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    1、南京江北新区六年级英语上册期末学业质量检测 2021.1 听力部分(30 分) 一、听录音,选出所听到的单词或短语,听两遍。(每题 1 分,共 10 分) ()1.AwasteB wearC windy ()2.AfireworksB workC firecrackers ()3.Adrive- awayB move -awayC fly -away ()4.Apick it upB pick them upC pick up it ()5.AnewsB newspapersC papers ()6.AholidayB hobbyC horse ()7AweatherB sweaterC wh

    2、ere ()8.Anew clothesB magic clothesC make clothes ()9.AplansB plantsC plays ()10.AfallB foolC floor 二、根据所听内容判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示,听两遍。(每题 1 分,共 5 分) () 5. ()()() () 三、听录音,根据对话及问题选出最佳选项,听两遍。(每题 1 分,共 5 分) () 1AA bikeB A kiteC A red packet () 2A She goes to school on foot.B She uses plastic bags. C

    3、 She doesnt use plastic bags. () 3AHe watched TV.B He read books.C He planted trees. () 4ABC () 5AShe picked some apples.BShe went to a farm. CYes, she did. 四、听短文,判断正误,正确的打勾,错误的打差,听两遍。(每题1 分,共 5 分) () 1. Mary is twelve years old. () 2. Ten years ago, Mary could draw and read. () 3. Mary read a lot o

    4、f books, but she didnt learn a lot. () 4. Now Mary can clean her room. ()5. Now Mary cant do the shopping on the Internet. 1 五、听录音,填入所缺单词,听三遍。(每空 0.5 分,共 5 分) Our city _ messy and dirty because of _ and _. To keep the city _, we should do our best. We can take the bus or _ to school every day. There

    5、 is not much _ or_on _. We should _ _ and shouldnt drive so much. 笔试部分(70 分) 一、单项选择。(每题 1 分,共 10 分) () 1.My mother _ this morning. It tasted very nice. A. is going to make a pieB. made a pieC. makes a pie () 2._ you and your mother going to watch a film tomorrow evening. Yes, _ . A. Do ; we doB. Is;

    6、 we reC. Are ; we are ()3.Dont use too _ plastic or too _ plastic bags. A. much ; manyB. many; muchC. much; much () 4. In the UK, people call the metro “_” . In the US ,people call it “_”. A.subway; undergroundB. subway; subwayC. underground; subway () 5. We _ make our school dirty. We _ keep it cle

    7、an. A. shouldnt ; shouldB. should ; shouldntC. should ; should () 6.Theres a sign there. It means “No _” Yes, we cant _ in the river. A. swim; swimB. swimming; swimmingC. swimming; swim () 7. Long long ago, there _ any animals in the forest. A. wasB. wereC. werent () 8.Did Bobby _an email _ you that

    8、 day? A. write ; toB. wrote ; forC. write ; for () 9. Jack came _ home at five this afternoon. A. backB. back toC. to () 10. It was_ yesterday. But it _ this morning. A. sunny; rainyB.sunny ; rainedC. rainy;sunny 二、根据句意和首字母提示填空。(每空 1 分,共 5 分) 1. The boy worked hard at school, and he b_ a scientist (

    9、科学家) later. 2. The w_ is rainy. Please stay at home. 3. Dont touch! Look at the sign,it means “D_”. 4. We can plant m_ trees to keep our city clean. 5. She likes m_friends on the Internet. 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空:(每空 1 分,共 10 分) 1. We can _(reuse) the colourful paper _(make) some flowers. 2. Children are alw

    10、ays very _ (excite) about Chinese New Year. 3. What _ your aunt _(do) tomorrow? 4. _ (protect ) the Earth , we can reuse many things. 5. Mike would like _ (play) computer games. 6. Mr Green _(drink ) too much yesterday. 7. He starts _ (draw) 2 8.Sam _(slip )on the banana skin and falls. 四、从栏中选出与栏相对应

    11、的答语,将序号填入括号内。(共 9 分) ()1.What day is it today ?A.Its Monday. ()2.Whens your mothers birthday?B.They eat delicious food. ()3.What did the girl do last week?C.Its on the first of July. ()4.What do people usually do at theD.She visited a farm with her Spring Festival?father. ()5.Why did you call me ?E.

