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    1、 1 100100 天突破新高考英语天突破新高考英语 30003000 词词(十九)(十九) (记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 55 (many-medal) 一、记忆背诵 1 many (more, most) men pron. 许多人(或物)a. 许多的 a good/great many 很多/极多 as many as 多达 many a (接单数名词,谓语用复数) 许多;非常多 2 map mp n. 地图 3 marathon mr()n n.马拉松 4 March mt n. 3 月 5 march mt n. 游行,行进 6 mark mk n.标记 vt.

    2、标明,作记号于 leave ones mark on 留下印象;产生影响 7 market mk t n. 市场,集市 v. 推销;促销 on the market 在出售;可买到 8 marriage mr d n. 结婚,婚姻 9 marry mr v.(使)成婚,结婚 marry sb 与某人结婚 marry sb to sb 把某人嫁给某人 be /get married to 与结婚 10 mass ms n. 众多;大量;(复)群众 a mass of / masses of 许多,大量 the masses 群众 11 massive ms v adj. 大量的;巨大的 12 m

    3、aster mst(r); (US) mstr vt. 精通,掌握 n. 主人 13 match mt vt. 使相配,使成对 n. 比赛,竞赛 n. 火柴 14 material m t r l n. 材料,原料 15 mathematics =math / maths m mt ks n.(常作单数用)数学 16 matter mt(r) n. 要紧事,要紧;问题 vi. 要紧,有重大关系 to make matters worse 更糟糕的是 as a matter of fact 事实上 2 take matters into ones own hands 亲自处理 17 mature

    4、 m tj(r); (US) m tr a. 成熟的 18 maximum mks mm a. 嫁; 娶 -married (adj.)结婚的-marriage (n.)婚姻 4 mass (n.) 众多;大量;(复)群众- massive (adj.)大量的;巨大的 5 master (n.)大师 (vt.)掌握-masterpiece (n.)著作 6 mean (v.) 意味着-meaning (n.)意思-meaningful (adj.)有意义的-meaningless (adj.) 无意义的 7 measure (v.) 量;测量-measurement (n.) 测量;衡量 8

    5、mechanic (n.)技工;机械师-mechanical (adj.) 机械方面的;机械似的- mechanically (adv.) 机械地 3 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 1 I applied for a job as a _(技师) in a local garage, but I was rejected. 2 Ill draw you a quick _(地图) if youre worried about finding the hotel. 3 Their _(婚姻) fell apart when she found out about her

    6、 husbands affair. 4 With careful training, a dog will obey its _(主人) completely. 5 When it comes to _(数学), hes in a different class to his peers. B. 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 He was popular with the rich but failed to win the support of _ masses. 2 She _(march) into my office and demanded to kno

    7、w why I hadnt written my report. 3 Television is _ increasingly important means of communication. 4 The metre is the standard unit for _(measure) length in the SI system. 5 If the drought continues, deaths will occur on a _(mass) scale. 6 I dont know what the matter is _ the car, but it wont start.

    8、7 If we want to catch the 7.30 train, that will mean _(leave) the house at 6.00. 8 In many cultures, it is considered important for a woman to keep herself pure until she _(marry). 9 We put our house _ the market as soon as house prices started to rise. 10 If there were as many women _ there are men

    9、 in parliament, the situation would be very different. C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1 Its high time that _ (采取措施) protect endangered animals. (take measures to do sth.) 2 He _(本打算星期天离开), but he stayed on. (mean) 四、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 With the development of science and technology, the

    10、modern tools that keep us 1_ (connect) are eating away at the meaning of friendship. Social media like blogs has come between us and the friends whom we love. 2_ (fortune), my friend, Tim, has made me realize what makes a good friend. Tim and I 3_ (have) a long talk about his problems today, which l

    11、eft me thinking about what friendship really means. To be a good friend, we should have the following 4_ (quality). Good friends should be 5_ (support) of each other. When Tim is having trouble balancing his project and his 4 schoolwork, I should respect and support his choices. At the same time. I

    12、should also encourage him to take action to get 6_ the difficulties. Good friends should be selfless. When Tim is struggling with his schoolwork, I should do all I can 7_ (help) him become a more efficient learner, 8_ will take up some of my spare time. But I think the friendship is worth it. To me,

