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    1、2020 年浙江省宁波市镇海区小升初英语试卷年浙江省宁波市镇海区小升初英语试卷 一、一、Listen and choose.(听音,选择你所听到的内容)(听音,选择你所听到的内容) 10% 1 (10 分)Listen and choose (听音,选择你所听到的内容) (1)AGDP BJOP CLDQ (2)Afunny Bsunny Crainy (3)ATuesday BThursday CFriday (4)Acook Btake Cpick (5)Ahorse Bhouse Cthis (6)Apuzzles Bpolice Cplane (7)Ateacher Bfarmer C

    2、doctor (8)Afirst Bthird Cfourth (9)Afather Bmother Cbrother (10)Awatched Bwashed Cwent 二、二、Listen and number.(听一段小对话,标号)(听一段小对话,标号) 4% 2 (4 分)Listen and number (听一段小对话,标号) How about now? I didnt like summer before Now I love to go swimmingSo I like summer Because I thought it was too hot,and I could

    3、nt play basketball (2)Why? 三、三、Listen and judge.(看图判断,对的在答题卷上把(看图判断,对的在答题卷上把 A 涂黑,错的把涂黑,错的把 B 涂黑)涂黑) 5% 3 (5 分)Listen and judge (看图判断) 四、四、Listen and choose.(听问句,选择答句)(听问句,选择答句) 5% 4 (5 分)Listen and choose (听问句,选择答句) (1)AYes,it is BYes,there is (2)ASunny BFall (3)AIs near the bookstore BI want to bu

    4、y some books (4)AI like doing kung fu and swimming BYou like singing and dancing (5)AIm 1.65 meters tall BIm 52 kilograms 五、五、Listen and choose.(听小对话,选择正确的答案)(听小对话,选择正确的答案) 5% 5 (5 分)Listen and choose (听小对话,选择正确的答案) (1)Is the new music teacher old? AYes,he is BNo,he isnt (2)When is the school trip?

    5、AIts on May 4th BIts on May 5th (3)What is Amy going to do this weekend? AShe is going to see a film BShe is going to visit her grandparents (4)What does Sarahs father do? AHes a fisherman BHes a policeman (5)How did they go to Hainan? AThey went there by train BThey went there by plane 六、六、Listen a

    6、nd judge.(听短文,判断对错对的把(听短文,判断对错对的把 A 涂黑,错的把涂黑,错的把 B 涂黑)涂黑) 5% 6 (5 分)Listen and judge (听短文,判断对错对的把 A 涂黑,错的把 B 涂黑) (1)Mikes grandparents stayed at home on Saturday (2)Mikes grandpa washed the clothes (3)Mikes grandma cleaned the room (4)Mikes grandparents drank tea in the afternoon (5)Mikes grandparen

    7、ts went to bed at 7:30 七、七、Listen and write.(听短文,填写单词,补全句子)(听短文,填写单词,补全句子) 6% 7 (6 分)Listen and write (听短文,填写单词,补全句子) There are many animals in the(1) The giraffe is(2) (3) The elephant is(4) the giraffeZoom and Zip are(5) nowTheyre very(6) 一、一、Find and choose.(找出划线部分读音不同的一个)(找出划线部分读音不同的一个) 5% 8 (1

    8、分)Find and choose (找出划线部分读音不同的一个) ( ) Aclock Bknife Cmilk 9 (1 分)Find and choose (找出划线部分读音不同的一个) ( ) Awindow Bhouse Ccloudy 10 (1 分)Find and choose (找出划线部分读音不同的一个) ( ) Aapple Bname Chat 11 (1 分)Find and choose (找出划线部分读音不同的一个) ( ) Atea Bteacher Cweather 12 (1 分)Find and choose (找出划线部分读音不同的一个) ( ) Afl

    9、y Bthirty Ccloudy 二、二、Read and choose.(读一读,找出每组中不同类的单词)(读一读,找出每组中不同类的单词) 5% 13 (1 分)Read and choose (读一读,找出不同类的单词) ( ) Athree Bthirteen Cone Dsecond 14 (1 分)Read and choose (读一读,找出不同类的单词) ( ) Asing Bsong Cclimb Dtake 15 (1 分)Read and choose (读一读,找出不同类的单词) ( ) Apuzzle Bpostman Cpilot Dworker 16 (1 分)

    10、Read and choose (读一读,找出不同类的单词) ( ) Afoot Bplane Ctrain Dsubway 17 (1 分)Read and choose (读一读,找出不同类的单词) ( ) Ateacher Bdoctor Csister Dthinner 三、三、Read and write.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)(用所给单词的适当形式填空)5% 18 (1 分)What are you doing now?Im (read)books at home 19 (1 分)How many (crayon)do you have?I have 16 20 (1 分)I

