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    1、 1 100100 天突破新高考英语天突破新高考英语 30003000 词词(十四)(十四) (记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 40 (gain - glad) 一、记忆背诵 1 gain en vt. 赢得;挣得 gain advantages from 从中获得好处 No pains, no gains. 不劳无获 2 gallery lr n. 画廊;美术品陈列室 3 game em n. 游戏;运动;比赛 4 gap* p n. 间断; 间隔; 间隙 the generation gap 代沟 bridge /narrow the gap 消除/缩小差距 5 garb

    2、age bd n. 垃圾 6 garden d()n n. 花园,果园,菜园 7 garlic lk n. 大蒜 8 gas s n. 煤气 9 gate et n. 大门 10 gather (r) v. 聚集;采集 gather around 围拢;聚在一起 11 gender* dend(r) n. 性别; 性 12 general denr()l a. 大体,笼统的,总的 in general 一般地;大体上 13 generate* denre t v. 产生; 引起 14 generation denre()n n. 代,一代 15 generous denrs a. 慷慨大方的

    3、be generous to 对大方/慷慨 16 genius* dinis n. 天才; 天资; 天赋 17 gentle dent()l a. 温柔的,轻轻的 18 gentleman dent()lmn n. 绅士,先生;有身份、有教养的人 19 genuine* denju n adj. 真的; 名副其实的; 真诚的 20 geography drf n. 地理学 21 geometry dmtr n. 几何学 22 German dmn a. 德国的,德国人的,德语的 n. 德国人,德语 23 Germany dmn* n. 德国 24 get (got, got) et vt. 成

    4、为;得到;具有;到达 get ahead of 取得成功 get along /on (with) 相处融洽;进展 get around /round 走动;传开 get down to 开始做;开始认真对待 get over 克服(困难等);从(疾病)中恢复过来 get through 到达;通过;打通(电话) get across(使)通过;(使)被理解;(把)讲清楚 25 gift ft n. 赠品;礼物 have a gift for 有的天赋 26 gifted ftd a. 有天赋的;有才华的 be gifted at 在方面有天赋 27 giraffe drf; (US) drf

    5、 n. 长颈鹿 28 girl l n. 女孩 29 give (gave, given) v vt. 给,递给,付出,给予 give away 分发(奖品);泄露(秘密) give back 恢复;(归)还 give in 屈服;让步 give off 发出(气味,光,热等) 2 give out 分发;发出(光、热、信号灯) give up 放弃;认输 30 glad ld a. 高兴的;乐意的 二、词性转换 1 garden (n.) 花园,果园,菜园- gardener (n.) 园丁- gardening (n.) 园艺(学) 2 gather ( v.) 聚集;采集-gatheri

    6、ng (n.) 聚会;集会 3 general (adj.)大体上的; 一般的-generally (adv.)大体地; 通常地 4 generate (v.) 产生; 创造 -generation (n.) 代,一代人 5 generous (adj.)大方的-generously (adv.) 慷慨地;大方地-generosity (n.)慷慨; 大方 6 gentle (adj.)温柔的- gently (adv.)温柔地- gentleness (n.)和蔼,温和 7 geography (n.) 地理学- geographical /geographic (adj.) 地理的,地理学

    7、的 8 gift (n.)天份; 天赋- gifted (adj.)有天份的; 有天赋的 9 give ( vt.) 给,递给,付出,给予-given (adj.) 特定的,指定的 (prep)考虑到 10 glad (adj.) 高兴的;乐意的- gladly (adv.) 高兴地;乐意地 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 1 I told the children to put their toys and _(游戏) away. 2 There were at least three _(代) - grandparents, parents and children

    8、 - at the wedding. 3 We had tea, and afterwards we sat in the _(花园) for a while. 4 There will be no regular _ (垃圾) collection Monday. 5 Its the mark of a _(绅士) to stand up when someone enters the room. B. 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 I went to several libraries _(gather) information about the plans

    9、. 2 Im glad _ (know) the parcel arrived safely. 3 He has a gift _ music -he plays the piano and sings beautifully. 4 Please give up your seat _ an elderly or disabled person if they need it. 5 Her friends take advantage of her _ (generous). 6 My mother enjoyed _ (garden) and growing her own fruit an

    10、d vegetables. 7 The teacher _ (gentle) reproved(责备) the boys for not paying attention. 8 The companys fastest growing _ (geography) area was Asia, which increased by 22%. 9 We have got to get the message _ to the young that smoking isnt cool. 10 It was her performances in Aida that _ (gain) her an i

