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    1、 Unit3 单元综合检测单元综合检测 一一、单项选择、单项选择。 1. John didnt stop looking for a job _ he got an offer from a German company. Lucky him. Its not easy for university graduates to get a good job now. A. until B. since C. as D. if 2. _ is the girl _ our English teacher? A. Who; beside B. Whom; besides C. Where; besi

    2、de D. Where; besides 3. He has a collection of _. He can not only enjoy them but also use them to mail letters. A. stamps B. novels C. instruments D. magazines 4. Could you tell me where the supermarket is? Sure.The supermarket is _ the bookstore _ the post office.You can find it easily. A. between;

    3、and B. both;and C. either;or D. neither;nor 5. Just go straight and then turn _. The hotel is _. A. left; left B. left; on the left C. on the left; left D. on the left; to the left 6. Could you please tell me where _ the post office? A. to find B. can I find C. finding D. find 7. I have to say it is

    4、 not _ for me to see you now, because I am very busy with my work. A. impolite B. safe C. inexpensive D. convenient 8. Could you please tell me _? Yes. There is one on Center Street. A. where can I buy some stamps B. when you will take your vacation C. when was the telephone invented D. if there are

    5、 any good restaurants around here 9. Whats your best choice for supper? Well, I _ dumplings.They are very delicious. A. speak B. say C. mean D. suggest 10. Will you carry the box for me, please? Sure, _. A. no good B. no problem C. no idea D. no way 11. Its necessary for us _ English well. A. to lea

    6、rn B. learning C. learn D. learns 12. There _ a speech contest next Monday. A. will have B. are C. will be 13. This question sounds _ than that one. A. many more polite B. much more polite C. many more politely D. much more politely 14. _. Is this your book? Yes, it is. Thank you! A. Sorry B. Hello

    7、C. Excuse me 15. Could you please tell me _? About twenty minutes ago. A. when did you see this kid B. where did you see this kid C. when you saw this kid D. where you saw this kid 二二、完形填空、完形填空。 Once there was a little girl living in a small, poor house on a hill. As she grew up, she began to play i

    8、n her small 1 . She was able to see over the garden and across the valley a wonderful house high on the hilland that house had 2 windows. Although she loved her family, she 3 about how wonderful and exciting it must be to live in that golden house all day. Then she 4 the age when she could play outs

    9、ide of her garden fence(篱笆). She asked her mother 5 she could go for a bike ride outside the gate. Her mother thought for a while and 6 allowed her to go. The little girl rode her bike 7 she got to the gate of the golden house. As she leaned(倚靠) her bike 8 the gatepost, she focused on the path that

    10、9 to the house and then on the house 10 .and was so 11 . All the windows were plain(普通的) and rather dirty. She was so sad that she didnt go any further. Heartbroken, she rode her bike back. As she 12 she saw a sight that amazed her. There 13 the valley on the other side was a little house. Its windo

    11、ws glistened(闪 耀) golden, as the 14 shone on her little home. She 15 that she had been living in her golden house all along. Everything she dreamed of was right there in front of her eyes and in her daily life! 1. A. hill B. garden C. house D. room 2. A. broken B. wooden C. golden D. modern 3. A. wa

    12、nted B. dreamed C. hoped D. wished 4. A. reached B. arrived C. touched D. grew 5. A. that B. even if C. as if D. if 6. A. firstly B. friendly C. fully D. finally 7. A. unless B. until C. since D. though 8. A. against B. away C. off D. next 9. A. showed B. arrived C. took D. led来源:Z.xx.k.Com 10. A. o

    13、neself B. itself C. herself D. himself 11. A. satisfied B. pleased C. disappointed D. excited 12. A. looked in B. looked up C. looked at D. looked down 13. A. through B. toward C. across D. around 14. A. stars B. planets C. sun D. moon 15. A. required B. replied C. regretted D. realized 三三、阅读理解、阅读理解

    14、。 A 1. The material above has something to do with _. A. phone books B. a website C. Oxford University D. newspapers 2. How many requirements(条件) are needed for getting the job? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 3. This advertisement is probably given by _. A. a bicycle company B. newspaper owners C. Oxford Distr

    15、ibution D. the local government 4. If we do the job, _. A. we can win free bicycles B. we can design paper rounds C. we will pay extra money D. we will wear free uniforms 5. How can we get more information? A. By sending an email. B. By going around all areas. C. By calling 01852 476666. D. By askin

    16、g a 13- year- old child. B Dear Dr Manners, My close friend seldom says please. She will say Can you get me that bag?or Move it over there! I have told her a lot of times that it is polite to use pleaseand thank you, but she hardly remembers. I feel that she is ordering me around without please, and

    17、 I always get angry. We have been close friends for over 10 years. It seems that I cant stand it any more.What should I do? Can you help me? Sincerely, Hawkins Dear Ms Hawkins, When your friend does not use polite words, it seems that she is ordering you to do something. So you have right(权力) to hat

    18、e her behavior. Ask her why she doesnt use pleaseor thank you. Explain to her that it makes you feel uncomfortable. Also, you dont need to do anything for her because she doesnt seem kind or pleasant when she asks you to. Maybe your friend was not taught how to use pleaseor thank you in the normal c