    12、On foot. ()6.Who visited the Bund?F.We can make a box. ()7.How did you get to the park?G.All right. ()8.Dont climb up the hill.H.My parents visited it. ()9.How can you reuse the paper?I.Because I wanted to play with you. 五、按要求改写句子。(每空 1 分,共 11 分) 1. Jack does his homework in the study every day.(改为否

    13、定句) Jack _ _ his homework in the study every day. 2. Helen saw many interesting parrots yesterday.(改为一般疑问句) _ Helen _ many interesting parrots yesterday? 3.Mike went to the Great Wall last Sunday.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Mike _ last Sunday ? 4.My father brings me some milk every day.(把 every day 改成 tomorrow) M

    14、y father _ _ _ _ me some milk tomorrow. 六、完形填空。(每题 1 分,共 10 分) There was a horse on a small island (岛). He didnt like the island. He wanted to find a(n)_1_ place. All his friends said, “ Dont _ 2_ , Mr Horse. “ But the horse didnt listen to his friends.The horse left at last. _3_ got to a big island

    15、 on a hot afternoon. He could _4_ a lot of green grass there. After about fifteen days, he was very _5_. Unluckily(不幸的是),a man saw the horse and _6_ him one day. He took the horse home. So the horse had to _7_ hard all day. The man was not kind to him. The horse was very thin after one year and he w

    16、as very _8 _ . “ Im not happy at all. I want my _9_,” thought the horse. The horse ran back to the small island one night. He was happy to _10_ his friends again. “ I will never leave my friends again,” he said. () 1. A oldB. newC. small () 2. A leaveB. findC. work () 3 .A itB. SheC. He () 4. A. put

    17、B. visitC. eat () 5. A thinB heavyC interesting () 6. A caughtB lostC. washed () 7. A. studyB workC. walk () 8. A. lateB. happyC. sad () 9. A motherB. fatherC. friends () 10. A. seeB. makeC. pick 七、阅读理解。 3 Jane is a girl, 10 years old. John is a boy. Jane is ten minutes older than John. They are twi

    18、ns but they have different hobbies. Now, they are planning their winter holiday. They want to travel to some place. Jane wants to go to Sanya. Its beautiful and warm. Its just like summer there. She can swim in the sea all day . John wants to go to Harbin. Its exactly (正是) winter there and very cold

    19、. There is snow and ice in Harbin. He can skate on the ice all day. Both of them want to go to their favourite city. At last, Mum says that everyone can go to their favourite city. They are excited. How unforgettable(难忘的) the winter holiday will be! 根据文章内容, 选择最佳答案。(每空 1 分,共 5 分) ()1. How old is John

    20、? A. Ten years old.B. Eleven years old.C. Twelve years old. () 2. Jane and John_. A. are friendsB.have the same hobbyC. are planning their travel plans () 3. Jane wants to _ . A. skate on the iceB. swim in the seaC. travel around the world () 4. What is the weather like in Sanya in winter? A. It is

    21、cold.B. There is snow and ice.C. It is warm () 5. Where do Jane and John go ? A. Sanya.B. Harbin.C. Sanya and Harbin. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a Chinese festival. It is on the 15thof August in the Chinese lunar calendar(农历). It is an important festival to Chinese people. Its a time for family memb

    22、ers to get together. Family members often have a big dinner and moon cakes to celebrate the festival. Everyone likes to eat moon cakes and watch the full moon on that day. This is also a tradition atthe Mid-Autumn Festival . Family members sit down together. They eat moon cakes, have a chat and watc

    23、h the full moon. How happy! 根据文章内容,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。(每空 1 分,共 5 分) ()6. The Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 15th of September. ()7. Family members celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. () 8. People dont eat moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival. () 9. You cant see a full moon at the Mid-Autumn Festival. (

