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    1、20222022 届届 100100 天突破新高考天突破新高考 30003000 词(六)词(六) (记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 16 一、记忆背诵 1. celebrity s lebrti n. 名人; 名流; 名望 2. cell sel n.(监狱的)单人牢房; (修道院等的)单人小室; (蜂巢的)小蜂窝,蜂房; 生物 细胞 3. cent sent n. 美分(100 cents = 1 dollar) 4. centimetre senti mi:t(r) (美 centimeter) n. 公分,厘米 5. central sentr()l a. 中心,中央

    2、;主要的 6. centre (center) sent(r) n. 中心点; 中心; 正中; 中央; (市镇的)中心区 v. 把放在中央 centre on /upon 集中在,着重在 7. century sent r n. 世纪,百年 8. certain s t()n a. (未指明真实名称的)某;确定的,无疑的;一定会 for certain 当然,没问题 it is certain that 肯定 be certain of 确信,对有把握 9. certainly s tnl ad. 当然;一定,无疑 10. certificate s t f kt n. 证明,证明书 11.

    3、chain t e n n. 链;链条 12. chair t e(r) n. 椅子 13. chairman /chairwoman t emn/ t wumn (pl. chairmen/chairwomen) n. 主席,会长;议长 /n. 女主席, 女会长;女议长 14. chalk t k n. 粉笔 15. challenge t l nd n.挑战(性) face a challenge 面对挑战 accept /take up a challenge 接受挑战 16. champion t mp n n. 冠军,优胜者 17. chance t ns; (US) t ns n.

    4、 机会,可能性 by chance 碰巧 take chances 冒险一试;碰运气 Chances are that 有可能 18. change t e nd n. 零钱;找头 v. 改变,变化;更换;兑换 change .from. 从变为 chance . to/into . 兑换,把变为 for a change 换个环境,换换口味 get changed 换衣服 a changde for the better 好转 19. channel t n()l n.频道;通道;水渠 20. chaos ke s n. 混乱,杂乱,紊乱 in chaos 凌乱不堪 21. chapter

    5、t pt(r) n. 章 22. character kr kt(r) n.(汉)字,字体;品格 23. characteristic kr kt r st k a. 典型的,独特的 24. charge t d v. 要求收费;索价;将(电池)充电 n. 费用;价钱 in charge of 负责 in the charge of 由负责 take charge of 负责;掌管 charge sb. with sth. 控告某人某事 charge sb. some moeny for sth. 就某物向某人开价 25. charity t rti n. 慈善机构(或组织); 慈善 26.

    6、chart t t n. 图表;航海图 27. chat t t n. 肯定的-certainly (adv.)必然地; 肯定地-certainty (n.)肯定; 确定 (反)uncertain (adj.)不确定的-uncertainty (n.)不确定 1. challenge (n./v.)挑战 - challenging (adj.)充满挑战的 2. champion (n.) 冠军,优胜者- championship (n.) 锦标赛;冠军地位 5. change (vt.)改变-changeable (adj.)多变的; 变化无常的 - unchangeable (adj.)不变

    7、的 6. character (n.)特点; 特征-characteristic (adj.)典型的; 独特的-characterize (v.)描绘;刻画;具有 的特征 7 charge (v. ) 要求收费;索价;将(电池)充电 (n.) 费用;价钱-charger (n.) 充电器 8. cheap ( adj. ) 便宜的,贱- cheaply (adv.) 廉价地-cheapness (n.) 廉价 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 1 The defending _ (冠军) will play his first match of the tournamen

    8、t tomorrow. 2 Life in the 19th _ (世纪) was very different from what it is now. 3 They did a _ (慈善) performance on the first night, to raise money for AIDS research. 4 Press this button and the video will automatically tune itself to the next _ (频道). 5 The _ (主席) of the State Board of Education urged