    19、onversation. So you can try to teach her that. Remember it is difficult to find another close friend if you lose one. Best regards, Dr Manners 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 6. Ms Hawkins doesnt know how to use pleaseand thank you. 7. Ms Hawkins got to know her friend more than ten years ago. 8. Dr Manners think

    20、s Ms Hawkins has right to hate her friends behavior. 9. Maybe Ms Hawkinss friend doesnt know the right way of talking in the normal conversation. 10. Dr Manners advises Ms Hawkins to break up(绝交) with her friend. C Do you have a good sense of direction?If not, please take with you a compass. But if

    21、you forget to take a compass, you can still find your way during the trip. Suppose you are hiking with your family somewhere in the mountain in Dan Xia Mountain, you need to find the direction of south to find your way back. But none of your family members can read the map and actually knows where t

    22、he family is. Never mind. The sun is shining and its still morning. If you dont know the exact time, you can still find out where south is, but youll need to be patient. Find a straight stick and put it in the ground in a place where you can mark its shadow. Try to put the stick as vertically(垂直) as

    23、 you can. You can check this by making a simple plumb line(铅锤线) with a piece of string(绳子) and weight. You havent got any string? OK, use a thread from your clothes with a button tied at the end to act as a weight. After the stick is put vertically, you can see its shadow on the ground. Mark the end

    24、 of the shadow. Wait about half an hour and mark the end of the shadow again. Keep doing this until you have made several marks. The mark nearest the stick will show the shortest shadow when it is midday,because at that time the sun is highest in the sky and pointing to the exact south. Pick a point

    25、 in the distance along the line between the shortest shadow and the stick. That point is south of where you are. Now you can turn the map, like you did before, and find which way you should choose for traveling. 11. To find the direction, we ought to be patient probably because _. A. it is not easy

    26、to find a proper stick B. it is not easy to put the stick vertically C. it takes hours to make the marks D. it takes hours to make a plumb line. 12. The passage would probably be most helpful to _. A. those who draw maps B. those who get lost C. those who make compasses D. those who likes making mar

    27、ks 13. According to the passage, which of the following are needed to find the direction of south? It is a fine day and the sun is shining brightly. You are travelling with your family. You have a straight stick, a piece of string and a button. You mark the shadow every half an hour. You check the m

    28、arks on the stick. A. B. C. D. 14. The author tells us how to find the direction of south by _. A. telling an interesting story B. doing an experiment himself C. testing an idea by reasoning D. introducing a useful method 15. In which of the following columns(栏目)can you find the article? A. Family L

    29、ife B. National Geography C. Experience Sharing D. Science Fiction 四四、词汇运用、词汇运用。 (一)根据首字母或汉语提示补全单词。 1. His d request made the girl very embarrassed. 2. My good friend sent me a p as New Years present. 3. He is an i boy. He always talks with his mouth full. 4. Shanghai is in the e of China. 5. More t

    30、han 100 years ago, the first _(地铁) in London was built. (二)根据汉语意思完成句子。 6. 请问你可以告诉我怎样去书店吗? Could you please tell me _ _ _ _ the bookstore? 7. 昨天晚上她直到她的妈妈回来才睡觉。 She _ _ _ _ _ her mother came back last night. 8. 放学后你想和我打羽毛球吗? _ _ _ _ play badminton with me after school? 9. 我们有礼貌地请求帮助是很重要的。 _ very _ for

    31、 us _ _ _ help in a polite way. 10. 打扰一下,你知道附近是否有好玩的地方吗? _ _, do you know if there is a good place _ _ _ nearby? 五五、选词填空、选词填空。 play,although,you,ask,nervous,other,help,way,strict,break Small talk is a light conversation for social occasions(社交场合). 1. _ it usually doesnt have a lot of details(细节), it

    32、 is the starting point for friendships. Children can use small talk to start a conversation in many different 2. _. 3. _ open questions is one of the most useful ways. For example, you are at someones birthday party, but you know few people. How do you 4. _ the ice? You can start a conversation like

    33、 this, This is a great party. How do you know the host?This way is also 5. _ in many other situations, such as school clubs or picnics. Sometimes, a simple introduction works. For example, when going into a new environment, you can introduce 6. _ by sayingI am in Class 2. My math teacher is Mr. Blac

    34、k.The other person may say, Oh, really? He is also my math teacher.He is very 7. _ .See? A good conversation begins. The third way is to find your strong point and sell it to 8. _. This is useful when you want to join a group. For example, you see boys 9. _ soccer on the school playground. Just sayD

    35、o you need more players? I am a very good goalkeeper(守门员). So next time, dont be 10. _ when meeting strangers. Just try small talk. A stranger may become your next friend. 六六、书面表达、书面表达。 假设你是 Lucy,国庆节期间你将和父母去某城市旅游。你从网上获得了 Sunshine Hotel 的部分信息。请 你写一封电子邮件给该宾馆的经理,介绍你的行程并咨询相关细节。 要求:80 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数

