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    1、 2018 年浙江省杭州市西湖区小升初英语试卷年浙江省杭州市西湖区小升初英语试卷 一、一、Listening Part 听力部分(听力部分(40 分)分) 1 (5 分)Listen and choose听录音,选择录音中所包含的单词 (1)A water B better C metre (2)A should B would C could (3)A stronger B shorter C smaller (4)A Size 7 B Size 38 CSize37 (5)A went B wont C want 2 (15 分)Listen and number听录音,标序号 3 (10

    2、 分)Listen and choose听录音,选择合适的答句 (1)AHes 1.65m B Hes 54 kg (2)A Im fine, thank you B It was fine, thanks (3)A Yes, I did B Yes I do (4)A He likes to play football B He is tall and thin (5)A I washed my clothes BI clean my room 4 (10 分)Listen and fill in the blanks听录音填空 (1)She is and than me (2)Your f

    3、eet are than mine (3) How was your weekend? It was bad I (4)I a book and a film yesterday (5)I was short, so I couldnt ride my bike well Now, I every day 二、二、Read and choose.找出画线部分发音不同的单词找出画线部分发音不同的单词 (5 分)分) 5 (1 分)找出画线部分发音不同的单词 ( ) Anow Bhow Ccow Dwindow 6 (1 分)找出画线部分发音不同的单词 ( ) Awashed Bcleaned C

    4、climbed Dstayed 7 (1 分)找出画线部分发音不同的单词 ( ) Aby Bhurry Chappy Dfamily 8 (1 分)找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词( ) Afood Bfoot Cbook Dgood 9 (1 分)找出画线部分发音不同的单词 ( ) Athan Bthese Cthree Dthen 三、三、Read and choose.选择不属于同一类的单词选择不属于同一类的单词 (5 分)分) 10 (1 分)选择不属于同一类的单词 ( ) Asmaller Bwater Ctaller Dbigger 11 (1 分)选择不属于同一类的单词 ( ) A

    5、cleaned Bslept Crode Dwash 12 (1 分)选择不属于同一类的单词 ( ) Abus Bship Cplane Dfoot 13 (1 分)选择不属于同一类的单词 ( ) Aride Bate Cdo Ddance 14 (1 分)选择不属于同一类的单词 ( ) Afootball Bclothes Cbadminton Dbasketball 四、四、Read and choose the right answer.选择正确的答案选择正确的答案 (10 分)分) 15 (1 分)Tom is 1.50 metres Tim is 1.55 metres Tom is

    6、_than Tim ( ) Ashorter Bsmaller Cshort 16 (1 分)Look! The boy is_a book quietly ( ) Areads Bread Creading 17 (1 分)Did your mother wash clothes yesterday? _( ) AYes, she did BYes, he did CNo, she doesnt 18 (1 分)I _ my room last Sunday ( ) Acleaned Bclean Cam cleaning 19 (1 分)My ruler is_ than his ( )

    7、Alonger Btaller Cstronger 20 (1 分)She watered the flowers _ ( ) Atomorrow Bsometimes Cyesterday morning 21 (1 分)My mother_ me a nice present on my next birthday ( ) Awill give Bgive Cgave 22 (1 分)Our maths teacher is very strict, and we re afraid_him ( ) Awith Bof Cto 23 (1 分)How_are you? Im 1.60 me

    8、tres ( ) Atall Blong Ctaller 24 (1 分)Where did you go over the winter holiday? I _ to Sanya It was so beautiful I_ lots of picture ( ) Awent; took Bgo; take Cwent; taked 五、五、Read and write.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空 (10 分)分) 25 (2 分)She ( visit) the Great Wall last summer vacation 26 (2 分)I usually ( go

    9、) to school on foot last year 27 (2 分)I went to Beijing with my parents and ( take) many wonderful pictures 28 (2 分)Im (heavy) than my sister 29 (2 分)There (is) no library in my school fifteen years ago 六、六、Read and choose.选择正确的答句选择正确的答句 (10 分)分) 30 (10 分)选择正确的答句 (1)How heavy are you? A No I feel ba