    9、lawmakers not to cut public school funding. B. 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 It takes several hours for my laptops batteries _ (charge). 2 You can buy paper goods more _ (cheap) if you buy in quantity. 3 The best way of combating this _ (change) weather is to wear layers and a spring scarf. 4 His bo

    10、ss asked him to take charge _ the office for a few days while she was away. 5 She holds a certificate _ human resource management from San Francisco State University. 6 Make sure their work is _ (challenge) enough and not based on their reading age. 7 I cant say Im certain theyll win, because there

    11、are no _ (certain) in life. 8 Society has to give prisoners _ second chance when they come out of jail. 9 Shed been a substitute on the team, and she wanted a chance_ (play) every day. 10 Well, she told herself, it was only _ chance that she was alive, anyway. C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1 Sarah, hurry up. I

    12、m afraid you _(没有时间换衣服) before the party. (get changed) 2 There is your room key and you should _ (12 点前结账离开). (check out) 四、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 Why dont birds get lost on their long flights from one place to another? Not long ago, experiments showed that birds rely 1 the sun

    13、 to guide them during daylight hours. But what about birds 2 fly by night? Tests with artificial stars have proved that certain night flying birds are able to follow the stars in their long-distance flights. A dove had spent its lifetime in a cage and had never flown under a 3 (nature) sky. Yet it s

    14、howed an inborn ability 4 (use) the stars for guidance. The birds cage 5 (place) under an artificial star-filled sky. The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that 6 (take) by his outdoor cousins. Any change in the position of the make-believe stars caused 7 change in the direction of his flig

    15、ht. Scientists think that doves, when 8 (fly) in daylight, use the sun for guidance. But the stars are apparently their principal means of navigation. What do they do 9 the stars are hidden by clouds? Apparently, they find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coastlines, and river courses

    16、. But when its too dark to see these, the doves circle 10 (help), unable to get their position. 2022 届 100 天突破新高考 3000 词(六) (记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 17 一、记忆背诵 1. cheek t ik n. 面颊,脸蛋 2. cheer t (r) n. 喝彩 - cheerful (adj.)兴高采烈的-cheerfully (adv.) 高高兴兴地;欢乐地 2. chemistry (n.)化学- chemical (adj.)化学的 (n.)化

    17、学品-chemist (n.)化学家 3. child (n.)孩子- childhood (n.)童年-childish (adj.)幼稚的; 孩子气的 4. choose (v.)选择-choice (n.)选择 5. cinema s nm n. 电影院;电影 - cinematic (adj.) 电影的 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 1 If you want to get anywhere in _(象棋), you have to study the various openings. 2 Here is a recipe for _(巧克力) cupca

    18、kes that are pretty tasty. 3 The law forbids the sale of _(香烟) to people under the age of 16. 4 The dinner was excellent except that they served red wine with the _(鸡肉). 5 The _(主要的) problem we have in the area now is the spread of disease. B. 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 There are thirty-one flavo

    19、urs of ice cream to choose _. 2 Every day in rush hour the streets are _(choke) with traffic. 3 The doctors waiting room was bright and _ (cheer) with yellow walls and curtains. 4 The government has pledged to reduce the amount of _(chemistry) used in food production. 5 We strongly oppose capital pu

    20、nishment(死刑) _ any circumstances. 6 His victory in the 400 metres earned him _ biggest cheer of the afternoon. 7 She said we should be ashamed of our childish behaviour - fighting over who got the last strawberry. 8 We had no choice but _(drive) to the airport in spite of heavy rain. 9 Lets go to _

    21、cinema - thatll take your mind off the problem for a while. 10 The plane _(circle) for an hour before receiving permission to land. C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1.When a game is lost, the fans still try to _ (使队员们振作起来) . (cheer up) 2 To my delight, I _(从数百名申请者中被挑选出来) to attend the opening ceremony. (choose) 四

    22、、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 Have you ever had problems in your life?Have you ever wondered how to be happy? If so, you will find the book “Being a Happy Teenager” 1_(use). In his book, Matthews tells us how to have a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers. About problems

    23、with parents and friends, the book says we should stop 2_ (be) angry and forgive. The book tells us some skills such as how 3_(put) everything we have learned from life into beautiful pictures. Many teenagers think that 4_ (happy) comes from a good exam result or praise from 5_ people. But you can s

    24、till be happy 6_ there are no such “good” things. Success comes from 7_ good attitude. If you learn from problems, you 8_ (have) success in the future. Some school students have problems such as being too tall 9_ too short. But Matthews tells us that we should think about things 10 _ a positive way.