    13、 a good friend brings out 9_ best in a person. I think Tim is the one who brings out the best in me. Ill always value these qualities of a good friend and try to measure 10_ (I) by these standards as our friendship develops. 100 天突破新高考英语 3000 词(十九) (记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 56 (medical-million) 一、记忆

    14、背诵 1 medical medk()l a. 医学的,医疗的 2 medicine meds()n; (US) medsn n. 药 3 medium midm (pl. media) n. 媒体,中间的,中等的 4 meet (met, met) mit vt. 遇见,见到;集合;满足 meet sbs need/ demand 满足某人的需求 meet with 碰面;会面 make ends meet 收支相抵;勉强维持生计 5 meeting mit n. 会,集会,会见 6 member memb(r) n. 成员,会员 7 membership memb p n. 会员;会员资格

    15、 8 memorial mmrl n. 纪念馆 9 memory memr n. 回忆,记忆 in memory of 作为对的纪念 10 mental ment()l a. 精神的;脑力的 11 mention men()n n. 提及;记载 vt. 提到,说起 not to mention 更不用提 Dont mention it. 不客气 12 menu men()n n. 菜单 13 mercy ms n. 怜悯 5 have mercy on 对表示怜悯 at the mercy of 完全受支配;任凭摆布 14 merely ml ad. 仅仅,只不过 15 merry mer a

    16、. 高兴的,愉快的 16 mess mes n. 凌乱 mess up 弄脏;弄乱 in a mess 乱七八糟 17 message mesd n. 消息,音信 take/leave a message 传话/留言 get the message 领悟;理解 18 metal met()l n. 金属 a. 金属制成的 19 method med n. 方法,办法 20 metre (美 meter) mi:t n. 米,公尺 21 microscope makrskp n. 显微镜 22 middle md()l n. 中间;中级的 in the middle of 在中间 in sbs

    17、middle twenties 在某人 25 岁左右 23 midnight mdnat n. 午夜 at midnight 在午夜 burn the midnight oil 开夜车;学习到深夜 24 might mat v. aux. (may 的过去式,助动词) 可能,也许,或许 25 mild mald a. 温和,暖和的,凉爽的 26 mile mal n. 英里 go the/that extra mile 孜孜以求;加倍努力 27 military m ltri adj. 军事的;军队的 28 milk mlk n. 牛奶 vt. 挤奶 29 millimetre (millim

    18、eter) m limit(r) n. 毫米;千分之一米 30 million mln num. 百万 n. 百万个(人或物) 二、词性转换 1 medicine (n.)药-medical (adj.)医学的;医疗的 2 meet (v.)遇见-meeting (n.)会议 3 memory (n.)记忆-memorable (adj.) 值得纪念的-memorize (vt.)记住-memorial (adj.) 纪念的,悼念的 (n.) 纪念碑 4 mental (adj.) 精神的;脑力的-mentally (adv.) 精神上;质量上 6 5 mercy (n.)怜悯-mercifu

    19、l (adj.)仁慈的; 同情的 6 merely (adv.) 仅仅,只不过-mere (adj.) 仅仅的;只不过的 7 mess (n.) 混乱局面;凌乱状态-messy (adj.) 乱七八糟的;混乱的 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 1 My original statement has been completely distorted(歪曲) by the _(媒体). 2 They looked at the blood samples under the _(显微镜). 3 We need to send a clear _(信息) that poll

    20、ution will not be tolerated. 4 The new teaching _(方法) encourage children to think for themselves. 5 Without more food and _(医疗) supplies, these people will surely not survive. B. 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 My Dad gets cross if I leave the kitchen _ a mess. 2 She appealed to the judge to have merc

    21、y _ her husband. 3 When I was at school, we were required to _(memory) a poem every week. 4 I didnt say that you had to go - I _(mere) suggested that you might want to go. 5 Its going to be a tough competition but Im _(mental) prepared for it. 6 The president _(meet) the UK prime minister in London

    22、yesterday. 7 A service was held _ memory of those who died in the earthquake. 8 They have sold millions _ computers worldwide. 9 -I asked my boss over for dinner tonight. -Well, you _ (ask) me first! 10 Did she happen _(mention) whether she would be coming? C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1 They have two massive