    10、d (2)What did you do? B It was great! (3)What size are your shoes? C Size 36 (4)Are you all right? D I watched TV (5)How was your weekend? E Im 51 kg 七、七、Rearrange the words.连词成句 (连词成句 (10 分)分) 31 (2 分)do ,you, how, that, know (?) 32 (2 分)older, are ,me ,you ,than ( ) 33 (2 分)you, stay, did ,home, y

    11、esterday, at (?) 34 (2 分)went ,by, I, there ,ship ( ) 35 (2 分)1.65, I, metres ,am ( ) 八、八、Reading comprehension.阅读理解 (阅读理解 (10 分)分) 36 (10 分)阅读理解 My name is Sally I am 1.60 metres I like reading books My favourite subject is English because my English teacher is very kind 1 usually go to school by b

    12、ike I have a happy family My father is a policeman He is 1.75 metres and he is very coolHe often goes to work by carMy mother is a doctorShe is taller than me and she is 1.63 metresHow does she go to work?She usually goes to work by car,tooI have a brotherHe is 1.55 metresHe likes swimming and playi

    13、ng badmintonWe went to Beijing last Labour DayWe visited the Great Wall and took many beautifulpicturesWe all had a good time (A)Read and tick or cross判断,打或打 (1)Sally is a student (2)Sallys mother usually goes to work by bus (3)Sallys father is the tallest in the family (B)Read and answer the questi

    14、ons回答问题 (1)What are Sallys brother s hobbies? (2)Did Sallys family go swimming in Sanya last Labour Day? 2018 年浙江省杭州市西湖区小升初英语试卷年浙江省杭州市西湖区小升初英语试卷 参考答案与试题解析参考答案与试题解析 一、一、Listening Part 听力部分(听力部分(40 分)分) 1 (5 分)Listen and choose听录音,选择录音中所包含的单词 (1)A water B better C metre (2)A should B would C could (3)

    15、A stronger B shorter C smaller (4)A Size 7 B Size 38 CSize37 (5)A went B wont C want 【解答】略 2 (15 分)Listen and number听录音,标序号 【解答】略 3 (10 分)Listen and choose听录音,选择合适的答句 (1)AHes 1.65m B Hes 54 kg (2)A Im fine, thank you B It was fine, thanks (3)A Yes, I did B Yes I do (4)A He likes to play football B H

    16、e is tall and thin (5)A I washed my clothes BI clean my room 【解答】略 4 (10 分)Listen and fill in the blanks听录音填空 (1)She is and than me (2)Your feet are than mine (3) How was your weekend? It was bad I (4)I a book and a film yesterday (5)I was short, so I couldnt ride my bike well Now, I every day 【解答】略

    17、 二、二、Read and choose.找出画线部分发音不同的单词找出画线部分发音不同的单词 (5 分)分) 5 (1 分)找出画线部分发音不同的单词 ( ) Anow Bhow Ccow Dwindow 【解答】考查字母 ow 在单词中发音,字母 ow 在单词 now 中发au,字母 ow 在单词 how 中发au,字 母 ow 在单词 cow 中发au,字母 ow 在单词 window 中发u,可知 ABC 发音相同 故选:D 6 (1 分)找出画线部分发音不同的单词 ( ) Awashed Bcleaned Cclimbed Dstayed 【解答】考查字母 ed 在单词中发音,字母

    18、ed 在单词 washed 中发t,字母 ed 在单词 cleaned 中发d,字 母 ed 在单词 climbed 中发d,字母 ed 在单词 stayed 中发d,可知 BCD 发音相同 故选:A 7 (1 分)找出画线部分发音不同的单词 ( ) Aby Bhurry Chappy Dfamily 【解答】考查字母 y 在单词中发音,字母 y 在单词 by 中发ai,字母 y 在单词 hurry 中发i,字母 y 在单 词 happy 中发i,字母 y 在单词 family 中发i,可知 BCD 发音相同 故选:A 8 (1 分)找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词( ) Afood Bfoot