    24、) 10. The Mid-Autumn Festival is very important to Chinese people. 八、书面表达。(共 5 分) 同学们,地球是人类的家园,保护地球人人有责。写一写如何保护地球,简单说 明理由,不少于 5 句话。 To protect the Earth, we should _ _ _ To protect the Earth, we shouldnt _ _ _ 4 六年级英语学科试卷听力原文2021.1 一、听录音,选出所听到的单词或短语。听两遍。 1.We shouldntwaste the energy. 2. Lets play f

    25、irecrackers together. 3. Please move the rubbish away. 4.There are some books on the floor. Pick them up. 5. He wrote some newspapers. 6. There is a horse near Star Lake. 7. The weather is sunny but windy. 8. I want to have some magic clothes. 9. We are talking about our plans. 10 .There is a banana

    26、 skin on the floor. 二、根据所听内容判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示,听两遍。 1. Black smoke from cars makes the air dirty. 2. On Chinese New Years Eve , we are going to have dinner with my families. 3. The sign means we shouldnt park here. 4. People cut down too many trees. 5. The bedroom is messy and dirty. 三、听录音,根据对话及问题选出最佳选

    27、项,听两遍。 1. W: Liu Tao, Spring Festival is coming. What do you want? M:I want a kite. And Yang Ling wants a bike. Question :What does Yang Ling want at the Spring Festival? 2. M: What can we do to protect the Earth,Mike? B:We can save trees. M: What about you,Helen ? G: I dont use plastic bags. Questi

    28、on: What does Helen do to protect the Earth? 3. B1 : What did you do last Sunday, Liu Tao ? B2: I planted some trees. What about you, Wang Bing? B1: I read some books. Question: What did Liu Tao do last Sunday? 4.G: Can you see that sign, Tim? B:Yes, I can. We cant eat or drink here. Question : What

    29、 does the sign mean? 5. Y: I went to the farm. It was great fun. S: Really ? Did you pick any apples there, Yang Ling? Y: Yes, I did. Question : What did Yang Ling do on the farm? 四、听短文,判断正误,正确的打勾,错误的打差,听两遍。 Mary is a twelve years old girl. Ten years ago, she was a little girl. She couldnt draw or r

    30、ead. Then she went to school. She read a lot of books. She learned a lot. Now she can do many things, She can clean her room. She can make clothes for her dolls. She can do the shopping on the Internet. At the weekends, she likes watching TV and listening to music. 5 五、听录音,填入所缺单词,听三遍。 Our city becom

    31、es messy and dirty because of smoke and rubbish.To keep the city clean, we should do our best.We can take the bus or walk to school every day.There is not much coal or oil onEarth.We should save energy and shouldnt drive so much. 六上英语期末学业质量检测答案 2021.1 听力部分(30 分) 一、听录音,选出所听到的单词或短语。 1-5 A C B B B 6-10

    32、 C A B A C 二、根据所听内容判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示。 1-5 T T F T F 三、听录音,根据对话及问题选出最佳选项。 1-5 A C C A A 四、听短文,判断正误,正确的打勾,错误的打差。 1-5 勾,差,差,勾,差 五、听录音,填入所缺单词 becomessmokerubbishcleanwalkcoaloilEarth 笔试部分(70 分) 一、单项选择。 1-5 B C A C A 6-10 C C A A B 二、根据句意和首字母提示填空。 1became2. weather3. Danger4. more5. making 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空:

    33、1.reuse ; to make2. excited3. is ; going to do4. To protect 5. to play6. drank7. drawing8.slips 四、从栏中选出与栏相对应的答语,将序号填入括号内。 1-5 A C D B I 6-9 H E G F 五、按要求改写句子。 1.doesnt ; do2.Did; see 3.What ; did; do 4. is going to bring 六、完形填空 1-5 B A C C B 6-10 A B C C A 七、阅读理解。 1-5 A C B C C 6-10 F T F F T 八、书面表达。 略 6 saveenergy


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