    36、。 Dear Sir, My family are planning a holiday to your city. I got some information about your hotel, but I still have some questions to ask. Would you be kind enough to reply to my e- mail? _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours, Lucy 一一、单项选择、单项选择。 1. A【解析】本题用固定搭配法解题。not.until 意为直到才。故选 A。 4. A【解析】此题用短语辨析法解题。between.and.在

    37、和之间,both.and.两者都, either.or.或者或者,neither.nor.既不也不。由问句可知选 A。 5. B【解析】turn left 向左拐;on the left 在左边。 6. A 7. D【解析】本题用词义辨析法解题。impolite 不礼貌的;safe 安全的;inexpensive 不昂贵的;convenient 方便的。分析题干的意思可知,只有 D 最恰当。 8. D 9. D 12. C【解析】本题用固定句式法解题。由时间状语 next Monday 可知用一般将来时;there be 句型不与 have/has 连用。故选 C。 13. B【解析】soun

    38、d 是系动词,后跟形容词作表语;因为有 than,所以要用形容词的比较级,polite 的比较 级为 more polite;much 可以修饰比较级,故选 B。 14. C【解析】本题考查情景交际。sorry 对不起;hello 喂;excuse me 劳驾。事情发生之前,用 Excuse me。 故选 C。 15. C【解析】本题用语法判定法解题。根据答语 About twenty minutes ago.可知问句应询问时间,排除 B 和 D;宾语从句用陈述句语序,A 是疑问句语序,应排除。故选 C。 二二、完形填空、完形填空。 1. B【解析】由下句She was able to see

    39、 over the garden可知:她开始在她的小花园里面玩。garden 意为 花园。故选 B。 2. C【解析】由下文to live in that golden house all day可知此处用 golden,意为金色的。故选 C。 3. B【解析】此处题干处只有 dream 可以和 about 搭配,dream about 意为梦想。故选 B。 4. A【解析】动词 reach 意为到达,符合句意;arrive 是不及物动词,touch 意为触摸,grow 意为 成长。故选 A。 5. D【解析】句意:她问妈妈她是否能骑车到门外去。if 意为是否,符合句意。故选 D。 6. D【

    40、解析】firstly 首先;friendly 友好的;fully 充分地;finally 最后。根据句意可知选 D。 7. B【解析】unless 除非;until 直到为止;since 自从;though 虽然。根据句意可知选 B。 8. A【解析】against 靠着,倚;away 离去;off 离开;next 下一个。根据句意可知选 A。 9. D【解析】the path that led to the house意为通往那所房子的路,lead to 有通往的意思。 故选 D。 10. B【解析】此处指代的是 the house,用 itself。故选 B。 11. C【解析】由下句所有

    41、的窗户都很普通、很脏可推出此处表达的是失望的,用 disappointed。故 选 C。 15. D【解析】require 需要;reply 回复;regret 遗憾;realize 意识到。本句句意:她意识到她一直住在金色 的房子里面。故选 D。 三三、阅读理解、阅读理解。 A 1. D 【解析】 细节理解题。由We currently have paper rounds available in all areas可知,本篇材料与报纸有 关。paper rounds 意为送报路线。故选 D。 2. B【解析】细节理解题。由HARDWORKING,DEPENDABLE to ask for

    42、10. Excuse me;to have fun 五五、选词填空、选词填空。 1. Although【解析】本题用逻辑推理法解题。分析前后句的关系可知,用 although。 2. ways【解析】本题用联系上下文法来解题。根据第三段第一句的提示可知。in many different ways 以很多 不同的方式。 3. Asking【解析】本题用语法分析法解题。根据 questions 可知应该用动词 ask,且应用 ask 的动名词形式。 4. break【解析】本题用联系上下文法解题。下文中提到开始交流,break the ice 破冰,寓意为打破尴尬, 开始交流。 5. helpf

    43、ul【解析】本题用正确把握语境法来解题。根据上文中提到帮助开始交流的方法,可知用 helpful。 6. yourself【解析】本题用联系上下文法来解题。根据下句的I am in Class 2.可以判断是在介绍自己。 7. strict 8. others 9. playing【解析】本题用词语运用法解题。see sb. doing sth./do sth.看见某人正在做某事/做某事。根据下文 可知应填 playing。 六六、书面表达、书面表达。 【参考范文】【参考范文】 Dear Sir, My family are planning a holiday to your city. I

    44、 got some information about your hotel, but I still have some questions to ask. Would you be kind enough to reply to my e- mail? We are arriving in your city on October 1st. And we plan to stay in your hotel for 5 days. Could you please tell me how far your hotel is from the airport? And wed like to

    45、 know how we can get to your hotel. Also, we wonder whether you offer free breakfast. Last but not least , would you mind telling us whether there is free Internet? Thanks for your time. Im looking forward to your reply. Yours, Lucy 【名师点评】【名师点评】 本题很好地运用了三步一注意法询问一些信息。将所要了解的内容充分恰当地进行了咨询。 本文的添彩点: 几个有礼貌的请求交替使用,避免重复。 通过 Also, Last but not least 等,使语句连贯,条理清晰。


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