    19、 Cbook Dgood 【解答】考查字母组合发音,字母组合oo在单词food中发u:,字母组合oo在单词foot中发u, 字母组合oo在单词book中发u,字母组合oo在单词good中发u,A 与 B,C,D 划线部分,发音 不同 故选:A 9 (1 分)找出画线部分发音不同的单词 ( ) Athan Bthese Cthree Dthen 【解答】考查字母组合 th 在单词中发音,字母 th 在单词 than 中发 ,字母 th 在单词 these 中发 ,字 母 th 在单词 sthree 中发,字母 th 在单词 then 中发 ,可知 ABD 发音相同 故选:C 三、三、Read a

    20、nd choose.选择不属于同一类的单词选择不属于同一类的单词 (5 分)分) 10 (1 分)选择不属于同一类的单词 ( ) Asmaller Bwater Ctaller Dbigger 【解答】本题考查词性分类Asmaller 更小Bwater 水Ctaller 更高Dbigger 更大选项 A、 C 和 D 都是形容词的比较级,选项 B 是名词选项 B 与其他选项词性不同 故选:B 11 (1 分)选择不属于同一类的单词 ( ) Acleaned Bslept Crode Dwash 【解答】本题考查类别分类Acleaned 打扫;Bslept 睡觉;Crode 骑;Dwash 洗A

    21、,B 和 C 选 项是动词过去式,D 选项是动词原形 故选:D 12 (1 分)选择不属于同一类的单词 ( ) Abus Bship Cplane Dfoot 【解答】本题考查类别分类Abus 公交车;Bship 船;Cplane 飞机;Dfoot 脚A,B 和 C 选项 是交通工具,D 选项是身体部位 故选:D 13 (1 分)选择不属于同一类的单词 ( ) Aride Bate Cdo Ddance 【解答】本题考查类别分类Aride 骑;Bate 吃;Cdo 做;Ddance 跳舞A,C 和 D 选项是动 词原形,B 选项是动词过去式 故选:B 14 (1 分)选择不属于同一类的单词 (

    22、 ) Afootball Bclothes Cbadminton Dbasketball 【解答】本题考查类别分类Afootball 足球;Bclothes 衣服;Cbadminton 羽毛球;Dbasketball 篮球A,C 和 D 选项是球类名词,B 选项是衣服的总称 故选:B 四、四、Read and choose the right answer.选择正确的答案选择正确的答案 (10 分)分) 15 (1 分)Tom is 1.50 metres Tim is 1.55 metres Tom is_than Tim ( ) Ashorter Bsmaller Cshort 【解答】

    23、考查形容词的比较级和最高级 根据句意 Tom 比 Tim 矮 应用形容词的比较级, A shorter 矮, 比较级,符合题意;Bsmaller 小,比较级,不符合题意;Cshort,矮,原级,不符合题意 故选:A 16 (1 分)Look! The boy is_a book quietly ( ) Areads Bread Creading 【解答】本题考查现在分词根据 look,可知句子要用现在进行时,结构为主语+be+现在分词+其他 故选:C 17 (1 分)Did your mother wash clothes yesterday? _( ) AYes, she did BYes,

    24、 he did CNo, she doesnt 【解答】本题考查一般疑问句 AYes, she did是的,她洗衣服了(一般过去时) ;BYes, he did是的,他洗衣服了(一般过去 时) ;CNo, she doesnt 不,她没有; (一般现在时) ;题目为助动词 Did 引导的一般疑问句,问句的时 态是一般过去时,答语的肯定回答为:Yes, she did否定回答为:No, she didnt;题意为你妈妈昨 天洗衣服了吗?是的,她洗衣服了 故选:A 18 (1 分)I _ my room last Sunday ( ) Acleaned Bclean Cam cleaning 【解