    25、 This is Matthews most important lesson: you choose to be happy! 2022 届 100 天突破新高考 3000 词(六) (记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 18 一、记忆背诵 1. cite sat v. 提及(原因); 举出(示例); 列举; 引用 2. citizen stz()n n. 公民;居民 3. city st n. 市,城市,都市 4. civil sv()l a. 国内的;平民(非军人)的;民用的 civil rights 民权 a civil war /servant 公务员/内战 5. ci

    26、vilian svln n. 平民,老百姓 6. civilization svlaze()n; (US) svlzen n. 文明 7. claim klemv.宣称; 声称; 断言; 要求(拥有); 索取; 认领; 索要 n.声明; 宣称; 断言 claim to be /do sth. 声称是/声称做某事 make a claim 索赔 8. clap klp vi. 拍手;鼓掌 give sb. a clap 为某人鼓掌 9. clarify klrfa v. 澄清,阐明 10. class kls n. (学校的)班;年级;课 v. 把分类 11. classic klsk a. 一

    27、流的,典型的,有代表性的 12. classmate klsmet n. 同班同学 13. classroom klsrum n. 教室 14. clay kle n. 黏土,陶土 15. clean klin vt. 弄干净,擦干净 a. 清洁的,干净的 clean up 打扫干净;使净化 clean out 把打扫干净 16. clear kl(r) a. 清晰;明亮的;清楚的 v.(天气)转晴;清理;清除 clear out 把清空 clear up (天气)放晴;清理 clear ones throat 清清嗓子 clear the air 缓解紧张状态 clear .of . 把的(

    28、东西)清除掉 17. clerk klk; (US) klrk n. 书记员;办事员;职员 18. clever klev(r) a. 聪明的,伶俐的 be clever at 擅长 19. click klk v. 点击(计算机用语) 20. client klant n. 委托人; 当事人 21. climate klamt n. 气候;环境气氛 climate change 天气变化 22. climb klam v. 爬,攀登 23. clinic klnk n. 诊所 24. clock klk n. 钟 around the clock 昼夜不停;连续一整天 25. clonekl

    29、n n.克隆(无性繁殖出来的有机体群) 26. closeklz a.亲密的;近,靠近 ad. 近,靠近 vt. 关,关闭 close down 关闭;停业 bring. to close 结束 come/draw to a close 渐进结束 keep a close watch /eye on 密切关注/注视 27. cloth kl; (US) kl n. 布 28. clotheskl z; (US) klz n. 衣服;各种衣物 29. cloud kl n. 云;云状物;阴影 30. cloudy klad a. 多云的,阴天的 二、词性转换 1. city (n.)城市-cit

    30、izen (n.)市民-citizenship 公民权;公民身份;国籍 2. civil (adj.)国内的 - civilian (n.)平民- civilization (n.)文明 3. clarify (v.)澄清; 阐明 -clarification (n.)澄清;说明 4. class (n. )(学校的)班;班级 (v.) 把分类 - classify (v.)分类; 归类- classification (n.)分类 5. clear (a.) 清晰;明亮的;清楚的 (v.)(天气)转晴;清理;清除 - clearly (adv.) 清楚地;明白地 6. clever - cl