    11、nternational reputation as a soprano (女高音). C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1 Our friendship _ (源于拍摄那部电影的经历). (grow out of) 2 _ (他抑制不住好奇心)and opened my letter. (give in to) 四、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 Last night, my dad showed me something special that I had never seen before. It was 1_ old box

    12、 which contained many silver coins. My dad 2 (collect) old silver coins since he was a kid. But I didnt know 3 he had put all his coins he showed to me. He said his father used to do the same. He decided to give me his collection when I was to move out to live 4 my own. I knew the 5. (choose) I made

    13、 was a difficult one, but I wanted to do things by myself. My father divided his collection into two parts and 6 (tell) me to use them only when I really got into trouble. I didnt understand what he 7 (mean), so he explained it to me. And I didnt know whether I could sell them or not, so I asked my

    14、father some other questions about them and he answered them 8 (patience) one by one. He said he only sold some of his coins 3 9 (help) him finish his studies many years ago. After 10._(take) out part of the coins, I thanked him and promised that I would use them wisely. 100 天突破新高考英语 3000 词(十四) (记忆背诵

    15、、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 41 (glass-grass) 一、记忆背诵 1 glass ls; (US) ls n. 玻璃杯,玻璃;(复)眼镜 2 global* lbl adj. 全球的; 全世界的 3 globe* lb n. 地球仪; 地球 4 glove lv n. 手套 5 glue lu n. 胶水 v. 用胶水粘;完全吸引;使专注于 be glued to sth. 专注于某事 6 go (went, gone) vi. 去;走 n. 尝试(做某事) go to work/school 去上班/上学 go for a walk /swim 去散步/游泳 go a

    16、bout 从事;忙于 go after 追赶;追求 go against 违反;违背;不利于 go ahead 前进;开始做;请吧;说吧 go all out 全力以赴 go away 走开;离开 go back (to) 回到;追溯到;回忆起 go by 流逝;走过;过去 go down 下去;下降 go for 努力获取;为去;选择 go in for 参加;从事于 go over 温习;仔细检查 go out 外出;熄灭 go through 穿过;经历 go with 陪一起去;与相配 go without 没有也行 have a go 尝试一下 on the go 忙个不停 7 go

    17、al l n.(足球)球门,目标 8 goat t n. 山羊 9 gold ld n. 黄金 a 金的,黄金的 10 golf lf n. 高尔夫球 11 good (better, best) d a. 好;良好 be no good 没有用处 do good to 对有益 do sb. good 对某人有好处 for good 永远 for the good of 为了的好处/利益 12 good-bye d- ba int. 再见;再会 13 goods d n. 商品,货物 14 government vnmnt n. 政府 15 grab* rb v. 抓住;攫取;(试图)抓住,夺

    18、得 16 grade red n. 等级;成绩,分数 v. 给分等级/评分 17 gradually rdjl ad. 逐渐地 18 graduate rdjt v. 毕业 19 grain ren n. 谷物,谷类 20 grammar rm(r) n. 语法 21 gramme (gram)* rm n. 克(重量单位) 22 grand rnd a. 宏伟的 23 granddaughter rndt(r) n.(外)孙女 24 grandfather (grandpa) rndp,rnp n. 爷爷,外公 25 grandmother (grandma) rnm (r); rnm n.

    19、 (外)祖母; 奶奶; 外婆 26 grandparents rndpernt n. 祖父母. 外祖父母 27 grandson rndsn n.(外)孙子 28 grape rep n. 葡萄 29 grasp rsp; (US) rsp v. 抓住;紧握 have a firm grasp on 抓紧;紧握 within/beyond sb.s grasp 某人能/不能理解 have a good grasp of 掌握;精通 4 30 grass rs; (US) rs n. 草;草场;牧草 二、词性转换 1 globe (n.)地球; 地球仪- global (adj.)全球的- gl

    20、oablly (adv.) 全球地-generalization (n.) 全球化 2 gold (n.) 黄金 (adj.) 金的,黄金的- golden (adj.) 金的,金黄色的 3 govern (vt.)统治; 治理-governor (n.) 统治者- government (n.)政府 4 gradual (adj.)逐渐的- gradually (adv.)逐渐地 5 graduate (vi.)毕业 (n.) 毕业生 - graduation (n.)毕业 6 grammar (n.) 语法- grammatical (adj.) 语法(上)的;符合语法的-grammati