    25、答】答案:A 本题考查动词的过去式这里 Last Sunday 表示上个星期天,引导过去时态,此处应填过去式,选项 BC 不是过去式形式,故选择 A 19 (1 分)My ruler is_ than his ( ) Alonger Btaller Cstronger 【解答】 考查形容词的比较级 根据句意, 要填写形容词的比较级 A longer 长的, 比较级, 符合题意; Btaller 高的,不符合题意;Cstronger 强壮的,比较级不符合题意 故选:A 20 (1 分)She watered the flowers _ ( ) Atomorrow Bsometimes Cyest

    26、erday morning 【解答】答案:C 该题考查一般过去时根据原文的watered the flowers可知是过去浇的花Atomorrw 是明天,表 示将来Bsometimes 是有时候,表示经常性、习惯性,是一般现在时的标志Cyesterday morning 是昨天早上,表示过去的时间故选 C 21 (1 分)My mother_ me a nice present on my next birthday ( ) Awill give Bgive Cgave 【解答】本题考查一般将来时Awill give 将会给,一般将来时Bgive 给,一般现在时Cgave 给过,过去时态根据不

    27、完全句子中的关键词on my next birthday 我下个生日可知是未发生的事,应该 是一般将来时态选项 A 符合句意 故选:A 22 (1 分)Our maths teacher is very strict, and we re afraid_him ( ) Awith Bof Cto 【解答】考查短语Awith,没有此搭配,Bbe afraid of+代词或名词,害怕,是固定搭配Cbe afraid to+动词原形,害怕依据题干意思,空格处应填 of 故选:B 23 (1 分)How_are you? Im 1.60 metres ( ) Atall Blong Ctaller 【

    28、解答】本题考查形容词词义辨析Atall 高的Blong 长的Ctaller 更高,tall 的比较级根据答 句Im 1.60 metres (我身高一米六 ) 可知问句应该询问身高 询问多高?使用结构How tall? 选项 A 符合句意 故选:A 24 (1 分)Where did you go over the winter holiday? I _ to Sanya It was so beautiful I_ lots of picture ( ) Awent; took Bgo; take Cwent; taked 【解答】考查动词的过去式根据题干中的 did ,可知该句为一般过去时

    29、;go 的过去式是 went,take 的 过去式是 took 故选:A 五、五、Read and write.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空 (10 分)分) 25 (2 分)She visited ( visit) the Great Wall last summer vacation 【解答】考查单词填空句子中 last summer vacation 用于一般过去时,visit 的过去式是 visited 故填:visited 26 (2 分)I usually went ( go) to school on foot last year 【解答】考查单词填空句子中 la

    30、st year 用于一般过去时,go 的过去式是 went 故填:went 27 (2 分)I went to Beijing with my parents and took ( take) many wonderful pictures 【解答】考查单词填空从 went 判断句子使用一般过去时,take 的过去式是 took 故填:took 28 (2 分)Im heavier (heavy) than my sister 【解答】考查单词填空句子中 than 用于比较级形式,heavy 的比较级形式是 heavier 故填:heavier 29 (2 分)There was (is) n

    31、o library in my school fifteen years ago 【解答】考查单词填空句子中 fifteen years ago 用于一般过去时,is 的过去式是 was 故填:was 六、六、Read and choose.选择正确的答句选择正确的答句 (10 分)分) 30 (10 分)选择正确的答句 (1)How heavy are you? E A No I feel bad (2)What did you do? D B It was great! (3)What size are your shoes? C C Size 36 (4)Are you all righ

    32、t? A D I watched TV (5)How was your weekend? E Im 51 kg 【解答】 (1)E考查特殊疑问句问句意思为:你多重?how heavy 提问体重E 选项意思为:我 51 千克符合句意故选:E (2) D 考查特殊疑问句 问句意思为: 你做了什么?答语回答做的事情 D 选项意思为: 我看电视了 符 合句意故选:D (3)C考查特殊疑问句问句意思为:你的鞋子是多大码的?what size 提问尺码,答语回答尺码C 选项意思为:36 码符合句意故选:C (4)A考查一般疑问句问句意思为:你还好吗?用 yes 或者 no 作答A 选项意思为:不,我觉得很