    31、everly (adv.) 聪明的 - cleverness (n.) 聪明;伶俐 7. climb (v.) 爬,攀登 -climbing (n.) 登山;攀岩 8. close (adj.)亲密的; 亲切的-closed (adj.)紧密的-closing (adj.)结尾的, 结束的 - closely (adv.)紧紧地 9. cloth (n.)布 - clothes (n.)衣服-clothing (n.)(总称)衣服 10. cloud (n.)云 - cloudy (adj.)多云的- cloudless (adj.)无云的;晴朗的 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的

    32、正确形式。 1 Hes a _(典型的) example of a kid whos clever but lazy. 2 I dont think we should expand our business in the current economic _ (环境). 3 The defending lawyer asked that the charge against his _ (当事人) be dismissed. 4 We will be flying 100 badly wounded _(平民) out of the battle zone tonight. 5 German

    33、s were very _ (聪明的) at inventing things, such as the clock. B. 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 The passage _ (cite) above is from a Robert Frost poem. 2 When we retire, were going to move to _ warmer climate. 3 The band played a familiar tune which had everyone _(clap) along. 4 Winter begins dry but b

    34、ecomes progressively wetter and _ (cloud). 5 All the mines in this area _ (close) down in the 1980s. 6 They walked the horses, _ (climb) steadily through the pine on a sandy track through the forest. 7 Did you notice how she _ (clever) avoided answering most of my questions? 8 Paul helped his elderl

    35、y neighbour by clearing her path _ snow. 9 He claims _(meet) the president, but I dont believe him. 10 Its important to note that the increased flexibility didnt encourage them to work _ the clock. C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1 _(不清楚) that why the man hadnt reported the accident sooner. (clear) 2 _(到目前为止无人认领

    36、) the money discoverd in the library. (claim) 四、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 Do you remember me telling you about a health farm Ive seen advertised? Well, Ive looked at the ad again and I must say that 1_ looks fantastic. Now Im hoping to persuade you to join me there for a weekend! T

    37、he rooms you stay in sound really luxurious and 2_(apparent) they all have access to the gardens. All the meals 3_ (offer) at a reasonable price and you can also get room service whenever you want. The brochure says that 4_ you do is entirely up to you. You can have programs specially 5_ (design) to

    38、 suit you, or you can just ask staff to make a few suggestions about activities 6_(do). You can use any of the sports and leisure facilities as much as you like, and the brochure also 7_(mention) lots of other activities every day. But dont worry, as nobody will watch you do anything, you could just

    39、 spend the whole time 8_ (relax) in the sauna if you want! Theres a terrific offer on 9_ the moment with weekends costing only half the normal price 10_ that only for certain dates. Anyway, let me know waht you think. 答案: Day 16 同步检测 A 1 champion 2 century 3 charity 4 channel 5 Chairman B 1 to charg

    40、e 2 cheaply 3 changeable 4 of 5 in 6 challenging 7 certainties 8 a 9 to play 10 by C 1 wont have time to get changed 2 check out before 12:00. 能力提升 1 on 2 that / which 3 natural 4 to use 5 was placed 6 taken 7 a 8 flying 9 when/if 10 helplessly Day 17 同步检测 A 1 chess 2 chocolate 3 cigarettes 4 chicke

    41、n 5 chief B 1 from 2 choked 3 cheerful 4 chemicals 5 in/under 6 the 7 childish 8 to drive 9 the 10 (has) circled C 1 cheer up the team members 2 was chosen from hundreds of applicants 能力提升 1 useful 2 being 3 to put 4 happiness 5 other 6 when/if 7 a 8 will have 9 or 10 in Day 18 同步检测 A 1 classic 2 climate 3 client 4 civilians 5 clever B 1 cited 2 a 3 clapping 4 cloudier 5 were closed 6 climbing 7 cleverly 8 of 9 to have met 10 around C 1 It was not clear 2 So far nobody has claimed 能力提升 1 it 2 apparently 3 are offered 4 what 5 designed 6 to do 7 mentions 8 relaxing 9 at 10 although


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