    11、m 160cm tallMike is 165cm tall,Mike is (tall)than me 21 (1 分)My father often goes to work by carBut he (go)by taxi yesterday 22 (1 分)Is this your pen?No,it isnt (my)is red 四、四、Read and choose.(单项选择)(单项选择)10% 23 (1 分)This is my brotherHe_ a student ( ) Aam Bis Care 24 (1 分)Im tired You should_more ex

    12、ercises ( ) Ado Bdoes Cdid 25 (1 分)I usually get up_7:00 in the morning ( ) Aat Bon Cin 26 (1 分)He is an artistSo he likes_ ( ) Aswimming Bcooking Cdrawing 27 (1 分)Does he live in Shanghai? No,he_ ( ) Adoes Bdoesnt Cdont 28 (1 分)_did you go to Turpan?I went by plane ( ) AHow BWhich CWhy 29 (1 分)Slow

    13、 down and stop at a_ light ( ) Apurple Bgreen Cyellow 30 (1 分)What are you going to do_?( ) Alast Sunday Byesterday Ctomorrow 31 (1 分)Look at the horses_so fat ( ) AIts BTheyre CHes 32 (1 分)Im going to_many pictures in Hainan ( ) Atake Btakes Ctook 五、五、Read and match.(读一读,根据问句,选择合适的答句)(读一读,根据问句,选择合适

    14、的答句) 10% 33 (10 分)Read and match (读一读,根据问句,选择合适的答句) (1)Did you go to the zoo yesterday? AThey went to the cinema (2)Where did they go? BYes,I didI saw many animals (3)When are you going? CThey are hers (4)How do you feel? DI am worried (5)Whose books are those? EI am going on summer holiday 六、六、Look

    15、 and write.(选词填空)(选词填空) 5% 34 (5 分)Look and write (选词填空) lives often school hospital plane younger Bill is my new pen palHe(1) in EnglandHis father is a businessmanHe goes to the different countries by(2) His mother is a nurseShe works in a (3) Usually she goes to work by car Bill has a little siste

    16、r, Cindy She is nine years old Shes two years (4) than Bill Cindy goes to school with her motherThey have dinner at 6:30pmAfter dinner they(5) watch TV or play games together 七、七、Write the sentences(连词成句)(连词成句)10% 35 (2 分)do,What, you, Thursdays ,on ,have(?) 36 (2 分)else ,anything ,you ,Did ,do(?) 3

    17、7 (2 分)going, Im ,art, lesson, to, have, an( ) 38 (2 分)no ,There, in, library ,school, old ,was ,my( ) 39 (2 分)go ,at, light ,Dont ,the ,red ( ) 八、八、Complete the dialogue(补全对话)(补全对话) 5% 40 (5 分)Complete the dialogue(补全对话) Mike:Hi,Lily!Can I ask you some questions? Lily: (1) Mike: (2) Lily:At 7:00 Mi

    18、ke:When do you go to school? Lily: (3) Mike:Do you wash your clothes in the evening? Lily: (4) Sometimes I wash clothes in the morning Mike:Thank you,Lily Lily: (5) AI go to school at 7:30 BYou are welcome CWhen do you eat breakfast? DSure ENo,I dont 九、九、Read and choose.(读短文,选择正确答案)(读短文,选择正确答案) 5% 4

    19、1 (5 分)Read and choose (读短文,选择正确答案) Hello, my name is Liu Min I am twelve years old I am from Shandong I am a boy student I like playing the guitar and swimming bestI live and study in Ningbo nowIm in Class 1,Grade 6There are fortyfive students in our classJack is my best friendHe is from the UKHe i

    20、s tall and strongHe likes sportsI often play sports with him after school Last weekend,I went camping by the Jiulong Lake with all my friendsWe collected the leaves,watched some butterflies flying in the flowers and cooked some foodIn the afternoon,we played football in the grassThe sky was blue and

    21、 the water is cleanIn the evening,we got together and sang and dancedWe had a great fun there! (1)Where did they go last weekend? AShandong BThe Jiulong Lake CThe UK (2)Is Liu Min from Ningbo? AYes,he does BYes,he is CNo,he isnt (3)They played last weekend Athe guitar Bfootball Csports (4)Whats Liu