    21、cally (adv.) 从语法上 讲 7 grand (a.) 宏伟的-grandness (n.) 宏伟;伟大 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 1 The museum has a fine collection of valuable _(玻璃). 2 The _(政府) is spending millions of dollars in its attempt to combat drug abuse. 3 They have set themselves a series of _(目标) to achieve by the end of the month

    22、. 4 A mugger _(抓住) her handbag as she was walking across the park. 5 When _(奶奶) comes to visit, she always brings sweets. B. 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 We were _(glue) to the television watching the election results come in. 2 They have attempted to chart the _(globe) temperature variations over

    23、the last 140 years. 3 _(gradual), she realized that he wasnt telling her the truth. 4 The jobs scheme requires that graduates stay in Scotland for two years after _(graduate). 5 The writer has used several complex _(grammar) constructions. 6 The child feels gratitude and appreciation for the _(grand

    24、) of the human spirit. 7 Thanks a lot to my mum, Ive always had _ good grasp of English language. 8 The books _(grade) according to the difficulty of the language. 9 The trains average speed at that time was no _(good) than that of our bicycles. 10 If anything _(go) wrong, you can call our emergency

    25、 hotline free of charge. C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1 The friendly contacts between the two peoples _ (追溯到公元二世 纪). (go back) 2 We have to look towards the future, _ (为了子孙后代). (for the good of) 四、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 I was in the ninth year when I began to suffer depression. My parents

    26、 noticed but felt that since Id always been 1 good child, this was temporary. 2 (fortunate), it was not to be so. I didnt have friends. Hardly could I share my problems. Deep worry began to destroy my 3 (confident). Finally I refused to attend classes, 4 (shut) myself in my room for hours. The exami

    27、nation was approaching, but I simply didnt care. My parents and teachers were surprised at my bad performance. One morning, 5 a particularly severe lecture from my father, I stood at the school gate, 6 (depress). Then as the other students marched to their classrooms, our headmaster called me. The n

    28、ext forty-five minutes was one of 7 (precious) moments in my life. She said she 8 (notice) a big change in me and wondered why. At first she took my hands in 9 (she) and listened patiently as I mentioned my worries. Then she hugged me as I wept. Months of frustration and loneliness disappeared in he

    29、r motherly hug. No one had tried to understand what the real problem was except the headmaster, 10 helped me out simply by listening and hugging. 5 100 天突破新高考英语 3000 词(十四) (记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 42 (grateful-hall) 一、记忆背诵 1 grateful retfl a. 感激的,感谢的 be grateful to sb. for sth. 因某事感谢某人 I would be g

    30、rateful if you could 如果你能我将感激不尽 2 gravity rvt n. 重力,地球引力;严重性 3 great ret a. 伟大的,重要的,好极了 ad. (口语)好极了,很好 4 greedy rid a. 贪婪的 5 green rin a. 绿色的;青的 n. 绿色 green fingers 高超的种植技能 6 greenhouse* rinhas n. 温室; 暖房 7 greet rit vt. 问候;向致敬 greet .with 用打招呼 8 grey / gray re a. 灰色的;灰白的 9 grocery* rsri n. 食品杂货店 10

    31、ground rand n. 地面 break new ground 开拓创新;有所发现 11 group rup n. 组,群 12 grow (grew, grown) r v. 生长;发育;种植;变成 grow into 变成;发展成 grow out of 产生于;长大得与不再相称 grow up 成熟;长成;形成 13 guarantee rnti v. 保证,担保 guarantee to do sth. 保证做某事 14 guard d n. 防护装置,警戒 on guard 站岗;值班 off (sbs) guard 不提防;丧失警惕 15 guess es vi. 猜 be

    32、anyones guess 谁也猜不准的事,谁也说不准 16 guest est n. 客人,宾客 17 guidance adns n. 引导,指导 18 guide ad n. 向导,导游者 v. 引导;带领 19 guideline* adlan n. 指导方针; 指导原则; 行动纲领 20 guilty lt a. 有罪,犯法的,做错事的 be guilty about /at sth. 对某事感到内疚/惭愧 21 guitar t(r) n. 吉他,六弦琴 22 gun n n. 枪,炮 23 guy* a n. 男人; 小伙子; 家伙 24 gym =gymnasium dm n.