    33、 不好符合句意故选:A (5)B考查特殊疑问句问句意思为:你的周末过得如何?how 提问如何,答语回答如何B 选项意 思为:很不错符合句意故选:B 七、七、Rearrange the words.连词成句 (连词成句 (10 分)分) 31 (2 分)do ,you, how, that, know (?) How do you know that? 【解答】考查连词成句问号表示问句句式, how表示怎么;do 表示助动词,不翻译;you表示 你,主语;do 表示做;that表示那;结合要求完成 故答案为:How do you know that? 32 (2 分)older, are ,me

    34、 ,you ,than ( ) You are older than me 【解答】考查连词成句,句号表示陈述句式,主系表结构,you 表示你,主语; are表示是;older 表示更大,形容词比较级;than 表示比;me 表示我;结合要求完成 故答案为:You are older than me 33 (2 分)you, stay, did ,home, yesterday, at (?) Did you stay at home yesterday? 【解答】考查连词成句you 你,做主语,stay 留,住,谓语动词,at home 在家,固定搭配,yesterday 昨天,时间状语,根

    35、据问号可知这是一般疑问句,did 助动词,放在句首,大写首字母 D语句顺序为 Did you stay at home yesterday? 故答案为:Did you stay at home yesterday? 34 (2 分)went ,by, I, there ,ship ( ) I went there by ship 【解答】考查连词成句句号表示陈述句,主谓宾结构,I 人称代词,做主语,went there 表示去那里, 作谓语,by ship 表示交通方式,乘船,结合要求完成题目 故填:I went there by ship 35 (2 分)1.65, I, metres ,a

    36、m ( ) I am 1.65 metres 【解答】 考查连词成句I 我做主语,am 是系动词, 根据句号可知这是陈述句,据分析我身高 1.65 米 应 写为 I am 1.65 metres 故答案为:I am 1.65 metres 八、八、Reading comprehension.阅读理解 (阅读理解 (10 分)分) 36 (10 分)阅读理解 My name is Sally I am 1.60 metres I like reading books My favourite subject is English because my English teacher is ver

    37、y kind 1 usually go to school by bike I have a happy family My father is a policeman He is 1.75 metres and he is very coolHe often goes to work by carMy mother is a doctorShe is taller than me and she is 1.63 metresHow does she go to work?She usually goes to work by car,tooI have a brotherHe is 1.55

    38、 metresHe likes swimming and playing badmintonWe went to Beijing last Labour DayWe visited the Great Wall and took many beautifulpicturesWe all had a good time (A)Read and tick or cross判断,打或打 (1)Sally is a student (2)Sallys mother usually goes to work by bus (3)Sallys father is the tallest in the fa

    39、mily (B)Read and answer the questions回答问题 (1)What are Sallys brother s hobbies? His hobbies are swimming and playing badminton (2)Did Sallys family go swimming in Sanya last Labour Day? No,they didntThey went to Beijing last Labour Day 【解答】 (A)判断正误 (1)根据I usually go to school by bike(我通常骑自行车上学)可知,莎莉

    40、是一名学生故答案为: (2) 根据She usually goes to work by car, too (她通常也开车去上班) 可知, 不是坐公交车上班的 故 答案为: (3)根据I am 1.60 metresHe is 1.75 metresshe is 1.63 metresHe is 1.55 metres(我 1.60 米他 (爸爸)身高 1.75 米她(妈妈)1.63 米他(弟弟)1.55 米 )可知,爸爸是最高的故答案为: (B)回答问题 (1)His hobbies are swimming and playing badminton根据问句What are Sallys

    41、brother s hobbies?问的 是莎莉弟弟的爱好文中I have a brotherHe is 1.55 metresHe likes swimming and playing badminton 提到我有一个弟弟他身高 1.55 米他喜欢游泳和打羽毛球故答案为:His hobbies are swimming and playing badminton (2)No,they didntThey went to Beijing last Labour Day根据问句Did Sallys family go swimming in Sanya last Labour Day?可知,问的是莎莉一家去年劳动节是否去三亚度假文中We went to Beijing last Labour Day表明,去的是北京故答案为:No,they didntThey went to Beijing last Labour Day


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