    22、Mins favourite sports? APlaying the guitar BSwimming CPlaying football (5)Did Jack go camping last weekend? AYes,he did BNo,he didnt CNo,he doesnt 2020 年浙江省宁波市镇海区小升初英语试卷年浙江省宁波市镇海区小升初英语试卷 参考答案与试题解析参考答案与试题解析 一、一、Listen and choose.(听音(听音,选择你所听到的内容),选择你所听到的内容) 10% 1 (10 分)Listen and choose (听音,选择你所听到的内容

    23、) (1)AGDP BJOP CLDQ (2)Afunny Bsunny Crainy (3)ATuesday BThursday CFriday (4)Acook Btake Cpick (5)Ahorse Bhouse Cthis (6)Apuzzles Bpolice Cplane (7)Ateacher Bfarmer Cdoctor (8)Afirst Bthird Cfourth (9)Afather Bmother Cbrother (10)Awatched Bwashed Cwent 【解答】略 二、二、Listen and number.(听一段小对话,标号)(听一段小对话,

    24、标号) 4% 2 (4 分)Listen and number (听一段小对话,标号) How about now? I didnt like summer before Now I love to go swimmingSo I like summer Because I thought it was too hot,and I couldnt play basketball (2)Why? 【解答】略 三、三、Listen and judge.(看图判断,对的在答题卷上把(看图判断,对的在答题卷上把 A 涂黑,错的把涂黑,错的把 B 涂黑)涂黑) 5% 3 (5 分)Listen and

    25、judge (看图判断) 【解答】略 四、四、Listen and choose.(听问句,选择答句)(听问句,选择答句) 5% 4 (5 分)Listen and choose (听问句,选择答句) (1)AYes,it is BYes,there is (2)ASunny BFall (3)AIs near the bookstore BI want to buy some books (4)AI like doing kung fu and swimming BYou like singing and dancing (5)AIm 1.65 meters tall BIm 52 kilo

    26、grams 【解答】略 五、五、Listen and choose.(听小对话,选择正确的答案)(听小对话,选择正确的答案) 5% 5 (5 分)Listen and choose (听小对话,选择正确的答案) (1)Is the new music teacher old? AYes,he is BNo,he isnt (2)When is the school trip? AIts on May 4th BIts on May 5th (3)What is Amy going to do this weekend? AShe is going to see a film BShe is g

    27、oing to visit her grandparents (4)What does Sarahs father do? AHes a fisherman BHes a policeman (5)How did they go to Hainan? AThey went there by train BThey went there by plane 【解答】略 六、六、Listen and judge.(听短文,判断对错对的把(听短文,判断对错对的把 A 涂黑,错的把涂黑,错的把 B 涂黑)涂黑) 5% 6 (5 分)Listen and judge (听短文,判断对错对的把 A 涂黑,错

    28、的把 B 涂黑) (1)Mikes grandparents stayed at home on Saturday (2)Mikes grandpa washed the clothes (3)Mikes grandma cleaned the room (4)Mikes grandparents drank tea in the afternoon (5)Mikes grandparents went to bed at 7:30 【解答】略 七、七、Listen and write.(听短文,填写单词,补全句子)(听短文,填写单词,补全句子) 6% 7 (6 分)Listen and wr

    29、ite (听短文,填写单词,补全句子) There are many animals in the(1) The giraffe is(2) (3) The elephant is(4) the giraffeZoom and Zip are(5) nowTheyre very(6) 【解答】略 一、一、Find and choose.(找出划线部分读音不同的一个)(找出划线部分读音不同的一个) 5% 8 (1 分)Find and choose (找出划线部分读音不同的一个) ( ) Aclock Bknife Cmilk 【解答】考查字母组合 ck,字母 k 在单词中发音,字母组合 ck

    30、在单词 clock 中发k,字母 k 在单词 knife 中发,字母 k 在单词 milk 中发k,所以 B 选项发音不相同 故选:B 9 (1 分)Find and choose (找出划线部分读音不同的一个) ( ) Awindow Bhouse Ccloudy 【解答】 :考查字母组合 ow,ou 在单词中发音,字母组合 ow 在单词 window 中发u,字母组合 ou 在 单词 house 中发au,字母组合 ou 在单词 cloudy 中发au,所以 A 选项发音不相同 故选:A 10 (1 分)Find and choose (找出划线部分读音不同的一个) ( ) Aapple

    31、Bname Chat 【解答】考查字母 a 在单词中发音,字母 a 在单词 apple 中发,字母 a 在单词 name 中发ei,字母 a 在单词 hat 中发,选项 B 发音不相同 故选:B 11 (1 分)Find and choose (找出划线部分读音不同的一个) ( ) Atea Bteacher Cweather 【解答】考查字母组合 ea 在单词中发音,字母组合 ea 在单词 tea 中发i:,字母组合 ea 在单词 teacher 中发i:,字母组合 ea 在单词 weather 中发e,所以 C 选项发音不相同 故选:C 12 (1 分)Find and choose (找