    23、 houses in the city, _ (更不用说在海边 还有度假的房子). (not to mention) 2 The majority of the worlds population still exists _ (不得不忍受着噪音的困绕) (at the mercy of) 四、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 Eating shows originated in South Korea and soon became 1_ worldwide trend. However, Chinese short-video plat

    24、forms are 2_ (whole) controlling online eating shows after criticism from CCTV on 7 Wednesday for misleading consumption and encouraging food waste. In response 3_ the criticism, the video platforms cleaned up all the offending videos. Any food-wasting behavior 4_ (feature) over-eating and drinking

    25、shall be banned. As a result, nowadays, when searching keywords such as “eating show” or “big stomach king” on the websites in China, what users see is a reminder that reads “value food and eat 5_ (reason) amounts.” Previously, food waste in China 6_ (be) a common occurrence. According to a joint re

    26、port 7_ (release) by the WWF and Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2018, restaurants and canteens in China wasted about 18 million tons of food per year, 8_ could be enough to feed up to 50 million people. Therefore, its time to enhance public 9_ (aware) of the food waste problem and a sense of crisis

    27、about food still should 10_ (maintain) to make us resourceful with food. After all, good food consumption habits are signs of social progress and civilization. 100 天突破新高考英语 3000 词(十九) (记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 57 (mind-mood) 一、记忆背诵 1 mind ma nd n. 思想,想法 v. 介意,关心 change ones mind 改变主意 come into ones

    28、mind 掠过/进入某人脑海 have sb/ sth in mind (for sth) (对某事)心中有合适的人选/想做的事 make up ones mind 拿定主意;下定决心 on ones mind 在某人心上 mind your business 不关你事 mind doing sth 介意做某事 2 mine ma n n. 矿藏,矿山 vt.开采(矿物) pron. 我的 3 mineral m nr()l n. 矿物质,矿物 4 minimum m n mm a.最小的 5 minister m n st(r) n. 部长;牧师 6 minor ma n(r) adj. 少

    29、数的;轻微的;较小的 7 minority ma nr t ; (US) - n r- n. 少数;少数民族 8 8 minute m n t n. 分钟;一会儿,瞬间 (at) any minute 随时 in a minute 马上;立刻 the last minute 最后一刻 the minute 一就 wait a minute 等一会儿 9 mirror m r(r) n. 镜子 10 Miss. m s n. 小姐,女士(称呼未婚妇女) 11 miss m s vt. 失去,错过,缺 miss out 遗漏;失去(机会) 12 missile m sa l n 导弹 13 mis

    30、sing m s adj. 丢失的;失踪的 14 mission m n n. 使命;使团 15 mist m st n. 雾 16 mistake (mistook, mistaken) m s te k n. 错误 vt. 弄错 mistake . for . 把错当成 by mistake 错误地 17 mix m ks v. 混合,搅拌 mix up 混淆;弄混 18 mixture m kst (r) n. 混合物 19 mobile phone mba l fn手提电话,手机 20 mode md n. 模式;方式;风格 21 model md()l n.模型;范例;模特 v. 当

    31、模特 be modelled on/after 模仿;仿照 22 modern md()n a. 现代的 23 moment mmnt n. 片刻,瞬间 at the moment 此刻;目前 for a moment 片刻;一会儿 for the moment 暂时;目前 in a moment 马上;立刻 the moment 一就 24 Monday mnde , mnd n. 星期一 25 money mn n. 钱;货币 26 monitor mn t(r) n.(班级内的)班长;纠察生;监视器 27 monkey mk n. 猴子 28 month mn n. 月,月份 29 mo

    32、nthly mnli n.月刊 adj. 每月的;每月一次的 9 30 mood mud n. 情绪;心情 in good/bad mood 心情好(坏) be/feel in the /no mood for sth 没心情做某事 be/feel in the /no mood to do sth 没心情做某事 二、词性转换 1 mine (n.) 矿藏,矿山 (vt.)开采(矿物)-mning (n.) 采矿;采矿业-mineral (n.) 矿物 (adj.) 矿物的 2 minister (n)部长-ministry (n.)(政府的)部 3 minor (adj.)少数的-minor