    33、 体操;体育馆;健身房 25 gymnastics dmnstks n. 体操 26 habit hbt n. 习惯,习性 be in the habit of /have a/the habit of 有的习惯 break/kick the habit of / get out of the habit of 改掉的习惯 develop /fall into / form/get into the habit of 养成的习惯 out of habit 出于习惯 27 habitat* hb tt n. (动植物的)生活环境,栖息地 28 hair he(r) n. 头发 29 half h

    34、f;(US) hf a. 指导-guidance (n.)引导; 指导-guideline (n.) 指导方针,指导原则 7 guilty (adj.) 有罪,犯法的,做错事的-guilt (n.) 内疚; 悔恨; 犯罪 8 gym=gymnasium (n.)体育馆-gymnastics (n.)体操-gymnast (n.)体操运动员 9 habitat (n. ) (动植物的)生活环境,栖息地-habitable (adj.) 适合居住的 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 1 I dont think you understand the _ (严重性) of th

    35、e situation. 2 With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural _ (栖息地). 3 I quite liked _(体操) at school - doing handstands and jumps over the apparatus. 4 Who will win the next game is anybodys _(猜测). But I root for our home team. 5 You should not be hanging ar

    36、ound in the _(大厅) during classes. B. 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 The shop assistant _(guide) me to the shelf where the gardening books were displayed. 2 Im trying not to get _ the habit of always having biscuits with my coffee. 3 She must have done something wrong, because shes looking so _(guilt)

    37、. 4 Plant _(grow) is most noticeable in spring and early summer. 5 Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to _ (guarantee) a good nights sleep. 6 Every time I met her, she greeted me _ a sweet smile. 7 The citizens were warned to be _ guard against a sudden night attack. 8 The best defence

    38、 for this trick is to eat before you go _ (grocer) shopping. 9 He attacked _ (greed) bosses for awarding themselves big rises. 10 I would be most grateful _ you would send me the book immediately. C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1 _ for what you did for us (我们对你深表感谢). (grateful) 2 We will hold all the activities

    39、 _ (在有经验的老师的指导下). (guidance) 四、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 Do you ever stop and think about this big, beautiful world we live in? Its home 1 so many people and animals. We all live in this amazing place, so we all have the 2 (responsible) to take care of it, too. A long time ago, I s

    40、tarted thinking about what I could do to help take care of the planet. I wondered 3 I could use my talents for good. I love creating websites and making art and designing clothes. Thats what 4 (inspire) me, at age 8, to start an online company. I donate part of my profits to organizations 5 (try) th

    41、eir best to save our environment. After I launched my business, I started getting 6 (invite) to give presentations to young people about my company and the environment. I also talk about something else that is 7 (mean). One thing Ive learned is that a lot of people feel like 8 small contribution to

    42、any cause is just a drop in the bucket and wont make a difference. But thats not true! 9 (actual) when it comes to saving our environment, every small action counts. The 10 (tiny) thing is better than the greatest intention. 7 答案: Day 40 同步检测 A 1 games 2 generations 3 garden 4 garbage 5 gentleman B

    43、1 to gather 2 to know 3 for 4 to 5 generosity 6 gardening 7 gently 8 geographical 9 over 10 gained C 1 grew out of the experience of making that film 2 He gave in to curiosity 能力提升 1 an 2.has been collecting 3.where 4.on 5.choice 6.told 7.meant 8.patiently 9.to help 10.taking Day 41 同步检测 A 1 glass 2

    44、 government 3 goals 4 grabbed 5 grandma B 1 glued 2 global 3 Gradually 4 graduation 5 grammatical 6 grandness 7 a 8 are graded 9 better 10 goes C 1 go back to the 2nd century 2 for the good of our grandchildren 能力提升 1 a 2 Unfortunately 3 confidence 4 shutting 5 after 6 depressed 7 the most precious

    45、8 had noticed 9 hers 10 who Day 42 同步检测 A 1 gravity 2 habitat 3 gymnastics 4 guess 5 halls B 1 guided 2 into 3 guilty 4 growth 5 to guaranteeing 6 with 7 on 8 grocery 9greedy 10 if C 1 We are very grateful to you 2 under the guidance of an experienced tutor 能力提升 1 to 2 responsibility 3 how 4 inspired 5 trying 6 invited 7 meaningful 8 a 9 Actually 10 tiniest


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