    32、出划线部分读音不同的一个) ( ) Afly Bthirty Ccloudy 【解答】考查字母 y 在单词中发音,字母 y 在单词 fly 中发ai,字母 y 在单词 thirty 中发i,字母 y 在单 词 cloudy 中发i,所以 A 选项发音不相同 故选:A 二、二、Read and choose.(读一读,找出每组中不同类的单词)(读一读,找出每组中不同类的单词) 5% 13 (1 分)Read and choose (读一读,找出不同类的单词) ( ) Athree Bthirteen Cone Dsecond 【解答】考查类别分类A three 三;B thirteen 十三;C

    33、 one 一;D second 第二选项 A、B 和 C 是基数词,选项 D 是序数词 故选:D 14 (1 分)Read and choose (读一读,找出不同类的单词) ( ) Asing Bsong Cclimb Dtake 【解答】本题考查词性分类Asing 唱歌;Bsong 歌曲;Cclimb 爬;Dtake 拿走A,C 和 D 选 项是动词,B 选项是名词 故选:B 15 (1 分)Read and choose (读一读,找出不同类的单词) ( ) Apuzzle Bpostman Cpilot Dworker 【解答】考查类别分类A puzzle 谜;B postman 邮递

    34、员;C pilot 飞行员;D worker 工人选 项 B、C 和 D 是职业名词,选项 A 是谜 故选:A 16 (1 分)Read and choose (读一读,找出不同类的单词) ( ) Afoot Bplane Ctrain Dsubway 【解答】考查类别分类A foot 脚;B plane 飞机;C train 火车;D subway 地铁选项 B、C 和 D 是交通工具,选项 A 是身体部位 故选:A 17 (1 分)Read and choose (读一读,找出不同类的单词) ( ) Ateacher Bdoctor Csister Dthinner 【解答】本题考查词性分

    35、类Ateacher 教师;Bdoctor 医生;Csister 姐姐;Dthinner 更瘦的A, B 和 C 选项是名词,D 选项是形容词比较级 故选:D 三、三、Read and write.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)(用所给单词的适当形式填空)5% 18 (1 分)What are you doing now?Im reading (read)books at home 【解答】该题考查单词填空根据What are you doing now推知该句用现在进行时态表达(be+动词现在 分词) 故答案为:reading 19 (1 分)How many crayons (crayon)d

    36、o you have?I have 16 【解答】该题考查单词填空How many的后面用可数名词的复数形式 crayons 故答案为:crayons 20 (1 分)Im 160cm tallMike is 165cm tall,Mike is taller (tall)than me 【解答】该题考查单词填空根据Im 160cm tallMike is 165cm tall结合句子信息推知该句用比较级形 式 taller 故答案为:taller 21 (1 分)My father often goes to work by carBut he went (go)by taxi yester

    37、day 【解答】该题考查单词填空根据yesterday可知该句为一般过去时,用 go 的过去式 went 故答案为:went 22 (1 分)Is this your pen?No,it isnt Mine (my)is red 【解答】该题考查单词填空句子中所缺的成分在句中做主语,需要用名词性物主代词 mine 故答案为:Mine 四、四、Read and choose.(单项选择)(单项选择)10% 23 (1 分)This is my brotherHe_ a student ( ) Aam Bis Care 【解答】本题考查主谓一致句子的主语he是单数形式的代词,空格处应该填写 is

    38、故选:B 24 (1 分)Im tired You should_more exercises ( ) Ado Bdoes Cdid 【解答】考查动词原形由题,句中使用情态动词 should,其后搭配动词的原形,即 do 故选:A 25 (1 分)I usually get up_7:00 in the morning ( ) Aat Bon Cin 【解答】考查时间介词表示时间时,介词 in 常搭配一段时间范围(如:morning、week、month 等) , on 搭配具体的某天(如:星期几、日期等)或特定某天的上午、下午、晚上等,at 搭配具体时刻(如: 几点几分等) 由题,句中 7:

    39、00 为具体时刻,搭配介词 at 故选:A 26 (1 分)He is an artistSo he likes_ ( ) Aswimming Bcooking Cdrawing 【解答】考查常用动词的辨析由题,A 为游泳,B 为做饭,C 为画画,C 选项代入句意为他是一 名画家所以他喜欢画画符合逻辑 故选:C 27 (1 分)Does he live in Shanghai? No,he_ ( ) Adoes Bdoesnt Cdont 【解答】考查一般疑问句由题,no 表明此处为否定回答,问句中使用助动词 does,则答句也要使用助 动词的相应形式;答句主语 he 为第三人称单数,搭配助动

