 【解答】 (1)B.wait 等候;stop 停止,是动词。go 去,是动词。故选:B。 (2)A.he 他;you 你,是人称代词。she 她,是人称代词。故选:A。 (3)C.red 红色的;green 绿色的,是表示颜色的形容词。pink 粉色的,是表示颜色的形容词。故选:C。 (4)E.goes sho

    35、pping 去购物;cooks Chinese food 做中国食物,是动词短语。does word puzzles 做文字难 题,是动词短语。故选:E。 (5)D.TshirtT 恤衫;sock 短袜,是服装名词。shoe 鞋子,是服装名词。故选:D。 8 (1 分)There is a bed in my _. Aliving room Bkitchen Cbedroom 【解答】本题考查看图完成句子。Aliving room 客厅。Bkitchen 厨房。C. bedroom 卧室。根据图示: 这是一间卧室。因此选项 C 与图片内容相符。 故选:C。 9 (1 分)I usually _

    36、on the weekend. Acook Bwatch TV Clisten to music 【解答】本题考查看图完成句子。Acook 做饭。Bwatch TV 看电视。Clisten to music 听音乐。根据 图示:男孩在听音乐。因此选项 C 与图片内容相符。 故选:C。 10 (1 分)I can see tigers in the _. Azoo Bpark Cpost office 【解答】考查看图完成句子。不完整句意:我能在_看到老虎。图示:是动物园。选项 A:动物园。 选项 B:公园。选项 C:邮局。据此可判断选项 A 与图片相符。 故选:A。 11 (1 分)My un

    37、cle is a _ . Aworker Bdoctor Cscientist 【解答】本题考查看图完成句子。Aworker 工人。Bdoctor 医生。C.scientist 科学家。根据图示:这 是一名医生。因此选项 B 与图片内容相符。 故选:B。 12 (1 分)I will _ tomorrow. Atake a trip Bvisit my grandpa Cgo to the supermarket 【解答】考查看图完成句子。不完整句意:我明天要去_。图示:是去超市购物。选项 A:去旅行。 选项 B:看望我的爷爷。选项 C:去超市。据此可判断选项 C 与图片相符。 故选:C。 八

    38、、语言知识运用读对话,选择正确选项。八、语言知识运用读对话,选择正确选项。8% 13 (1 分)I can see_apple and some oranges in the fridge.( ) Aan Ba Csome 【解答】考查不定冠词。题干的句意为:在冰箱里,我能看见一个苹果和一些橘子。apple 为可数名词的 单数,发音中的第一个音素为元音音素,故一个苹果为 an apple。some 不能搭配可数名词单数。 故选:A。 14 (1 分)I like the golden season in Wenzhou.The weather is cool and the farmers a

    39、re busy. Yes,I like _,too.( ) Aspring Bautumn Csummer 【解答】 考查名词词义辨析。 由题, spring 是春天, autumn 是秋天, summer 是夏天, I like the golden season in Wenzhou.The weather is cool and the farmers are busy.表明此处描述的季节是金色的,天气很凉爽 且在这个季节农民很忙,可知是在描述秋天。 故选:B。 15 (1 分)John is 163 cm tall.Sam is 5 cm taller than John.How ta

    40、ll is Sam? Hes .( ) A168 cm B165 cm C158 cm 【解答】 考查加减乘除算式。 由题, John is 163 cm tall.Sam is 5 cm taller than John.是John 是 163 公分高。 Sam 比 John 高 5 公分。,所以 Sam 是 168 公分。 故选:A。 16 (1 分)My name is Mike.Whats your name? Shh._.We are in the library.( ) AKeep to the right BTake turns CTalk quietly 【解答】考查动词短语。

    41、由题,keep to the right 是请靠右,take turns 是轮流,talk quietly 是小声说 话,C 选项 talk quietly小声说话代入句意为嘘。小声说话。我们在图书馆里。符合逻辑。 故选:C。 17 (1 分)Mum,can I have some_,please? Sure! Be careful! Its hot.( ) Anoodles Bbananas Cice cream 【解答】考查名词词义辨析。由题,noodles 是面条,bananas 是香蕉,ice cream 是冰激凌,A 选项 noodles面条代入句意为妈妈,我能吃点面条吗?,与答句当

    42、然可以!小心点!它很烫。逻辑相符。 故选:A。 18 (1 分)Did you visit the Great Wall in Beijing? .But I visited the Birds Nest in Beijing.( ) ANo,I didnt BYes,I did CNo,thanks 【解答】考查一般疑问句。did 表示句子是一般过去时,连词but表示但是,属于转折关系,回答用否 定形式,A.No,I didnt 不,我没有,符合题意,B.Yes,I did 是的,我是,不符合题意,C.No,thanks 不,谢谢,不符合题意。 故选:A。 19 (1 分)My brothe

    43、r likes _football.( ) Aplaying Bplayed Cplay 【解答】考查动名词。由题,句意为我哥哥喜欢踢足球。,like doing sth.喜欢做某事是固定搭配,like 后搭配动词的动名词形式,即 playing。 故选:A。 20 (1 分)I will go to Australia for my holiday. ( ) AThank you. BYou are welcome. CHave a good time! 【解答】本题考查祝愿。题干译为:我要去澳大利亚度假。Thank you.谢谢你。Youre welcome.不客气。 Have a goo

    44、d time.玩的开心。答语为:玩的开心。符合交际用语习惯。 故选:C。 九、情景交际读对话,把正确选项填在横线上。九、情景交际读对话,把正确选项填在横线上。5%金老师打电话给金老师打电话给 Albert 了解他上周“停课不停学“的了解他上周“停课不停学“的 情况。情况。 21 (5 分)读对话,把正确选项填在横线上。金老师打电话给 Albert 了解他上周停课不停学的情况。 Miss Jin:Hello,Albert.This is Miss Jin. Albert: Hi,Miss Jin. Miss Jin:What are you doing now? Albert: (1) A Mi

    45、ss Jin:Good boy.Did you have classes online last week? Albert: Yes,I did. Miss Jin: (2) D Albert: Three. MissJin:Good! What did you do after classes? Albert:I did my homework and watched TV. Miss Jin: (3) C Albert:No,I didnt.I stayed at home all days. Miss Jin:Did you play sports? Albert: Yes,I did.

    46、 (4) E Miss Jin: (5) Stay at home.Stay healthy and study hard! Albert:Thank you,Miss Jin.I will try hard. A.Im cleaning my room. B.Great! C.Did you go outside? D.How many English classes did you have? E.I played pingpong with my dad at home. 【解答】考查补全对话。 (1)A.由文中 What are you doing now?可知在询问对方在做什么,A

    47、选项 Im cleaning my room.我在打 扫我的房间。符合。故选:A。 (2)D.由文中 Three.可知在询问所指事物的数量,D 选项 How many English classes did you have?你上 了多少节英语课?符合。故选:D。 (3) C.由文中 No, I didnt.可知此处为助动词的过去式 did 引导的一般疑问句, C 选项 Did you go outside? 你去外面了吗?符合。故选:C。 (4)E.由文中 Yes,I did.可知 Albert 做运动了,E 选项 I played pingpong with my dad at home.我和我 爸爸在家打乒乓球了。补充说明自己和爸爸在家打乒乓球了,符合。故选:E。 (5) B.由文中 I played pingpong with my dad at


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