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    2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第三册Unit1 Reading for Writing课件

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    2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第三册Unit1 Reading for Writing课件

    1、 For Chinese, there are many important traditional festivals such as the Spring Festivals and Mid-autumn Day, at that time people always gather together to have a big meal and do something together. But what do the ethnic people do in their local festivals like the Dai people? They usually hold thei

    2、r traditional celebrations. Lead in Small talk My amazing Naadam Experience From the title, we can know the article is about that _ _ _ _. the author went to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and experience the Mongolian traditional festivalNaadam Festival, which the author thinks it is amazing Befor

    3、e reading Analyze the title 1. Find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para. 1 A. the wrestling competition at the Naadam Festival. Para. 2 B. something about the Naadam Festival Para. 3 C. the horse races and the riders at the Naadam Festival Para. 4 D. many people attended the Festival Para. 5 E

    4、. the authors feeling 2. The article is about _. the authors first experience at the Naadam Festival While reading Task 1 Read the text and answer the following questions. Q1: What does “Naadam” mean? Which event does it include? Q2: What Naadam Festival customs did you learn about? It means “games”

    5、 in Mongolian. It includes horse racing, wrestling and archery. Wrestling and horse racing. Task 2 Q3: What in you opinion is the most impressive thing about the festival? Q4: What else would you like to know about the festival and the writers experience? The horse racing is the most impressive, as

    6、it involved little children. The writer didnt talk about food or music, but surely they should have been interesting parts of the festival. This was my first time spending my holiday in Chinas Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to celebrate the Naadam Festival, and it was an enjoyable and exciting exp

    7、erience for me. 1. Read the sentence patterns below and use them to rewrite the opening sentence of the article. This was my first time spending . and it was an enjoyable and exciting experience for me. Ill never forget . because . Ill always . because . Post reading Organisation and Features Ill ne

    8、ver forget it because it was an enjoyable and exciting experience for me. Ill always remember my experience at the Naadam Festival in Chinas Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region because it was an enjoyable and exciting experience for me. This was my first time spending. and it was an enjoyable and excit

    9、ing experience for me. Ill never forget.because. Ill always . because. Which are all so exciting to watch; After the opening ceremony and some amazing performances; I was quite moved by their show of strength and grace; I absolutely enjoyed the archery, too, but the horse races were my favorite part

    10、; I was surprised to see that the riders were boys and girls; I was a little worried about the childrens safety; Im finally back home now, feeling really tired, but celebrating Naadam with my friend was totally worth it; I cant wait! 2. Underline the sentences that describe the writers emotions and

    11、feelings. 3. Study the organisation Opening Para State the topic: where, when, with whom and main feeling Body The 1st body: describe the start of the festival and the surroundings. The 2nd body: describe in detail the festival activities. The 3rd body: describe in detail the festival activities. En

    12、ding Give a brief summary of the experience. Title: _ Details Main idea of each paragraph 1. The topic and my feeling 2. How I prepared for the festival/celebration 3. The festival/celebrations activities 4. A summary Feelings Writing Organise the outline 假设你是李华,你留学在美国,2019年7月4日美国独立日 那天,你和你的寄宿家庭一起去乡

    13、下进行了一次烧烤、制作冰淇淋、 游泳和骑马活动,看了焰火表演,你感觉很惬意。请写一篇日记。 提示词: 独立日 Independence Day 周年 anniversary 寄宿家庭 host family 烧烤 barbecue 焰火表演 firework display Unforgettable Independence Day It was all so amazing! While the adults cooked food on the barbecue, we played in the pool. Then we all ate and ate until we were c

    14、ompletely stuffed. Today was my first 4th of July celebration, and Ill always remember it because it was so wonderful. The 4th of July is Independence Day in the US the anniversary of the day the United States became its own country in 1776. I began the day by packing my swimming suit and a towel. T

    15、hen I went with my host family to a supermarket to load up on food and drinks. After that we were off to a friends ranch out in the country for a barbecue and pool party. July 4, 2019 Our friends had some ice cream materials, so after lunch we all made homemade ice cream. Since the temperature outsi

    16、de was around 40 degrees, it seemed like the ice cream took forever! Although it was tired, it was all worth it, because when we were finished it was the most fantastic ice cream I have ever eaten! Then, someone asked me if I would like to try horse riding. I was afraid at first, but they gave me a

    17、very gentle horse. It was so peaceful to ride the horse through the fields and forest. Finally, when it grew dark, we had a thrilling fireworks display. Now Im back home with my host family. Though Im tired, I think this had to be the most exciting day of my life! I cant wait for next year! Correct

    18、the blog post Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to help your partner revise his/her draft. 1.Does the writer tell the reader what he/she know about the topic? 2.Is the writing well organised? 3.Is there an opening sentence in the 1st paragraph? 4.Does each paragraph include the necessary details? 5.Does the writer describe his or her feeling and emotions? 6.Does the writer use the -ing form correctly in the writing? 7.Can you find any grammar or spelling mistakes. Pair work Put up your revised draft in the classroom or read it to your class. Homework


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