    40、词要用第三人称单数形式,则此处要用 does 的否定形式 doesnt 故选:B 28 (1 分)_did you go to Turpan?I went by plane ( ) AHow BWhich CWhy 【解答】考查特殊疑问词答语回答我乘飞机去的,可知问句询问交通方式,用 how 提问which 哪一个;why为什么,选项 A 符合句意 故选:A 29 (1 分)Slow down and stop at a_ light ( ) Apurple Bgreen Cyellow 【解答】考查英文常识从 Slow down and stop at 判断是黄灯,用 yellow 黄色的

    41、故选:C 30 (1 分)What are you going to do_?( ) Alast Sunday Byesterday Ctomorrow 【解答】考查时间副词A last Sunday 上周六,用于过去时态Byesterday 昨天,用于过去时 态Ctomorrow 明天,用于将来时根据句中 are you going to 可知是未发生的事情,应该用表 示将来的时间副词,因此选项 C 符合句意 故选:C 31 (1 分)Look at the horses_so fat ( ) AIts BTheyre CHes 【解答】考查代词的辨析由题,第一句中提到的 horses马为复

    42、数形式,第二句中指代其的代词要用 可指代动物的复数形式的代词它们theyA它用于指代不可数或单数形式的事物、动物,C他用于指 代单数形式的男性 故选:B 32 (1 分)Im going to_many pictures in Hainan ( ) Atake Btakes Ctook 【解答】考查动词原形由题,句中使用 be going to将描述将要做的事情,其要搭配动词原形构成一般 将来时,即 take 故选:A 五、五、Read and match.(读一读,根据问句,选择合适的答(读一读,根据问句,选择合适的答句)句) 10% 33 (10 分)Read and match (读一读

    43、,根据问句,选择合适的答句) (1)Did you go to the zoo yesterday? AThey went to the cinema (2)Where did they go? A BYes,I didI saw many animals (3)When are you going? E CThey are hers (4)How do you feel? D DI am worried (5)Whose books are those? C EI am going on summer holiday 【解答】考查对话搭配 (1)B考查日常交际用语根据问句Did you go

    44、 to the zoo yesterday?昨天你去动物园了吗?是一般 疑问句, 回答要用yes 或 no, B Yes, I did I saw many animals 是的, 我看到了许多动物 符合句意 故 选:B (2)A考查日常交际用语根据问句Where did they go?她们去哪儿了?是特殊疑问句,询问地 点AThey went to the cinema她们去了电影院符合句意故选:A (3) E 考查日常交际用语 根据问句 When are you going?你什么时候去?是一般将来时的特殊疑问句, 询问时间,EI am going on summer holiday我暑

    45、假去符合句意故选:E (4)D考查问候语根据问句 How do you feel?你感觉怎样?是特殊疑问句,DI am worried我很 担心符合句意故选:D (5)C考查日常交际用语根据问句 Whose books are those?那些是谁的书?是特殊疑问句,询问谁 的,CThey are hers它们是她的符合句意故选:C 六、六、Look and write.(选词填空)(选词填空) 5% 34 (5 分)Look and write (选词填空) lives often school hospital plane younger Bill is my new pen palHe(

    46、1) lives in EnglandHis father is a businessmanHe goes to the different countries by (2) plane His mother is a nurse She works in a (3) hospital Usually she goes to work by carBill has a little sister,CindyShe is nine years oldShes two years(4) younger than BillCindy goes to school with her mother Th

    47、ey have dinner at 6: 30pm After dinner they (5) often watch TV or play games together 【解答】本题考查选词填空 (1)lives根据句意可知 live in sp 住在某地,是固定搭配,符合句意,故答案为:lives (2)plane根据句意可知 by plane 坐飞机,是固定搭配,符合句意,故答案为:plane (3)hospital根据句意可知 Bill 的妈妈是一名护士,在医院 hospital 工作,故答案为:hospital (4)younger根据句意可知 Cindy 是我的小妹妹,比我小两岁,更年轻 younger,故答案为:younger (5)often根据句意可知晚饭后他们经常看电视,often 经常,故答案为:often 七、七、Write the sentences(连词成句)(连词成句)10% 35 (2 分)do,What, you, Thursdays ,on ,have(?) What do you have on Thursdays? 【解答】考查连词成句首先根据所给词汇及标点,可确定组合的句子是特殊疑问句,组合的句


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