    33、ity (n.)少数; 少数民族 -(反)major (adj.) 多数的- majority (n.) 多数 4 miss (vt.)失去,错过,缺 - missing (adj.) 丢失的;失踪的 5 mist (n.) 雾- misty (adj.) 多雾的;模糊的 6 mistake (n.)错误 (vt.)弄错 -mistaken (adj.)错误的 7 mix (vt.)混合- mixture (n.)混合物 8 month (n.)月,月份-monthly (n.)月刊 (adj.)每月的;每月一次的 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 1 My grandp

    34、as attitudes are very _(现代), considering his age. 2 At this point in the speech, the _(部长) departed from his prepared text. 3 They are employed as _(督导) to make sure that the organization works within the law. 4 The educational system was a _ (榜样) for those of many other countries. 5 Your _(使命) is t

    35、o isolate the enemy by destroying all the bridges across the river. B. 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 Its only a tiny _(minor) of people who are causing the problem. 2 Members all receive a free copy of the _(month) newsletter. 3 Could you mind my bag _ a moment while I go to the toilet? 4 I _(mistake)

    36、 your signature and thought the letter was from someone else. 5 He disappeared on his way to school and _(miss) for over a year. 6 Some people are happy to mix business _ pleasure, but Im not one of them. 7 Here, your eyes are better than _(I) - could you thread this needle for me? 8 The train leave

    37、s at three _(minute) to eight, so wed better get there a few minutes before then. 9 I dont mind _(have) a dog in the house so long as its clean. 10 -Do you want to go to the movies? -No, Im not _ the mood. 10 C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1 Whenever or however you take notes, _ (记住记笔记是个选择性的过 程). (keep in mind)

    38、 2 Be careful! Tha machine starts _(你一按按钮就). (the moment) 四、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 Many people have the hobby of collecting things, e.g. stamps, postcards or antiques. In the 18th and 19th centuries, 1 (wealth) people travelled and collected plants, historical objects and works

    39、of art. They kept their collection at home until it got too big 2 until they died, and then it was given to a museum. The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane, for example, 3 (form) the core collection of the British Museum 4 opened in 1759. The parts of a museum open to the public 5 (call) g

    40、alleries or rooms. Often, only a small part of a museums collection 6 (be) on display. Most of it is stored away or used for research. Many museums are lively places and they attract a lot of visitors. As well as looking at exhibits, visitors can play with computer simulations (模拟) and imagine 7 (th

    41、ey) living at a different time in history or 8 (walk) through a rainforest. At the Jorvik Centre in York, the citys Viking settlement is recreated, and people experience the sights, sounds and smells of the old town. Historical 9 _ (accurate) is important but so is entertainment. Museums must compet

    42、e 10 peoples spare time and money with other amusements. Most museums also welcome school groups and arrange special activities for children. 答案: Day 55 同步检测 A 1 mechanic 2 map 3 marriage 4 master 5 mathematics B 1 the 2 marhced 3 an 4 measuring 5 massive 6 with 7 leaving 8 marries 9 on 10 as C 1 me

    43、asures should be taken to 11 2 had meant to leave on Sunday 能力提升 1 connected 2 Fortunately 3 had 4 qualities 5 supportive 6 over 7 to help 8 which 9 the 10 myself Day 56 同步检测 A 1 media 2 microscope 3 message 4 methods 5 medical B 1 in 2 on 3 memorize 4 merely 5 mentally 6 met 7 in 8 of 9 might have

    44、asked 10 to mention C 1 not to mention their vacation home by the beach 2 at the mercy of unwanted noise 能力提升 1 a 2 wholly 3 to 4 featuring 5 reasonable 6 was 7 released 8 which 9 awareness 10 be maintained Day 57 同步检测 A 1 modern 2 minister 3 monitors 4 model 5 mission B 1 minority 2 monthly 3 for 4 mistook 5 has been missing 6 with 7 mine 8 minutes 9 having 10 in C 1 keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process 12 2 the moment you press the button 能力提升 1 wealthy 2 or 3 formed 4 which/that 5 are called 6 is 7 themselves 8 walking 9 accuracy 10 for


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